
Anyone who has gone grocery shopping the last few days and believes prices have only gone up 7-8% must not live anywhere close to me.
At the rate prices are going up, this might become reality.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 47°F and clear. Could see 83°F for our high. Not bad.

UK Baseball last night: Indiana U: 20, UK: 7. You read that score correctly. BatCats played a horrible game. Ugh.

Filled out a couple brackets last night, May work a few more tonight.

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

My wife is retired from Frito-Lay. Used to be a great place to work. She retired just in time. Benefits for employees started to be taken away soon after she retired.
When we first got married we lived across the street from the Frito Lay in Louisville.......the complex had been apartments for UEI wife lived there and after we got married we just stayed there..........$100 2bd room 1-1/2 bath..........they kicked us out when she didn't enroll for fall classes..........
Good morning, D-League!

Making breakfast. Cool outside but not cold. Feels like 2nd spring right before 3rd winter and 1st false summer. Trying to get more done today to prepare for what's ahead.

Got a lot done yesterday. Decided to stop eating for nearly a day to try to get things back to normal energy and stomach wise. May have had a bug that's been going round. Gonna try more fasting and praying throughout the day these next few weeks.

The world needs that. I need it. I've been letting my mind wander into too many areas and too far away. Need to stay in the present more, store up my treasures in heaven, with my future aim toward the world to come. I lose sight of that easy sometimes these days.

Hope yall have a great day and that the things of this world don't weigh you down. Their is a hope that's surpasses all understanding. Blessed are those who do not see and yet trust in Him.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 47°F and clear. Could see 83°F for our high. Not bad.

UK Baseball last night: Indiana U: 20, UK: 7. You read that score correctly. BatCats played a horrible game. Ugh.

Filled out a couple brackets last night, May work a few more tonight.

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Filled out 8 last night in about 30min. Really cool new auto fill feature, with the ability to go back and edit.

Hate to say it, but I will try not to watch any games live. In protest for what the game has become, the officiating, the NCAA... I will record UK, may record others, but my heart isn't in college basketball like it once was. I know it makes little difference except in my own life, but that's what I'll do.

Hope it's one run of 6 vics for UK fans to cherish through the years to come, though! Go CATS!
Good morning D

Sitting here waiting for the sun to come up and enjoying a nice cup of coffee. Our Senator is pushing to do away with this time change business. I hope we can but being retired it doesn't really matter anymore. But I would vote yes.

We are in for a cloudy day. 65° now and we should reach 79° or 80° There is a good chance of rain this afternoon. Rain is always welcome at my place. The sand will soak it up and it will dry out quickly.

I have a lot on my plate today. We are digging a well and got down to 100' yesterday afternoon and knocked off about 4:00 PM. This morning we dig some more and expect to get to 158' when we should reach bedrock. I have been without an irrigation well since last June and it has taken this long to get a company out here. If you think gasoline prices are high, dig a new well. The company told me their costs have gone up 3x since Joe Biden won election. Especially the well casing.

And last night my wife started her car and a strong smell of gasoline started coming from under the hood. Today I will go out there and find out the cause. I am not going to let her drive if it is throwing gasoline on the motor block. AAA will get a call most likely. She has been parking it outside for a few weeks and I would not be surprised to find out squirrels have been at work.

I trust all have a great day.
Good morning D

Sitting here waiting for the sun to come up and enjoying a nice cup of coffee. Our Senator is pushing to do away with this time change business. I hope we can but being retired it doesn't really matter anymore. But I would vote yes.

We are in for a cloudy day. 65° now and we should reach 79° or 80° There is a good chance of rain this afternoon. Rain is always welcome at my place. The sand will soak it up and it will dry out quickly.

I have a lot on my plate today. We are digging a well and got down to 100' yesterday afternoon and knocked off about 4:00 PM. This morning we dig some more and expect to get to 158' when we should reach bedrock. I have been without an irrigation well since last June and it has taken this long to get a company out here. If you think gasoline prices are high, dig a new well. The company told me their costs have gone up 3x since Joe Biden won election. Especially the well casing.

And last night my wife started her car and a strong smell of gasoline started coming from under the hood. Today I will go out there and find out the cause. I am not going to let her drive if it is throwing gasoline on the motor block. AAA will get a call most likely. She has been parking it outside for a few weeks and I would not be surprised to find out squirrels have been at work.

I trust all have a great day.


Morning Legionnaires!

80° on tap for today with moderate winds. Went fishing for three hours yesterday after playing Mr. Miyagi. Nothing.

Finally, some good news. Yesterday, my wife's company decided to drop the shot requirement after getting better than 95% pin cushioned and boosters (were not filling empty position because of requirement). They also just dropped the mask requirement as well. I never wore it when I went in to visit her anyway. Her bosses knew me before she started working there and realized that it would not be a good idea to approach me. The Karens there would just look at me with disdain. I would just give them a little smile in acknowledgement. Yeah, I reveled in it.
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Morning Legionnaires!

80° on tap for today wind moderate winds. Went fishing for three hours yesterday after playing Mr. Miyagi. Nothing.

Finally, some good news. Yesterday, my wife's company decided to drop the shot requirement after getting better than 95% pin cushioned and boosters (were not filling empty position because of requirement). They also just dropped the mask requirement as well. I never wore it when I went in to visit her anyway. Her bosses knew me before she started working there and realized that it would not be a good idea to approach me. The Karens there would just look at me with disdain. I would just give them a little smile in acknowledgement. Yeah, I reveled in it.

The ONLY thing I liked about the masks was when waiters and waitresses wore them. Sure did make me feel better about eating the food the way some of them carried on talking over my food when it was served. jmusao
All is well. Last few months have been hectic, between work and getting my oldest daughter prepared for college. She finally decided to enroll in nursing at Morehead State this fall. While I'm excited for her to be going to college, I'm saddened as well. It seems like she should still be in Jr. High. I truly appreciate you asking.
Times flies. My baby daughter turns 50 in April. She is dragging me down as I was 25 when she was born.
Good morning D-League. Back in the office. Not optimum but not torture so far. We even got a free lunch yesterday. And no mask madness inside the building, though I have to carry one to half-wear on the subway.

I note another TV journalist - this one with Fox - killed in the Ukraine yesterday. Getting 'fluid' over there, as my Croatian driver used to say driving around Bosnia. I didn't know either of the two killed so far, but heard from a buddy who was a print journalist for USA Today, then became a producer for CBS, who knew them both, and considered them solid guys.

That friend is still dealing with the aftermath of being with Marines on patrol in Iraq in 2007 when an IED went off. A couple Marines killed, and my buddy has nearly 100 percent hearing loss still, and has never regained his balance totally from inner ear damage. So wish those guys well over there. I can tell you most of them -- even the ones working for news organizations that at the top are totally biased -- are just guys who love the job and are pursuing it where it takes them.

Its the eve of the tournament. Way past the moment when I can look at things objectively. But I do feel the Cats will recapture their shooting touch and get on a little roll this week. We'll see.
I always loved watching Fred and Esther go at it. Another complication that will have you rolling are the Al Bundy insults

I practically watch Al Bundy clips daily. Roll around YouTube to find them. My favorite of that one is when Peg comes in the door and says: "Did you miss me Al" his response: "With every shot so far". I have a similar response when people ask me that. I usually say. " I wouldn't miss you, I'm a good shot. Just have not had the opportunity."
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Sounds like you are channeling you innermost Happy Gilmore... Watch out for Bob... ;)
I'll give Bob his distance, he's a mean ole dude if you get him riled up.

Good morning! I thought I might play golf today but it's not looking like it right now. No worries, the season is young.

I filled out 2 brackets last night and will do 2 more today. The first one is my favorite. I have 4 SEC teams in the final 4 with UK winning it all.

Need to get the oil changed in my truck. Today would be a good day for that. Need to go ahead and put Spring air in my tires too. Most of the air in them now is Fall air from last year.
Exactly 30 years ago today - March 1992. I had gone back to Iraq to report on the situation one year AFTER Desert Storm. This beautiful golden-domed mosque, the Al-Askiri Mosque in Samarra, was more than a thousand years old. In 2006, during the latter Iraq War, insurgents blew it to rubble.
I'll give Bob his distance, he's a mean ole dude if you get him riled up.

Good morning! I thought I might play golf today but it's not looking like it right now. No worries, the season is young.

I filled out 2 brackets last night and will do 2 more today. The first one is my favorite. I have 4 SEC teams in the final 4 with UK winning it all.

Need to get the oil changed in my truck. Today would be a good day for that. Need to go ahead and put Spring air in my tires too. Most of the air in them now is Fall air from last year.
See you soon.

You stop doing the other chores. We have meat to cook!
Exactly 30 years ago today - March 1992. I had gone back to Iraq to report on the situation one year AFTER Desert Storm. This beautiful golden-domed mosque, the Al-Askiri Mosque in Samarra, was more than a thousand years old. In 2006, during the latter Iraq War, insurgents blew it to rubble.
The fight between sects of Islam is intense.

Mo's grandkids had major disagreements.
The fight between sects of Islam is intense.

Mo's grandkids had major disagreements.
Yeah, that was the great miscalculation by the Bush administration -- that with Iran pouring weapons into the hands of the majority Shia who'd been kept under Saddam's thumb using incredible brutality -- and with the Sunni facing the loss of generations of status as the minority sect who, under Saddam, dominated political, social and cultural life - and with the groups absolutely hating each other, America had any chance to keep that place from becoming a bloodbath for nearly a decade.

By 9/11 I'd been to Iraq a half dozen times, and had gotten to know a lot of people there. I felt in my bones what was going to happen when we toppled Saddam. But no one was listening to the likes of me .
Exactly 30 years ago today - March 1992. I had gone back to Iraq to report on the situation one year AFTER Desert Storm. This beautiful golden-domed mosque, the Al-Askiri Mosque in Samarra, was more than a thousand years old. In 2006, during the latter Iraq War, insurgents blew it to rubble.
The street scene reminds me of Izmir, Turkey almost 60 years ago, except it was mostly horse and buggy with a few cars. I also noticed the 7UP sign. We went way up into the Taurus mountains. One village we went through had no electricity, but they had a Coca Cola sign.
The street scene reminds me of Izmir, Turkey almost 60 years ago, except it was mostly horse and buggy with a few cars. I also noticed the 7UP sign. We went way up into the Taurus mountains. One village we went through had no electricity, but they had a Coca Cola sign.
That's a good eye for detail Bernie. It seems everyone likes Coke and especially 7-Up. Look next to my driver in Port Au Prince, Haiti - this was in the fall of 1994 just before the US military incursion there.
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See you soon.

You stop doing the other chores. We have meat to cook!
The meat is cooking! I'll take it off around 1730 and let it cool to a respectable temperature to start slicing it. I made the mayo first and then concocted the russian dressing. Tastes pretty good but it will be better when we mix in some meat, cheese, kraut, and rye bread.

Once again, I forgot to hit send when I wrote that. Since then I've been to have my oil changed in the truck and to the car wash. $127 for an oil change. That won't happen again. I'll change it myself.

@Bert Higginbotha hey, gonna let that meat go until 1800. Temp is only at 177° right now and I'd like to see it at least 190°. I'm gonna have to cut it in half to be able to slice it. I don't have a commercial slicer, just a home style. It's not big enough to handle this monster.