
"Stand by for News!".

Okie dokie <=== Linky
I hope all's day was good. I got up about 9:30. Made a pan of biscuits. They came out good. My Darlings car needed some work. (A little snow stuff.) I got the parts this past week. (Bought the parts for about $230.00. Still have the bumper cover to buy as it was not in stock. That's $233.00 more plus getting it painted.) Had an estimate from a body shop for $2350.00. (I needed to do some manual labor anyway. Getting soft.) Got all the parts put back on except, I will put the old bumper cover back on tomorrow or the next day so we can drive it.

I changed the oil in both cars today too. BUT, I drive a Mazda 3 as my commuter car. (Have had several offers to buy this car. Will explain why another time.) I ordered a couple oil filters. (I have changed it before but never remember the type.) I used the VIN number to order the oil filter... Yeah the filters I received were wrong. Of course I already drained the oil. Ended up putting the old filter back on as that is our only car until I get the wife's fixed.

I will have to change it again once I receive the correct filters. Just wasted most of the mileage out of the Pennzoil Platinum Full Synthetic 0W-20 Motor Oil (5-Quart, Single). I despise waste.... I think my Darlings brake pads are okay but I may replace those too while the weather is nice. Oh well, I am not complaining other than the waste that occurred. Back at it tomorrow if the Lord doesn't take me home. God Bless you all...

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Good morning fro m ATX. Currently 68°F, mostly cloudy and breezy. High today topping out at 84°F shortly before another cold front moves in.

@UK82 : Best wishes to your mother.

Listened to Coach Cal's call in show yesterday afternoon. Mintz played the full 40 minutes of the Bama game. Cal said TyTy and Sahvir Wheeler are still day-to-day.

Took our pup to two vets yesterday, one her surgeon. Surgeon says she's fully healed. Good news indeed.

Back to work today. Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning folks. Happy Twosday.

Was channel surfing last night and happened to catch the end of the Ohio State - Indiana game. The Curse of Bobby Knight is still alive and well. I've never seen a bunch that could figure out more ways to lose. IT just makes me appreciate Kentucky's sustained success all the more. There have been down periods in the six decades I've been a fan, but they haven't lasted decades. Indiana is in a stretch where they've only made the tournament four times in 14 years, and barring a miracle this will be the 20th straight year not to advance past the Sweet 16. A mediocre year like Kentucky's in 2019 when tthe Cats lost in OT with a chance to go to the Final Four would have been Indiana's best year since 2002.

As for the Cats, interesting news that Oscar is at least considering a return.

I hope you all have a good day.
Hello all, have a great day!

A little Killer Whale and Seal action...

A little Lizard and Snake video too...

Good morning, D-League

Friend's neighbor lost his battle with the TBI after the fall. He fought hard for 3 months but couldn't overcome the damage done. Thank you for your prayers. Please pray for his family. He was a hard working man of faith that God has given rest and saved him from what's to come.

"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand."
John 10

I hope God continues to bless you and keep you and yours safe in His hands

Morning Legionnaires!

A cold and blustery sleeting morning here. 14° with thunder and lightning with sleet coming down. Possibly 1 to 3 inches worth. 19° for a high today and tomorrow possibly 30° as a high. Brrrrrr.

Game day.

Good morning folks.

Big game tonight. BKO and her hubby in attendance is making me unusually nervous about it.

Hard to believe there are just four more regular season games counting tonight. It feels like this regular season has flown by, and yet it seems like more than a couple months ago that we were reveling in their first big win -- the ass kicking of UNC-CHeats.

Maybe it is just me. Time feels a bit elastic for me these days with working from home, lots going on (in a good way) with my kids, my wife very busy at the hospital where she works. A week can fly by, and another week can seem to stretch out for an eternity. I suspect that happens more the older one gets.

Hope we are celebrating a win later tonight. And I hope everyone has a good day.
Afternoon D, read 4 today.

It's been a rough day today, my son who is a policeman was involved in some dangerous stuff today, but he is safe at home now!!! My other son also worked today, got to talk to him, I heard him laugh, that's always good to hear!!! He told me the railroad is part of his therapy, please keep them in your prayers!!!

I get a kick out of reading WC and the others kicking A$$ in the PT. I would be scared to death if I said some of the things some of them say about GOD! SMH!!!

One thing about the Big Bang theory that they say happened, shouldn't the ones that believe be able to take a watch apart, put it in a bag, shake it up, pour it out and it be back together, just asking for a friend.

Have a great one D and go CATS
Was just watching the local news, they were doing a story on Tattleware, any of the D ever heard of it. report said that people working from home may have this installed on their computer without them knowing it. It said it sees what you are looking at, what you are typing in and can listen to what you are saying over your mics.