
Good game Cats! How long has it been since we've played a game at full strength? Heard from CJ Frederick in the pregame show. Says he's doing well and should be back to playing at full strength by the first of May.

Oscar is closing in on Dan Issel records now. Youngins may not know but I'm here to tell them, that's a very big deal.

Mintz with some daggers in the second half. Always good to see him have fun. He got robbed of a good time last year for various reasons.

Ware manned up today. No need for Hopkins or Collins. Keep it up Lance!

Memphis tood down Houston. Never understood Houston rated so high with only 1 quad 1 win.
It was a game of ups and downs but I am proud that the Cats came out big.

I have been over to Nuttin but Net and the Gators feel that Cal ran up the score and bad calls.

I love it.
Cal ran up the score? We slowed down with 5 minutes to go. They should be happy that Mike White wanted to keep the score low and succeeded. He just couldn't keep our score low.

I watched the play about 4 times in slo mo and the guy doesn't make a play for the ball but turns his body sideways to hit Washington's leg. He didn't look like a guy going after the ball. There's always a tell when dirty players do dirty things.
Enjoyed the game against the dirty gators. Damn the TyTy injury. I'm no expert but he'll be back soon. This team is snake bit when it comes to playing 100% healthy.

Fire going, watching Rear Window to wind down the night. Grace Kelly! Beauty, elegance, etc.. The whole package.
I hope all had a great day. Been too busy and engaged the last few days.

Taxes are the worst of it, I have several irons in the fire and that is no fun at tax time.

Was able to get out with my Darling and the Booger Butt today. He is finally sleeping but I sure do enjoy him awake too.

I got to watch most of the game or at least listen to it as the Booger was "letting" me run him around our house. (We have such great fun. He is a serious joy.)

I haven't talked with my neighbor yet to find out what the issue was. My Darling told me she heard what I guess was one of his daughters screaming and screaming. (I never heard it but I do not doubt my Darling.), there was a stretcher at their front door for a long time but they never used it.

We don't know each others business but we do talk regularly. He knows where he can come and I will make a point to see him but I won't knock on his door (for that). The neighbor next to him on the other side and I saw each other and he held up his hands as to say he has no idea.

Keep them in prayer... me too so I can be a help to them if possible and not a burden.

I stopped for the night. Going to watch a video/ movie or two. The Booger Butt ran me out of my bed as he always does but I don't mind. He's such a good boy. He loves his "Ama". (And Papa...)

I guess I feel a little like this but with a lot more depth of love....

The final scene of Rooster Cogburn:

Katherine Hepburn: (Eula) "Reuben, I have to say it: living with you has been an adventure any woman would relish for all time.
And look at you, with your burnt-out face, your big belly, your bear-like paws and your shining eye.
You're a credit to the male sex and I'm proud you're my friend."

John Wayne (Rooster) "Damned if she didn't get the last word in again. Well..."

Have a peaceful and restful evening...
Good morning from ATX. Currently 30°F, sunny and clear. Warming to 66°F later. We'll take it.

Really enjoyed Cats win over the Gators. Hope TyTy is okay and can rejoin team soon. 6 regular season games remain on the schedule.

Super Bowl Sunday: Go Bengals!

Heading out for a walk and chores after bit. Plan on ordering pizza and wings soon. Usual grocery shopping awaits.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

I’m watching the “Revenge Game” this morning, the December, 1990 Rupp beat down of Kansas a year after Roy Williams scored 150 on Pitino’s first team.

Notice I didn’t say “rewatching.” I’d never seen this game. Like some of you I was in Saudi Arabia ahead of Desert Storm.

A few observations:
Freshman Mashburn was a stud.
That pressing, helter skelter style was entertaining as hell.
That style led to tons of turnovers by both teams and missed shots but it favored the aggressor - Kentucky.
It wouldn’t work today against elite teams. Guard play has evolved as have tactics.

One thing I’d forgotten: That Kansas team was totally unhinged by the pressure and the crazy Rupp crowd. But that team would go all the way to the Final game -losing to Duke. Blowing them out was damn impressive.
Talking with one of my customers yesterday. He works for a company who builds house trailers. They have a contract for these trailers with FEMA. They normally sell for less than 40 thousand. FEMA is paying 186 thousand. Our tax dollars at work!
Good morning! Woke up happy about the game. This team's margin of victory has to be getting up there with the 96 team, doesn't it?

Superbowl Sunday again. I think the game will be better than the usual SB game for some reason. The halftime show may not appeal to everyone.
Good morning! Woke up happy about the game. This team's margin of victory has to be getting up there with the 96 team, doesn't it?

Superbowl Sunday again. I think the game will be better than the usual SB game for some reason. The halftime show may not appeal to everyone.
Bertfan: You ever try the PuppyBowl at halftime? Started watching it when my kids were little and still do. I think they’ll do it again this year.
I’m watching the “Revenge Game” this morning, the December, 1990 Rupp beat down of Kansas a year after Roy Williams scored 150 on Pitino’s first team.

Notice I didn’t say “rewatching.” I’d never seen this game. Like some of you I was in Saudi Arabia ahead of Desert Storm.

A few observations:
Freshman Mashburn was a stud.
That pressing, helter skelter style was entertaining as hell.
That style led to tons of turnovers by both teams and missed shots but it favored the aggressor - Kentucky.
It wouldn’t work today against elite teams. Guard play has evolved as have tactics.

One thing I’d forgotten: That Kansas team was totally unhinged by the pressure and the crazy Rupp crowd. But that team would go all the way to the Final game -losing to Duke. Blowing them out was damn impressive.
I actually watched this 2006 UK vs Kansas game at Balad AB, Iraq. Huge rainstorm that night. Lost signal a couple times. Miserable first half.
Talking with one of my customers yesterday. He works for a company who builds house trailers. They have a contract for these trailers with FEMA. They normally sell for less than 40 thousand. FEMA is paying 186 thousand. Our tax dollars at work!

That's not sad it should be angering. Oh the stories I could tell you about waste, fraud, and abuse... President Trump tried to shut FEMA down and re-open it. (Too much money laundering going on to do that.) Do not doubt if stated correctly all it is, is a money laundering operation.
That's not sad it should be angering. Oh the stories I could tell you about waste, fraud, and abuse... President Trump tried to shut FEMA down and re-open it. (Too much money laundering going on to do that.) Do not doubt if stated correctly all it is, is a money laundering operation.
I 100% believe him. He's never lied to me before and he went into a lot more detail in our conversation.
I 100% believe him. He's never lied to me before and he went into a lot more detail in our conversation.

I fully believe him too. No doubts at all. It should be angering to know the thievery being committed BY elected representatives and their minions. It cannot be fathomed how much fraud there is in government. It happens from every level and both parties. It is not even touched on how much fraud and abuse is really happening.
Bravo for all the praise for Oscar. He seems like a very special young man. I’ve been to his homeland, the Congo (back when it was Zaire) and the city of Goma I’ve heard him talk about. Its on the Rwandan border and when I was there in 1994 there was the civil war in Rwanda, a cholera epidemic back across the border in the refugee camps in Zaire, and just for icing on the cake a volcano outside Goma erupted. I guess coming out of a place like that would prove the old adage that whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

Whiling away a couple hours before the Super Bowl watching the Cats’ comeback from 18 down inside 12 minutes in Gainesville two years ago. What a performance.
Well Bert, it was a long long time ago, and I can still remember how that music used to make me smile. I would tell you more but it takes about 14 minutes.

I suspect you've told the story before.

When I was a preacher, in preparation, I used to write out my sermons word for word (but I didn't read them from the pulpit). I am not very good at off-the-cuff public speaking. About 25 minutes long. You have to be a great orator to hold people's attention much beyond that. My belief was that if people knew how long the service was going to last they paid more attention and didn't have to be looking at their watches during the sermon.
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