
Casey rang the bell. Always great news. We continue to pray for her recovery.



This is the bell I rang for my final Chemo Treatment. It is now happily the property of the Governor’s Mansion (as are the wonderful motivational and inspirational books we’ve been sent along the way, thank you). Hopefully, their display will symbolize hope, humility and faith.

I'm making some kind of cheesy chicken soup today. Wife left a recipe on the stove along with the money card. I think there are potatoes and carrots in there too.

I have a can of New England clam chowdah on the shelf that I'll have for lunch. When I would work up in the Northeast I would always try out the chowder at different restaurants. Lot's of variation. The best I ever had was at a bar around St Joeseph Michigan. On the eastern shore of Lake Michigan.
Used to be (still is?) a chain of family restaurants in New England named Friendly's. When we lived there, always thought they had the best cc.
Step-FIL is still in the hospital after his bathroom fall Monday. Tests are showing that only 30% of his heart is working plus he's having trouble urinating. He'll be released for rehab Monday to an assisted living facility and most likely that will be his home from here on out. My wife has been staying with her Mom but she is confused at times. Talking out of her head. Dementia setting in unfortunately. The problem is that she refuses to join her husband. There's no way any of her children can give her the proper care that she needs. Adding to the problems are my parent's health concerns. It's hard watching loved ones grow old.
Sorry to hear. That's a tough stage of the life of parents to see and deal with. Best to both of you.
Soup is done. As soon as I saw the recipe called for me to make a roux, I knew it was going to good. I went off track on the recipe. It was a good outline I guess, but the measurements were off. 2 cups of chicken? Nope. 4 boneless skinless breasts is what I had. 1 cup of potato and 1 cup of carrots? Bah! 3 large russets and a bag of baby carrots cut into even sized pieces is what it should have said. 1 lb of cheese? 24oz seemed more reasonable.

This might not just stick to your ribs, if you know what I mean, and I think that you do.
Salty's Seafood in Seattle is the best clam chowder I've ever had. Of course that was back in the 80s and I'd never had a really good bowl before. I did a quick search and although Salty's is still rated high the best chowder in Seattle is supposedly Pike Place Seafood. It was also 2018's #1 rated dish on Yelp nationwide. They deliver too so I might take a chance. $79 for 2 quarts is a bit expensive considering a bowl is usually between 12 and 16 ounces. So 4-5 bowls.
Salty's Seafood in Seattle is the best clam chowder I've ever had. Of course that was back in the 80s and I'd never had a really good bowl before. I did a quick search and although Salty's is still rated high the best chowder in Seattle is supposedly Pike Place Seafood. It was also 2018's #1 rated dish on Yelp nationwide. They deliver too so I might take a chance. $79 for 2 quarts is a bit expensive considering a bowl is usually between 12 and 16 ounces. So 4-5 bowls.
That's expensive. Some of the best I had was in Bar Harbor Maine. Some of the worst as well. Went to a little restaurant down by the water and ordered a bowl. She brought it to me and the top was covered in clear grease. I tasted it and it was not what it should be in my opinion. I told her I didn't want it and why. She said "you're going to pay for it" I informed her that I was not from Maine and no, i would not pay for it. She threatened to call the cops on me. I told her go ahead and I would wait for them. She told me to just leave.
That's expensive. Some of the best I had was in Bar Harbor Maine. Some of the worst as well. Went to a little restaurant down by the water and ordered a bowl. She brought it to me and the top was covered in clear grease. I tasted it and it was not what it should be in my opinion. I told her I didn't want it and why. She said "you're going to pay for it" I informed her that I was not from Maine and no, i would not pay for it. She threatened to call the cops on me. I told her go ahead and I would wait for them. She told me to just leave.
Wow, my wife bought a can of that last week. Haven't tried it yet.
Bama wide receiver Javon Baker transferring to UK. I know nothing about the guy but still, it's Alabama.
Gonna sound like bbuk here but, every time I've seen a bama player up for grabs I've looked and hoped they were coming here. They never did. I saw earlier today about that WR and didn't bother to look. Now I have to wait and see on the rest of them.

Good news, bama don't take no BJ Bostons.
Good morning D-League. Heading out on my Saturday hike. Looks like it is up to the 20s, an improvement over yesterday.

Two giant games today, Cats and Bengals. My teams underdogs in both. For Bengals it is win or go home. Kentucky needs a momentum builder on the road.

I asked myself which I’d take if I could choose one and the answer came easy - UK.

Hope it’s a good day for everyone.
Good morning D-League. Heading out on my Saturday hike. Looks like it is up to the 20s, an improvement over yesterday.

Two giant games today, Cats and Bengals. My teams underdogs in both. For Bengals it is win or go home. Kentucky needs a momentum builder on the road.

I asked myself which I’d take if I could choose one and the answer came easy - UK.

Hope it’s a good day for everyone.
Alarm or do you just wake up this early normally. I am up around 4:00 every morning (no alarm), old habits die hard.

Morning Legionnaires! Get out of dem bunks and git rid of dose skunks.

21° right now with a high in the low 50's with light winds

Remembering this morning all the skunks that used to run around underneath our old WWII barracks when I was in Basic Training. Drill Sergeants would make us chase them away...carefully

Wife and daughter were feeling better last night, and I believe are mostly over the virus for the most part. BIL feeling better too. MIL is still in the hospital for more observation and on fluids. Doctors say not bad just making sure.

Just going to do a little martial arts workout this morning along with cleaning the house before settling in for UK and Bengals games. Go Cats! and...Go Cats!
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Good Saturday Game Day Morning

It is a little chilly down here as the Ice Age continues.

The skies will be clear. The low will be 39°. Our high will be 53° Tonight our temperatures should be near freezing.

This will be a good day to stay inside and watch a little basketball. The Cats have a big one today and nobody is giving them much of a chance to beat Auburn on the road. So Let's play the game and see what happens.

WIND 14 mph
Chance of rain 44%


So, I haven't worked in 22 yrs.......just like WC I wake up 4-4:15 every matter what time I go to bed...
OT....the Director retired in Dec........she says she is going to work part time.......I came in from the loft yesterday and she informed me that since I went to breakfast every Sat with the guys that she would just go ahead and work weekends......??????????????????? mind you I am home by at least 10:30 every is a shame that some people just can't re-program themselves.......I understand folks that really don't have enough to retire on......that isn't the case with us.......hopefully when they stop throwing money at her she will let it go........she gets mail every day from hospitals......Respiratory Therapist are in short supply.......maybe I will find another group or two to do breakfast with.......say Tues and Thursday............I would never see her......she went over five years working 28-29 days a month......12 hr days...................
Alarm or do you just wake up this early normally. I am up around 4:00 every morning (no alarm), old habits die hard.
I am an early riser also without an alarm. I have never needed an alarm in my life.

I really enjoy early mornings now that I am retired and don't have to worry about catching my flight or giving a presentation. Now I start everyday with a strong cup of black coffee, head out to the lanai and drink a pot. As the day breaks birds flock in around the lake and we have a real good variety of large birds that are seasonal. It is fun to watch them feeding off of a few fish and lots of insects and small chameleons.

My wife sleeps late and I tell her she misses out on nature at it's finest. LOL

Good morning D
It freaking COLD out there today
Got a lot on my plate to do today ..may have to record the game and hope it’s worth watching later
I hate what my son is going through but have to admit I like having him here. And he has his daughter this weekend. Loved hearing that little voice saying HI MAWMAW!! I sleeped good.
Do love this little girl so.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 31°F, crisp and clear. 2 MPH winds. High today may reach 57°F. Planning on a walk after breakfast. Good weather for it.

We got another road game today. UK vs Auburn at 1 EST. Tigers favored by 3. Go Cats!

As always, wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 31°F, crisp and clear. 2 MPH winds. High today may reach 57°F. Planning on a walk after breakfast. Good weather for it.

We got another road game today. UK vs Auburn at 1 EST. Tigers favored by 3. Go Cats!

As always, wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Good morning,
Learn everyday. Never heard of a blonde brownie. Must be good but sounds kind of dumb. (Oops, no offense to blondes everywhere. Gotta keep from being fact-checked...)
Good morning all ...I get up when I have to. No issues getting up on ten hours sleep or two but I like at least seven.

Been a night owl the last few years. My Darling doesn't understand that is the only time I can think things through. Been kind of hectic here.

As John stated in Rooster Cogburn..."If I had my druthers I'd".... go to sleep around nine....
Welp, DW tested + for the covid today - 10 days after me. Not surprising. She's been acting like she has a cold for a couple for days. Nothing worse that I can tell. More than anything, she's relieved she finally has it. We've both had the 3 jabs treatment going several months back.
Welp, DW tested + for the covid today - 10 days after me. Not surprising. She's been acting like she has a cold for a couple for days. Nothing worse that I can tell. More than anything, she's relieved she finally has it. We've both had the 3 jabs treatment going several months back.
Good luck to both of you.
Welp, DW tested + for the covid today - 10 days after me. Not surprising. She's been acting like she has a cold for a couple for days. Nothing worse that I can tell. More than anything, she's relieved she finally has it. We've both had the 3 jabs treatment going several months back.
Hope she gets well soon! I think I've lucked out so far, but there have been times over the last 2 years that I look back and say , maybe I had it.
  • Good to have BKO posting again in the D-League. Like old times.
  • What was the name of the site where BKO used to pull the nice boxscores from???
  • I arose at 7:15. Yawn.
  • It's cold in Cumming.
  • Hope she gets well soon! I think I've lucked out so far, but there have been times over the last 2 years that I look back and say , maybe I had it.
    I don't catch anything.
Good morning! Less than 2 hours to go. I think we're going to win today. If not for a couple of bad 3 point shooting nights, we would be where Auburn is. Don't discount the experience the Cats bring to the table. We have yet to follow up a poor performance with another one. We're due to shoot well today. Cats 75-72