


Tough game for the Cats. I thought that early on Tony Green stuck UK with three bad calls and two were on Washington. He can be a little prick sometimes.

I thought that the whole game A&M were allowed to hack and not get many of them called. I think that they brought the most intense defense that UK has seen this year and the refs did not stop the reaching in and hacking.

Anyway that was a good win.

I enjoyed the comments from Cal that he "thanked" the conference for the schedule. They plan on getting back in Lexington at 3:00 am, so no practice tomorrow and then Friday the go to Auburn for a noon game.

See you good folks tomorrow.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 39°F, cloudy and windy. Wind chill at 31°F. Freezing rain + wintry mix coming in a few hours. We're already at our high for today. May see a low of 27°F by this time tomorrow. Hard freeze likely. Chilly walk ahead.

What a rock fight last evening. Our shooting, while bad by current standards, paled in comparison with Aggies. TAMU shot horribly. Great Cats Defense. Proud of the team and W.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning D-League. Had to work last night so I got up early and am watching the Cats’ replay on the SEC network.

No prettier but just as satisfying. Buzz and A&M can ugly up a game. Nothing in rhythm. Physical as hell. Thank goodness they can’t shoot a lick.

Good win that will build confidence while focusing the team’s attention on what they’ll have to do to have a chance Saturday.

Back to work. Hope it’s a good day for all.

Morning legionnaires! Get out of dem bags, dust off dem rags, and reload those mags we need some shootin practice.

19° with winds up to 30mph makes it feel like 3° or less. 30° on tap for today with winds 25-35mph. Got up at 0500 and let the monster out and 2 cats wanted out. Went to the bathroom and came back out to both cats meowing at the back door. Opened the door and they both ran in. The monster stayed out just lying in the grass as if it were 70° out there.

Tough win last night and while Texas A&M is not in the top 25, they were 15-2 and playing at home. I will take it. Hopefully we shoot better come Saturday.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 39°F, cloudy and windy. Wind chill at 31°F. Freezing rain + wintry mix coming in a few hours. We're already at our high for today. May see a low of 27°F by this time tomorrow. Hard freeze likely. Chilly walk ahead.

What a rock fight last evening. Our shooting, while bad by current standards, paled in comparison with Aggies. TAMU shot horribly. Great Cats Defense. Proud of the team and W.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.
A&M shot better: 39% to our 36%. We won it with all the FT shots & high % there.
Good morning D

I am sure we all slept well after last night's hard fought victory. It is certainly expected when you go on the road in the SEC. T-shirt sales go up when the Cats visit.

I woke up this morning at my usual time of 5:55 AM and took my pickup down to my auto repair shop to have the AC inspected. Not that I need it this morning because it is 55° currently and the high will be 75° this afternoon. Certainly not AC weather but something tells me this Ice Age will end in a few months so I am ready for it.

This is where I take my truck for repairs, etc. Ole' Harold has a good sense of humor. The Dinosaur is a local landmark and has been around most of my life. It started out as a Sinclair service station. It was in a rural area and the Sinclair company decided to build it to catch the eyes of tourists. It became well known and most out of state cars headed further South would stop in. Harold had his own idea of something to draw people in, a thong underwear. Just goes to show you never can tell.

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