
Hope she gets well soon! I think I've lucked out so far, but there have been times over the last 2 years that I look back and say , maybe I had it.
I'm reasonably sure me and the little lady both had it before folks knew anything about it. We were in contact with someone who worked with a guy who had just come back from Wuhan and both of us got light flu like symptoms. Didn't connect any dots till people started talking about covid and Wuhan. The timing would have been right.
I'm reasonably sure me and the little lady both had it before folks knew anything about it. We were in contact with someone who worked with a guy who had just come back from Wuhan and both of us got light flu like symptoms. Didn't connect any dots till people started talking about covid and Wuhan. The timing would have been right.
That is around the first time I thought I might have had it. Breathing got bad and the medicine didn't seem to help. I talked to the doctor and he upped my medication. Shortly after that it got better. I've just gone through a bad breathing episode within the last month. I have severe COPD with less than 50% lung function, so I'm pretty sensitive to any changes.
That is around the first time I thought I might have had it. Breathing got bad and the medicine didn't seem to help. I talked to the doctor and he upped my medication. Shortly after that it got better. I've just gone through a bad breathing episode within the last month. I have severe COPD with less than 50% lung function, so I'm pretty sensitive to any changes.
good luck.
I don't know about anyone's personal feelings about Rex Chapman, but I've had the redass about him going way, way, back. Throw in all the shit between then and now and all i can say is, I'm so glad he's not on the pregame show with Buzz any longer. I couldn't listen to it when he was on. I wanted to and I tried, but he was just terrible.

People who say he deserves a second chance think the cell phone robbery was his only transgression. I'm not willing to excuse his behavior just because he was weak enough to get addicted to drugs.

His new CNN show will be a bust. He is an idiot. Pure and simple. Rex is a dumbass and anyone who tunes in and stays tuned in, will have to be just a little dumber than Rex. Pity those fools.

To me, it's quite awesome that I get to listen to Goose Givens on the pregame show! What a hero!
I don't know about anyone's personal feelings about Rex Chapman, but I've had the redass about him going way, way, back. Throw in all the shit between then and now and all i can say is, I'm so glad he's not on the pregame show with Buzz any longer. I couldn't listen to it when he was on. I wanted to and I tried, but he was just terrible.

People who say he deserves a second chance think the cell phone robbery was his only transgression. I'm not willing to excuse his behavior just because he was weak enough to get addicted to drugs.

His new CNN show will be a bust. He is an idiot. Pure and simple. Rex is a dumbass and anyone who tunes in and stays tuned in, will have to be just a little dumber than Rex. Pity those fools.

To me, it's quite awesome that I get to listen to Goose Givens on the pregame show! What a hero!
I loved him as a player and have tried to like him since, but he makes it extremely difficult.
Welp, DW tested + for the covid today - 10 days after me. Not surprising. She's been acting like she has a cold for a couple for days. Nothing worse that I can tell. More than anything, she's relieved she finally has it. We've both had the 3 jabs treatment going several months back.
Take care. I am glad my wife and daughter are feeling better as is my BIL. MIL needs a little more time. I guess I am next.
I don't know about anyone's personal feelings about Rex Chapman, but I've had the redass about him going way, way, back. Throw in all the shit between then and now and all i can say is, I'm so glad he's not on the pregame show with Buzz any longer. I couldn't listen to it when he was on. I wanted to and I tried, but he was just terrible.

People who say he deserves a second chance think the cell phone robbery was his only transgression. I'm not willing to excuse his behavior just because he was weak enough to get addicted to drugs.

His new CNN show will be a bust. He is an idiot. Pure and simple. Rex is a dumbass and anyone who tunes in and stays tuned in, will have to be just a little dumber than Rex. Pity those fools.

To me, it's quite awesome that I get to listen to Goose Givens on the pregame show! What a hero!
I am right there with you. I would not listen to any program Rex was on and the fact he was on a UK basketball pregame show was an insult to UK fans intelligence.

I heard someone say this week that since Biden became President CNN has lost 90% of their audience. Now I don't know if that is factual and may have been an exaggeration but the point is they have lost millions of viewers. Rex Chapman will fit in well.

Goose Givens is a perfect man for the job. He is UK and has never stooped to the level Chapman did to run the program down. He is a hero.
Good Saturday Game Day Morning

It is a little chilly down here as the Ice Age continues.

The skies will be clear. The low will be 39°. Our high will be 53° Tonight our temperatures should be near freezing.

This will be a good day to stay inside and watch a little basketball. The Cats have a big one today and nobody is giving them much of a chance to beat Auburn on the road. So Let's play the game and see what happens.

WIND 14 mph
Chance of rain 44%


If UK plays like they did in the UT game they can win this. Auburn looked good when I last watched them but like any other team they can have an off game like UK often does. The pressure is on Auburn.
So, I haven't worked in 22 yrs.......just like WC I wake up 4-4:15 every matter what time I go to bed...
OT....the Director retired in Dec........she says she is going to work part time.......I came in from the loft yesterday and she informed me that since I went to breakfast every Sat with the guys that she would just go ahead and work weekends......??????????????????? mind you I am home by at least 10:30 every is a shame that some people just can't re-program themselves.......I understand folks that really don't have enough to retire on......that isn't the case with us.......hopefully when they stop throwing money at her she will let it go........she gets mail every day from hospitals......Respiratory Therapist are in short supply.......maybe I will find another group or two to do breakfast with.......say Tues and Thursday............I would never see her......she went over five years working 28-29 days a month......12 hr days...................

I retired 14 years ago and not for one second since have I ever had an itch to go back to work. And I actually liked the job I retired from.
I retired 14 years ago and not for one second since have I ever had an itch to go back to work. And I actually liked the job I retired from.

I'm still working Sir but I never have worked a job I didn't like (thankfully), I always work though (And I have made some good friends at work) I always work to be able to come home. I have worked for my family.... I am thankful but I will have plenty to do up until the Lord takes me home.
Cats... give "Ole" Auburn some of this....


Auburn will eat too much of these... and way to close to game time...


Auburn be soft as biscuits... we shall see..

  • Good to have BKO posting again in the D-League. Like old times.
  • What was the name of the site where BKO used to pull the nice boxscores from???
  • I arose at 7:15. Yawn.
  • It's cold in Cumming.

  • I don't catch anything.

My wife and I are fortunate that neither of us ever get sick. I have a bad ticker and one carotid completely plugged up. I expect a heart attack or stroke will eventually take me out and I'm OK with that as long as it is quick. If I ever go silent on here that is probably what happened. Until then I will keep rattling on here with guys that I consider my good buddies.