
This morning Matt Jones took Gonzaga and gave 36 points. He bet the other guys 5 bucks apiece. Zags won by 38.

There are 8 D1 basketball programs in Kentucky. We would have beat them by at least 30. Western did beat them by about 10 or so. Bellarmine could beat them. Murray would beat them. They're probably 5th or 6th.

I hope they join Indiana in an eternal loop of hopelessness.
Sitting here working as hard as you can work and still sit in a chair.

(I used that line MANY times trying to give office workers and technology workers some perspective when they even think about complaining about "work".)

Yeah I work weird but I'm honest...


Anywho, I see Ole Lakers "management" is floored..

Magic has no words...

Character matters, the lack of character or character flaws effect your fortitude, intestinally.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 48°F, clear and calm. High today predicted at around 78°F.

Cut back yard grass yesterday. Mower started on second pull. I'll try cutting front yard either today or tomorrow.

No recycle bin pickup yet this week. Probably held up by ice storm. A couple huge recycle dumpsters are set up down the street. Gonna make a run down there later this morning.

Happy Friday! Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

I have a nice Boston Butt with my dry rub on it in the smoker.....I had to replace the Masterbuilt smoker that lasted a whole 13 months just about like the first one.......I bought a Texas BBQ is about the same price I paid for the first two.......only built better.........I will find seems like a nice pc of equipment......
Good morning, D-League.

Heck of a weekend ahead. Glad it is Friday. Very much would love to see the Cats make a statement Saturday. And then, of course, a chance for the Bengals to wipe out 55 years of, by turns, terrible and disappointing. I want this so bad for my 90-year-old father and my 21-year-old son.

A little bell went off in my head this morning and I realized this week was 30 years since I left Somalia after nearly three month there. I left behind 38 pounds and a lot of my illusions about the world.

I hope you all won't mind me posting my favorite photo from there: Favorite because these guys tried to rob me and a buddy at gunpoint, and when we held our ground out of weariness more than courage, they decided they would pose for a photo. They were aligned with warlord Mohamed Farah Aided so probably took part in the Black Hawk Down battle a few months later. I wonder how many are still alive.
Good morning, D-League.

Heck of a weekend ahead. Glad it is Friday. Very much would love to see the Cats make a statement Saturday. And then, of course, a chance for the Bengals to wipe out 55 years of, by turns, terrible and disappointing. I want this so bad for my 90-year-old father and my 21-year-old son.

A little bell went off in my head this morning and I realized this week was 30 years since I left Somalia after nearly three month there. I left behind 38 pounds and a lot of my illusions about the world.

I hope you all won't mind me posting my favorite photo from there: Favorite because these guys tried to rob me and a buddy at gunpoint, and when we held our ground out of weariness more than courage, they decided they would pose for a photo. They were aligned with warlord Mohamed Farah Aided so probably took part in the Black Hawk Down battle a few months later. I wonder how many are still alive.
Illusions about the world. I like that. When you are young and go to different places (especially under stress), you learn things are sometimes much different than you thought. When you get older, you learn you are not (and never were) 10 foot tall and bullet proof like you thought.
Illusions about the world. I like that. When you are young and go to different places (especially under stress), you learn things are sometimes much different than you thought. When you get older, you learn you are not (and never were) 10 foot tall and bullet proof like you thought.
Well said Bernie. If I believed I were ten-foot tall and bullet-proof when I arrived in Mogadishu I had well and proper been cut down to size when I left.
Shewee! What a day on the course. Sometimes the wind would slow down to about 20mph, but for the most part it was 30 to 40. Blew my ball off the tee a couple of times and blew putts sideways as they slowed down. I say that to say this, I shot a 91 today and was kinda proud of it.

Made a huge pot o chili when I got home. 4 lbs of hamburger involved. Plan on freezing half of it. Picked up another package of wings and a mess of jalapeno peppers to cook for Superbowl. Wife wants something totally different, so once again I'll have enough food to feed 10 when there is only she and I.
Looking forward to the game tomorrow. Unfortunately I have to go my niece's baby shower but I'll be home in plenty of time. It should be a law that any heterosexual man over the age of 50 be excused from attending a baby shower.

Cats have 3 road games left in arenas with the meanest fans in the SEC. Arkansas, UT and Florida.

Really pulling for the Bengals tomorrow just because the game means so much to my friends here on the D.

Sorry I haven't been keeping up with the D lately but things are getting complicated. My apologies if I've missed any major events.
CSX was the result of many mergers. I started out on the L&N in 1968, then we bought a bunch of small lines as the federal government let us. In 1976 the L&N merged with the ACL, SAL, A&WP and we were called it the "Family Lines". Then in 1985 we merged with the B&O/C&O and became CSX. After that we bought half of ConRail in 1999.

Folks that work for CSX are from all over. Plus in my department the railroad really loved good schools. My co-workers graduated from Chicago, Harvard, Yale, Vandy, Stanford, Johns Hopkins, Duke, Trancy . . . . you name it. The bigger the school the more weight it carried. That is why I was always under the gun. My last two bosses were Harvard.
Did you know/hear of a Mark Popovich? Understand he was a VP there.
Looking forward to the game tomorrow. Unfortunately I have to go my niece's baby shower but I'll be home in plenty of time. It should be a law that any heterosexual man over the age of 50 be excused from attending a baby shower.

Cats have 3 road games left in arenas with the meanest fans in the SEC. Arkansas, UT and Florida.

Really pulling for the Bengals tomorrow just because the game means so much to my friends here on the D.

Sorry I haven't been keeping up with the D lately but things are getting complicated. My apologies if I've missed any major events.
You're doing the right thing. We'll be here.
Good morning D-League. Game day. Always a little nervous-making, especially when the Cats have a good season going and there is a lot on the line.

My wife is out of town so I stayed up watching several episodes of the new Reacher series.

Pure male fantasy stuff, down to the pretty, skinny-but-bad ass female deputy who of course falls for him (that’s no spoiler. All women fall for him.)

It’s a decent version of Reacher, with an actor who resembles the character from the excellent books - certainly more so than a foot too short Tom Cruise from the movie franchise.

Back from my hike and chilling until I take my daughter out to lunch at a decent home style restaurant around here. I hope all is well with you guys.
It is a cool and cloudy 33.6°F. That is supposed to be the high. We are going down to 17°.

I look forward to the game with Florida. I hope we play a good game. We had a bunch of turnover against South Carolina.

Arkansas, Tennessee and Florida will be a firm challenge. I see a couple possible losses but I also see us finishing off all three if we can stay out of foul trouble and ankle trouble.
Well, I was in same classroom with him grades 1-6. He then left our school and went into Covington Latin's accelerated HS program where you skip grades 7-8. I lost track of him except to know that he went to law school.

Ran into his brother Greg about 10 years ago in the then-new Campbell County Courthouse extension in Newport that DW & I were touring (Actually went in to see interior of the old section.). He didn't know me but they might as well be twins 50 years later. Greg was a judge at the time. I introduced myself & he updated me on Mark some. And that's how I knew where Mark was/is. Knew their Dad too. Good guy.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 54°F, cloudy and windy. We're at our high for the day. Another cold front moving in. Heading down below freezing tonight.

Heading out for a walk soon. Great weekend for sports. Happy Caturday! Gators are a handful. Go Cats!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning! Slept in late and woke up to coffee already made. That's a good deal in itself, then I got a phone call from Don and we chatted for about half an hour. That made it even better!

Like Bert said, playing at Florida, Tenn, and Arkansas will be a tough row to hoe, but we have to the team to get it done. Speaking of tough rows, I remember when I was around 8 or so, telling my grandfather the farmer that his rows of corn were crooked. He said "buck, you can get more corn in a crooked row than you can a straight one".

My wife wants some kind of sausage things wrapped with bacon and what I call cocktail meatballs for her Superbowl snacks. Whatever, I bet she still eats some of the wings.

Bengals 38 Rams 35
Bengals 38 Rams 35
I’ll take that Bertfan. Really would love a Bengals win

I’ve been chilling this morning watching an old Wildcats game from December, 1983 (thanks to Ritchie Curtis) in which the Bowie-Turpin-Walker-Master team blew out Larry Brown’s Jayhawks in Lawrence.

Easy to forget how skilled Melvin Turpin was for a guy his size. And Master had a beautiful shot. Both guys broke 1,000 for their careers in that game.
Well said Bernie. If I believed I were ten-foot tall and bullet-proof when I arrived in Mogadishu I had well and proper been cut down to size when I left.

Gray-haired old men could not start wars unless the world was full of young men who thought they were ten foot tall and bullet-proof.

They did a study after WW2 which showed that about 80% of soldiers in actual combat situations never fired their weapon. Because they were either too scared to stick their head up or couldn't bring themselves to actually directly shoot another human being.

"Marshall was a U.S. Army historian in the Pacific theater during World War II and later became the official U.S. historian of the European theater of operations. He had a team of historians working for him, and they based their findings on individual and mass interviews with thousands of soldiers in more than four hundred infantry companies, in Europe and in the Pacific, immediately after they had been in close combat with German or Japanese troops. The results were consistently the same: only 15 to 20 percent of the American riflemen in combat during World War II would fire at the enemy. Those who would not fire did not run or hide (in many cases they were willing to risk great danger to rescue comrades, get ammunition, or run messages), but they simply would not fire their weapons at the enemy, even when faced with repeated banzai charges."

Grossman, Dave. On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society (p. 32). Open Road Media. Kindle Edition.
Gray-haired old men could not start wars unless the world was full of young men who thought they were ten foot tall and bullet-proof.

They did a study after WW2 which showed that about 80% of soldiers in actual combat situations never fired their weapon. Because they were either too scared to stick their head up or couldn't bring themselves to actually directly shoot another human being.

"Marshall was a U.S. Army historian in the Pacific theater during World War II and later became the official U.S. historian of the European theater of operations. He had a team of historians working for him, and they based their findings on individual and mass interviews with thousands of soldiers in more than four hundred infantry companies, in Europe and in the Pacific, immediately after they had been in close combat with German or Japanese troops. The results were consistently the same: only 15 to 20 percent of the American riflemen in combat during World War II would fire at the enemy. Those who would not fire did not run or hide (in many cases they were willing to risk great danger to rescue comrades, get ammunition, or run messages), but they simply would not fire their weapons at the enemy, even when faced with repeated banzai charges."

Grossman, Dave. On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society (p. 32). Open Road Media. Kindle Edition.
I saw an article a while back on NYC police firing weapons. The % of "hits" was surprisingly low. One of several reasons given was "did they really want to kill someone?". I spent time at several different bases. One of them was DaNang. We had a bomb dump off base. The marines had a bomb dump right across the road from ours. I was an E-5 at the time, so my duty was usually the main gate when I drew the dump for my job. We'd sometimes chat across the road with the marines. We were working the 4 to midnight shift. This new guy came in as the NCOIC of the night shift. He was an E-7 or 8 (can't recall), been in 27 years or so. Along about dark every night, he'd leave the main base to "inspect" the dump. As soon as he got there, Charlie would attack and he'd order everybody to return fire. Charlie never bothered the marines ( I guess they were tougher than us) and as soon as the midnight shift took over Charlie left. The NCOIC was the only person to see Charlie firing at us. Well after a week or so, I told the guy he was crazy (he didn't like that). After a few more "firefights", the brass sent him back to the states for a psych evaluation.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 54°F, cloudy and windy. We're at our high for the day. Another cold front moving in. Heading down below freezing tonight.

Heading out for a walk soon. Great weekend for sports. Happy Caturday! Gators are a handful. Go Cats!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.



Ole ATXC don't play that... He play National Found Penny Day....AND not Lil Penny either....

Out and about, have a great day all...
Say a prayer for my neighbor. Won't go into details but the rescue service, ambulance, fire, and police had our street blocked until shortly ago.

We get along well, I hurt for him and do not know the details. When we pulled out he was talking to the police. We made eye contact. All I could do was bow my head towards him, hoping he'd understand I will be there when needed. No need for me to butt into where he was. He is my elder and it was some type of family matter.
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Toppin definitely out today. Sure wish Cal hadn't said that he hasn't seen Toppin. Rafters goes crazy when he says that. If he says he talked to him though, the next question will invariably be "what did he say"? Then the next question would be "what did he mean by that"?

Hopkins will get additional minutes as well as Collins. Hope they show out.