
Fred ate meat! Good enough for me...



Great... now I'm hungry at 2:50am....
Good morning from ATX. Currently 30°F and partly cloudy. North winds running about 10 mph. Wind-chill = 23°F. Our high expected around 50°F.

Worked with Microsoft reps yesterday on a couple problems. Nice folks. We resolved the issue.

Lady Cats got blown out by Florida Gators last night at Memorial. Bah.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

I forgot about this song. It was a good one...

Her daddy Mel was the Pride of Pahokee.

Trust all had a good night's rest. I got up at 5:55 with sausage ready to put in the frying pan. Black coffee strong and biscuits in the oven. The only way to get a day started is with a good breakfast with some hog meat. It is important.

Our weather currently is 55° and we expect to top out at 69° by early afternoon. Our chance of rain is 15%. Today will be a piddling day for me. I will probably make a pot of oxtail soup to have it ready for the game tomorrow. I might pick up a loaf of Cuban bread for toasting, soaked in cow's butter of course.


Morning Legionnaires! Rumble, bumble, or stumble out of dem bunks. Either way it's the day we finish the work week (for those who are working).

10° right now with a high of 40° on tap and light winds (finally).

Wife feeling better thinking about going to work today. Trying to tell her to wait for next week to go back. Daughter still sick but was feeling a little better last night. Mornings are rougher. BIL and MIL tested positive yesterday too and MIL went to hospital, and they said she could go home or stay overnight. She opted for overnight since she has chronic bronchitis among other problems. BIL says she is doing good so she will probably be home today. So far, thank God, I have not shown any signs.
Her daddy Mel was the Pride of Pahokee.

Trust all had a good night's rest. I got up at 5:55 with sausage ready to put in the frying pan. Black coffee strong and biscuits in the oven. The only way to get a day started is with a good breakfast with some hog meat. It is important.

Our weather currently is 55° and we expect to top out at 69° by early afternoon. Our chance of rain is 15%. Today will be a piddling day for me. I will probably make a pot of oxtail soup to have it ready for the game tomorrow. I might pick up a loaf of Cuban bread for toasting, soaked in cow's butter of course.


Good Morning,

My darling loves oxtail soup as I do. She makes a heck of a good soup. Funny thing about oxtails. You used to be able to get them at the markets for next to nothing. Now they are priced as if they are a delicacy. (They are but not many knew it until the last couple to few years.)

Have a great day all...
Good Morning,

My darling loves oxtail soup as I do. She makes a heck of a good soup. Funny thing about oxtails. You used to be able to get them at the markets for next to nothing. Now they are priced as if they are a delicacy. (They are but not many knew it until the last couple to few years.)

Have a great day all...
We are having the same issue down here with oxtails. The price is outrageous. Once upon a time you could get them as scraps at a meat market. Two of my brother in laws raise cattle and they would throw them away when they took one to the local butcher. I had a talk with them about that. They had never ate one and had been raised on growing their own beef cattle for food. Crazy.

We have a local restaurant run by a Jamaican and his specialty is Oxtails and Rice. It is to die for good.

Morning D
Well woke up to the news we lost another one
Michael Lee A’day, otherwise known as Meatloaf dies at 74
I already really don’t like 2022
Bev, it is getting more and more common in my personal life. I am 4 years older than Meatloaf was when he died. So I live everyday as if it may be my last day on earth. My faith is in our Lord and I thank him for the life He gave me. At the end, all that matters is family, true friends and our relationship with our Savior.

RIP Meatloaf and thank you for sharing your talents with the world.
Bev, it is getting more and more common in my personal life. I am 4 years older than Meatloaf was when he died. So I live everyday as if it may be my last day on earth. My faith is in our Lord and I thank him for the life He gave me. At the end, all that matters is family, true friends and our relationship with our Savior.

RIP Meatloaf and thank you for sharing your talents with the world.
Oh I know.
I guess I just wish it would slow down a little…give us time to acclimate to the last thing before we get hit with another
Good Morning,

My darling loves oxtail soup as I do. She makes a heck of a good soup. Funny thing about oxtails. You used to be able to get them at the markets for next to nothing. Now they are priced as if they are a delicacy. (They are but not many knew it until the last couple to few years.)

Have a great day all...
BBUK, here is a photo of a batch of oxtail soup I made. It is simple and satisfying. This is my grandma's receipe and I am sure she got it from her mother. Probably goes back to the mid 1800's.

The ingredients are:
Beef broth from the oxtails
whole banana pepper (I prefer a hot one)
salt and pepper to taste. I simmer it for hours. As you can see in the picture on the back of the plate is a whole raw banana pepper. I set it aside to eat with the stew. Brings out the flavor

Step-FIL is still in the hospital after his bathroom fall Monday. Tests are showing that only 30% of his heart is working plus he's having trouble urinating. He'll be released for rehab Monday to an assisted living facility and most likely that will be his home from here on out. My wife has been staying with her Mom but she is confused at times. Talking out of her head. Dementia setting in unfortunately. The problem is that she refuses to join her husband. There's no way any of her children can give her the proper care that she needs. Adding to the problems are my parent's health concerns. It's hard watching loved ones grow old.
Damn, sorry to hear about Meat Loaf. He was one of the first celebrities I ever interviewed back in the very early 1980s when I was in my mid- 20s and working for a small newspaper in Prince George's County -- a suburb of DC that in those days had the arena where both the Washington Bullets (now less interestingly the Wizards) and music acts played.

He was a pretty good dude as I recall, though of course going through the motions with the small time local press. Our photographer took a photo of him and me side by side, labeled it "Meat Loaf and Meat Head" and pinned it on the newsroom bulletin board. Many laughs ensued, that being the kind of humor that played in newsrooms. I wish I'd kept it.
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Morning folks. I loved Meatloaf. My favored song of his was Paradise by the dashboard light. Always a good one to play at a wedding reception!

It is a cold one here today. We are 21.7°F now but was 14° at sunrise. We are supposed to top out at 32°.
BBUK, here is a photo of a batch of oxtail soup I made. It is simple and satisfying. This is my grandma's receipe and I am sure she got it from her mother. Probably goes back to the mid 1800's.

The ingredients are:
Beef broth from the oxtails
whole banana pepper (I prefer a hot one)
salt and pepper to taste. I simmer it for hours. As you can see in the picture on the back of the plate is a whole raw banana pepper. I set it aside to eat with the stew. Brings out the flavor


Oooh... edible as Uncle Jed would say.... Mmmm...

My Darling also makes a bone soup. I don't have her recipe but it looks something like this...(Takes a lot of time.)


Speaking for myself, most of the time I'd pick your soup. My wife doesn't use a lot of tomatoes in her cooking but uses a lot of other vegetables (I know a tomato is a fruit.) . I really enjoy either way but your type above is much more to my way of thinking. I'd sure enjoy it.
Who'd of actually thunk it? A policy was wrong...

A fart was smarter, so it seems...
Good morning! Louis Anderson died this morning as well. Never was a fan. Meatloaf on the other hand,,,

According to a bunch of Rafters posters, it's Cal's fault that Sharpe is now eligible for the 22 draft. The original sticking point was that he hadn't graduated before the NBA season began. Now they are saying that he had the credits to graduate before the season started. So Cal was supposed to tell Sharpe he didn't want him to come here because there was a chance he might not play?

Is anyone else listening to the Jones Show? Wow! I think those guys are regressing. They all, including the DJ, think Paradise by the Dashboard Light is a song about baseball.

Have a nice day and once again, get off my lawn. Unless you want to mow it.
Good morning! Louis Anderson died this morning as well. Never was a fan. Meatloaf on the other hand,,,

According to a bunch of Rafters posters, it's Cal's fault that Sharpe is now eligible for the 22 draft. The original sticking point was that he hadn't graduated before the NBA season began. Now they are saying that he had the credits to graduate before the season started. So Cal was supposed to tell Sharpe he didn't want him to come here because there was a chance he might not play?

Is anyone else listening to the Jones Show? Wow! I think those guys are regressing. They all, including the DJ, think Paradise by the Dashboard Light is a song about baseball.

Have a nice day and once again, get off my lawn. Unless you want to mow it.
Idiots. It was about good dashboards lights. Duh.
Idiots. It was about good dashboards lights. Duh.
They played part of the song for Matt, the part that was the guy calling a baseball game, and Matt said it wasn't a very good song. They also went on for way too long about I Would Do Anything for Love. They claim that no one knows what "that" is. Read the lyrics Matt.

Meat Loaf was in a movie with Sam L. Jackson called Formula 51. Check it out. It's like Tarentino and Guy Ritchie got together and made a flick.
Oooh... edible as Uncle Jed would say.... Mmmm...

My Darling also makes a bone soup. I don't have her recipe but it looks something like this...(Takes a lot of time.)


Speaking for myself, most of the time I'd pick your soup. My wife doesn't use a lot of tomatoes in her cooking but uses a lot of other vegetables (I know a tomato is a fruit.) . I really enjoy either way but your type above is much more to my way of thinking. I'd sure enjoy it.
BBUK, the soup I make is straight from the hills of Appalachia. Simple and the flavors all compliment each other.
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I discovered the reason I sleep so well at night. M&M's are inclusive. I never thought about their colors having a meaning so it is refreshing to know.

BBUK, the soup I make is straight from the hills of Appalachia. Simple and the flavors all compliment each other.

I started reading that and just stopped. Somethings are better left to remember the way they were. I don't eat a lot of M&M's but I like them. Just darn when are the fools going to stop....

Oh, did Appalachia use the tails? I agree on the flavors and the compliment... just curious.. Oh, looks like some other type meat in there too? I may be wrong. In any event it looks like something to make a reservation to eat. ;)
Good morning! Louis Anderson died this morning as well. Never was a fan. Meatloaf on the other hand,,,

According to a bunch of Rafters posters, it's Cal's fault that Sharpe is now eligible for the 22 draft. The original sticking point was that he hadn't graduated before the NBA season began. Now they are saying that he had the credits to graduate before the season started. So Cal was supposed to tell Sharpe he didn't want him to come here because there was a chance he might not play?

Is anyone else listening to the Jones Show? Wow! I think those guys are regressing. They all, including the DJ, think Paradise by the Dashboard Light is a song about baseball.

Have a nice day and once again, get off my lawn. Unless you want to mow it.
People are looking for reasons to be angry
As I said in one is the threads, if Cal had won titles more recently, especially 2015..or even just had mutiple titles then they’d not be near as bothered
A year ago I wanted Cal to move on; I thought he had gotten lazy and things were not good for the program. But never hated the man or wished him ill.
He made some necessary changes and seems to have regained some fire. I’m good with that for now
There is so much to get upset and angry over in real life. Some kid playing or not playing is not one of them
Perspective people
I'm making some kind of cheesy chicken soup today. Wife left a recipe on the stove along with the money card. I think there are potatoes and carrots in there too.

I have a can of New England clam chowdah on the shelf that I'll have for lunch. When I would work up in the Northeast I would always try out the chowder at different restaurants. Lot's of variation. The best I ever had was at a bar around St Joeseph Michigan. On the eastern shore of Lake Michigan.
People are looking for reasons to be angry
As I said in one is the threads, if Cal had won titles more recently, especially 2015..or even just had mutiple titles then they’d not be near as bothered
A year ago I wanted Cal to move on; I thought he had gotten lazy and things were not good for the program. But never hated the man or wished him ill.
He made some necessary changes and seems to have regained some fire. I’m good with that for now
There is so much to get upset and angry over in real life. Some kid playing or not playing is not one of them
Perspective people
I don't blame Cal for last year. With all the things that were going on, I prefer to think of it as a throwaway year. Askew was never supposed to be our starting point guard. Clarke was a useless pos. Boston was a bust. Who knows what else was going on behind the scenes. Most of the people who want to bitch at Cal never wanted him from the start.

Luckily for me, I was sitting by myself in a dingy motel room in Chattanooga watching the 2015 game on a 24", 1975 tv with static lines through the middle of the screen, deciding whether or not I should make the call to amputate my father's leg to save his life, or let him go. When the game was over I turned off the tv and went back to the hospital. I don't remember anything about the game and to this day it still doesn't bother me. I think about 38 wins in a row.
I started reading that and just stopped. Somethings are better left to remember the way they were. I don't eat a lot of M&M's but I like them. Just darn when are the fools going to stop....

Oh, did Appalachia use the tails? I agree on the flavors and the compliment... just curious.. Oh, looks like some other type meat in there too? I may be wrong. In any event it looks like something to make a reservation to eat. ;)
Yes, they did. This recipe came from my daddy who got it from his mother who got it from her mother. I made a very large pot that time and used some stew beef which is leaner and compliments the richer oxtails. I am making some right now. I will let it set overnight and warm it up about game time.
Good afternoon, D-League!

Still fighting the crud here. I see I'm not alone. I pray it stays away from your families or is as mild as a cold.


I was ready for Cal to go over his comments last year myself. He hasn't yet changed my mind, but it is open to being changed.

I always like the players that commit to UK and do their best here, but I'm not a fan of playing almost exclusively FR 1AD players through the first 1/2 of the season. I'm not a fan of sacrificing the season or career of an upperclassmen to invest in just the freshmen. Flies in the face of "it's about the players."

Not sure who'd want to step in to replace him, either. Cupboard is almost always as empty as possible at the end of every season. I sometimes think we'd have at least 2 more titles if we had BillyD as coach, and I was most always in favor of Cal over him.


I am weary of talking about UK basketball. Going to just try to enjoy a game if I have time to watch another one. It doesn't build up the program for me to mention where I'd like improvement.

So glad for the football success! Hope it continues.

Back to the chores and takin care of my lovely wife. Hoping she feels better soon. May God continue to bless you all!