
Good morning, D-League!

I have an artist friend that showed me a painting he'd started in 1991 but never finished. Told me he had a dream that year that we went back to Iraq and Bush was president again. He had been talking to a Marine about the war at the time. So he started that painting about it, but didn't know how the dream finished and left it as is.

His mom confirmed that he'd told her about it and she thought he was full of it at the time. He told her it was the beginning of something besides the end of Iraq even though he didn't understand how it ended. In that same recurring dream he had also dreamed about 2 huge buildings falling down that looked like the WTC but, knowing how they were built througj his history of architecture classes, and the landscape of the dream, didn’t think it could be them. As he was painting that scene, it never looked right to him.

At the very end of the dream there was a fence around all of the big buildings and a camou tank drove into the scene. When he realized that it was pointing at American civilians and not an enemy he climbed onto the tank. Tried to get inside to see who was in it, then the dream ended.

Even though his dream was right, except it was a different Bush he knew nothing about at the time, he was going to throw it away. I took the unfinished painting from him and still have it in my shed or other storage somewhere. Need to see if he'll finish it now. @MdWIldcat55 post reminded me of it just now. Hadn't thought about it in years.

I'll ask him if he's had any other dreams, like say, who wins the tournament this year. He called 98 for the Cats at the beginning of the SEC schedule that year. Everyone laughed at him, including me. If it wasn't for him, though, I wouldn't have driven to San Antonio to see the game.

Hope yall have a great day. I'm sore again from cutting tree limbs and vines away from power lines yesterday. God was good to me. No electrical lines cut or damaged. No shocks. No divots in my head from falling limbs. Just sore

Digging and raking and cutting today.aybe some painting. Not much like the Irish celebrations of my youth when I wanted to see the Chicago River run green. Maybe some whiskey before bed.

Good morning, D-League!

I have an artist friend that showed me a painting he'd started in 1991 but never finished. Told me he had a dream that year that we went back to Iraq and Bush was president again. He had been talking to a Marine about the war at the time. So he started that painting about it, but didn't know how the dream finished and left it as is.

His mom confirmed that he'd told her about it and she thought he was full of it at the time. He told her it was the beginning of something besides the end of Iraq even though he didn't understand how it ended. In that same recurring dream he had also dreamed about 2 huge buildings falling down that looked like the WTC but, knowing how they were built througj his history of architecture classes, and the landscape of the dream, didn’t think it could be them. As he was painting that scene, it never looked right to him.

At the very end of the dream there was a fence around all of the big buildings and a camou tank drove into the scene. When he realized that it was pointing at American civilians and not an enemy he climbed onto the tank. Tried to get inside to see who was in it, then the dream ended.

Even though his dream was right, except it was a different Bush he knew nothing about at the time, he was going to throw it away. I took the unfinished painting from him and still have it in my shed or other storage somewhere. Need to see if he'll finish it now. @MdWIldcat55 post reminded me of it just now. Hadn't thought about it in years.

I'll ask him if he's had any other dreams, like say, who wins the tournament this year. He called 98 for the Cats at the beginning of the SEC schedule that year. Everyone laughed at him, including me. If it wasn't for him, though, I wouldn't have driven to San Antonio to see the game.

Hope yall have a great day. I'm sore again from cutting tree limbs and vines away from power lines yesterday. God was good to me. No electrical lines cut or damaged. No shocks. No divots in my head from falling limbs. Just sore

Digging and raking and cutting today.aybe some painting. Not much like the Irish celebrations of my youth when I wanted to see the Chicago River run green. Maybe some whiskey before bed.


Whiskey!!! That's a good idea. (Only have two Yuenglings left from my Christmas stash.) I have the Japanese Whiskey I received as a gift. Heck, if that "ain't" Irish, nothing is.... 😁


Need to figure out a good mixer though... I have a 2 liter of Diet Coke that Walmart \dropped off as their gift to my favorite charity I haven't touched yet.... HA, now I have the plan!!!

Edi: I guess the true way to drink it is straight. May have to be a purist about it this time to engulf the mood..... Got plenty of ice but may forgo....

Now I KNOW I am watching "The Quiet Man" if the Lord doesn't take me home...
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Good morning, D-League!

I have an artist friend that showed me a painting he'd started in 1991 but never finished. Told me he had a dream that year that we went back to Iraq and Bush was president again. He had been talking to a Marine about the war at the time. So he started that painting about it, but didn't know how the dream finished and left it as is.

His mom confirmed that he'd told her about it and she thought he was full of it at the time. He told her it was the beginning of something besides the end of Iraq even though he didn't understand how it ended. In that same recurring dream he had also dreamed about 2 huge buildings falling down that looked like the WTC but, knowing how they were built througj his history of architecture classes, and the landscape of the dream, didn’t think it could be them. As he was painting that scene, it never looked right to him.

At the very end of the dream there was a fence around all of the big buildings and a camou tank drove into the scene. When he realized that it was pointing at American civilians and not an enemy he climbed onto the tank. Tried to get inside to see who was in it, then the dream ended.

Even though his dream was right, except it was a different Bush he knew nothing about at the time, he was going to throw it away. I took the unfinished painting from him and still have it in my shed or other storage somewhere. Need to see if he'll finish it now. @MdWIldcat55 post reminded me of it just now. Hadn't thought about it in years.

I'll ask him if he's had any other dreams, like say, who wins the tournament this year. He called 98 for the Cats at the beginning of the SEC schedule that year. Everyone laughed at him, including me. If it wasn't for him, though, I wouldn't have driven to San Antonio to see the game.

Hope yall have a great day. I'm sore again from cutting tree limbs and vines away from power lines yesterday. God was good to me. No electrical lines cut or damaged. No shocks. No divots in my head from falling limbs. Just sore

Digging and raking and cutting today.aybe some painting. Not much like the Irish celebrations of my youth when I wanted to see the Chicago River run green. Maybe some whiskey before bed.

You have a publisher for this. Wasn't planning on reading today.;)
Whiskey!!! That's a good idea. (Only have two Yuenglings left from my Christmas stash.) I have the Japanese Whiskey I received as a gift. Heck, if that "ain't" Irish, nothing is.... 😁


Need to figure out a good mixer though... I have a 2 liter of Diet Coke that Walmart \dropped off as their gift to my favorite charity I haven't touched yet.... HA, now I have the plan!!!

Edi: I guess the true way to drink it is straight. May have to be a purist about it this time to engulf the mood..... Got plenty of ice but may forgo....

Now I KNOW I am watching "The Quiet Man" if the Lord doesn't take me home...
Scotlanders spell it "whisky".
I wanted to have my DNA run at one time, as I am 100% mutt.

Supposedly, I'm Swedish, Irish, Norwegian, German, native American, English (Welsh?), with some Asian (could be the native American) and African and/or middle eastern in there somewhere. Depends on who you talk to
I wanted to have my DNA run at one time, as I am 100% mutt.

Supposedly, I'm Swedish, Irish, Norwegian, German, native American, English (Welsh?), with some Asian (could be the native American) and African and/or middle eastern in there somewhere. Depends on who you talk to

I think of myself as well-blended. Like Walmart $7.99 blender type blended. Heck my Dad told me our family came over on the Mayflower..................the ones in the hole.
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Well, I have my corned beef simmering slow and the aroma is wonderful. I am looking forward to our supper meal tonight. I told my wife to relax today, I have this. She agreed

This is my third day of well drilling and we are down to 138' and still no sign of bedrock. Nothing but sand. The boys understand that 250' below is the ceiling of a monstrous underground cave full of crystal clear 99.9% water. Lord help us out here.
Good Happy St Patrick's Day morning

I am Scots-Irish (Ulster) so we do not celebrate St Pattie's Day but we do enjoy the festivities and I do enjoy a good corned beef and cabbage meal and the picture Austin threw up is mighty appetizing. This is exactly what's for supper tonight.

It should be a nice day with a temperature now at 61° as we travel up to 81° with plenty of sunshine. If you are getting up right now look out the window at that full moon reflecting in the lake and swimming pool. A beautiful clear sky to boot.

Trust all are well

If you ever wake up and some hillbilly is out in your yard staring at the lake and sky...................just say I warned you.......have you ever seen the movie, "What about Bob?" Richard Dryfus and Bill Murray....................I'm telling you brother.........I would hang in there like a hair in a biscuit.........does the misses cook fried chicken............I already know about the gizzards......
If you ever wake up and some hillbilly is out in your yard staring at the lake and sky...................just say I warned you.......have you ever seen the movie, "What about Bob?" Richard Dryfus and Bill Murray....................I'm telling you brother.........I would hang in there like a hair in a biscuit.........does the misses cook fried chicken............I already know about the gizzards......
Does my wife fry chicken? She not only fries chicken she cuts it up to fry. She takes the whole fryer and a butcher knife and cuts that sucker up just right. When we first married she threw away the neck bone, liver and gizzard but we got that straightened out.
The gizzard talk reminds me of a story from long ago. Our police squadron was eating at the chow hall before our shift. You had a choice of burgers or liver. this one guy was the only one to choose liver. Everyone started calling him "liver lover". He left the chow hall crying. Fast forward several months and he had been sent stateside for a new duty. After he left, someone was breaking into the personnel office, so they put a guard in the building on off shifts ( which he didn't know). Well the guard on duty one night found a letter from him wanting some info. The guard took official stationary and typed and mailed him a response. It read, "Hey you little hairy f@@ker, leave us alone. We don't have time for you!" Little hairy f@@ker was his nickname among the police. I often wondered about what his face looked like when he saw that letter.
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It's on my Brothers and Brother Sirs.... I just started. I will try it slowly but in any event I informed my family. Lemme lone...

(I am much more lovable and agreeable when drinking, no issues there, it is when I am sober that one can expect me to pounce if pouncing is needed or required.)

In any event.. In my posts I will try to maintain as I try to type these Cats into their Glory... (Yeah that'll do it. rotflcgu) Been well over four years since I indulged. Maybe longer than that.)

Take care and please allow/ forgive this indulgence...



Go CATS!!!
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