
Watching Illinois and Purdue. Need Purdue to go down and act like the Indiana school they are.

I would like the Fighting Illini to start a tradition of pretending to scalp their opponent in a post-game victory ceremony to make it more historically accurate. Even as a pre-game ritual would be alright. Go full special effects with a live person and the scalp coming off. Especially home games against Indiana and Minnesota schools.

No one would be able to say it was an inaccurate or demeaning portrayal of native American warriors.
All of us have been watching basketball for a long time. How do you guys feel about the way guys are allowed to "dribble" nowadays? How can you defend a player who is allowed to carry the ball? I've always contended that there is no such thing as a "cross over dribble". There is a cross over carry.

I still love it, but the game sure has changed over the years. Street ball with adult supervision.
I would like the Fighting Illini to start a tradition of pretending to scalp their opponent in a post-game victory ceremony to make it more historically accurate. Even as a pre-game ritual would be alright. Go full special effects with a live person and the scalp coming off. Especially home games against Indiana and Minnesota schools.

No one would be able to say it was an inaccurate or demeaning portrayal of native American warriors.
Couldn't call it cultural appropriation.
All of us have been watching basketball for a long time. How do you guys feel about the way guys are allowed to "dribble" nowadays? How can you defend a player who is allowed to carry the ball? I've always contended that there is no such thing as a "cross over dribble". There is a cross over carry.

I still love it, but the game sure has changed over the years. Street ball with adult supervision.
NBA rules carrying over to college.
All of us have been watching basketball for a long time. How do you guys feel about the way guys are allowed to "dribble" nowadays? How can you defend a player who is allowed to carry the ball? I've always contended that there is no such thing as a "cross over dribble". There is a cross over carry.

I still love it, but the game sure has changed over the years. Street ball with adult supervision.
The Euro step is a walk, a cross over is a carry or palming the ball. You are supposed to have a step and a half, but now they let you have two or better.

The SEC also has the more crooked refs of all the conferences. I know that our pool shares officials with the ACC but UK ends up with a bunch of bozo's that seem to know when to start calling fouls on UK.
The Euro step is a walk, a cross over is a carry or palming the ball. You are supposed to have a step and a half, but now they let you have two or better.

The SEC also has the more crooked refs of all the conferences. I know that our pool shares officials with the ACC but UK ends up with a bunch of bozo's that seem to know when to start calling fouls on UK.
Some of the fouls called on us tonight were anticipatory in nature. The ref wasn't reacting to game play. They were watching to see if something happened they could call. That's why we had several fouls called on us 30 feet from the basket that had no impact on play.

Refs seem to think they are there to add to the game. NO! They are a necessary evil and nothing more. Like Louisville fans, they should be seen and not heard more often than not.
Watching Illinois and Purdue. Need Purdue to go down and act like the Indiana school they are.

Purdue Buttermaker...

Matt Jones just said the truest words he's ever spoken in his misguided life. "college basketball is the best".

I watch a lot of college basketball. I won't waste my time on NBA. Nothing in sports holds a candle to the NCAA Tournament. Nothing is close other than the Summer Olympics when it's held in a country that is not trying to overthrow our country. Even then, Olympics doesn't have the sustained excitement of college basketball.

Go Cats! On line for nine!
This is worse for my appetite than those national day of _ posts. I'm gonna have to avoid the D-League if these posts become a regular thing
I would give up 3 days of molasses bars for 1 day with Raquel. OK, 2 days, but you get the idea. She's about 80 and I'm almost 60, if anything happened, we'd both fall asleep and forget about it.

I'm almost 60 because I won't be 62 until May. I'm rounding down.
Purdue appears to be one of those teams we could beat, but we could lose to just as easily. They are solid and it would come down to luck.

Parity isn't just a word that UL fans don't understand. There are more good players to go around now and a lot of teams have them.
The post game show is over. Now I'm listening to Coast to Coast. I'll never tire of listening to the people who call in. Dude just said that within 700 years we'll travel at the speed of light. Wow. Moderator said "what if it happens before that, look how computers have progressed in the last 100 years".

Just because you can imagine something, doesn't mean it is possible. Worm holes for space travel, dark matter, time travel whether forward or backward, all of that is bullshit. The problem isn't that we don't understand yet. The problem is they are all mind games that people play who want to receive money from people who don't understand they are being played.

Just accept we are all on a big wet rock hurtling through space with no destination. Reward those who want the journey to be pleasant for all who work for it to be pleasant. Punish all those who work against that ideal. Simple.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 39°F and clear with a light breeze. Today's high topping out around 71°F.

With Auburn losing last night, Gonzaga, Purdue, Arizona and UK may move up in the polls. Let's see what happens this coming weekend. Go Cats!

We are still under a boil water notice. 🤬

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning, D-League!

Breakfast fixed, cleaned up, and lunches made for my ladies. Getting ready for the rest of my day. On my day to get a little extra sleep... I woke up at 5. That works!

Thank you, Father in heaven, for another day!

Go Cats! Go D-League!
Good morning D-League. Hope all is well.

And thanks for all the Raquel Welch photos. Incredible.

I met her once at the White House Correspondents Dinner about 25 years ago. She must have been in her late 50s, but still very attractive -- no, let's be honest - sexy.

I stammered out a few words. She smiled a dazzling smile, then turned to the next admirer and I was no doubt instantly forgotten.

But for me, I was that ten-year old boy at the Pike 27 Drive-In with my parents where they took me figuring I'd sleep in the backseat while they watched One Million BC. I stayed up, hoping to see Dinosaurs, and instead saw something on the screen I couldn't begin to understand and felt something that would only become clear to me in the coming years.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 39°F and clear with a light breeze. Today's high topping out around 71°F.

With Auburn losing last night, Gonzaga, Purdue, Arizona and UK may move up in the polls. Let's see what happens this coming weekend. Go Cats!

We are still under a boil water notice. 🤬

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Good morning,
With all due respect to brother ATXC, I'd boil Texas water anyway if I had to drink it. Then knock the white lime crust off the pans. (Let me be more nice...Chromium and Chloramine...) I will state.. Austin water has to be better than SA water... ;)
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Good post win morning. It is a cloudy 45.0°F here on our way to 57° and a small chance for rain. I guess we could use a little.

Bruce Pearl on the post game coverage looked like he had been beaten up or had been crying. Geeze the guy is a competitor.

I suppose that last night was the best team that Auburn will have to play on the road in the SEC. They still have to go to Tennessee, Florida and Mississippi State. But they sure got lucky on this years scheduling.
@awf Don't you live close to Louisville? We should get a group together for a lunch one day before long. Anyone who wants to make the trip should chime in and we can choose a place that is easiest for the guy coming the farthest.
Hell..........I live in of the Metro.....great idea! I have thought this a long time but I don't actually know anyone on here.....although I feel like I do.........WAIT!!!!!!! Is this an intervention? I plan on cutting back on the beer.....................soon............
Good morning, D, read7 this morning.

Good game last night I hope Toppin is ok, he was having a good game to that point where he got hurt! Any report on him this morning.

RR is running out of dead horses to beat, if you got any horses, you better hide them in your barn!!!

I saw the end of the Allbum's game, after the dunk it looked like the Allbum's guy went after the guy who dunked the ball wonder if he got him!!!! He's the one who likes to flex after every play!!!

Bert I talked to my son yesterday, he was in the tower on the second floor, looking out the window at the river, sound familiar? He said he run some things by his bosses on how he would like to work, he said they told him do whatever he needs to do! He is a well-liked and respected there in the yard! How he has treated his co-workers has come back to him, they are treating him with respect and helping him as he tries to start again!!!!

I hope the D has a great day and prayers for the D!!!! GOD IS GREAT!!!!!!!
Good morning, D, read7 this morning.

Good game last night I hope Toppin is ok, he was having a good game to that point where he got hurt! Any report on him this morning.

RR is running out of dead horses to beat, if you got any horses, you better hide them in your barn!!!

I saw the end of the Allbum's game, after the dunk it looked like the Allbum's guy went after the guy who dunked the ball wonder if he got him!!!! He's the one who likes to flex after every play!!!

Bert I talked to my son yesterday, he was in the tower on the second floor, looking out the window at the river, sound familiar? He said he run some things by his bosses on how he would like to work, he said they told him do whatever he needs to do! He is a well-liked and respected there in the yard! How he has treated his co-workers has come back to him, they are treating him with respect and helping him as he tries to start again!!!!

I hope the D has a great day and prayers for the D!!!! GOD IS GREAT!!!!!!!
Yep, my office was the corner office, second floor on the river side. I wish that I had a picture of it. But at the time I was too busy to do smart stuff like that.

The CSX building in Jacksonville was a chevron shape. My office was in the V. I got six windows instead of 4. I never looked out of it unless there was a ship being docked. After I retired they gave me an album of various things and they actually took a picture of my view.
Hell..........I live in of the Metro.....great idea! I have thought this a long time but I don't actually know anyone on here.....although I feel like I do.........WAIT!!!!!!! Is this an intervention? I plan on cutting back on the beer.....................soon............
awf, Newberg is where I was taught how to do stained glass, also one of my best friends just moved there, she teaches nursing at U of E, my brother's wife, her family lives there to.