
L to R. Keith Whitney. Ralph Stanley's mom, Ricky Skaggs. Way back yander.


I still to this day Jam on some good honest country (this stuff now days is no way country music) and bluegrass.
Great info, I will caveat by using a line from...Rio Bravo....

"Dude I never had no idea you wouldn't (When Dude said he was going to take a bath.), I was just wondering when..." -Stumpy... (As far as the timing of such things...within the game along with the skill of the opposing team.)
Here's one of the early stars he showcased. Freshman couldn't play at the time, so he only played one year before going pro, so in a way he was UK's first one and done. Rupp was not expecting him to leave and had prepared (for the time) a brutal road schedule that gave Rupp his worst record untill late in his career.

Per Odds Shark the favorites to win the national title this year in order are:

Louisville (just kidding)

Sad to say but the smart money's on duke U.... He will be assisted anyway possible...

If duke U is ousted.. which is likely in my book look at the above order to be touted by the espn pukes but UK can overcome them as judging by the current halfway decent stories concerning UK and Cal. Heck the media may even adopt Cal, and.....UK. Yeah, right...
Had my Wildcat supper yesterday before the game. Just ridiculously too much...


Had this for my dinner today. The kimchi pancakes this time with sharp cheddar cheese....



Yeah, I had two of them... Geez...

I used to work with a guy who was an alcoholic. He always smelled like kimchi to disguise the smell of alcohol. It did hide the smell of alcohol but it also announced to everybody that he was drinking.
I used to work with a guy who was an alcoholic. He always smelled like kimchi to disguise the smell of alcohol. It did hide the smell of alcohol but it also announced to everybody that he was drinking.

What my Darling makes herself does not have that fishy what I call yucky smell. She doesn't use all that junk (I call it junk) that you mention. It is lightly seasoned with a slight tart and slight spicy taste. No fire in the mouth or stench in the air. (Now some fish my Darling cooks has some aroma's you have to acquire a smell for....)

You mentioned the smell though and it brought back memories of Korea. Most Korean's that drink, drink 7 days a week and many just drink the soju. (The most rock-gut spirits known to man. A 12 or 16 or so ounce bottle went for around 70 cents. 25 to 50 proof mostly.) The after-stench (smell) of that lingers on those who partake. This one Korean lady that worked in my office in Korea was the worst smelling human being I have ever been around. Just reeked of that crap.

I've smelled some horrible smelling chow chow too. ;)

Dad used to eat chow chow but would not try Kimchi.

Might as well add some pictures of some of my Darling's different Kimchi's;





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Sad to say but the smart money's on duke U.... He will be assisted anyway possible...

If duke U is ousted.. which is likely in my book look at the above order to be touted by the espn pukes but UK can overcome them as judging by the current halfway decent stories concerning UK and Cal. Heck the media may even adopt Cal, and.....UK. Yeah, right...
I will say that the media, i.e. ESPN, would love nothing better than seeing a Duke title in Coach K's last year. I'll be watching for favorable calls during this year's tournament. There will be plenty.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 38°F, clear with periodic clouds and calm. Today's high may peak around 60°F. Sounds good.

Watched part of Pro Bowl yesterday. Interceptions galore. I also checked out Houston vs Cincy college basketball. Cougars are legit.

Monday, Monday....

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning, D-League!

Warmer temps this week. Mid 20s outside right now. Hope everyone is well this morning

"Jeff Bozos is building a yacht almost as big as his ego. He's going to christen it Covid22 since it was paid for by the pandemic. The controversy last week was the dismantling of a 150 yr old bridge to get the yacht through, which is simply to distract from this week's controversy- how to get his head and his hypocrisy on board. "The passageways are simply not wide enough," said the Dutch shipbuilding company, aptly named Greta's Nightmare, "He won't be able to see the interior unless he does it virtually. While we specialize in building the high-carbon footprint beauties, we can't guarantee that those for whom they are built will hate their creation."

The possibility still remains that the rich Amazon hypocrite's head might travel separately to and from the yacht."

At least he's spending his money here in the US, where he accumulated it. Can you imagine him as a politician? Completely fascist images of the 30s and 40s come to mind....

May God bless you and keep you!
Good Morning all... His Eye is on the Sparrow... I know he watches me...

Good morning! Listening to the Leach Report and working on my first pint of coffee.

Plan is to head out to the workshop after the Jones Show is over today. Need to start out by sanding all the tee markers and figuring out how many I'll have to make to replace the ones that were destroyed this past year.

Dumbass kids on powerful lawn mowers destroyed several of them. They can't keep their faces out of their phones long enough to do a simple job. Oh well, some call them the millennials, I call them the Bare Minimums.

Time for another beatdown tomorrow night. Some people think it is poor taste for our fans to do chants at opponent's arenas. I like it and it makes me happy when I hear it. I've got a feeling we'll hear it a couple of times tomorrow night.

Speaking of arena chants, the UNC crowd left no doubt about how they felt about Coach K's last game there. HaHa, when he took the floor the roaring sound of **** Coach K! echoed throughout the house. And everyone was concerned UNC wouldn't do anything special.

Have a day!
Good morning D, read 5 this morning.

Great win by the CATS! RR is a cesspool!!! Can't be satisfied with a win! Bev tells them like it is over there!!!!LOL

Working at home today. Rough day yesterday, 16- and 22-year-old died here in our community yesterday, what is wrong with our world!!!!

Bert tell Jessie I said happy birthday for me please.

I hope the d has a great day and prayers for the D!!!
Rafter's has exploded about the regurgitation of the same Sharpe news that we got last November. His intention was to not play this year. He was very clear about that. UK fans created the speculation and now they're losing their minds about it.

The odds of him coming in this late in the season, and performing well, would be very low. We all know how much chance he would be given to acclimate to the speed and physicality of the college game. Maybe 2 or 3 minutes before the hyenas would be biting at his heels.
Rafter's has exploded about the regurgitation of the same Sharpe news that we got last November. His intention was to not play this year. He was very clear about that. UK fans created the speculation and now they're losing their minds about it.

The odds of him coming in this late in the season, and performing well, would be very low. We all know how much chance he would be given to acclimate to the speed and physicality of the college game. Maybe 2 or 3 minutes before the hyenas would be biting at his heels.

Yeah, I am not a basketball expert by any means. I'd feel better giving input with baseball though I love basketball. I never had a feeling for if Sharpe should play or not. I thought it would take an extraordinary person to get up to a speed to where it would help and not hurt along with also melding properly with the team. Practice is one thing...