
Good Saturday Morning D

Well the weather is a changing. Our current temperature will be our high for today. We have 75° and winds are a strong 27 mph with gusts. A system is coming South from the Gulf and will pass over as it heads down to the SEC Tournament in Tampa.

Heavy thunderstorms are the order for the day but around 6:00 PM clouds will clear up and skies will be sunny and clear. With the clear skies the temperature will continue to drop over night and settle in the low 30"s. We have a half a million tourists in the area, I hope they brought a jacket.

A good tough win over Vandy may be a blessing as the Cats advance. UT is riding high with confidence and rightfully so, the Cats must bring their A game. The best thing about the game is it is not in Knoxville. If it was in Knoxville I do not like our chances but in Tampa, I see a Cats win.

Let's get it going. Trust all are well

We got it warrior-cat. It looks to be about three inches but the wind was enough to make it hard to estimate. It is a 20.1°F and we are supposed to top out at 30. But the sun is shinning so that is good.
At this moment we are experiencing very, very heavy rain. The winds are strong and we have tornado warnings. I will have a lot of yard work next week to clean this up. But we do need the rain.
Good morning D-League. Took my long hike this morning through what started out as sleet but ended up as fairly vigorous snow. Ground was wet and icy but uncovered when I started and we had around two inches of snow cover when I got back. I was wearing a rain slicker over a wool coat and a watch cap and I looked like a 6'5'' snow cone when I walked back through my front door, or so says my daughter.

Solid win by the Cats last night. Vandy is a little better than their record, and play a tough, grabbing, shoving style. Not too concerned the Cats didn't pull away. It was a close-quarters game of the type you look to survive.

I'll be glad when the Cats get through the SEC -- I hope with a tournament championship but I really hope at least uninjured. Familiarity with the teams, coaches and especially referees in this conference is breeding contempt -- time to match up with some fresh opponents.

I hope you all have a good day.
. . . . . .

I'll be glad when the Cats get through the SEC -- I hope with a tournament championship but I really hope at least uninjured. Familiarity with the teams, coaches and especially referees in this conference is breeding contempt -- time to match up with some fresh opponents.

I hope you all have a good day.
Pat Adams and Doug Shows need to retire along with a bunch of others like Tony Greene. Tony was one of the best but he is old and needs to hang up his whistle. Adams and Shows were are all over the place in their calls last night and absolutely take care of Peppen. The foul call on Peppen's three point shot was nothing but theater.

Vandy gets by with more moving screens than the old Bob Knight Indiana teams. Plus I think that they play what I call thug ball yet the refs don't call them. Peppen's normal move with the ball is using his off arm to push and shove the defender.
We got it warrior-cat. It looks to be about three inches but the wind was enough to make it hard to estimate. It is a 20.1°F and we are supposed to top out at 30. But the sun is shinning so that is good.
We were supposed to get 2" but it turned out a lot less. I get similar reports from my wife. It's confusing.
Been checking on a little world news this morning and all I could come away with is, I can't wait for November.

I look for us to play a little sharper today and easily handle the Vols. 84 - 72

2 feelings about TAM taking down Auburn. Thanks, I suppose, and I was looking forward to evening the score against them. Guess we'll have to take care of that next year. Or maybe in the tournament.

@Bert Higginbotha getting closer every day my friend! Today will be the 6th full day of the soak.
You've had enough time to rethink. Want to change your statement?

Good game Cats! Maintained a lead and finished it off. Good, solid, basic basketball.

Let's say Pat Adams and Doug Shows are showing us "tough love". They are hard on us because they want us to be all we can be. Then I'll say they're some dedicated bastards.
My concept of the universe appears evidenced by some sort of evolution from a singularity. For me, wisdom before evolution requires faith. Now having been saved and baptized after science. I'm OK with that. I understand my viewpoint is limited. Now given new evidence, I'll can and do change my mind about point A. Got some?

When the cats hit jump shots, zebras are relegated to camouflaged dumb ass observer status.​
No. I do not have any evidence to change your mind. I have changed my mind though. It's a chicken/egg conundrum. I will concede that evolution came before knowledge.

Just bought two dozen extra large brown eggs, some still had some chicken doo so I concur, somewhat. (Loaded up on several varieties of beef.) Along with some other evolving products...
Good morning from ATX. Currently 46°F and clear. High today expected around 59°F.

Big game comes on at 3:30 pm EST today. UK favored by 2.5 points. Vols are tough. Go Cats!

We'll check back later. Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


I am hoping for an attitude adjustment type game with the attitude adjusted......UT's.
Debating on whether to bring back SlingTV for a month ... I have another hour to decide. Wish there was a better alternative but I do want to see these games and Ole bwo has too many glitches on his site. trying to determine which site will have all the channels to watch all the games. (SEC and NCAA.)(I know the SEC will finish tomorrow but...)
Been checking on a little world news this morning and all I could come away with is, I can't wait for November.

I look for us to play a little sharper today and easily handle the Vols. 84 - 72

2 feelings about TAM taking down Auburn. Thanks, I suppose, and I was looking forward to evening the score against them. Guess we'll have to take care of that next year. Or maybe in the tournament.

@Bert Higginbotha getting closer every day my friend! Today will be the 6th full day of the soak.
Go boy, go.

Plus the Aggies whipped up on some hog ass.