
Y'all are making interesting comments about the NCAA tournament. I admit I tore mine up when UK failed to show up and threw it away. It would be painful to watch so I have not followed it.

I am convinced those in charge are pushing for Duke to take the trophy.
When I heard it was his last season, I figured he would wind up winning it all in the end.
Here is a picture of a nuclear plant that I've worked on. The large cylinder at the bottom is a torus. The cap that is lying in the foreground is called the reactor head. It weighs about 110 tons. I've been under that particular one, at least 12 times. TVA administration decided in the 1990's that I was the guy for those inspections.


I've also been inside all the larger pipes leading to the torus.

Weird to see it like that knowing how much building is all around that engine in its current state. I'm thinking about contacting them and seeing about working an outage.

By the way, that plant in Alabama is the exact same design as the one in Fukushima Japan. In fact, I was at that plant the night the tsunami hit and was watching the whole thing on the internet at work.

A few weeks later a bunch of Japanese dudes came over to check out our plant.

Japan had their diesel fuel out back in large tanks. They were washed away by the tidal wave. Alabama has theirs buried underground in case of tornados. Diesel fuel is crucial if there is a disruption in off site power. Fuel in the core as well as spent fuel on site must be kept cool or it will melt.

If Japan would have had underground storage for their diesel fuel then they wouldn't have had the problem they had.

Once again. Not a nuclear power problem. This was a human problem. Just like every other nuclear "incident". The Japanese were operating under the assumption that no wave would ever reach high enough to affect them. They were wrong and now they know better.

I said all that drivel to say this, I read that Biden is pushing for more nuclear power! Tell you what. If you want more nuclear power, then the next time you want to throw away a trillion dollars, build 300 nuclear power plants! Screw all the solar and wind.
I assume you're looking for weather update. This sunny weekend daily highs lower 90s lower 60s lows. Stormy Tuesday in the 60s and potential for maybe a quarter of an inch. Wednesday sun and temps return to normals between mid 70s to mid 50s. Glorius weather for us as good as it gets.
I just saw that the southwest was going to have some heat. Lower 90's is hot here but I guess in Arizona it ain't that hot!
Howdee! Back home safe and sound again. Well, I'm safe. Bought some more pieces for the shelves I was going to build. I say "was" because now it has turned into a large cabinet with doors. I'll go to Lowes and pick up some hinges this weekend. I like to use those soft close hinges, seems civilized.

I almost stopped and got something to eat while I was out and then I remembered there was some ham in the fridge. I knew I had some swiss cheese and a few slices of rye bread left. Threw on some lettuce and a couple of slices of tomato along with some homemade mayo. I could get fat on those!
Sherry and I finished off your rye bread with ham and swiss.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 51°F and clear. Today's high peaking at 92°F.

I spent between 2-6 pm yesterday at veterinarian's office. Pup is real sick. Unknown if she'll make it. Apparently, she's got gastrointestinal issues. Started throwing up early yesterday morning. Finally stopped after vet provided her with anti-nausea medication. She's obviously in pain this morning, and looks around but still has not got up. Hoping for the best.

Watched some college basketball last night. Saint Peter's is indeed this season's Cinderella. ACC still has 3 teams in Elite 8. I'm a Cougars and Razorbacks fan today.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Here is a picture of a nuclear plant that I've worked on. The large cylinder at the bottom is a torus. The cap that is lying in the foreground is called the reactor head. It weighs about 110 tons. I've been under that particular one, at least 12 times. TVA administration decided in the 1990's that I was the guy for those inspections.


I've also been inside all the larger pipes leading to the torus.

Weird to see it like that knowing how much building is all around that engine in its current state. I'm thinking about contacting them and seeing about working an outage.

By the way, that plant in Alabama is the exact same design as the one in Fukushima Japan. In fact, I was at that plant the night the tsunami hit and was watching the whole thing on the internet at work.

A few weeks later a bunch of Japanese dudes came over to check out our plant.

Japan had their diesel fuel out back in large tanks. They were washed away by the tidal wave. Alabama has theirs buried underground in case of tornados. Diesel fuel is crucial if there is a disruption in off site power. Fuel in the core as well as spent fuel on site must be kept cool or it will melt.

If Japan would have had underground storage for their diesel fuel then they wouldn't have had the problem they had.

Once again. Not a nuclear power problem. This was a human problem. Just like every other nuclear "incident". The Japanese were operating under the assumption that no wave would ever reach high enough to affect them. They were wrong and now they know better.

I said all that drivel to say this, I read that Biden is pushing for more nuclear power! Tell you what. If you want more nuclear power, then the next time you want to throw away a trillion dollars, build 300 nuclear power plants! Screw all the solar and wind.
Well said. I have long been and always was a proponent of nuclear power. It would solve most of our energy issues in a clean and safe manner. Wind and solar be damned. I have solar panels to heat my swimming pool and water heater so there is a place for it.

We had a nuclear power plant a few miles from where I live and they shut it down. There was never a negative issue with it. Not one. But they shut it down.


The locals were not not happy about the decision from Duke Energy to close it. It was an 860 MW plant and provided 26% of the total taxes in Citrus County. It was probably the safest and cleanest power produced . But the word nuclear makes people freak out and close it they did.
It is a sunny 38.7°F on our way to a cool 51° for a high.

I wish the the Kentucky team that beat the crap out of UNC and KU had showed up for the NCAA. I actually thought UCLA would beat UNC but this year everything is opposite of what I think.

Kansas passed UK in all time wins so we are screwed again.
Good morning all,

I opened my eyes to a beautiful cool 55° with the sun rising . Now it is 63° as we head up to a high of 70°. 0% chance of rain which is perfect for the boys in Spring Training around the state. Baseball is the air in Florida as basketball is as popular here as ice hockey in Jamaica.

I see we lost our all time lead in games won to Kansas. A lot of fans are counting on the NCAA to take away a number of their games which will put us back on top. I doubt that happens. But we shall see. A lot of UK fans don't seem to care but I do..

Trust all are doing well

They are reporting record crowds down here which is good. And no masks

It is a sunny 38.7°F on our way to a cool 51° for a high.

I wish the the Kentucky team that beat the crap out of UNC and KU had showed up for the NCAA. I actually thought UCLA would beat UNC but this year everything is opposite of what I think.

Kansas passed UK in all time wins so we are screwed again.
To add insult to injury UNC just passed UK for all-time NCAA tournament victories.
St. Peters with BLM shirts. UGH! Who do you pull for, UNC or UCLA. I guess I'll hold my nose and hope UCLA wins.
Got to keep UCLA out to give us a chance to overtake them in the future in championships. Got to keep Kansas out so they don't get too far ahead of us in overall wins. I believe they are ahead of us by two now.
To add insult to injury UNC just passed UK for all-time NCAA tournament victories.
The Cats are losing a lot of records that have been on the books for many years. I guess it is time to re-write the media guides and take out records that are no longer held by UK.

The Cats can also take out the Gold Standard talk and we are special and we are this and that. That is history now. A lot of UK fans seemed unconcerned so I guess it doesn't matter any more.

I just saw that the southwest was going to have some heat. Lower 90's is hot here but I guess in Arizona it ain't that hot!
It's 60° right now, heat up to around 95° around 4. Tuesday's AM Pacific storm that is expected to be a statewide frontal event shoud help with your April showers and it will be in the mid 60s all day.

That is history now. A lot of UK fans seemed unconcerned so I guess it doesn't matter any more.
I'm hearing that sentiment about EVERYTHING! Not just basketball. To me, from outside the box, looks like the lemmings are cancelling themselves.
Good morning! Supposed to be cold and windy outside. I'll take their word for it.

@Sawnee Cat I've worked at Crystal River before. I liked that area. Also worked at St. Lucie on the other side of your state. Never made it to the one in Miami. Turkey Point.

UNC passed us in all time wins a while back but then they fell on hard times and we took the lead again. Kansas won't have it that long. They've played more seasons than we have but we have a higher win percentage. That should count for something.

Listened to Jerry Eaves yesterday and he said that he wasn't officially on Payne's staff, but he was telling him to call Dontae Allen immediately and get him to Louisville. Swell. They'll make T-shirts about it.

@Bert Higginbotha glad you guys ate that bread. That was about the ryest rye bread I've ever eaten. You know I love a good rye.
@Sawnee Cat I've worked at Crystal River before. I liked that area. Also worked at St. Lucie on the other side of your state. Never made it to the one in Miami. Turkey Point.

A lot of folks were upset around here when Duke decommissioned the plant. The economy took a hit but they are building it back. Still there no sense in Duke bowing to the New Green Deal. Greenies will never like an energy supplier. One positive thing is the commercial fisherman say they are getting better catches now. I doubt it has anything to do with the plant but if they do, then good.

Listened to Jerry Eaves yesterday and he said that he wasn't officially on Payne's staff, but he was telling him to call Dontae Allen immediately and get him to Louisville. Swell. They'll make T-shirts about it.

I hope Reed Sheppard has a better career than Allen and I don't see why he shouldn't. I like to see Kentucky boys stars shine at UK. Very few get that opportunity anymore.

@Bert Higginbotha glad you guys ate that bread. That was about the ryest rye bread I've ever eaten. You know I love a good rye

I am cooking three gallons of hot dog sauce (chili) from an old family recipe that goes back over 100 years. I freeze it in small packs and have it ready when we serve hot dogs.
@Sawnee Cat I've worked at Crystal River before. I liked that area. Also worked at St. Lucie on the other side of your state. Never made it to the one in Miami. Turkey Point.

A lot of folks were upset around here when Duke decommissioned the plant. The economy took a hit but they are building it back. Still there no sense in Duke bowing to the New Green Deal. Greenies will never like an energy supplier. One positive thing is the commercial fisherman say they are getting better catches now. I doubt it has anything to do with the plant but if they do, then good.

Listened to Jerry Eaves yesterday and he said that he wasn't officially on Payne's staff, but he was telling him to call Dontae Allen immediately and get him to Louisville. Swell. They'll make T-shirts about it.

I hope Reed Sheppard has a better career than Allen and I don't see why he shouldn't. I like to see Kentucky boys stars shine at UK. Very few get that opportunity anymore.

@Bert Higginbotha glad you guys ate that bread. That was about the ryest rye bread I've ever eaten. You know I love a good rye

I am cooking three gallons of hot dog sauce (chili) from an old family recipe that goes back over 100 years. I freeze it in small packs and have it ready when we serve hot dogs.

Hello All,

Been busy today already NOW I have to these taxes... First my supper yesterday...


Most enjoy as I do chicken and dumplings... this is a Beef dumpling soup... real simple (This coming from a guy who has never made it but has indulged many times.)

Green onions, dumplings (made thin), onions, a little garlic, salt, and pepper to taste and some beef as you see. My Darling makes her own beef broth but I guess canned beef broth would taste good as well.

My Darling has some seaweed in the soup but I was thinking some other sort of greens would set it off too.

This meal makes you feel good..... I cannot explain it better than that but it is a feel good meal. (Worth a try...)

Have a great day!
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@Sawnee Cat I've worked at Crystal River before. I liked that area. Also worked at St. Lucie on the other side of your state. Never made it to the one in Miami. Turkey Point.

A lot of folks were upset around here when Duke decommissioned the plant. The economy took a hit but they are building it back. Still there no sense in Duke bowing to the New Green Deal. Greenies will never like an energy supplier. One positive thing is the commercial fisherman say they are getting better catches now. I doubt it has anything to do with the plant but if they do, then good.

Listened to Jerry Eaves yesterday and he said that he wasn't officially on Payne's staff, but he was telling him to call Dontae Allen immediately and get him to Louisville. Swell. They'll make T-shirts about it.

I hope Reed Sheppard has a better career than Allen and I don't see why he shouldn't. I like to see Kentucky boys stars shine at UK. Very few get that opportunity anymore.

@Bert Higginbotha glad you guys ate that bread. That was about the ryest rye bread I've ever eaten. You know I love a good rye

I am cooking three gallons of hot dog sauce (chili) from an old family recipe that goes back over 100 years. I freeze it in small packs and have it ready when we serve hot dogs.
I took some chili out of the freezer last night to eat this weekend.

The nuclear plants that I've heard of had a major increase in the number of fish around the discharge area. Evidently they like the warmer water. There was no fishing allowed in those areas though, because, terror. If they shut the plant down then maybe the fish moved on to places they could be caught.
No offense, but I find it much quicker to pump my own.
Certainly no offense taken. This is a message board with different views.

I was actually thinking about other services. Such as a mechanic on staff, someone to check your tires and wash your windshield and check your oil. Did you know there are people who do not know how to do any of that. And they drive on our roads.

We once had small diary stores that were Drive Ups. They sold a limited amount of items such as milk, bread, ice cream and other dairy products. You did not get out of your car and it was a quick trip.
Noticed yesterday that we had 3 players off the womens basketball team put their names in the transfer portal. I wonder what's going on over there. I don't guess it matters since we're a football, rifle, and volleyball school now.
I wonder the same. A week or so ago when they won the SEC Championship they looked like the happiest, tightest group on the UK campus. Now they are running away. How can that be?

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I used to know a guy who was in one of those hardcore biker clubs. He had a really nice looking Honda chopper. They said get a Harley or get out. He rode his Harley off the side of a mountain in the Rockies while drunk. It killed him.
I used to know a guy who was in one of those hardcore biker clubs. He had a really nice looking Honda chopper. They said get a Harley or get out. He rode his Harley off the side of a mountain in the Rockies while drunk. It killed him.

I cannot tell you my childhood and the vileness I had to deal with just to live. God's grace is real and God's hand is Devine. I don't think or hope for a God, I KNOW there is a God. No way should I be here typing... I am thankful...
I cannot tell you my childhood and the vileness I had to deal with just to live. God's grace is real and God's hand is Devine. I don't think or hope for a God, I KNOW there is a God. No way should I be here typing... I am thankful...
I can relate. When I came home from Viet Nam, I had a hard time coping till the Lord convinced me of the error of my ways. After a bad day, I can still hear and see memories I don't want. My job was to protect people and sometimes it wasn't possible. Jan woke me up the other night and said I was kicking and screaming no. I told her I didn't remember what it was about, but I was dreaming I was in a railroad car and there were some Vietnamese behind me, including a 19 year old girl who worked for us. I was trying to protect them from Viet Cong who had opened the door and coming in, but I was helpless.
I had a great day today! I was happy and in a good mood, and you know what? Each and every person I met today was in a good mood too. I just counted up 7 people that I talked to today for longer than a minute. I had a conversation with them. Each one of them ended with both of us smiling and going on about our lives.

One that stands out was an older feller who was wearing a Vietnam War cap. We were looking at the same table and I remarked to him that my family had that same table in the early 60's. He told me that he and his wife had had that table as well. He was disheveled, but not dirty. He had several days of beard and not a tooth in his head, but he had stuff to say and I had time to listen.

We did a couple of rows together and I told him about my father and I doing this very thing. He seemed happy to help me look for speakers and I know the feeling. Piddler malls are more fun when you are on a scavenger hunt for that one thing.

We found some speakers but none of them were appropriate for a golf cart. I knew I wouldn't find any, but the fun is in the hunt.

He told me he comes there often because he doesn't live far. I hope I see him again.
We hang out in PM's in the winter......before WuFlu.......I have seen that person........You know bertfan31, might have been the only person he has had conversation with in a while.....I have several items I have been on the search are right it is more fun when you have a cause.....

Morning Legionnaires!

Back to the water today for more fishing. Temperature right now in the low 50's and supposed to go down to the mid 40's until about 0830 or so then starts going back up. Moderate to medium winds (10-20 mph for here) so bank fishing will be the order of the day.

Nothing else follows............................................................
This is what a service station looks like. Oh how I miss them.
For this to be a perfect example of a service station.......there should be a big stack of Coca-Cola one time Standard would give a 6 pack of the 6-1/2 oz size bottles for a fill up or 8 you would have to put about $1.50-$2.00 worth of gas in your vehicle to get the free cokes......we never got the cokes........the old man would put 50 cents worth of gas and two quarts of recycled oil in his old 51 Ford pick up.....
Good morning! Supposed to be cold and windy outside. I'll take their word for it.

@Sawnee Cat I've worked at Crystal River before. I liked that area. Also worked at St. Lucie on the other side of your state. Never made it to the one in Miami. Turkey Point.

UNC passed us in all time wins a while back but then they fell on hard times and we took the lead again. Kansas won't have it that long. They've played more seasons than we have but we have a higher win percentage. That should count for something.

Listened to Jerry Eaves yesterday and he said that he wasn't officially on Payne's staff, but he was telling him to call Dontae Allen immediately and get him to Louisville. Swell. They'll make T-shirts about it.

@Bert Higginbotha glad you guys ate that bread. That was about the ryest rye bread I've ever eaten. You know I love a good rye.
Mmmmmmmm.......Linker's Rye was my favorite bread.......
The Cats are losing a lot of records that have been on the books for many years. I guess it is time to re-write the media guides and take out records that are no longer held by UK.

The Cats can also take out the Gold Standard talk and we are special and we are this and that. That is history now. A lot of UK fans seemed unconcerned so I guess it doesn't matter any more.

Of the ones saying it doesn't matter anymore, I would love to know their age. I would guess most, if not all are probably below 35.