
I honestly believe the 1970's had the worst fashion, EVER

I honestly believe the 1970's had the worst fashion, EVER

I can remember kids making fun of me in grade school because I would wear blue jeans to school. I was also one of a few who were wearing tennis shoes to school at that time. Chuck Taylors and proud of em! By the time I was in the 8th grade I was wearing bib overalls to school.

Not too proud to admit I had a couple of shirts that had snap buttons, but I never owned a pair of bell bottomed pants!
I can remember kids making fun of me in grade school because I would wear blue jeans to school. I was also one of a few who were wearing tennis shoes to school at that time. Chuck Taylors and proud of em! By the time I was in the 8th grade I was wearing bib overalls to school.

Not too proud to admit I had a couple of shirts that had snap buttons, but I never owned a pair of bell bottomed pants!
In 1962 my uncle got out of the Navy.....he was really short and I was really tall.....I got all of his "deck pants"........they made me wear those dammed things to school......had a big button flap on the front and the bell bottoms were bigger than the waist.........I was several years early on the style change.....I also had some lovely shirts to wear with them........ my mom had made off of a blouse pattern.....had 1-1/2" red candy stripes on it.......the damn thing probably made people dizzy to look at it......and she made me two of them with the same cloth and same pattern........I got a lot of fashion advice from the other kids........
I was just reading about 4 homeless people being killed by a driver who left the road. Why? Why are there homeless people who stand a chance of being hit by a car? I often lump all homeless people together because the ones I've encountered, and dealt with, were usually just drunks wanting me to help fund their party. I always tell them that they've chosen a lifestyle they can't afford.

If we would have dealt with the homeless back when it was an anomaly and not a normality, then it wouldn't be a problem now. I say that without knowing percentages. Maybe the same amount of people have always been homeless. Maybe that's just the way life works.

Regardless, there are a lot of people out there that don't have the mental faculty and physical ability to work for a living. If we are a "society", then we need to care for these people. I would like to know the percentage of homeless who are unable, compared to those who are unwilling. I believe that would help to steer public opinion and government intervention quite a bit.

One thing is for sure, as long as we tolerate a government that promotes this type of behavior and results, it can only get worse. If broke don't fix itself, it gets more broke. Nothing constant but change.
Not a banner day fishing but not skunked either. Hooked 2 and landed 1. The first one got away because I was in a hurry to cast out and was rigging my hook up quickly without making sure my knot was tightened securely. When I hooked into what felt like a lunker (sometimes small ones fight good though) it was a good fight but the knot apparently came undone and it got away. Below is one that did not although I put in back in the pond after taking the picture.

I don't know about Villanova, but those other 3 are undeniably the top 3 cheatingest programs in history. Reality doesn't serve as a good model for teaching what is right and wrong. Uphill battle.
I agree wholeheartedly. I don't have anything against Vanilla and I kind of like Jay Wright. Dude looks like he should be playing a doctor in a soap opera. Our last hope.
My favorite kick in all of martial arts is the spinning back kick performed very well by the bear. I love that kick. Used that kick a lot in competitions.

Was sparring with a retired marine (black belt) who my wife complained that when he was teaching her in our class would be mean to her (she also said the same about me too). Well, he was bigger and stronger but slower so, I was peppering him with some punches and backfist (had not used my feet yet) when a break was called. As I pulled back and lowered my guard for the break, he punched me twice in the face. When I ask what that was for, he apologized and stated he was frustrated because he could not score on me. Ok. When the command to continue to fight was given he decided to rush in and try a full out frontal attack. As he came in, I spun around with a spinning back kick and put him on the floor. Sparring match was over because I put a little bit of power in it, and he stayed down a while. Wife was not there that night and when I told her she was all happy about it and wished she was there to see it.
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This was seriously funny... Ole Ric Flair going at it with Jay Lethal..... Just totally laughing. If you have ever watched any wrestling this is just funny...

Good morning from ATX. Currently 60°F and clear. High expected around 85°F.

Vet called last night. Pup stopped vomiting. She ate yesterday morning, but had not eaten an afternoon meal. Vet running an ultrasound today. Hoping for the best.

And then there were four.

Monday, Monday....

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 60°F and clear. High expected around 85°F.

Vet called last night. Pup stopped vomiting. She ate yesterday morning, but had not eaten an afternoon meal. Vet running an ultrasound today. Hoping for the best.

And then there were four.

Monday, Monday....

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


How old is your pup?

We've run into this issue a couple of times and each time it was because they ate something they shouldn't have...once a kids sock the other a paper towel. Weirdo dog...once he got it out, good as new.

Prayers for ya.
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How old is your pup?

We've run into this issue a couple of times and each time it was because they are something they shouldn't have...once a kid sock the other a paper towel. Weirdo dog...once he got it out, good as new.

Prayers for ya.
Thanks for asking. She's 9 1/2. English Shepherd. We think it's pancreatitis. X-rays were negative.

Thanks for asking. She's 9 1/2. English Shepherd. We think it's pancreatitis. X-rays were negative.


She is a pretty one. Yeah, probably beyond the stage of eating random stuff. Ours is just about a year and a half. The first time he did it he was less than a year. This latest episode was a just like a month or so ago....I suspected he'd done it again and followed him outside when he was getting sick. Within a day he was back to eating.

Hope all goes well for your pup!
Apologies to dog lovers but the the only animal said to reside in Heaven is a horse.

"Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse!" Revelation 19:11

Yep. The dragon was kicked out and cast down. Hallelujah!

There is something there with some animal faces, though. Always thought it would be cool to see one. Can you remember which animal faces were on the creatures?
Good morning folks.

Laid low during an enjoyable weekend. My wife and I rented a cabin down in the Shenandoah Valley hills near the town of Luray. DId a tour through the caverns there, no Mammoth Caves but some quite spectacular scenery nevertheless. Then we drove across part of the vast scenic highway that is the national park Skyline Drive. Not quite spring color yet but still beautiful.

Glad to see all you folks are doing well. I might be dropping in a little less frequently for awhile. I need to stay away from Rafters to keep my mood level and light. But I'll be wishing everyone on here good times.
Good Monday morning.

And now for the local weather report. We have a temperature of 61° and sunny skies. We will get up to 75° early in the afternoon and no rain is the order of the day.

The Final Four is set and I am not happy. I guess I will pull for the other Wildcat team. They have a pretty good coach and it is fun watching them play because they hit their free throws.

What a revolting development this is.

Good morning folks.

Laid low during an enjoyable weekend. My wife and I rented a cabin down in the Shenandoah Valley hills near the town of Luray. DId a tour through the caverns there, no Mammoth Caves but some quite spectacular scenery nevertheless. Then we drove across part of the vast scenic highway that is the national park Skyline Drive. Not quite spring color yet but still beautiful.

Glad to see all you folks are doing well. I might be dropping in a little less frequently for awhile. I need to stay away from Rafters to keep my mood level and light. But I'll be wishing everyone on here good times.
The drive through the Blue Ridge Parkway and Skyline Drive is wonderful. I worked two summers on the Blue Ridge Parkway during college. (Actually got engaged to a pretty North Carolina girl, but she dumped me.) Pretty country.

It was a cloudy and cold 32°F when I got up and now it is 35.6° on our way to a hot 52!

I take the tax papers to the CPA. Hope it works out well and the IRS is nice for a change.

The final four I certainly did not want. They are going to cannonize Coach K while he is still alive. Geeze it is hard to take.
Good morning folks.

Laid low during an enjoyable weekend. My wife and I rented a cabin down in the Shenandoah Valley hills near the town of Luray. DId a tour through the caverns there, no Mammoth Caves but some quite spectacular scenery nevertheless. Then we drove across part of the vast scenic highway that is the national park Skyline Drive. Not quite spring color yet but still beautiful.

Glad to see all you folks are doing well. I might be dropping in a little less frequently for awhile. I need to stay away from Rafters to keep my mood level and light. But I'll be wishing everyone on here good times.

You mentioned Luray...

If I may...



The sounds from this organ are made using the stalactites and stalagmites.... a different sound for sure...








My Darling and her sister when my SIL AND BIL came for a visit this past October...

Good Monday morning.

And now for the local weather report. We have a temperature of 61° and sunny skies. We will get up to 75° early in the afternoon and no rain is the order of the day.

The Final Four is set and I am not happy. I guess I will pull for the other Wildcat team. They have a pretty good coach and it is fun watching them play because they hit their free throws.

What a revolting development this is.

"Hey, yuh stoopidd antt."

Loved this cartoon.
You mentioned Luray...

If I may...



The sounds from this organ are made using the stalactites and stalagmites.... a different sound for sure...








My Darling and her sister when my SIL AND BIL came for a visit this past October...

Those are great shots that really capture the place BBUK. I could post a dozen more equally striking -- I like the masive cream colored columns - but yours give the idea. It is remarkably compact -- an under two mile circuit in which you see amazing sights on virtually every step. It's tiny compared to Mammoth Cave, but if two hours of caving does it for you, instead of two days, it's a great trip.
I can remember kids making fun of me in grade school because I would wear blue jeans to school. I was also one of a few who were wearing tennis shoes to school at that time. Chuck Taylors and proud of em! By the time I was in the 8th grade I was wearing bib overalls to school.

Not too proud to admit I had a couple of shirts that had snap buttons, but I never owned a pair of bell bottomed pants!
I had bells plus a pair of high heel shoes. Of course I looked great.
How old is your pup?

We've run into this issue a couple of times and each time it was because they ate something they shouldn't have...once a kids sock the other a paper towel. Weirdo dog...once he got it out, good as new.

Prayers for ya.
The Direct TV guy left the old batteries on the hearth when he installed the Goldendoodle pup ate three of them......I found them the next day when I was making my poop scoop rounds........another time when they were less that six months old......they ate the chicken crap I mucked out of the hen house.........I almost lost them......I was up almost three days watching over those two puppies........I have a friend that has a veterinary supply house.....I went and got some sulfa drugs from less than 12 hours they had both got to the point where they had blood coming out both ends.......I got them through it though......and nursed them back to full health.....
Good morning from ATX. Currently 60°F and clear. High expected around 85°F.

Vet called last night. Pup stopped vomiting. She ate yesterday morning, but had not eaten an afternoon meal. Vet running an ultrasound today. Hoping for the best.

And then there were four.

Monday, Monday....

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Hoping for the best Austin.