
I wasn't talking about the airwicks... ;)
What if the Sharknado movies had been Shartnado instead? I coulda got work as a prop.

I listen to the Jones Show, as you guys may know, but listening to Tom Leach is so much better. I guess it's because it reminds me of the good ole days. Absolutely hated Rex Chapman being on before games. I guarantee that there are more UK fans who don't want to hear his dumb ass talk about anything. Especially the team we love.

Gonna get ugly tonight. Does Cal get thrown out again? Would be his first time this year. Have to hope that Collins performance was a lead up and not an anomaly. Have a feeling we're going to find out what's up tonight. If he can bring at least that much each night going forward. We won't lose again. That's right. I said that.
I dug out this old photo of the Higgenbothams making molasses.

If you're the kind of fan that thinks it's in poor taste that Cat fans do chants in opponents houses, then you might want to watch with the sound down tonight. SC is not having a good year and tickets are going for $20. Gonna be a covey of Cat fans there from Eastern Ky. carrying on the tradition.
Got out to the workshop and started on tee markers. Looks like I'm going to have to make 14 of them from scratch. 11 are missing entirely and 3 are damaged too much to use. They don't have to respect my work, but at least they should respect the golf course. It's another case of privilege vs right.
Cats get their ass kicked on the offensive boards and have high turnovers but still win by 10? This is a special team.

7 games left. Road games against Arky, Florida and UT. This is the most fun I've had in some time.
Offensive rebounds? Saw Oscar get pushed from behind several times. Saw him complain to the refs. A lot of those just bounced far enough that SC was in the right place at the time. For the most part though, we were out hustled.

Cal doesn't like if you don't rebound hard. Neither does Frank Martin. Who would you rather disappoint?

edit: haha Frank Young is a dude I know.
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A real entertainer....

If it was written these days they'd have called it "The Pledge of Anxiety" and it would be worded much differently.