
I'M Baaaack! My darling took me out to eat. My Darling drove... Had some Teriyaki Beef and Shrimp Gizzards. Yeah I scarfed down on some shrimp gizzards!

Cats getting ready to RUMBLE.....................................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I have my corned beef simmering slow and the aroma is wonderful. I am looking forward to our supper meal tonight. I told my wife to relax today, I have this. She agreed

This is my third day of well drilling and we are down to 138' and still no sign of bedrock. Nothing but sand. The boys understand that 250' below is the ceiling of a monstrous underground cave full of crystal clear 99.9% water. Lord help us out here.
My company @bertfan31 brought down the makings for reubens. They were great.
I am Scots-Irish (Ulster) so we do not celebrate St Pattie's.
History says his was blessing was to free the Irish from pagan bondage. I wonder if the serpents represented the non-christinized Druids. Anyway, with St. Patrick's Day being a feast day, my family Catholic/Christians were allowed to set aside their Lenten restrictions on food and alcohol consumption. Of course we all, understand it is sinful to be either a glutton or a drunkard. As all families some seem to fall short. Glad I'm not fit to judge, You Presby? I've some ten generations. All bloodlines documented all over 200 most 300 years. These give me deep, crossback and protestant roots. All european predominantly Anglo- Saxon.​

If you ever wake up and some hillbilly is out in your yard staring at the lake and sky...................just say I warned you.......have you ever seen the movie, "What about Bob?" Richard Dryfus and Bill Murray....................I'm telling you brother.........I would hang in there like a hair in a biscuit.........does the misses cook fried chicken............I already know about the gizzards......
He's prolly been catfishin' all night. Just needs another beer and if the sun's up, a cup of coffee too, so he's a wide awake drunk.
I'm not worried. Cats will pull this off. Low seeded teams give their best shot (for a half). No surprise.

What's with all the GD masks in the stands?

Probably the ones wearing BLM tee-shirts/ sweatshirts. Heck probably Antifa. I repeat, if UK cannot beat a team with the character of this team they deserve to lose. (Saw on the bench the BLM sweatshirts as person after person gets caught for stealing funds from the BLM movement. It was always a money-making scheme. Why are the supposed smart people still riding that farce???) Just a complete character flaw showing itself...

And as John Wayne stated as G.W. McClintock; "I am NOT intoxicated.............YET!"
Wait a WHOLE YEAR for this??? Not worth it. I will still state I enjoy you all in this thread like you will never understand but this is ridiculous....

I am off now. Still not wasted though I am feeling no pain. Just cannot believe what some want accepted. Sorry, Cal is STILL KNEELING for BLM.

Please take this from a person who cherishes those in this thread. I am thankful for you but putting up with this show of non-character is not acceptable....
I've been a big Cal supporter since Day 1 but it may be time for a change. Sorry, not sour grapes. I can't believe I'm saying this because I'm a huge fan of the coach but I'm seeing things in the past few years that I don't like. Time to move on? Not convinced yet but questioning.