
Good morning D-League. Last chance to make a mark in 2021.

Took my son to DC last night for a steak dinner and the Wizards’ game against the Cavaliers. We had a great time - seats near the floor by one basket. Two terrible teams, but what the hell. Saw some good young players - Mobley from SoCal has a chance to be special, the Gafford kid who was at Arkansas a few years back belongs in the league.

When we got home I saw the news that the Cavs had traded for Rondo, so we just missed seeing him. The first game my son and I went to together when he was 10 was Celtics-Wizards: Wall versus Rondo. What a great game, that ended in a win by rookie John Wall with a long jump shot at the buzzer. Time goes fast.

Glad to see Tubby get his jersey in the rafters. I’ve followed the Cats since Rupp’s Runts and 1998 was my favorite team.

In the 1990s I had a White House pass. I went to all three Kentucky celebrations between 96-12. By 2012, the media was kept isolated from the team and coaches. In 1996 I had a chance to say hello to Pitino but he was arrogant and dismissive. But in 1998 I got to talk to Tubby, and he was genuine and engaging. We talked about his parents getting to come to the WH ceremony, and I told him how much my dad loved the 98 team. He asked my dad’s name and without me requesting it, wrote him a little note and signed it. Great guy.
That 98 team was great. To be honest I didn't think they'd win it all that year. A deep run sure but not a national title. It made it even more special. Now Tubby's 2002-2003 team I would have bet money on a championship that year.
You've had covid for a long time then! Haha. Poor wife is pretty miserable. I'm jus basically dealing with a fairly bad cold.
Yeah, I believe it all stems from the smoke inhaled during all of those fire missions over the years and the times in the gas chambers when we DI's would take our mask off to show the trainees that it was not life threatening. Cried a lot in those days. 🥲;)
Yeah, I believe it all stems from the smoke inhaled during all of those fire missions over the years and the times in the gas chambers when we DI's would take our mask off to show the trainees that it was not life threatening. Cried a lot in those days. 🥲;)

In today's world the millennials would be in the fetal position after that sobbing.
Good morning D-League. Last chance to make a mark in 2021.

Took my son to DC last night for a steak dinner and the Wizards’ game against the Cavaliers. We had a great time - seats near the floor by one basket. Two terrible teams, but what the hell. Saw some good young players - Mobley from SoCal has a chance to be special, the Gafford kid who was at Arkansas a few years back belongs in the league.

When we got home I saw the news that the Cavs had traded for Rondo, so we just missed seeing him. The first game my son and I went to together when he was 10 was Celtics-Wizards: Wall versus Rondo. What a great game, that ended in a win by rookie John Wall with a long jump shot at the buzzer. Time goes fast.

Glad to see Tubby get his jersey in the rafters. I’ve followed the Cats since Rupp’s Runts and 1998 was my favorite team.

In the 1990s I had a White House pass. I went to all three Kentucky celebrations between 96-12. By 2012, the media was kept isolated from the team and coaches. In 1996 I had a chance to say hello to Pitino but he was arrogant and dismissive. But in 1998 I got to talk to Tubby, and he was genuine and engaging. We talked about his parents getting to come to the WH ceremony, and I told him how much my dad loved the 98 team. He asked my dad’s name and without me requesting it, wrote him a little note and signed it. Great guy.
My uncle coached high school and small college basketball for 40 years. He and other local coaches attended a coaching clinic run by Pitino. A group of them met him in a hall way and he said Pitino treated them like they were beneath him.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 67°F and cloudy. Clearing later for a 79°F high. Cold front rolling in late tomorrow night.

Plan on tuning in the game around 12 noon EST/11 am CST. Go Cats!

Happy Friday. Happy New Year's Eve.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.
I found a 5-dollar bill while walking the dog this morning. Are you going to give us your yearly total?
I found a 5-dollar bill while walking the dog this morning. Are you going to give us your yearly total?
Good for you. My year is unusual in that it runs June 26 2021 - June 25 2022.

Last year, I found $156.10.

So far, since June 26, 2021, I've found nearly 4 beer cans full of change + $9 in bills.
That 98 team was great. To be honest I didn't think they'd win it all that year. A deep run sure but not a national title. It made it even more special. Now Tubby's 2002-2003 team I would have bet money on a championship that year.
2003 team was awesome. Ran the table in SEC. Tubby's best that he built.
Good morning! I have woke up hungry. That means I ate too late last night. Oh well, man's got to do what a man's got to do.

Those of you who didn't have a pleasant experience with Pitino, did you get too close? Did you look him straight in the eye? He never treated me bad or said one word to me, personally, that would cause me consternation.

Now, on his coaches show, any interview in print, or any halftime interview, yes he was a prick who knew more about basketball and life in general than any human he could imagine. That's all I have to go on because I never actually met the dude.
That 98 team was great. To be honest I didn't think they'd win it all that year. A deep run sure but not a national title. It made it even more special. Now Tubby's 2002-2003 team I would have bet money on a championship that year.
I agree about the 1998 team, 82, and I think that's why it is my favorite. The other three titles the Cats have won in my lifetime (when I was not an infant like 1958) winning was expected, so it was in some ways more stressful, and more of a relief than pure joy when it happened in 78, 96 and 2012.

In 98, The Cats were maybe the fifth or sixth best team out there -- North Carolina, Kansas, Duke and Arizona were the #1 seeds, and seen as a level above everyone else. I remember I started to believe in that team a bit during the SEC tournament when the Cats absolutely crushed Arkansas - but then Sheppard got hurt, a badly turned ankle, and it seemed like another frustration ahead after coming so close in 1997. When the team fell behind Duke by 17 with just over nine minutes to go, well, wait til next year. Everything that happened from the 9:17 mark in the Duke game until Turner's breakaway dunk to seal the Utah championship game was pure magic.

As for 2003, that team was a marvel to watch -- incredible cohesion on defense, a wonderful passing team, strong, experienced and savvy players. I really enjoyed that year.

But unlike a lot of Cat fans, I always felt it was a little short in the very high level talent register needed to win it all. Bogans was the most talented, and him getting hurt didn't help. But Syracuse had Carmelo Anthony and Marquette had D. Wade and Kansas had Collison and Hinrich and Langford.
Good morning! I have woke up hungry. That means I ate too late last night. Oh well, man's got to do what a man's got to do.

Those of you who didn't have a pleasant experience with Pitino, did you get too close? Did you look him straight in the eye? He never treated me bad or said one word to me, personally, that would cause me consternation.

Now, on his coaches show, any interview in print, or any halftime interview, yes he was a prick who knew more about basketball and life in general than any human he could imagine. That's all I have to go on because I never actually met the dude.
I never met him either. My only experience with him was through my uncle's words. I do think Pitino was the best coach we have had since Rupp if you just look at coaching ability/knowledge.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 51° and cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring rain showers and a high of 64°.

Everyone stay safe on this last day of 2021.

I never met him either. My only experience with him was through my uncle's words. I do think Pitino was the best coach we have had since Rupp if you just look at coaching ability/knowledge.
Pitino is number 26 in all time win percentage. In college. Going to Louisville knocked him way down the list. I'm like Pitino in one respect. We both know he made a huge mistake leaving Kentucky. Long term misery for short term gain is no way to go through life.
The ultimate couch potato day to end the year. Tubby back in Rupp at noon then on to the NCAA football playoffs.

I just got back from Walgreens. There were about 30 customers and only me and another guy didn't wear a mask. Damn sheeple. I would've had better protection if I wore a condom into the store.
The ultimate couch potato day to end the year. Tubby back in Rupp at noon then on to the NCAA football playoffs.

I just got back from Walgreens. There were about 30 customers and only me and another guy didn't wear a mask. Damn sheeple. I would've had better protection if I wore a condom into the store.
You wouldn't be able to breathe.

Good deal! Listening to pregame and Rupp is full. They just gave Tubby a standing ovation. From experience I know how loud it was. Most of us do. Looong overdue to have his name up there. 23 years is ridiculous. Should have gone up the night they pulled the bus into Rupp.
It's funny that you posted this. My wife, daughter, and friends say I look pissed all of the time. The first time I walked into my BCT unit as a Drill Sergeant (I was told later) one of the black Drill Sergeants told the others, "Stay away from that white boy, he looks like he is crazy and mad". Made me laugh when he told me because they found out I was a clown but liked keeping a mean look on my face to keep people at bay. At least that is what my wife thinks it is. Below is a picture of that unit and the DI who said it is sitting just above the sign above the word ARMY. He is retired here as well and is the person in many of my fishing pictures taking the picture of me and the bass. We used to go fishing together a lot but, his wife has cancer so during the onset of Covid, he decided to stay in to avoid any other illnesses. We keep in touch though and he recently told me she is now hospitalized and in a bad way. (prayers)

I am at the very top clowning as usual next to our supply sergeant who was from Haiti, he too is retired ARMY here and after working for the same military contractor for years in an office next to my wife's he recently retired from that as well.


Super stuff but...... (I know you were the man there and other places BUT again...) How'd that stash get through inspections? Did you have a profile? A mustache profile? I can't see that closely but DANG that thing sticks out... Got the Tom Selleck thing going on...

I wore one myself and still do but I keep it real short now. Got a hair lip of sorts. The gray is hard to keep right now though... Hair not gray much but the mustache sure gets gray...

Super stuff but...... (I know you were the man there and other places BUT again...) How'd that stash get through inspections? Did you have a profile? A mustache profile? I can't see that closely but DANG that thing sticks out...

I wore one myself and still do but I keep it real short now. Got a hair lip of sorts. The gray is hard to keep right now though... Hair not gray much but the mustache sure gets gray...
Many ask that question and my only answer is I did my job very well and after a while at all of my units they would just give up and leave me alone. I kept it that way my whole career. Below are different time frames and as you could see the stache stayed. Desert days and then 2 months before retirement.


Many ask that question and my only answer is I did my job very well and after a while at all of my units they would just give up and leave me alone. I kept it that way my whole career. Below are different time frames and as you could see the stache stayed. Desert days and then 2 months before retirement.



I understand completely now. I only spent four years in but near the end of basic training and beyond I kind of did things my way too but stayed in line and did things very well. The only bad day I had in the Army was the day after arriving to basic. We got up around 0200 and I was standing in formation and my nose started pouring blood. I had frequent nose bleeds due to my prior boxing day and having my nose broke four times but this was different.

I stated to myself if this is how the Army is I am not going to make it but I do not have the word quit in my vocabulary. I pinched off my nose like I learned to do. A Drill Sergeant saw me and passed me a tissue paper of some sort so I could keep the blood contained from messing up my clothes. I got it stopped but was still in formation but I then had it whipped. The Drill Sargeants were on me as they were on most everyone but I guess they saw what I was made of. I had rough days but never another bad one.