
Welp, wonderful GD has decided on Purdue for college in the Fall - Civil Engineering & Design, at least to start. Smart as a whip. Sure she'll stay in some technical field.

I'm quite pleased with her choice. Great school & best college prez in the business imo: Mitch Daniels. Now all we got to do is pay for it. Plus buy a lot of old gold & black gear. Least of my worries.
Congratulations to your wonderful grand daughter. We know she made a great choice as a civil engineering major. I have a very close friend who went to Purdue's School of Engineering and he turned out great. He started his own business and the rest is history.

I have a GD who has narrowed her choices down to 5 schools. She was a Kentucky Governors Scholar and has some very good options.
Welp, wonderful GD has decided on Purdue for college in the Fall - Civil Engineering & Design, at least to start. Smart as a whip. Sure she'll stay in some technical field.

I'm quite pleased with her choice. Great school & best college prez in the business imo: Mitch Daniels. Now all we got to do is pay for it. Plus buy a lot of old gold & black gear. Least of my worries.
Nice! I've paternal twin GDs they'll be freshman/roommates this year @u-eh. Might as well be lulvul as far as the foolishness goes. Aside from being born the same day they're nothing alike, but seem to know each others thoughts. That will be good for them. I'm happy to see them step out together.

Now, I have 2nd cousin like that. We were born close together, towed in same wagon, put in same play pen (cage). I tried to kill him as soon as I was able to lift a Tonka Truck. I cheered his older his brothers on as they tied him to a stake but our mothers interfered before they could set this sweet baby dumplin' ablaze. His mouth is directly responsible for my ears losing their virginity. He assured they were tempered in raw sewage.

Boy, did I get off track. I'm really happy for her to pursue her goals. Working my way thru then going back when I was 50 to learn an addition skill set. College can have many pros & cons. I feel the pros generally outweigh the negatives so I trust your optimism here and happy for your family.

Used to get it (taxes) done for free through the military but one year tried H&R Block thinking they could get us more (as they claim) and they charged us about $90.00 a page (never again). Wife does it now since the military quit doing it for free for retirees. Wife gets the new yearly Turbo Tax version since we do the EZ forms and has for the last 4 years or so. Got back $3800.00 this year (state included).
Wouldn't touch H & R with a ten foot pole. I used to know a guy who went to their classes and got hired to prepare taxes. He was one of the dumbest people I ever met and it was very obvious to everyone, but they hired him anyhow.
Loved the 80's! Prolly cuz I was in my 20's. Neither of these got the love Madonna got. Don't know why.

This one was big in my book.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 47°F and partly cloudy. Warming up to 75°F later today.

Plan on leaving here around 1:15 pm. Riding the bus. Badge appointment scheduled for 2:30 pm. We're meeting up across the street around 4:30 pm.

4 tourney games tonight. May watch some TTU vs Duke. Go Red Raiders!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning all,

I woke up with some soothing rain hitting the roof. Our temperature now is 69° and since it is raining now the chance is 100% it will rain today . We will head up to our high of 70° at 9:00 a.m. We need the rain.

The man on the radio is talking about O.D. from buying and taking pills "off of the street". You have a 2 in 5 chance of dying. WOW. Why would anyone with a brain the size of a flea even think about going down that road. I say that having a brother in law that did exactly that. He died the day his grandson was born.

Some good reports from Spring Football. I am ready.

Have a nice day.

Morning Legionnaires!

35° this morning with a high in the mid 60's and moderate winds. Tomorrow will get up to mid 70's as will Saturday. Light winds at about 5 MPH for both days. That is rare and good kayak fishing weather. Wife took tomorrow off and wants to go shopping. I showed her the weather for the next 2 days and her next response was "Take me to work today and pick me up afterwards so we can shop tonight." Heh, heh, he, I've got her trained.
I am feeling pretty good today. I am not a biologist but I know what a woman is. I actually slept with one last night and if the Lord keeps us today I will sleep with her tonight.

We have a woman who will be put on the Supreme Court who can not define a woman. That is where we are in America on March 24, 2022. I am looking forward to leaving this ole world soon before I forget what a woman is.
Good afternoon! I haven't filed taxes at all for the last 18 years. I decided that I didn't need to do that any longer. Nope, once I found out that my wife was able to do it, I sat back and watched.

@Bert Higginbotha Hey buddy! Shot a smooth 72 today in a relentless wind. Gusts of over 40mph at times. 2 bogies, 2 birdies on the front and parred every hole on the back 9.

Fairways and greens my friends!
That is a wonderful score. A tornado would not improve my score!

Did you get your speakers installed in your cart?
It happens every time. So far the vast majority have relocated in the Southeast but now they are spreading out in other areas. It really is a problem.

I imagine the people pushing for a State Income tax don't even pay taxes..

There were people that got all excited because people were leaving CA, NY, NJ, IL, and Boston.... I was not one of them. Those criminals needed to stay in the cesspool they built for themselves. No one realized it was an invasion. The globalists have repopulated this country with socialists and incentivized liberals to move to conservative states. This is a war that no one is paying attention to... It's the battle they're distracting us from
We have a woman who will be put on the Supreme Court who can not define a woman. That is where we are in America on March 24, 2022. I am looking forward to leaving this ole world soon before I forget what a woman is.
How did we go from "This is what a woman is" to "Well, it's complicated..." in a few decades? Progress, I guess...
Good morning all,

I woke up with some soothing rain hitting the roof. Our temperature now is 69° and since it is raining now the chance is 100% it will rain today . We will head up to our high of 70° at 9:00 a.m. We need the rain.

The man on the radio is talking about O.D. from buying and taking pills "off of the street". You have a 2 in 5 chance of dying. WOW. Why would anyone with a brain the size of a flea even think about going down that road. I say that having a brother in law that did exactly that. He died the day his grandson was born.

Some good reports from Spring Football. I am ready.

Have a nice day.

Wish they still kept track of medical related deaths, as they used to do. Weird that they stopped that. First the split the categories when medical deaths were about to become the leading cause of death in this country. Then they split the categories again and again as the numbers grew to try to keep them out of the top 3. How many medical ODs these days I wonder.

The pill epidemic is what led to almost all of this
That is a wonderful score. A tornado would not improve my score!

Did you get your speakers installed in your cart?

Last time I shot under a 72 was the first time I played golf. Made it through 12 holes before I made my first par. Just missed a birdie by 4 inches or so. The guys I was playing with didn't want to play anymore after that.
There were people that got all excited because people were leaving CA, NY, NJ, IL, and Boston.... I was not one of them. Those criminals needed to stay in the cesspool they built for themselves. No one realized it was an invasion. The globalists have repopulated this country with socialists and incentivized liberals to move to conservative states. This is a war that no one is paying attention to... It's the battle they're distracting us from
And in reality it is one of the more important battles.
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How did we go from "This is what a woman is" to "Well, it's complicated..." in a few decades? Progress, I guess...

It IS the progression of humanity. Thousands of years have shown it to be true. It's also why humanity hates the Bible so much. It clearly shows the route that the "progress" of humanity takes every time when they have plenty. We have no problem remembering God when we are hungry, but forget Him quickly when our bellies are full.

That's why the Bible asks us to remember Him and thank Him after our bellies are full. Humanity rarely does so
Last time I shot under a 72 was the first time I played golf. Made it through 12 holes before I made my first par. Just missed a birdie by 4 inches or so. The guys I was playing with didn't want to play anymore after that.
The first time I played, I shot a 63. The most difficult hole was the last one, the one with the clown face and the windmill blocking the hole.
Do you want to know how elections affect our every day lives. Last Thursday (7 days ago) a squirrel ate through the fuel line on my wife's Audi. Of course the car was not drivable so we towed it to the dealer. A simple fuel line. This morning I get a call from the dealer that the part is on back order for another 3 weeks. Service Dept told me they have called all over America in an attempt to find one.

These backups are a problem all across our society. These are times when you think about elections. We have serious issues and things could get a lot worse. What if the problem was a computer chip and made in China?

The election cannot get here fast enough.
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Used to get it (taxes) done for free through the military but one year tried H&R Block thinking they could get us more (as they claim) and they charged us about $90.00 a page (never again). Wife does it now since the military quit doing it for free for retirees. Wife gets the new yearly Turbo Tax version since we do the EZ forms and has for the last 4 years or so. Got back $3800.00 this year (state included).
We have had the same tax preparer since 1980.............she told us last year that she was going to do taxers as long as she felt good........she is at least 80 yrs old.... she usually gets us some money back...
Wouldn't touch H & R with a ten foot pole. I used to know a guy who went to their classes and got hired to prepare taxes. He was one of the dumbest people I ever met and it was very obvious to everyone, but they hired him anyhow.
I was sweet on a girl in HS who's father owned a H & R Block office..........either they were deep in debt or they were doing very well......big house, nice cars..........filing taxes seemed to be very lucrative......
I am feeling pretty good today. I am not a biologist but I know what a woman is. I actually slept with one last night and if the Lord keeps us today I will sleep with her tonight.

We have a woman who will be put on the Supreme Court who can not define a woman. That is where we are in America on March 24, 2022. I am looking forward to leaving this ole world soon before I forget what a woman is.
A woman:

Last time I shot under a 72 was the first time I played golf. Made it through 12 holes before I made my first par. Just missed a birdie by 4 inches or so. The guys I was playing with didn't want to play anymore after that.
I shoot in the 60's every time. Well, that is if I go to the range and fire a weapon being I am only 64.
Had lunch today at the Wok and Roll in D.C.'s Chinatown. Yes, a clever name for a rather ordinary looking noodles and egg rolls joint. But check it out: In the mid-19th century, this building was the Mary Surratt Boarding House, and in 1865, the assassination of Lincoln was hatched here. A couple weeks after his death, police dragged Mary and co-conspirator Lewis Payne out of this place, and took them to DC jail for trial followed by a swift hanging.
Just one of those little details that makes Washington fun for history buffs.
If I were a cave man and she got close to me, I would drag her off and do terrible things! 😁

Our future justice can't define a "woman". It is easy. A WOMAN is a mature female. They are born with female parts at birth. It sure don't take a genius to figure this shit out.

Life is simple until the damned liberals try to complicate it.
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If I were a cave man and she got close to me, I would drag her off and do terrible things! 😁

Our future justice can't define a "woman". It is easy. A WOMAN is a mature female. They are born with female parts at birth. It sure don't take a genius to figure this shit out.

Life is simple until the damned liberals try to complicate it.
I am a biologist and will add a woman also meets the biological requirements of human. My spoiled little "Ruby" is a mature female . . . dog and definitely not to be confused with Raquel.