Now if you had a black iron full of biscuits...........a little gravy........maaaaaybe a couple of messy eggs.......see y'all.......I am headed to Cracker Barrel to meet my pigeon buddies for our Saturday morning round table..........Good Sunny Morning
It is a little after 7:00 in the morning and we have 58° and sun will shine bright all day as we hit 86°. zero chance of rain.
I woke up this morning with a little tingle in my throat from the night air last night. So I made a cup of honey, lemon, water and a sprinkle of bourbon to knock it out before it is something. I ain't got time for no head colds. They say local honey is the best for you and just up the road a man has a stand that sells Orange Blossom Honey our of his grove. Good stuff.
The Cats need a win over the Gators to keep their edge. Tip Off at 2:00 EST. CBS.
I smell sausage frying and my wife is going to fry up a pan of apples. Love those fried apples. Trust all are well