
During my working career, the company I worked with owned this hotel. The Don CeSar located on the Gulf at St Pete Beach. We held seminars and training sessions there and gathered for a week several times a year. The company saved thousands in expenses and it was like being on vacation for the employees.

It has been there a long time

Talking about hotels. Back when Trump was still president, we did a couple of small orders through a third party for a Trump property. As you know, Jan can print on shades. In addition to the order, we sent a shade with "Make America Great Again and an American flag" printed on the shade. We (nor our customer} ever got a response from it. I was kind of disappointed, but he likely never saw it.
I will look it up later but I suspect a mutation................the reason most of the mutations don't survive is it makes them stand out in the crowd......I would like to do some test breeding with this bird........then I could tell for sure plus who knows where the red and green feather coloring would lead hasn't been too long since the first blue budgerigar mutation and that has many new grandparents live on KY 222 right next to WK Parkway......there was a solid white cardinal that hung around the farm house for three years before it was not an albino but a white Cardinal...
Ohh...That's just fowl.
I am enlightened. One in a million mutation means there are not many of them around. It is what I call a rare bird.

Rooster would know. Or Awf.
I will look it up later but I suspect a mutation.

I've already had to figure this stuff out. Bird coloration like, egg shell thickness is governed by enzyme production/metabolism controlled by hormones. A genetic mutation caused (usually something left out) likey impacted the red coloration production. Either a genetic mutation or biologic response can result in the disruption of the enzymes that inhibits creation of the red coloration, A green animal is often yellow when the blue is inhibited. I've seen this xanthochromism ( I had forgotten how to spell that) response in several species with red pigmentation. Such mutations can become recessive traits exhibited throughout the animal kingdom. AWF is dead on about natural selection a being a biological filter in the eat or be eaten nature of carbon based life.
Normal Peach-faced lovebird, inhibited red & yellow & inhibited blue

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I've already had to figure this stuff out. Bird coloration like, egg shell thickness is governed by enzyme production/metabolism controlled by hormones. A genetic mutation caused (usually something left out) likey impacted the red coloration production. Either a genetic mutation or biologic response can result in the disruption of the enzymes that inhibits creation of the red coloration, A green animal is often yellow when the blue is inhibited. I've seen this xanthochromism ( I had forgotten how to spell that) response in several species with red pigmentation. Such mutations can become recessive traits exhibited throughout the animal kingdom. AWF is dead on about natural selection a being a biological filter in the eat or be eaten nature of carbon based life.
Normal Peach-faced lovebird, inhibited red & yellow & inhibited blue

Forget the birds, I want those fish.

I've already had to figure this stuff out. Bird coloration like, egg shell thickness is governed by enzyme production/metabolism controlled by hormones. A genetic mutation caused (usually something left out) likey impacted the red coloration production. Either a genetic mutation or biologic response can result in the disruption of the enzymes that inhibits creation of the red coloration, A green animal is often yellow when the blue is inhibited. I've seen this xanthochromism ( I had forgotten how to spell that) response in several species with red pigmentation. Such mutations can become recessive traits exhibited throughout the animal kingdom. AWF is dead on about natural selection a being a biological filter in the eat or be eaten nature of carbon based life.
Normal Peach-faced lovebird, inhibited red & yellow & inhibited blue

Can I come to Camp Rooster sometime?
Talking about hotels. Back when Trump was still president, we did a couple of small orders through a third party for a Trump property. As you know, Jan can print on shades. In addition to the order, we sent a shade with "Make America Great Again and an American flag" printed on the shade. We (nor our customer} ever got a response from it. I was kind of disappointed, but he likely never saw it.

I'd buy one!!!
One of the great Christian Gospel Comedy routines you will ever see...

Mark Lowry and Bill Gaither...(And Friends)

Jesus On the Mainline...

An aside, for some who may not know, Mark Lowry wrote; "Mary, Did You Know" The Christmas Classic...

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The shipping on shades is outrageous. I shipped two shades that have the same top and bottom and do not nest in the box to a Florida motel as samples last week. Fed Ex charges were sixty dollars.

Darn, I'd have never thought that much. Of course Amazon with their hidden post office bennies can ship it free.
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Darn, I'd have never thought that much. of course Amazon with their hidden post office bennies can ship it free.
The box size was 19 by 19 by 25 and as a business, we get a discount. I'm sure Amazon would be cheaper, but even they wouldn't ship those free without charging an arm and a leg. I've shipped boxes to the west coast that were 100 bucks. Obviously, the better the shades nest, you get more in a box. I was talking to a motel manager once about the nesting factor. She said the chains use interior decoraters who like the look of shades which are the same or very near the same top and bottom. For instance in the sixty dollar deal, with a two inch difference in the top and bottom, they could get 12 in a box instead of 2. 5 dollars per shade freight vs 30 per shade. If a motel has 200 shades, that is one thousand in freight vs six thousand. Of course they would use a freight truck if they were changing them all at the same time, but I'm just trying to make a point and many only buy one box at a time.
The box size was 19 by 19 by 25 and as a business, we get a discount. I'm sure Amazon would be cheaper, but even they wouldn't ship those free without charging an arm and a leg. I've shipped boxes to the west coast that were 100 bucks. Obviously, the better the shades nest, you get more in a box. I was talking to a motel manager once about the nesting factor. She said the chains use interior decoraters who like the look of shades which are the same or very near the same top and bottom. For instance in the sixty dollar deal, with a two inch difference in the top and bottom, they could get 12 in a box instead of 2. 5 dollars per shade freight vs 30 per shade. If a motel has 200 shades, that is one thousand in freight vs six thousand. Of course they would use a freight truck if they were changing them all at the same time, but I'm just trying to make a point and many only buy one box at a time.

If not too nosy what city is your operation?
My Son's now famous... When you think of him, think of a colon.. (But I love him.)

This was in the Gainesville, Fl. paper today. I guess it is be kind to colon week or month or something like that...


I also posted his picture at the UK Florida game.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 38°F, clear and calm. Today's high expected around 75°F. We'll take it.

Vandy and Missouri won their play-in games last night during SEC Tournament. Four games scheduled today.

I walk past a Valero gas station daily. Gasoline seems holding around $3.79/gal since Tuesday. Stay tuned for tomorrow's price. Hopefully not crazy increases by the time I drive back east next month.

Busy at work. Glad when co-worker returns next Monday. Found out yesterday we return to office April 18 for one day/week. My office day is Thursday.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Hello all, I do hope you are well...

I filled up yesterday at Costco in Woodbridge, VA to the tune of $3.94 and 9/10's. ($3.95) for the 87 Octane. Yeah and does any United States Citizen even consider and listen to their "leadership"? Their "leadership" wants the prices to go higher. Their leadership is purposely causing shelves in the United States to be bare of many products that were once plentiful and plentiful just a very few short months ago. All that is happening now is ON PURPOSE....

I am finished posting today. All take care...
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Good morning, D-League!

Cold outside. March came in like a lamb and crapped out on the living room sofa.

Made breakfast and scraped the car windas. Time to get to that other work. Hope it's a good day for y'all!

Maybe we'll get good news today or the next few days that they'll stop the conflict in Ukraine. It's getting so crazy right now that Ukraine citizens are saying their own military was shelling their apartment complex and city. It's a madhouse
Good morning from ATX. Currently 38°F, clear and calm. Today's high expected around 75°F. We'll take it.

Vandy and Missouri won their play-in games last night during SEC Tournament. Four games scheduled today.

I walk past a Valero gas station daily. Gasoline seems holding around $3.79/gal since Tuesday. Stay tuned for tomorrow's price. Hopefully not crazy increases by the time I drive back east next month.

Busy at work. Glad when co-worker returns next Monday. Found out yesterday we return to office April 18 for one day/week. My office day is Thursday.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


75° Sounds pretty darn good
Good morning D-League. This feels like the day the post-season starts in earnest. Of course, the season is already over for Louisville. What a shame.

It'd be nice to see Vandy upset Alabama today, not that a hot shooting Vandy team would be a pushover, but usually a team that springs an upset then has to play the next day is running on fumes.

Hope its a good one for all of you.

Morning Legionnaires!

50's on tap today for the high with moderate winds. All the talk of eating beans might add to the wind. Just in case you need a proctological exam to prepare for that I have an old Army buddy who could help out in the area: Field expedient Method.


Perhaps we should use that on Biden?

If his brain didn't fall out when you pulled his noggin free, maybe...
Good morning D

Woke up to a pleasant 69° with skies that look like rain is on the way. Radar shows rain moving East from the Gulf and it is expected to go through our area. We really need the rain. My irrigation well went out last year, collapsed, and I still have not been able to get a new one dug. Houses are being built at such a pace that there is a back up that now extends to 9 months. When I finally get a new well I will need to rebuild my lawn because it takes lots of water to keep a Florida lawn nice and green. I last watered my lawn in late June. The good news is with water and some light fertilizer the lawn will come back very fast.

We expect to top out today at 82° with light rain turning to heavy thunderstorms tonight. The folks down in Tampa may get a nice electrical storm which brings some spectacular views and photos.

Take care all,

Wife just texted me after she got to work and gas was $3.79 at Loves which is always cheaper than everyone else around. When ask what was being done Jen Psaki said that even if they did open up the XL pipeline and authorize new drilling it would take a couple of years to see the effect. I guess just sitting around waiting for it to rain oil is better.

Guess Psaki is both a liar AND an idiot. Now, if we could just figure out which pronoun to use for MarkJen Zucker-saki...
During my working career, the company I worked with owned this hotel. The Don CeSar located on the Gulf at St Pete Beach. We held seminars and training sessions there and gathered for a week several times a year. The company saved thousands in expenses and it was like being on vacation for the employees.

It has been there a long time

I would prefer that it be a little bigger. :)