
Good morning from ATX. Currently 60°F and clear. Expecting 89°F for our high.

Visited emergency vet clinic again last night and stayed there for over 5 hours. Pup still not eating. Possible pancreatitis, but unsure. Pup stayed there overnight. Vet office just called and said pup acting much better after more medication. She's eating and holding food down. This has all been an expensive nightmare so far.

And then there were six. May watch a few more games today. Both my teams lost yesterday.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 60°F and clear. Expecting 89°F for our high.

Visited emergency vet clinic again last night and stayed there for over 5 hours. Pup still not eating. Possible pancreatitis, but unsure. Pup stayed there overnight. Vet office just called and said pup acting much better after more medication. She's eating and holding food down. This has all been an expensive nightmare so far.

And then there were six. May watch a few more games today. Both my teams lost yesterday.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

This my favorite Spanish cuisine and in my top 5 favorite of all cuisines. I prefer it with seafood and chorizo with a touch of saffron for coloring.
Most likely Kansas and UNC to round out the final four. Yukkiest.
This would be a nightmare. Of those four I would have to pull for the Villanova Wildcats and if they don't do it, then Kansas or UNC in that order. Just stop Duke. The 2022 NCAA Finals may be my least favorite of my lifetime.
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If I were to fill out a bracket with the worst possible outcome this would have been it. Especially if Duke wins it all.
That may be the way I fill out my bracket next year for the big bucks. Just put in the opposite of what I think will happen. Can't be worse.
This would be a nightmare. Of those four I would have to pull for the Villanova Wildcats and if they don't do it, then Kansas or UNC in that order. Just stop Duke. The 2022 NCAA Finals may be my least favorite of my lifetime.
See below...
Yeah, I'm also pulling for Nova. Somehow I just knew Duke would make FF. Seemed predetermined by higher powers (cough cough CBS + NCAA).
We can probably go back in this thread and see where it was said as soon as K announced his retirement that Duke would win the tournament. Just like they did for Wooden.

Morning Legionnaires!

Back to the water today for more fishing. Temperature right now in the low 50's and supposed to go down to the mid 40's until about 0830 or so then starts going back up. Moderate to medium winds (10-20 mph for here) so bank fishing will be the order of the day.

Nothing else follows............................................................

Da Brudder GOT his marching orders too! Put some FISH in this pot!!! OR, it's Sam's or bust!

(Good Morning all.)

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King Cobra's Fight For Survival | On The Brink | Real Wild

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Yes he is, that is some good playing there. And Rhonda is always on top of her game.

Rhonda is one of absolute best traditional
I used to know a guy who was in one of those hardcore biker clubs. He had a really nice looking Honda chopper. They said get a Harley or get out. He rode his Harley off the side of a mountain in the Rockies while drunk. It killed him.

I had a Triumph with ape hanger handlebars in the late 60s. Loved the sound of that bike. The Harley guys didn't sneer at me nearly as much as they did the Jap bike riders.
Good afternoon, D-League!

Sun's a shinin but somebody musta bumped the "winter" button last week. 42° and on our way to NOT WARM. Not happy about it at all.

Since basketball is over, though, I'm excited about UK football once more. Gonna see if I can get into a practice or two somehow. I'm currently enjoyin time with my daughter watching the "baby cows" passing out in the pastures after their milkshake lunches.

Slept like a bear the past 2 days. May be ready to get sore again by tomorrow morning.
I honestly believe the 1970's had the worst fashion, EVER

I can remember kids making fun of me in grade school because I would wear blue jeans to school. I was also one of a few who were wearing tennis shoes to school at that time. Chuck Taylors and proud of em! By the time I was in the 8th grade I was wearing bib overalls to school.

Not too proud to admit I had a couple of shirts that had snap buttons, but I never owned a pair of bell bottomed pants!
I can remember kids making fun of me in grade school because I would wear blue jeans to school. I was also one of a few who were wearing tennis shoes to school at that time. Chuck Taylors and proud of em! By the time I was in the 8th grade I was wearing bib overalls to school.

Not too proud to admit I had a couple of shirts that had snap buttons, but I never owned a pair of bell bottomed pants!
In 1962 my uncle got out of the Navy.....he was really short and I was really tall.....I got all of his "deck pants"........they made me wear those dammed things to school......had a big button flap on the front and the bell bottoms were bigger than the waist.........I was several years early on the style change.....I also had some lovely shirts to wear with them........ my mom had made off of a blouse pattern.....had 1-1/2" red candy stripes on it.......the damn thing probably made people dizzy to look at it......and she made me two of them with the same cloth and same pattern........I got a lot of fashion advice from the other kids........
I was just reading about 4 homeless people being killed by a driver who left the road. Why? Why are there homeless people who stand a chance of being hit by a car? I often lump all homeless people together because the ones I've encountered, and dealt with, were usually just drunks wanting me to help fund their party. I always tell them that they've chosen a lifestyle they can't afford.

If we would have dealt with the homeless back when it was an anomaly and not a normality, then it wouldn't be a problem now. I say that without knowing percentages. Maybe the same amount of people have always been homeless. Maybe that's just the way life works.

Regardless, there are a lot of people out there that don't have the mental faculty and physical ability to work for a living. If we are a "society", then we need to care for these people. I would like to know the percentage of homeless who are unable, compared to those who are unwilling. I believe that would help to steer public opinion and government intervention quite a bit.

One thing is for sure, as long as we tolerate a government that promotes this type of behavior and results, it can only get worse. If broke don't fix itself, it gets more broke. Nothing constant but change.
Not a banner day fishing but not skunked either. Hooked 2 and landed 1. The first one got away because I was in a hurry to cast out and was rigging my hook up quickly without making sure my knot was tightened securely. When I hooked into what felt like a lunker (sometimes small ones fight good though) it was a good fight but the knot apparently came undone and it got away. Below is one that did not although I put in back in the pond after taking the picture.

I don't know about Villanova, but those other 3 are undeniably the top 3 cheatingest programs in history. Reality doesn't serve as a good model for teaching what is right and wrong. Uphill battle.
I agree wholeheartedly. I don't have anything against Vanilla and I kind of like Jay Wright. Dude looks like he should be playing a doctor in a soap opera. Our last hope.
My favorite kick in all of martial arts is the spinning back kick performed very well by the bear. I love that kick. Used that kick a lot in competitions.

Was sparring with a retired marine (black belt) who my wife complained that when he was teaching her in our class would be mean to her (she also said the same about me too). Well, he was bigger and stronger but slower so, I was peppering him with some punches and backfist (had not used my feet yet) when a break was called. As I pulled back and lowered my guard for the break, he punched me twice in the face. When I ask what that was for, he apologized and stated he was frustrated because he could not score on me. Ok. When the command to continue to fight was given he decided to rush in and try a full out frontal attack. As he came in, I spun around with a spinning back kick and put him on the floor. Sparring match was over because I put a little bit of power in it, and he stayed down a while. Wife was not there that night and when I told her she was all happy about it and wished she was there to see it.
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This was seriously funny... Ole Ric Flair going at it with Jay Lethal..... Just totally laughing. If you have ever watched any wrestling this is just funny...

Good morning from ATX. Currently 60°F and clear. High expected around 85°F.

Vet called last night. Pup stopped vomiting. She ate yesterday morning, but had not eaten an afternoon meal. Vet running an ultrasound today. Hoping for the best.

And then there were four.

Monday, Monday....

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 60°F and clear. High expected around 85°F.

Vet called last night. Pup stopped vomiting. She ate yesterday morning, but had not eaten an afternoon meal. Vet running an ultrasound today. Hoping for the best.

And then there were four.

Monday, Monday....

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


How old is your pup?

We've run into this issue a couple of times and each time it was because they ate something they shouldn't have...once a kids sock the other a paper towel. Weirdo dog...once he got it out, good as new.

Prayers for ya.
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How old is your pup?

We've run into this issue a couple of times and each time it was because they are something they shouldn't have...once a kid sock the other a paper towel. Weirdo dog...once he got it out, good as new.

Prayers for ya.
Thanks for asking. She's 9 1/2. English Shepherd. We think it's pancreatitis. X-rays were negative.
