Good morning D-League. Back in the office. Not optimum but not torture so far. We even got a free lunch yesterday. And no mask madness inside the building, though I have to carry one to half-wear on the subway.
I note another TV journalist - this one with Fox - killed in the Ukraine yesterday. Getting 'fluid' over there, as my Croatian driver used to say driving around Bosnia. I didn't know either of the two killed so far, but heard from a buddy who was a print journalist for USA Today, then became a producer for CBS, who knew them both, and considered them solid guys.
That friend is still dealing with the aftermath of being with Marines on patrol in Iraq in 2007 when an IED went off. A couple Marines killed, and my buddy has nearly 100 percent hearing loss still, and has never regained his balance totally from inner ear damage. So wish those guys well over there. I can tell you most of them -- even the ones working for news organizations that at the top are totally biased -- are just guys who love the job and are pursuing it where it takes them.
Its the eve of the tournament. Way past the moment when I can look at things objectively. But I do feel the Cats will recapture their shooting touch and get on a little roll this week. We'll see.
I note another TV journalist - this one with Fox - killed in the Ukraine yesterday. Getting 'fluid' over there, as my Croatian driver used to say driving around Bosnia. I didn't know either of the two killed so far, but heard from a buddy who was a print journalist for USA Today, then became a producer for CBS, who knew them both, and considered them solid guys.
That friend is still dealing with the aftermath of being with Marines on patrol in Iraq in 2007 when an IED went off. A couple Marines killed, and my buddy has nearly 100 percent hearing loss still, and has never regained his balance totally from inner ear damage. So wish those guys well over there. I can tell you most of them -- even the ones working for news organizations that at the top are totally biased -- are just guys who love the job and are pursuing it where it takes them.
Its the eve of the tournament. Way past the moment when I can look at things objectively. But I do feel the Cats will recapture their shooting touch and get on a little roll this week. We'll see.