
Hello all, still not back but the sun is still shining... Have a great day!

In another week, I hope to see plenty of them on my trip to Washington D.C.
Good afternoon! Woke up at noon today. Slept through a couple of different texts about playing golf this morning. Snooze you lose.

Might stay home all day. Need to get out to the workshop and start on next project. Might mow the grass. No need to rush into anything.

Have a day!
So......I had a pair of English Sparrows that decided to set up house one the top of a deck post at the roof line.....I wadded up some hardware cloth and put it up their..........after multiple attempts they got a piece of grass to cling to the wire and they were building again.....I just got done putting some 1/2" x 1" welded wire up there.....they will have to relocate....I thought about pulling a Robert Stroud and raising one but.......I have enough on my plate........I remarked to the Director how much the sparrows were like the Democrats........they are relentless in getting one peice of straw to stick.........then they start pilling it up........the Dem's sling lies until their neophytes start believeing them and then they pile on.........OK......end of rant......
Good afternoon! Woke up at noon today. Slept through a couple of different texts about playing golf this morning. Snooze you lose.

Might stay home all day. Need to get out to the workshop and start on next project. Might mow the grass. No need to rush into anything.

Have a day!
Hell you should have mowed mine while you were down. GEEZE.
Checking in late today due to heavy work pressure D-League. Looks like you fellas are cooking along as per usual.

I did see one piece of good news on a Cats blog: The hideous checkerboard uniforms are apparently going to be phased out for basketball before next year. Those damn things were cursed.

Talked by phone again today to a woman today working for the Red Cross on the Ukrainian border. Ugly scene getting worse there, so far, especially for older folks reluctant initially to leave the only homes they ever knew.
Good morning D-Leaguers. It is 59.4°F and overcast. We are supposed to get up to 64° and we have the same chance of rain (20%) as yesterday. Yesterdays (20%) got us .63 inches.

I still do not have all the tax information done. I am struggling to get the 1099's. They don't send them out as they should. I am hacked at a couple.

I am not over the loss in the NCAA. UK and the SEC really underachieved. Next year if I start to get optimistic over Kentucky you guys need to set me straight. I thought the SEC was going to kick ass and instead we were sent home with our own ass bruised. Bad.
Good morning D-Leaguers. It is 59.4°F and overcast. We are supposed to get up to 64° and we have the same chance of rain (20%) as yesterday. Yesterdays (20%) got us .63 inches.

I still do not have all the tax information done. I am struggling to get the 1099's. They don't send them out as they should. I am hacked at a couple.

I am not over the loss in the NCAA. UK and the SEC really underachieved. Next year if I start to get optimistic over Kentucky you guys need to set me straight. I thought the SEC was going to kick ass and instead we were sent home with our own ass bruised. Bad.
I gave up being optimistic about UK sports a few years back.....I check line scores and that is it.......I guess the truth is I am not even a fan of sports the last few years......we finally got all the info we need to file taxes two weeks we are just waiting to see how bitter the remedy is.........we pay enough taxes for a couple of households........someone has to pony up so that fat bastard across the street that won't work can have a free phone, groceries, rent, car repairs, internet, medical and anything else working folks pay for.....
I gave up being optimistic about UK sports a few years back.....I check line scores and that is it.......I guess the truth is I am not even a fan of sports the last few years......we finally got all the info we need to file taxes two weeks we are just waiting to see how bitter the remedy is.........we pay enough taxes for a couple of households........someone has to pony up so that fat bastard across the street that won't work can have a free phone, groceries, rent, car repairs, internet, medical and anything else working folks pay for.....
Yep. Mine are done. Get to pay an additional 4 grand to keep the freebies rolling.
I gave up being optimistic about UK sports a few years back.....I check line scores and that is it.......I guess the truth is I am not even a fan of sports the last few years......we finally got all the info we need to file taxes two weeks we are just waiting to see how bitter the remedy is.........we pay enough taxes for a couple of households........someone has to pony up so that fat bastard across the street that won't work can have a free phone, groceries, rent, car repairs, internet, medical and anything else working folks pay for.....

Yep. Mine are done. Get to pay an additional 4 grand to keep the freebies rolling.
I have some complex crap going on in my taxes. Sherry has some IRA's, I have some IRA's, I have a 401-K, we have stocks, we each have accounts with Edward Jones, I get a pension and to top off the impossible things to figure out is I retired from the railroad and I get the old railroad retirement. So on the 1099 I have four parts. The top one is called the 1099 and the bottom is the RRB-1099-R. The numbers don't match up and it is a nightmare to make sense out of it.

It also makes it hard because we have to pay taxes quarterly, so the pain never goes away. It is there 4 times a year. To make it even worse we are on the hit list because we were in the Rand Paul group the IRS has declared war on. No matter what we do it will be wrong. We have been penalized one way or the other since 2010 returns because we were involved with Rand's senate run. They say I am lying but I was never dinged by the IRS until then and it has not stopped. The 2019 returns we had been forced to overpay the quarterly amounts and they agreed that they owed us over $2,000, but they have never paid us.

The IRS can be used as a weapon. Don't ever doubt that.
Yep. Mine are done. Get to pay an additional 4 grand to keep the freebies rolling.
Speaking of taxes our state does not have a state income tax or any local income taxes.

So last week I was walking out of a Publix store and several people were on the sidewalk with a little table asking people to sign a petition. I asked what it was for and he told me to add a state income to our state constitution. What? what? what? I asked him where he was from( his accent gave him away), and he said New York. He had three signatures on his petition and I would bet all were out of staters who moved down here from the North.

When I asked him why we need a state income tax he said Florida could do so much more with more taxes. There were so many people to help. I had enough and just walked away. What gets into people's brains who think like this.
Speaking of taxes our state does not have a state income tax or any local income taxes.

So last week I was walking out of a Publix store and several people were on the sidewalk with a little table asking people to sign a petition. I asked what it was for and he told me to add a state income to our state constitution. What? what? what? I asked him where he was from( his accent gave him away), and he said New York. He had three signatures on his petition and I would bet all were out of staters who moved down here from the North.

When I asked him why we need a state income tax he said Florida could do so much more with more taxes. There were so many people to help. I had enough and just walked away. What gets into people's brains who think like this.
That is a problem when nut jobs move to your state from nut job states.

Kentucky has a 6% state income tax but with exemptions and being retired I have paid a little over $200 Kentucky income tax in the last 22 years.

One good thing about Kentucky is our property taxes are a small portion of what Texas, Tennessee and Florida charge and our sales tax is only 6% and is not applicable on food and drugs.
Speaking of taxes our state does not have a state income tax or any local income taxes.

So last week I was walking out of a Publix store and several people were on the sidewalk with a little table asking people to sign a petition. I asked what it was for and he told me to add a state income to our state constitution. What? what? what? I asked him where he was from( his accent gave him away), and he said New York. He had three signatures on his petition and I would bet all were out of staters who moved down here from the North.

When I asked him why we need a state income tax he said Florida could do so much more with more taxes. There were so many people to help. I had enough and just walked away. What gets into people's brains who think like this.
People have to want to help themselves first. We had a guy come in for orientation the other day and they let him try out the job to see if he wanted it. Well of course he didn't want it. I remember when people use to put in for a job, they actually wanted it because they wanted to better themselves. Now people just want to wait on someone to give it to them.
It happens every time. So far the vast majority have relocated in the Southeast but now they are spreading out in other areas. It really is a problem.

I imagine the people pushing for a State Income tax don't even pay taxes..
They are infiltrating also to Kentucky but not in the numbers that Texas and Florida are experiencing. When I was Mayor one of the city clerks was from California, our Santa Claus was from California, we have a group of New Englanders, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania

The problem for Florida is the massive bunch of New Yorkers. Even when I lived in Jacksonville the New York influx was already a problem.
I have some complex crap going on in my taxes. Sherry has some IRA's, I have some IRA's, I have a 401-K, we have stocks, we each have accounts with Edward Jones, I get a pension and to top off the impossible things to figure out is I retired from the railroad and I get the old railroad retirement. So on the 1099 I have four parts. The top one is called the 1099 and the bottom is the RRB-1099-R. The numbers don't match up and it is a nightmare to make sense out of it.

It also makes it hard because we have to pay taxes quarterly, so the pain never goes away. It is there 4 times a year. To make it even worse we are on the hit list because we were in the Rand Paul group the IRS has declared war on. No matter what we do it will be wrong. We have been penalized one way or the other since 2010 returns because we were involved with Rand's senate run. They say I am lying but I was never dinged by the IRS until then and it has not stopped. The 2019 returns we had been forced to overpay the quarterly amounts and they agreed that they owed us over $2,000, but they have never paid us.

The IRS can be used as a weapon. Don't ever doubt that.
Yeah, mine are complicated to, but I still piddle with my small business and use an accountant to do my business stuff. She also does my taxes. I pay a good price, but reduce the headaches greatly. Sounds like your headaches are greater than mine though. One other thing about government. When covid started gov Andy said we were non essential and FORCED me to lay everyone off. When the unemployment fund went broke, Andy raised my rates and we are having major trouble replacing my former workers. Basically we cut back and are using the business as a hobby that brings in a little spending money.
Yeah, mine are complicated to, but I still piddle with my small business and use an accountant to do my business stuff. She also does my taxes. I pay a good price, but reduce the headaches greatly. Sounds like your headaches are greater than mine though. One other thing about government. When covid started gov Andy said we were non essential and FORCED me to lay everyone off. When the unemployment fund went broke, Andy raised my rates and we are having major trouble replacing my former workers. Basically we cut back and are using the business as a hobby that brings in a little spending money.
I was one that voted against Andy. I will the next time. He has to be one of the worst govs out there.
I have some complex crap going on in my taxes. Sherry has some IRA's, I have some IRA's, I have a 401-K, we have stocks, we each have accounts with Edward Jones, I get a pension and to top off the impossible things to figure out is I retired from the railroad and I get the old railroad retirement. So on the 1099 I have four parts. The top one is called the 1099 and the bottom is the RRB-1099-R. The numbers don't match up and it is a nightmare to make sense out of it.

It also makes it hard because we have to pay taxes quarterly, so the pain never goes away. It is there 4 times a year. To make it even worse we are on the hit list because we were in the Rand Paul group the IRS has declared war on. No matter what we do it will be wrong. We have been penalized one way or the other since 2010 returns because we were involved with Rand's senate run. They say I am lying but I was never dinged by the IRS until then and it has not stopped. The 2019 returns we had been forced to overpay the quarterly amounts and they agreed that they owed us over $2,000, but they have never paid us.

The IRS can be used as a weapon. Don't ever doubt that.
Agree it's a pain. We have all those parts but RR retirement but have rental income instead. I deal with it thru TurboTax vs. handing it all to someone to do because I want to know what's going on. Probably spend 20-30 hours on it all together.

We don't make estimated tax payments. Never have in the 10 years we've been retired. We pay it all from our IRA withdrawals. The RMD's are larger than the tax amount so we don't have to take out more than the RMD for taxes. If you pay the taxes from the IRA, RMD or not, you can do it just once a year because the IRS considers IRA withdrawals, regardless of when or how many or how much each is, as being paid equally throughout the year. So normally pay one big lump in Nov. or Dec.
Speaking of taxes our state does not have a state income tax or any local income taxes.

So last week I was walking out of a Publix store and several people were on the sidewalk with a little table asking people to sign a petition. I asked what it was for and he told me to add a state income to our state constitution. What? what? what? I asked him where he was from( his accent gave him away), and he said New York. He had three signatures on his petition and I would bet all were out of staters who moved down here from the North.

When I asked him why we need a state income tax he said Florida could do so much more with more taxes. There were so many people to help. I had enough and just walked away. What gets into people's brains who think like this.
It's call mindless liberalism. LMAO. Thanks !!
They are infiltrating also to Kentucky but not in the numbers that Texas and Florida are experiencing. When I was Mayor one of the city clerks was from California, our Santa Claus was from California, we have a group of New Englanders, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania

The problem for Florida is the massive bunch of New Yorkers. Even when I lived in Jacksonville the New York influx was already a problem.
Perhaps I'm wrong, but think most people leaving CA & NY today are the smart ones & are doing so to cut their taxes.
Been there, done that. My pay only funded a Mediterranean cruise.
Here in Travis County, TX, we receive $10 day of impaneling and $40/day for each day thereafter. Not a lot. Better than some counties, worse than others.

Med cruise: Not yet. Bucket list. Plan on visiting Europe soon see my son and ex in-laws. Have not been back in 9 years.
Med cruise: Not yet. Bucket list. Plan on visiting Europe soon see my son and ex in-laws. Have not been back in 9 years.
Well those people clearly more important than cruise.

We did one from Barcelona to Venice & back & another from Venice to Rome with a lot of Adriatic stops. Both were great - and expensive. I preferred the latter one a bit.

Where's the cow catcher?
Evidently cows don't mess with swans

Perhaps I'm wrong, but think most people leaving CA & NY today are the smart ones & are doing so to cut their taxes.
I was in CA less than 10 days in 1973. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. Back to Tempe. In 1972-3, drinking age 19. Mill Avenue, Cowboys, Indians, Mexicans, Bikers, and a few hippies. Frank Kush & the Fork-U football team maintained discipline. Even Bear Bryant knew better. About 1975, I remember walking home from a saloon/pool hall and shooting out the street lights to see the heavens in Arizona's crystal clear skies. A remarkable time. Those times long gone. Sports crushed by cultural destruction as result of urban renewal progress. I remember attending a public environmental forum concerning the re-establishment of wetlands using the dry (formerly flowing) river bed to recharge aquifers through the what was former river bottom like it used to. All that good stuff. All the stake deciding stakeholders were there. Everyone had good intent. Increased property taxes. More housing. A young hispanic man stood up an inquired about those whose roots were there and would be displaced with no community. Civic leaders as they usually do, babble BS and he was ignored. Today, 50years later, the former 72, 000 seat sold out football stadium seats around 60,000 and still has empty seats. The last hero here was Pat Tilman. I guess it will only be a matter of time, before he's erased too.​
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Good afternoon! I haven't filed taxes at all for the last 18 years. I decided that I didn't need to do that any longer. Nope, once I found out that my wife was able to do it, I sat back and watched.

@Bert Higginbotha Hey buddy! Shot a smooth 72 today in a relentless wind. Gusts of over 40mph at times. 2 bogies, 2 birdies on the front and parred every hole on the back 9.

Fairways and greens my friends!
Welp, wonderful GD has decided on Purdue for college in the Fall - Civil Engineering & Design, at least to start. Smart as a whip. Sure she'll stay in some technical field.

I'm quite pleased with her choice. Great school & best college prez in the business imo: Mitch Daniels. Now all we got to do is pay for it. Plus buy a lot of old gold & black gear. Least of my worries.
Good afternoon! I haven't filed taxes at all for the last 18 years. I decided that I didn't need to do that any longer. Nope, once I found out that my wife was able to do it, I sat back and watched.

@Bert Higginbotha Hey buddy! Shot a smooth 72 today in a relentless wind. Gusts of over 40mph at times. 2 bogies, 2 birdies on the front and parred every hole on the back 9.

Fairways and greens my friends!
Used to get it (taxes) done for free through the military but one year tried H&R Block thinking they could get us more (as they claim) and they charged us about $90.00 a page (never again). Wife does it now since the military quit doing it for free for retirees. Wife gets the new yearly Turbo Tax version since we do the EZ forms and has for the last 4 years or so. Got back $3800.00 this year (state included).
Welp, wonderful GD has decided on Purdue for college in the Fall - Civil Engineering & Design, at least to start. Smart as a whip. Sure she'll stay in some technical field.

I'm quite pleased with her choice. Great school & best college prez in the business imo: Mitch Daniels. Now all we got to do is pay for it. Plus buy a lot of old gold & black gear. Least of my worries.
Congrats to your GD!