
That atmospheric river got to Cali and said ''no thanks".

I used to ride my bide down the road past a house with a German Shepard that would run out to the road like he was going to eat me. He would always stop short and just bark. My cousin was with me one day and he didn't want to ride by the dog. I explained it was no big deal and rode off to show him. Mutt came straight up and bit my thigh. 4 holes and blood was running from each one.

I looked back as his bike was going over a fence. He jumped the fence right behind it.

CR's people claimed he didn't know about the condition. She's always worn her hair short. He did not mention her hair at all, only the movie. We know what he meant, but he didn't actually say anything about her hair.

Will Smith plays all these bigger than life tough guys in the movies, but he's a mere cuck in real life. She's the man of that dysfunctional tribe. She gave him the stinkeye and he knew he had to act out, or else.
I have very little respect for most performers. They make their living "pretending". Many of them think because they "feel" deeper than the rest of us that they are better than we are.
A classic. Going for 3-4K on Ebay these days.

I must have been about 9 or 10 years old when I got bit by a German Shepard. I was riding my bicycle down the road when he attacked me. I came home crying and that pissed dad off. He told me in different words to take care of my problem. I got a baseball bat and went back to the house ranting, raving and crying. That dog must have thought I was crazy because he wanted no part of me that time. When I got back home, they took me to the doctor and had my leg stitched up.
Back when I was in my mid 20s an Australian Shepherd harassed me everyday as I walked to or from Fork U. I informed the owner if she would not discipline her dog I could. This dog was smart and would bite whenever I faced it off then turned to walk away. A hatchet handle and perfectly timed swing upside it's head as it circled and moved in to bite did the trick. That dog never left the yard when ever I walked by after that. Today I feel bad about striking the dog. I should have clobbered the little old witch it belonged to.
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Smiths Grove gas yesterday was $3.98 per gallon. That usually means that Sam's club will have it 10 or 15 cents less. That is still as expensive as I ever remember.

Every thing that Joe Biden does appears to be totally against my will and what I consider smart. He has to be senile. Even when he is giving a speech he is hard to understand. Geeze who are the dumbasses that voted for him?
Evidently the dumbass doesn't think gas is high enough.

I read somewhere that cassettes are making a comeback. WHY? I can see reel to reel, the pinnacle of audiophile mania in the 60's and 70's, but cassettes? I just don't get it.
I listen to albums to hear music sometimes when I could just say "Alexa, play..." That's where I draw the line though. I don't play CD's any longer either. I don't really believe I could tolerate cassette music now that I've heard much better.
A classic. Going for 3-4K on Ebay these days.

I've a Dual CS 5000 that's pristine with a V15 iii I don't use. I've replaced my vinyl with digital CD's, now other digital formats on USBs.
It is not Biden, it is everyone that is "working" for him. Biden is in another dimension....
Lots of people seem unaware that when voting, not to over concern themselves with a particular candidate, but worry about who their 10,000 friends are.
I listen to albums to hear music sometimes when I could just say "Alexa, play..." That's where I draw the line though. I don't play CD's any longer either. I don't really believe I could tolerate cassette music now that I've heard much better.
Bingo! I use USB playlists for travel. I do enjoy making music DVDs for the Oppo.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 71°F.

We're back from hospital.

Much better. Must take her to our regular vet today.

She accidentally bit me last Friday as I lifted her in and out of SUV. Now my left hand swelled really bad as of Monday evening. I'm heading to emergency room sometime today after we drop her off.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 71°F.

We're back from hospital.

Much better. Must take her to our regular vet today.

She accidentally bit me last Friday as I lifted her in and out of SUV. Now my left hand swelled really bad as of Monday evening. I'm heading to emergency room sometime today after we drop her off.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


I hope you are okay, that was a rough accidental bite. Please update.
I've a Dual CS 5000 that's pristine with a V15 iii I don't use. I've replaced my vinyl with digital CD's, now other digital formats on USBs.

Lots of people seem unaware that when voting, not to over concern themselves with a particular candidate, but worry about who their 10,000 friends are.

Bingo! I use USB playlists for travel. I do enjoy making music DVDs for the Oppo.
I still listen to vinyl from time to time. I have 2 turntables. I only buy higher quality albums now, 180 gram or higher. Expensive but much better than the crap we bought back in the 70s. I've converted my entire CD collection (700) to FLAC and rarely use them anymore. I've also downloaded a ton of hi-res music (pcm and dsd). Expensive but the sound is phenomenal even with my poor ears. Headphones listening especially.
Good morning,

Breakfast was delicious and confirmed it is my favorite meal of the day. The Weather Report. We have 62° and sunny skies as we head up to 85°. We do have a strong breeze off of the Gulf with a small craft advisory for those on the water.

Listening to the radio it appears our State Senate is going to push Nuclear Power and make it an issue. The opposition will be the same suspects, those opposed to energy by any source except solar and wind. They have the support to do it on the state level but with a Democrat president, house and senate it will be a challenge.

I trust all are well and have a nice day.
I still listen to vinyl from time to time. I have 2 turntables. I only buy higher quality albums now, 180 gram or higher. Expensive but much better than the crap we bought back in the 70s. I've converted my entire CD collection (700) to FLAC and rarely use them anymore. I've also downloaded a ton of hi-res music (pcm and dsd). Expensive but the sound is phenomenal even with my poor ears. Headphones listening especially.
You guys are way ahead of me. Until I just googled it, I did not know what FLAC was!

Five years ago I bought a turntable to convert my vinyl to digital. I have never taken it out of the box. Terrible, but some cold winter day I may actually start.
You guys are way ahead of me. Until I just googled it, I did not know what FLAC was!

Five years ago I bought a turntable to convert my vinyl to digital. I have never taken it out of the box. Terrible, but some cold winter day I may actually start.
I learned something new too Bert. Reading this forum was the first time I have heard of FLAC in my life. I goggled it and it is all Greek to me.

Boy I sure live a sheltered life.
You guys are way ahead of me. Until I just googled it, I did not know what FLAC was!

Five years ago I bought a turntable to convert my vinyl to digital. I have never taken it out of the box. Terrible, but some cold winter day I may actually start.
I have a turn the box.......the Director picked it as a gift for her 20 yrs of is the only pc of stereo equipment I have.......she has instructed to put together a stereo.......I have an ear for music but zero knowledge of the equipment side even with prompts from folks on here I am still lost......i found an old Marantz thingy but I wouldn't know if it was worth a crap or not.......I need a stereo rep.......or assistant or something!
I have a turn the box.......the Director picked it as a gift for her 20 yrs of is the only pc of stereo equipment I have.......she has instructed to put together a stereo.......I have an ear for music but zero knowledge of the equipment side even with prompts from folks on here I am still lost......i found an old Marantz thingy but I wouldn't know if it was worth a crap or not.......I need a stereo rep.......or assistant or something!
Is the Marantz a receiver? Do you have a model #?
She accidentally bit me . . . as I lifted her
This a cause and effect. Animals do not bite by accident. If your dog bit you it was enforcing wolf rules with its teeth. Period. It can and will. Now you know. It's a sign of contentious behavior. It can be tested and addressed.
I hope you are okay, that was a rough accidental bite. Please update.
Soak wound (clean flesh wound with H₂O₂) to open so it can drain.
I have a turn the box.......the Director picked it as a gift for her 20 yrs of is the only pc of stereo equipment I have.......she has instructed to put together a stereo.......I have an ear for music but zero knowledge of the equipment side even with prompts from folks on here I am still lost......i found an old Marantz thingy but I wouldn't know if it was worth a crap or not.......I need a stereo rep.......or assistant or something!
You're in the right place here. Speaking for myself I have multiple opinions based on fuzzy pleasure. I still remember peeping in the vent holes and seeing the glowing tubes looking for the little people inside the box.
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This a cause and effect. Animals do not bite by accident. If your dog bit you it was enforcing wolf rules with its teeth. Period. It can and will. Now you know. It's a sign of contentious behavior. It can be tested and addressed.

Soak wound (clean flesh wound with H₂O₂) to open so it can drain.

You're in the right place here. Speaking for myself I have multiple opinions based on fuzzy pleasure. I still remember peeping in the vent holes looking at the glowing tubes, looking for the little people inside the box.

I gargle at times with H202 and H20 at times just to clean the bad words out of my mouth. It mostly works! Sometimes I ought to go straight H202....(Too much fizz and bite that way though...)

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Here is the BB and Little B at the height of our engagements yesterday. I was about pooped from running them around the upstairs... Man that felt good though. They love each other so much. (First cousins but they lived with us for about a year as Little B was born.) She just turned two and BB will be three in about six days.

We were playing Papa hide, ober dare (Look over there) and start running, and hide and seek...



That is a 40"x80" piece of 44 ILD upholstery foam with a two inch memory foam pad I have down for them to launch themselves on when they hit my office running. It works out well for them to play and jump.

Also used for when we have visitors...when we don't have enough regular beds.
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This a cause and effect. Animals do not bite by accident. If your dog bit you it was enforcing wolf rules with its teeth. Period. It can and will. Now you know. It's a sign of contentious behavior. It can be tested and addressed.

Soak wound (clean flesh wound with H₂O₂) to open so it can drain.

You're in the right place here. Speaking for myself I have multiple opinions based on fuzzy pleasure. I still remember peeping in the vent holes looking at the glowing tubes, looking for the little people inside the box.
A little trick for helping reinforce who is the leader of the pack in the dog world. In the dog/wolf world, the leader of the pack eats first. Maddie was a 75 pound boxer and all muscle, stronger than 100 pound German Shepard sentry dogs I was around. When she was a pup, we did not leave food out for her to eat at times of her choosing. When we did feed her, we'd put a few chocolate chip cookies on top of her food and make a big commotion about how good it was as we ate first. Then we'd put it on the floor and let her have her turn last, letting her know where she was in the pecking order. We could reach in her mouth and literally take food out of her mouth with no objection from her. As she got older, we stopped the routine, but the lesson stuck.
A little trick for helping reinforce who is the leader of the pack in the dog world. In the dog/wolf world, the leader of the pack eats first. Maddie was a 75 pound boxer and all muscle, stronger than 100 pound German Shepard sentry dogs I was around. When she was a pup, we did not leave food out for her to eat at times of her choosing. When we did feed her, we'd put a few chocolate chip cookies on top of her food and make a big commotion about how good it was as we ate first. Then we'd put it on the floor and let her have her turn last, letting her know where she was in the pecking order. We could reach in her mouth and literally take food out of her mouth with no objection from her. As she got older, we stopped the routine, but the lesson stuck.
I'd be real careful about giving your dog chocolate. It's poisonous to dogs.
We could reach in her mouth and literally take food out of her mouth with no objection from her.
Reaching into a canines mouth and grabbing it's tongue is a superb way of advanced temperament testing whether or not the K-9 is suitable for all environments. This can be important with toddlers. They donot deserve life long physical or psychological scars because of anthropomorphic ignorance.​
Maybe you guys recall I posted a couple of months ago about a friend and employee who had a zipper accident that required surgery. He has diabetes and also had gall bladder surgery. He called a few minutes ago. He has some kind of disease that's causing his problems. He couldn't pronounce the name. The doctors are giving him 5 or 6 months to live. Maybe you guys can keep Dennis and his wife in your prayers?
Oh, I thought your dog was actually eating chocolate. No problem then. There's a lot of food that dogs should never eat, grapes, garlic and onions are a few.
My dogs mind real good until there are two, no one's looking, then they are SNIOP. The only difference between them and my children was that my dogs always knew they were guilty whether they participated or not and accepted collective scolding. As much a I tried sometime nothing seemed to work better than a good ole bellyache. I try to protect them and may not even know until I see the sparkling poop's. They eat wrapper and all. I had a 9" puddin' with an 18" vertical that figured out how to steal Andies off a table. Unlike the kids she left zero evidence and we blamed her bigger brother because he knew when she was guilty and hung his head when she misbehaved.

Is the Marantz a receiver? Do you have a model #?
I found it the last time you folks was discussing was old I don't even remember what he wanted for it........yes it was a receiver.......the deal is if I find one I don't know if it is a piece of junk of a solid pc of equipment.....I don't mind buying but not junk.........
Grandpa had a TV like that only I remember the screen being smaller......Saturday night wrestling......the horizontal hold didn't work properly......when the train passed Goss Avenue the picture got all screwy.......the tracks were only two houses away.......whole damn place would shake......and since the mill was right across the street......the noise from the looms made it almost impossible to hear the TV very good.......