
Good morning from ATX. We're at 42°F, cloudy and windy. Temperatures sinking down to 32°F. We topped out at 88°F yesterday.

LSU vs UK tonight at 9 pm. Go Cats! For those going to the game: safe travels.

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning, D-League

Friend's neighbor lost his battle with the TBI after the fall. He fought hard for 3 months but couldn't overcome the damage done. Thank you for your prayers. Please pray for his family. He was a hard working man of faith that God has given rest and saved him from what's to come.

"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand."
John 10

I hope God continues to bless you and keep you and yours safe in His hands

Morning Legionnaires!

A cold and blustery sleeting morning here. 14° with thunder and lightning with sleet coming down. Possibly 1 to 3 inches worth. 19° for a high today and tomorrow possibly 30° as a high. Brrrrrr.

Game day.

Good morning folks.

Big game tonight. BKO and her hubby in attendance is making me unusually nervous about it.

Hard to believe there are just four more regular season games counting tonight. It feels like this regular season has flown by, and yet it seems like more than a couple months ago that we were reveling in their first big win -- the ass kicking of UNC-CHeats.

Maybe it is just me. Time feels a bit elastic for me these days with working from home, lots going on (in a good way) with my kids, my wife very busy at the hospital where she works. A week can fly by, and another week can seem to stretch out for an eternity. I suspect that happens more the older one gets.

Hope we are celebrating a win later tonight. And I hope everyone has a good day.
Afternoon D, read 4 today.

It's been a rough day today, my son who is a policeman was involved in some dangerous stuff today, but he is safe at home now!!! My other son also worked today, got to talk to him, I heard him laugh, that's always good to hear!!! He told me the railroad is part of his therapy, please keep them in your prayers!!!

I get a kick out of reading WC and the others kicking A$$ in the PT. I would be scared to death if I said some of the things some of them say about GOD! SMH!!!

One thing about the Big Bang theory that they say happened, shouldn't the ones that believe be able to take a watch apart, put it in a bag, shake it up, pour it out and it be back together, just asking for a friend.

Have a great one D and go CATS
Was just watching the local news, they were doing a story on Tattleware, any of the D ever heard of it. report said that people working from home may have this installed on their computer without them knowing it. It said it sees what you are looking at, what you are typing in and can listen to what you are saying over your mics.
One thing about the Big Bang theory that they say happened, shouldn't the ones that believe be able to take a watch apart, put it in a bag, shake it up, pour it out and it be back together, just asking for a friend.
Cord, I'll converse about this topic if you would like but sounds like your friend needs a talented/skilled watchmaker. Now is this being the D where lives are saved and also unable to identify a topic around which there is more confusion or silly mindless humor, this will be fun stuff.
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Is there a web site that I could go to, to see more of your shades? I like handmade items.
Sorry. Our main business is plain everyday shades like you see in most motels. Jan does the designs on shades as a Side thing when there is time and she goes to craft shows. We don't have a website. We usually take a week off and set up at the 127 worlds longest yard sale near Sparta and she brings a lot of her stuff. Right now, we are way behind on regular orders. Can't find workers and raw material has gone sky high and quality is down.
Cord, I'll converse about this topic if you would like but sounds like your friend needs a talented/skilled watchmaker. Now is this being the D where lives are saved and also unable to identify a topic around which there is more confusion or silly mindless humor, this will be fun stuff.
Mr. Rooster, this is funny cause Mrs. M said today that I need a haircut cause I am starting to look like a baby Orangutang!
Mr. Rooster, this is funny cause Mrs. M said today that I need a haircut cause I am starting to look like a baby Orangutang!
After being taken to a zoo when I was a boy I told my Mammaw that she looked like an orangutan, then she looked at Papaw with tears and said "Rooster thinks I look like a monkey" . . .

Only happened one time.
Afternoon D, read 4 today.

It's been a rough day today, my son who is a policeman was involved in some dangerous stuff today, but he is safe at home now!!! My other son also worked today, got to talk to him, I heard him laugh, that's always good to hear!!! He told me the railroad is part of his therapy, please keep them in your prayers!!!

Glad he made it home safe!

One thing about the Big Bang theory that they say happened, shouldn't the ones that believe be able to take a watch apart, put it in a bag, shake it up, pour it out and it be back together, just asking for a

Bet they don't respond well to that. The fact is that this universe God created moves towards chaos and dispersion and not toward organization. Can't tell them that, either. They are more of a "fairy dust" and "magic wand" believing bunch than they can comprehend.

The part about the watch that escapes many if them right from the start is that a watchmaker HAS TO KNOW "the end from the beginning." If they don't know how many hours, minutes, and seconds there are in a day BEFORE they begin, there is no way to create a functioning watch that's face is easy to read. God set the boundaries of time and space when He set everything in motion. He didn't set everything in motion and then simply guess what would happen later.

If people ignore that His prophets and their writings declared the progression of kingdoms, the fall of nations, and the rise of Islam up to 1000 years in advance, it makes it pretty easy to miss the forest for the trees.


Have a great one D and go CATS

Was just watching the local news, they were doing a story on Tattleware, any of the D ever heard of it. report said that people working from home may have this installed on their computer without them knowing it. It said it sees what you are looking at, what you are typing in and can listen to what you are saying over your mics.
It's call Alexia.......(sp)