
I'm with you ATXC,
My outlook has changed a bunch now since I took the option to where I can work from anywhere in the United States with my home address being my work address. Of course the locality pay plays a lot into it. If we'd decide to move to SC to our other home I'd lose about 20% of my monthly income but if my Darling and I decided to do it tomorrow, we could. That is comforting and it may prolong my retirement. Still looking for another job but I can now be very picky. I turned down two jobs last month where as before I'd have probably taken one of them. I am thankful. I know plenty are not in my situation now. The flexibility is very comforting. (My current Supervisor is great. (He and I knew of each other back at Bragg. We never hung together but we knew each other. He retired, I didn't.) My Supervisor is having some health issues though and I worry for him and try my best to de-stress his work-life. Who knows what another supervisor would bring though the other supervisor could not take away my remote privilege's. (I have those in writing and with criteria.) I am thankful...

Like you I have used my sick leave and annual leave sparingly. I have 208 hours I must use by the end of the year.
Good for you. Glad to hear.

Yeah, I've got 180 hours annual leave saved plus another 16 hours from working on holidays. Earning 11 hours/month. Plan on working March 2nd, Texas Independence Day and banking the 8 hours.

I'm not really looking for another job right now. Only 49 months left until retirement eligible with immediate pay month after retiring. My director and co-workers are the greatest. No BS office politics. We're heading back into the office sometime next month for up to two days per week.

Honestly, if not for my own military pension, life would be a lot tougher. Unsure how some folks make it.
I'm not about to roll over and say that black people haven't been given every chance possible in my life. Way too many of them had, or, have led successful lives. Way more white people who have taken the path of sloths. They don't burn their stores though. I've had enough of that shit. With all the hands up they've had for my entire life, **** the ones that fail. It's their own fault and not mine. Or yours.

Why are there poor white people? Why are there rich black people?
Good morning from ATX. Currently 46°F and clear. Winds picking up. Temperatures climbing to 73°F later today. Long range forecast for next week sees us climbing back up into the 80s. Yikes!

Cats vs Vols from Thompson-Boling Arena tonight at 9 pm EST. Always some tough games down in KnoxVegas. Go Cats!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning D, read 1Cornithians 13 this morning, also some in Kings.

I hope UK is on fire tonight and takes down them Vols!!!! I wish UK played the 6:00 game instead of Puke!!!!

Going to be a beautiful day here in the Berg, I am going to try to find a property pin for a friend of mine today, then do a little bit more detecting on the property.

I hope the D has a great day and prayers for the D!!!

Bert were the pictures ok or wrong ones?
Going to throw another recipe out to the D.
Tater Tot Casserole

1-lb Ground chuck, browned and drained
1-Can Cream of Mushroom soup
1-Package Tater Tots
1-small onion
2-Two large TBSP sour cream (optional)
Shredded Cheese of your choice

Combine Ground chuck, cream of mushroom soup, sour cream in a bowl then place in a casserole dish.
Put a layer of shredded cheese on top of mixture.
Place a layer of frozen tater tots on top of the cheese.
Bake at the temperature and time on the tater tot package, 400 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

If you double this use a 9x13 dish and may take a little longer to cook.
I hope the D enjoys this one too, all in one meal and simple and easy!!!!
Good morning D-League.

And thanks for that recipe Cord. My wife works long shifts, I'm stuck working into the evenings, so we look for casseroles and soups and such to make on Sunday and eat through the week.

I'm a fan of tater tots and hamburger and cheese so I can't see this one missing.

Hope you all are having a good day.
Good morning D-League.

And thanks for that recipe Cord. My wife works long shifts, I'm stuck working into the evenings, so we look for casseroles and soups and such to make on Sunday and eat through the week.

I'm a fan of tater tots and hamburger and cheese so I can't see this one missing.

Hope you all are having a good day.
I hope you try it, if you do give me your opinion!!!
Good morning from ATX. Currently 46°F and clear. Winds picking up. Temperatures climbing to 73°F later today. Long range forecast for next week sees us climbing back up into the 80s. Yikes!

Cats vs Vols from Thompson-Boling Arena tonight at 9 pm EST. Always some tough games down in KnoxVegas. Go Cats!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.



I had one of those yesterday too. I KNEW I was off but I never knew I was a whole day off...

Hello All,
I hope you are well. Been busy to state the least, crazily engaged to state the truth.
Cord has not seen the pictures that I posted that he sent me. But they are of the rail yard in Evansville. The second one is the Ohio river from the rail yard (Howell).
Bert is that where you worked? If so, you can thank Jason for them. He was on it just as soon as I told Bert was telling about working on the second floor looking out over the river!
Interesting my frog liked his crawfish tender and I understood as I did too!


I pondered the mouse but . . . interest gone. but Happy looks fine.

Mr. Rooster, I was cleaning some frogs one night and I felt something in the frogs stomach, when I cut it open and looked at it, it was either bird leg bones or maybe another frog!!!
Bert is that where you worked? If so, you can thank Jason for them. He was on it just as soon as I told Bert was telling about working on the second floor looking out over the river!
No my office was opposite (Ohio River Side) side of the main building on the other end of Howell yard.

I have no picture of it. Hell it may not be there anymore.
No my office was opposite (Ohio River Side) side of the main building on the other end of Howell yard.

I have no picture of it. Hell it may not be there anymore.
Bert he told me a few days ago that they may be moving to the other end of the yard, I bet it is still there, I'll ask hm! If he can get pictures of it I'll send it to you!
Not anymore.... pitiful will, succumbing to pressure. Guard play is a let down today. When there are no assists the worth goes down a bunch. (Everyone's due an off night but one like this sends you home...)
There are always going to be games like this one. It happens every year. The Cats blew out UT in the first match-up and they blew us out in the 2nd. No surprise. Only one game sir. Before this game the Cats were world beaters. What has changed?