
Is that one of your photos? Did you take that picture? Beautiful. Makes me want to pic up a paint brush again
Nope, I was maybe 10, about the time Santa left me a set of field guides. I used to paint, absolutly loved it. Enjoyed music as well. At one time I too consided wildlife photography to share the majesty of life but deciders didn't know how to discern. So I got busy. I did take photos . . . bazillions, then calibrate, geo-register, extract targeted infomation on the surface at to mm level and test it's validity. Then about 5 years ago. I was informed that I should negotiate my opinions. I smiled as I could retire anytime.
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We were at one time. Tracing back through my father our name was Fitzgerald and we lived in Adare, Ireland. Solid Catholic. A King placed a ransom on a powerful land owner in Scotland and said anyone who brings me his head on a platter can have all of his wealth. One of my direct ancestors did and he got the land and moved over to Scotland. The King changed his name. The family converts to Presbyterian. Several generations pass and the King of England wants some protestants in Ireland. One of the ones he picked to go over was another direct line ancestor who had became a minister in the Presbyterian Church. He was relocated from Stranraer, Scotland to Ulster, Ireland and trouble began immediately. Catholic Ireland vs. Ulster Scots. Stranraer to Ulster is about 15 miles across the water.

The family later left Ulster and migrated to Philadelphia then went Westward to Appalachia Pennsylvania. Once there the Quakers let them know Presbyterians were not welcome and they better find the first Wagon Train out of town. They drifted down to Upper South Carolina and settled in. They lived far out of any town and Presbyterians had a church but would not go out to the people. The Baptist had circuit riders and they did go out among the rural people. The family were Presbyterians but not attending services and they converted to Baptist and worshiped in Brush Arbor style services. Now our family is pretty much Baptist.





Had just begun reading about Ulster, Ireland, and Ireland's "Potato Famine" of the 1800s at the end of this past week.
Nope, I was maybe 10, about the time Santa left me a set of field guides. I used to paint, absolutly loved it. Enjoyed music as well. At one time I too consided wildlife photography to share the majesty of life but deciders didn't know how to discern. So I got busy. I did take photos . . . bazillions, then calibrate, geo-register, extract targeted infomation on the surface at to mm level and test it's validity. Then about 5 years ago. I was informed that I should negotiate my opinions. I smiled as I could retire anytime.

I wish I still had my field guides I received as a gift in middle school (along with a cheap film camera). Used to go out into the acreage or sit out on the porch in winter and watch the birds come within inches of me. Snap a photo or two to see if I could get something good.
We were at one time.

Tracing back through my father our name was Fitzgerald and we lived in Adare, Ireland. Solid Catholic. A King placed a ransom on a powerful land owner in Scotland and said anyone who brings me his head on a platter can have all of his wealth. One of my direct ancestors did and he got the land and moved over to Scotland. The King changed his name. The family converts to Presbyterian. Several generations pass and the King of England wants some protestants in Ireland. One of the ones he picked to go over was another direct line ancestor who had became a minister in the Presbyterian Church. He was relocated from Stranraer, Scotland to Ulster, Ireland and trouble began immediately. Catholic Ireland vs. Ulster Scots. Stranraer to Ulster is about 15 miles across the water.

The family later left Ulster and migrated to Philadelphia then went Westward to Appalachia Pennsylvania. Once there the Quakers let them know Presbyterians were not welcome and they better find the first Wagon Train out of town. They drifted down to Upper South Carolina and settled in. They lived far out of any town and Presbyterians had a church but would not go out to the people. The Baptist had circuit riders and they did go out among the rural people. The family were Presbyterians but not attending services and they converted to Baptist and worshiped in Brush Arbor style services. Now our family is pretty much Baptist.


This story seems peculiarly familiar. (A Kentucky effect?) Here's a link to a journal article concerning my 8th great-grandfather from Dublin, Ireland. For me, a very interesting factoid concerning the beheading in your post.. I'm descendant of several other families subject to beheading events.
Hello all,

I am around but as Clint stated as Dirty Harry. "Man's GOT to know his limitations." I will refrain as I am a self-evaluator to the max and I know what I can and cannot do and when I can do it. Too much disgust and actual anger now. (Over several things going on, not just UK. The country too is still not right and that is more sickening to see it in this shape.) God Bless you all and your families. If the Lord doesn't take me home I will return. (I know a decent warning when I post one.)

Hello all,

I am around but as Clint stated as Dirty Harry. "Man's GOT to know his limitations." I will refrain as I am a self-evaluator to the max and I know what I can and cannot do and when I can do it. Too much disgust and actual anger now. (Over several things going on, not just UK. The country too is still not right and that is more sickening to see it in this shape.) God Bless you all and your families. If the Lord doesn't take me home I will return. (I know a decent warning when I post one.)

Hang in there Dave, we will get through this. The D is here and we are able to put those negative things in our lives aside and focus on life.

Shoot I get the best weather report on the internet here and don't even have to download an ap. I also get the best food tips and recipes and don't have to watch the Food Channel. You and Bertfan31 are the food channel. So let's count our blessings and name them one by one. It worked for grandma in WWII
Good morning! I'm getting out today in the fresh air and sunshine. Might go to the course and attempt to hook up my new stereo to the cart. If I take a notion, I might even play a few holes.

I noticed that the zags only beat memphis by 4 points. Swell.

SEC. You're not who we thought you were.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 44°F, clear and calm. Expecting 80°F for our high.

Murray State went down. Guess Saint Peter's, a school I never even knew existed until Selection Sunday, advances to the Sweet 16. Vols go down. Another classic Rick Barnes flame-out. We'll probably watch a few games later today.

Working more chores later this morning. May walk here in a bit.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Morning Legionnaires!

80° for a high today with mid 50's tomorrow (lets swing). Fished for 4 1/2 hours in the kayak yesterday and had about 6 strikes with 2 being hooked and landed. About a pound each, nothing to write home about. Got more wind than expected so paddling was a little more difficult but manageable. Would just fish letting the wind push me to an area I wanted to go then dropped the anchor and fish there for awhile. After that, paddle up wind and let it push me along another spot. Not going today because the wind is much higher. I guess I will just couch potato and watch movies.
Good morning folks.

Busy, bittersweet day for me. Had a long talk with my father this morning on the occasion of his 91st birthday. I was home to KY last year for 90, but couldn't make it this year.

Then, just a few minutes ago, saw my son off as he heads back to Lexington for the last part of his next to last semester. Sad to see him go.

And now we're getting ready to head out for a lunch to celebrate my daughter's 25th birthday a day early - yes, she was born the day after my father. It looked like it was going to be a dead-on match, but the labor dragged on into the 21st. So my father and daughter straddle the line between the last day of winter and first day of spring.

I remember the night my daughter was born, after she went off to the nursery and my wife fell into a deep sleep, I walked outside, and the Hale-Bopp Comet was blazing at its absolute peak. Remember that? Weirdly, enough, I then walked out to my car, turned it on, and heard Mary Matlin, who then had a radio show, say my name as the very clearly first words once the radio came on. It turns out she was reading one of my stories on some sort of Bill Clinton outrage or other. Anyway, those are my most vivid recollections of that memorable night.

Hope its a good day for all of you.
Good morning folks.

Busy, bittersweet day for me. Had a long talk with my father this morning on the occasion of his 91st birthday. I was home to KY last year for 90, but couldn't make it this year.

Then, just a few minutes ago, saw my son off as he heads back to Lexington for the last part of his next to last semester. Sad to see him go.

And now we're getting ready to head out for a lunch to celebrate my daughter's 25th birthday a day early - yes, she was born the day after my father. It looked like it was going to be a dead-on match, but the labor dragged on into the 21st. So my father and daughter straddle the line between the last day of winter and first day of spring.

I remember the night my daughter was born, after she went off to the nursery and my wife fell into a deep sleep, I walked outside, and the Hale-Bopp Comet was blazing at its absolute peak. Remember that? Weirdly, enough, I then walked out to my car, turned it on, and heard Mary Matlin, who then had a radio show, say my name as the very clearly first words once the radio came on. It turns out she was reading one of my stories on some sort of Bill Clinton outrage or other. Anyway, those are my most vivid recollections of that memorable night.

Hope its a good day for all of you.
Happy Birthdays all around!!
the best weather report
There's low pressure located in central arizona headed towards the colorado plateau. Likely bringing windy conditions over the next couple of days as this spins across the continental divide and high plains of Texas. I suspect this to draw plenty of moisture from the gulf and sky to continue falling this coming weekend.
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Good evening, D-League!

New puppy in the house. Gift for our daughter. Will contact when house training is complete. Do not attempt extraction at this time. Could be a trap. Poop and pee everywhere. Mass hysteria. Only thing that keeps me sane is the cornbread and beans I'm cookin!

Hope y'all are doing great. Praying for the D-L!
Damn Duke won. This has been a really bad weekend. Lady Cats lose. UNC, Duke, Kansas and UCLA advance to the Sweet 16. Murray State loses. The SEC is shatting the bed. Wife is staying the night with her psycho mother. Ugh! At least my scrambled eggs and bacon turned out GREAT! I'll be watching Dunkirk in 4K.
Damn Duke won. This has been a really bad weekend. Lady Cats lose. UNC, Duke, Kansas and UCLA advance to the Sweet 16. Murray State loses. The SEC is shatting the bed. Wife is staying the night with her psycho mother. Ugh! At least my scrambled eggs and bacon turned out GREAT! I'll be watching Dunkirk in 4K.

Cal sure has freed up my March and early April weekends these past 6 years or so. Getting a lot more done. Even during Tubbys last 6 I was watching every game. Seems I care less and less about basketball each year. I keep expecting him to say, "We don't care about ANY tournaments. Just the draft." This is the next slide down the slippery slope of low expectations he's setting here.

We should be playing the best competition, home and away, not dodging travel tournaments that players and fans love, recruiting AND developing players, and caring about conference titles and tournaments, as well as records and reputations of the University of Kentucky basketball program.

Those things need to be written into the employee and coaches handbook. Not caring about them and not performing up to standards should be grounds for termination. All basketball coaching contracts should be written as incentivized contracts with the potential for millions if milestones are achieved. We keep guaranteeing money to coaches only to see them slack off after titles, and it shouldn't be surprising to anyone. There is NO INCENTIVE for Cal to do anything except recruit

Love birds are again nesting in my untidy 25' fan palm. It's the first time in about 5 years in this palm. These ornamental birds really like sunflower seeds and ornamental flowers. I see them everyday at the the 2 sunflower seed feeders. They shred palm fronds and pack them to the nest site tucked in their feathers. These are subsidized LGBs (Little Green Birds).
Actually my first experience with old world parrots of any species and I find their family life interesting.. Glad to have the nesting back. I can now tell adults from fledglings and know what I'm looking at. Adults bring their young to the sunflower seeds. Hang out with the young until they start eating and they join others their age as a flock of the adolescent rosy-faced love birds. As young mature rapidly with mortality likely high, the flock consists of immatures of all levels of maturity. The adult birds continue to bring the young birds to feeders in the morning. Adults feed their immature young until they know what and where.
Pecking order recognition via intensity of redness of head levels? I don't know this but hormone control eye color is believed associated with recognition of maturity/hormone rage for accipiters. Being green these suckers vanish in foliage. When the these adolescents without this rosy faceness show up, flocking hell breaks out. The rosy-faced adults quickly restore order . . . . with their beak. These birds do not segregate by color they segregate by what appears hormone maturity creation of super flock behaviors governed by these hormones. These birds socialize and pair off in their respective mixed family flocks of immatures. They are pairing and breeding as sub-adult. Also observed in other species of birds.
First time I've ever observed some kind of lovebird response I can only describe as some kind of a bird funeral. One morning several years ago a small flock was making huge racket so I went outside to see what was going on. I saw that one got itself hung up (scissored) between 2 lodged palm fronds in my palm and by the time I could rescue the little thing died. I placed it on a stump and small flocks of 2 -4 birds took turns flying down and vocalizing. Dozens did this over at least 30 mins. I feel this to be anthropomorphic nonsense but what I saw.​

Maybe nothing has changed since Chicxulub except no thunder dragons and lots of mammals.
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