
We celebrated my wife's 75th birthday yesterday and it was a very active day.
Boating in the Gulf, spending some time on an island and finding bags and bags of shells, then topping it off with a delicious Greek meal on the sponge docks restaurants. All of the family was with us which made it extra special.

The young lady has held up quite well for 75 years and we are thankful for blessings that have come our way in life.

The family was suppose to fly out of Tampa at 12:30 PM today but it was delayed to 2:15, then 4:00, then 7:00 then 7:30 and now it is 8:00 PM departure. My daughter took them to the airport but I would not be surprised if they come back with a total cancellation. That would be a disaster because my grand daughter is scheduled to take a physical exam and physical test in Louisville tomorrow.

We celebrated my wife's 75th birthday yesterday and it was a very active day.
Boating in the Gulf, spending some time on an island and finding bags and bags of shells, then topping it off with a delicious Greek meal on the sponge docks restaurants. All of the family was with us which made it extra special.

The young lady has held up quite well for 75 years and we are thankful for blessings that have come our way in life.

The family was suppose to fly out of Tampa at 12:30 PM today but it was delayed to 2:15, then 4:00, then 7:00 then 7:30 and now it is 8:00 PM departure. My daughter took them to the airport but I would not be surprised if they come back with a total cancellation. That would be a disaster because my grand daughter is scheduled to take a physical exam and physical test in Louisville tomorrow.


Congrats to your Mrs Sir....

My Sister's birthday is Christmas day. She turned 68.
Congrats to your Mrs Sir....

My Sister's birthday is Christmas day. She turned 68.
Have to ask, has she felt slighted over the years? My wife has a brother who’s birthday is December 26th, and she has mentioned several times that he felt that way, when they were growing up. Just curious. We can’t change our birthday of course. Hell, my two kids have the same birthday, five years apart. And I know they both feel slighted in some way.
We celebrated my wife's 75th birthday yesterday and it was a very active day.
Boating in the Gulf, spending some time on an island and finding bags and bags of shells, then topping it off with a delicious Greek meal on the sponge docks restaurants. All of the family was with us which made it extra special.

The young lady has held up quite well for 75 years and we are thankful for blessings that have come our way in life.

The family was suppose to fly out of Tampa at 12:30 PM today but it was delayed to 2:15, then 4:00, then 7:00 then 7:30 and now it is 8:00 PM departure. My daughter took them to the airport but I would not be surprised if they come back with a total cancellation. That would be a disaster because my grand daughter is scheduled to take a physical exam and physical test in Louisville tomorrow.


Happy birthday!
One of the best bluegrass albums ever.

Tony Rice was great with the vocals on that album............I nearly drove the Director crazy learning the tunes from this and the other Bluegrass Album Band CD's..........for about three years I was stuck on their music.......only thing I wanted to listen to and to play..........wore out a set of frets on my old 5-string banjo.........I wish I could get my fingers to move like that again............
We celebrated my wife's 75th birthday yesterday and it was a very active day.
Boating in the Gulf, spending some time on an island and finding bags and bags of shells, then topping it off with a delicious Greek meal on the sponge docks restaurants. All of the family was with us which made it extra special.

The young lady has held up quite well for 75 years and we are thankful for blessings that have come our way in life.

The family was suppose to fly out of Tampa at 12:30 PM today but it was delayed to 2:15, then 4:00, then 7:00 then 7:30 and now it is 8:00 PM departure. My daughter took them to the airport but I would not be surprised if they come back with a total cancellation. That would be a disaster because my grand daughter is scheduled to take a physical exam and physical test in Louisville tomorrow.

Happy Birthday!
Tony Rice was great with the vocals on that album............I nearly drove the Director crazy learning the tunes from this and the other Bluegrass Album Band CD's..........for about three years I was stuck on their music.......only thing I wanted to listen to and to play..........wore out a set of frets on my old 5-string banjo.........I wish I could get my fingers to move like that again............
I was that way with country music in the late 80’s, early 90’s. Never played anything until I was nearly 30, and a friend taught me a few chords on a flat top. I couldn’t play very well, but I could sing, and songs just started popping into my head. I wrote probably 50 songs within a couple years, even went to Nashville to try to find a publisher. Didn’t have a clue what I was doing lol. Still have a knack for writing, but don’t use it these days. Was a pipe dream.
Have to ask, has she felt slighted over the years? My wife has a brother who’s birthday is December 26th, and she has mentioned several times that he felt that way, when they were growing up. Just curious. We can’t change our birthday of course. Hell, my two kids have the same birthday, five years apart. And I know they both feel slighted in some way.

Never knew BUT, my son (Born on the 19th of December sure voiced his complaints while growing up about not getting his fair share. Still don't know what "fair share" means but my oldest now uses "Not fair" frequently.

To this day I try to figure out what my children's mother and I owe them... I may never know... Heck the world may never know...

I was that way with country music in the late 80’s, early 90’s. Never played anything until I was nearly 30, and a friend taught me a few chords on a flat top. I couldn’t play very well, but I could sing, and songs just started popping into my head. I wrote probably 50 songs within a couple years, even went to Nashville to try to find a publisher. Didn’t have a clue what I was doing lol. Still have a knack for writing, but don’t use it these days. Was a pipe dream.

Do you still have the songs?
Never knew BUT, my son (Born on the 19th of December sure voiced his complaints while growing up about not getting his fair share. Still don't know what "fair share" means but my oldest now uses "Not fair" frequently.

To this day I try to figure out what my children's mother and I owe them... I may never know... Heck the world may never know...

Yes, they will, it is three.
If you ever want to sell your "soul", let me know. 😅
As an aside, I’m convinced both my kids were conceived while the wife and I were in Nashville , one February 1990. The other, February 1995. Both birthdays are November 2nd, 5 years apart. We were in Nashville both years in February, don’t ask. It’s probable though. It was like rabbits in those days. More like turtles nowadays. Sorry.
You wouldn’t want to pay for my kind of talent, trust me. It’s exquisite. You’d probably have to sell your spare tire and promise a shot of spice rum.

Wasn't actually talking about me purchasing. Was going to find you a buyer(s). I'd be the middle man but wouldn't take a cut. Just kind of what I like to do in my spare time. (Keeps me sharp.)
As an aside, I’m convinced both my kids were conceived while the wife and I were in Nashville , one February 1990. The other, February 1995. Both birthdays are November 2nd, 5 years apart. We were in Nashville both years in February, don’t ask. It’s probable though. It was like rabbits in those days. More like turtles nowadays. Sorry.
HA HA a near coincidence. My youngest was born in 1990, October 2nd. ;) My oldest October 14th, 1983.
Wasn't actually talking about me purchasing. Was going to find you a buyer(s). I'd be the middle man but wouldn't take a cut. Just kind of what I like to do in my spare time. (Keeps me sharp.)
I knew that. Appreciate it. I’ll give it a thought though. To be honest, it’s a hard row to hoe getting into that business. And I really doubt I have anything anyone’s looking for. It’s a tough business, and the music has changed so much, I don’t even listen any more. But thanks, If I have a change of heart you’ll be the first one to know. But for fun on here, I’ll do some stupid goofy replication of songs. Has to be country, from the nineties back though. All in fun.
I knew that. Appreciate it. I’ll give it a thought though. To be honest, it’s a hard row to hoe getting into that business. And I really doubt I have anything anyone’s looking for. It’s a tough business, and the music has changed so much, I don’t even listen any more. But thanks, If I have a change of heart you’ll be the first one to know. But for fun on here, I’ll do some stupid goofy replication of songs. Has to be country, from the nineties back though. All in fun.

Yeah, I listen to few if any new songs. I like the older stuff. I do have a couple contacts that are friends of friends type stuff in the industry or near-industry. (Actually may be friends of friends of friends or whatever.) I usually talk with them once or twice a year or so but we do stay in contact.

I actually have a couple things I am going to start doing hopefully this coming year to see if I can get a good shot into my retirement type accounts. I'd like to retire as soon as possibly eligible which would be July of 2023 (BUT, I am in no rush to get to July 2023, it can take it's own sweet time getting here.). (I have a few skills I am trying to get a quick hit of cash doing... Who knows, I have had no time the last five or so years. (I rarely if ever use that phrase "had no time" or "don't have time" as we all have the same 24 hours but my children have taken so much time from me and my Darling these last several years I am seeing that hopefully change to where I can spend a year or so doing what I know I can do.)(I have the plan, I just need the time and energy. These past five or so years has left me drained of the "want to" energy-wise... Be Good
Yeah, I listen to few if any new songs. I like the older stuff. I do have a couple contacts that are friends of friends type stuff in the industry or near-industry. (Actually may be friends of friends of friends or whatever.) I usually talk with them once or twice a year or so but we do stay in contact.

I actually have a couple things I am going to start doing hopefully this coming year to see if I can get a good shot into my retirement type accounts. I'd like to retire as soon as possibly eligible which would be July of 2023 (BUT, I am in no rush to get to July 2023, it can take it's own sweet time getting here.). (I have a few skills I am trying to get a quick hit of cash doing... Who knows, I have had no time the last five or so years. (I rarely if ever use that phrase "had no time" or "don't have time" as we all have the same 24 hours but my children have taken so much time from me and my Darling these last several years I am seeing that hopefully change to where I can spend a year or so doing what I know I can do.)(I have the plan, I just need the time and energy. These past five or so years has left me drained of the "want to" energy-wise... Be Good
Sounds exactly like me. Except it’s constant care and worries about my parents. I’m one of four kids, but the only one that lives near them. Not complaining, because they have been so good to me and my family. But it’s hard to get a break. They are 90 and 89, both with various health problems. Sometimes the only place I can vent is here, so that’s why I’m so volatile and erratic I guess on here. We take whatever is given, and give whatever it takes. But we don’t give up.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 64°F and foggy. Clearing later for a high around 80°F. Cold front moving in late Saturday.

Missouri Tigers visit Rupp at 7 pm EST tonight. First SEC match of the season. Go Cats! High Point visits New Year's Eve.

I'll keep it short this morning. Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good Morning D

Our perfect weather pattern continues with a current temperature of 62° and clear skies with pleasant sunshine. We will head up to 78° by early afternoon and no rain in the forecast.

This is the type of day I want for the Bowl Game Saturday. We should have it if the forecast holds.

Our company is all gone so I will take a little time rest up and get a few things done around the house. I trust all are well and in good health.

I think I will plan a return trip out West for this summer. It has been a few years.

One of my favorite authors and one that was required reading in our High School American Literature class was Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings. Her book "The Yearling" won a Pulitzer Prize and several movies have been made of her works. I still have a collection of her books in my personal library. She wrote about the common man and families in their struggle for survival
