
Good morning, D-League!

It's 4 days til the "corn and corn whiskey" bowl down in Florida!

Happy early Springter! Looking at a high of "too warm," with a low of "that's more like it." Precipitation is possible.

CNN is now trying to find good news to report for the 12th straight month after 4+ years of "the new orange Hitler is in league with Russia, but refuses to confiscate guns, because he's too busy hiring a diverse cabinet to hide his bigotry."

Joe Fauci is writing a tell all book about his brother, Anthony, called "Best Liar a Brother Could Ask For" detailing the ways Tony would keep his brother from going to jail on a daily basis. "Our Mom could be holding up the bloody knife with my fingerprints on it, and he could tell her it was the cat that experimented on our Beagle, Sunny, with a straight face. What a great brother! I don't remember doing it, as I must've passed out at some point, but he really stepped up to the plate for me"

Joe is unable to profit from his book, as he rots in a cell at San LA Quinta for ruthlessly experimenting on dogs for years without a license. He's considered a threat to society along the lines of his favorite doctor growing up, Jo Mengele. "I don't remember any of what you're saying," said Joe.

Anthony, the beloved cult leader, smiled ear to ear when asked about the short foreword he wrote for his brother's book. "Well, he did pass out a lot, but he didn't like needles..."

In big meteorological news, a weather anchor got the forecast right last week, but was promptly fired for cheating. "I LOOKED OUT THE WINDOW and went outside!" she screamed in protest. She's been stripped of her meteorology credentials and ability to do forecasts on tik tok. "I don't care about any of that," she said, "I never got to study meteors even once. They made me do weather instead."

In sports, the Chicago Bears won a game, to put them solidly and safely above .250 for the season, ensuring their coach will finish the season and be eligible for a contract extension. The McCaskey family twitter page responded quickly, "Congratulations coach on your 6th win in 2022. Finally we're bowl eligible!"

Hope y'all have a great day!
Morning guys. It is a rainy 51.1°F here on our way to an unseasonable 70°. We have now received .31" of frizzle in the last two days.

I am lazy. Christmas company and the rest of the comings and goings has worn my old butt out. I did little yesterday. Today's chore is to eat or fix what may spoil. Hard work.

My cousin who we see three or four times a week, lives in Chalybeate, about 7 miles north of me on top of the Dripping Springs Escarpment, the geological feature the created all the caves in this area. The escarpment is about 200 feet higher than the pennyroyal plateau that Smiths Grove in located on.

Anyway he had to pay to have tornado debris in his yard removed. One piece was a 16' garage door section with the actual handle to open it still attached. His nephew owns the farm behind and across the road from him and he is going to have to have a big clean up of his fields before he can plant his spring crop. There are pieces of wood with nails and screws in them along with insulation and roofing.

I assume the tornado, even though it did not got on top of the escarpment, dumped the debris in the Chalybeate area. They did not even lose their electricity there. Mother nature does some strange things. There is no telling how high some of the debris was taken into the cloud.

You all have a good day.
Off topic; however, one of the iconic cartoon's of my life, as I grew up reading the Courier Journal, was Hugh Haynie's Christmas cartoon.

For you who may remember or those who never saw it; it is worth looking at.

In all of his cartoons he wrote his wife's name in it somewhere. I have not found it in this one as it may be too low definition but her name was Lois if I remember correctly.

But here is to Hugh Haynie and the message he sent back in 1961. I was in the 9th grade.

Off topic; however, one of the iconic cartoon's of my life, as I grew up reading the Courier Journal, was Hugh Haynie's Christmas cartoon.

For you who may remember or those who never saw it; it is worth looking at.

In all of his cartoons he wrote his wife's name in it somewhere. I have not found it in this one as it may be too low definition but her name was Lois if I remember correctly.

But here is to Hugh Haynie and the message he sent back in 1961. I was in the 9th grade.


Try up in the hair under the word "back" in 1961.

I can't post a picture right now.
Off topic; however, one of the iconic cartoon's of my life, as I grew up reading the Courier Journal, was Hugh Haynie's Christmas cartoon.

For you who may remember or those who never saw it; it is worth looking at.

In all of his cartoons he wrote his wife's name in it somewhere. I have not found it in this one as it may be too low definition but her name was Lois if I remember correctly.

But here is to Hugh Haynie and the message he sent back in 1961. I was in the 9th grade.

His wife's name was Lois......I was a big fan of his of the first things I would look at in the front section.....
I made webshare directories on my computer then duplicated on the imgbox for internet posting. It's a no regret strategy. Cloud loss is negated with hard digital backup. Easy to link url. Easy to remove. Linky to imgbox. Just remember to keep your passwords for access.

see above

is perfectly normal healthy canine pack food sharing behavior. That's why they lick your face. It's a food begging attempt to coerse you to toss the cookies after transport. Regurgitation is not an illness.



As good as JD was.............Tony Rice is probably one of the best guitar pickers in Bluegrass music...........there is no better dobro player than Jerry Douglas either.......
Try up in the hair under the word "back" in 1961.

I can't post a picture right now.
It's in the hair at the top, but it's under "Haynie" on my screen.

Good afternoon! I guess I'll go back out to the workshop today and continue the cleaning I started yesterday. I need more shelves or I need to accept that there are things out there that would be of more use in the dump. We'll see.

So far so good on the bowl game. Fingers crossed.

I got a day off somehow last week. Today is Wednesday in my brain.

Have a great day and stay dry, if that's your thing.
Morning guys. It is a rainy 51.1°F here on our way to an unseasonable 70°. We have now received .31" of frizzle in the last two days.

I am lazy. Christmas company and the rest of the comings and goings has worn my old butt out. I did little yesterday. Today's chore is to eat or fix what may spoil. Hard work.

My cousin who we see three or four times a week, lives in Chalybeate, about 7 miles north of me on top of the Dripping Springs Escarpment, the geological feature the created all the caves in this area. The escarpment is about 200 feet higher than the pennyroyal plateau that Smiths Grove in located on.

Anyway he had to pay to have tornado debris in his yard removed. One piece was a 16' garage door section with the actual handle to open it still attached. His nephew owns the farm behind and across the road from him and he is going to have to have a big clean up of his fields before he can plant his spring crop. There are pieces of wood with nails and screws in them along with insulation and roofing.

I assume the tornado, even though it did not got on top of the escarpment, dumped the debris in the Chalybeate area. They did not even lose their electricity there. Mother nature does some strange things. There is no telling how high some of the debris was taken into the cloud.

You all have a good day.
I am sure if I am wrong........I remember reading the day after that they reported debris as high as 30,000ft.........that is one of the reason people are finding debris so far the 74 tornado here my uncles house had poplar ship lap siding and plaster interiors.......there were a few hundred broom straws in about a three foot area that penetrated the wall........the paint wasn't even chipped where they penetrated the old siding that had years of paint on it..............on the inside where the broom straws came through.....once again no someone had drilled perfect sized hole for each straw.............and there was only about 10'-12' of the wall standing.........I worked for a trucking company that cleaned up most of Northfield.........I saw a lot of crazy things that defied what my eyes were seeing......
I am sure if I am wrong........I remember reading the day after that they reported debris as high as 30,000ft.........that is one of the reason people are finding debris so far the 74 tornado here my uncles house had poplar ship lap siding and plaster interiors.......there were a few hundred broom straws in about a three foot area that penetrated the wall........the paint wasn't even chipped where they penetrated the old siding that had years of paint on it..............on the inside where the broom straws came through.....once again no someone had drilled perfect sized hole for each straw.............and there was only about 10'-12' of the wall standing.........I worked for a trucking company that cleaned up most of Northfield.........I saw a lot of crazy things that defied what my eyes were seeing......
My dad told me about a storm in the early 20th Century that drove straw into trees. So I believe every word that you wrote.

Morning guys. It is a rainy 51.1°F here on our way to an unseasonable 70°. We have now received .31" of frizzle in the last two days.

I am lazy. Christmas company and the rest of the comings and goings has worn my old butt out. I did little yesterday. Today's chore is to eat or fix what may spoil. Hard work.

My cousin who we see three or four times a week, lives in Chalybeate, about 7 miles north of me on top of the Dripping Springs Escarpment, the geological feature the created all the caves in this area. The escarpment is about 200 feet higher than the pennyroyal plateau that Smiths Grove in located on.

Anyway he had to pay to have tornado debris in his yard removed. One piece was a 16' garage door section with the actual handle to open it still attached. His nephew owns the farm behind and across the road from him and he is going to have to have a big clean up of his fields before he can plant his spring crop. There are pieces of wood with nails and screws in them along with insulation and roofing.

I assume the tornado, even though it did not got on top of the escarpment, dumped the debris in the Chalybeate area. They did not even lose their electricity there. Mother nature does some strange things. There is no telling how high some of the debris was taken into the cloud.

You all have a good day.
Today is the day our Air Force shoots down Louisville. I just looked at the metrics for the 2 teams and I don't see how Louisville will stop the rushing game of AF. Air Force is rushing for 342 yds per game and leads the NCAA in that category. Louisville is 76th in rushing defense. Louisville is favored by 1 point atm and I doubt it changes.

If I was a betting man, and I used to be, I would take AF to win this one by about 10. It's on today on ESPN at 3:15.

Just thought of something. An even funner game would be to average the SAT scores of both teams and compare them. Any Air Force player would qualify for Louisville. There may be a few Louisville players who would qualify for the Air Force.
i had two extra tickets to the Citrus Bowl due to cancellations by my wife's cousin who lives in Madisonville, KY. Hecame down with COVID.

So I put them on Ticketmaster and they sold in less than 24 hours. I got over $300 for both of them which is more than I paid for them.

I say that as I positive sign. If I can sell tickets at this late date I think UK will have a good showing. The weather has been and should be for game time as good as it gets down here.

Not a happy camper here. My cable box isn't working. I checked all the connections and they are connected. I turned the box off and on, I unplugged the box and waited for a while and plugged it back up. Waited for it to reboot and then, nothing. Some poor Spectrum phone answerer should be happy this is not a UK game I'm missing.
My dad told me about a storm in the early 20th Century that drove straw into trees. So I believe every word that you wrote.
I believe it too. Day after the 74 storms, dad drove us up to Campbellsville where my great aunt lived. We saw broom straws sticking out of light poles. Hard to imagine something like that.
i had two extra tickets to the Citrus Bowl due to cancellations by my wife's cousin who lives in Madisonville, KY. Hecame down with COVID.

So I put them on Ticketmaster and they sold in less than 24 hours. I got over $300 for both of them which is more than I paid for them.

I say that as I positive sign. If I can sell tickets at this late date I think UK will have a good showing. The weather has been and should be for game time as good as it gets down here.


In your honor Sir...

We had trash on our place after those storms and while walking through the woods I saw a wheelbarrow about 50' up in a tree.
My dad still likes to tell about fishing that day before the storms hit. He said he caught more fish in an hour than he ever did in a day. Critters can sense when they need to feed, apparently fish can too. I’m not much of a fisherman, but I know for a fact when to expect more wildlife movement. Us humans lost those abilities eons ago.
My dad still likes to tell about fishing that day before the storms hit. He said he caught more fish in an hour than he ever did in a day. Critters can sense when they need to feed, apparently fish can too. I’m not much of a fisherman, but I know for a fact when to expect more wildlife movement. Us humans lost those abilities eons ago.
We have cats that want to come in the house before there is any obvious sign of a storm approaching. I guess they can feel the ground vibrate from distant thunder.
We celebrated my wife's 75th birthday yesterday and it was a very active day.
Boating in the Gulf, spending some time on an island and finding bags and bags of shells, then topping it off with a delicious Greek meal on the sponge docks restaurants. All of the family was with us which made it extra special.

The young lady has held up quite well for 75 years and we are thankful for blessings that have come our way in life.

The family was suppose to fly out of Tampa at 12:30 PM today but it was delayed to 2:15, then 4:00, then 7:00 then 7:30 and now it is 8:00 PM departure. My daughter took them to the airport but I would not be surprised if they come back with a total cancellation. That would be a disaster because my grand daughter is scheduled to take a physical exam and physical test in Louisville tomorrow.

We celebrated my wife's 75th birthday yesterday and it was a very active day.
Boating in the Gulf, spending some time on an island and finding bags and bags of shells, then topping it off with a delicious Greek meal on the sponge docks restaurants. All of the family was with us which made it extra special.

The young lady has held up quite well for 75 years and we are thankful for blessings that have come our way in life.

The family was suppose to fly out of Tampa at 12:30 PM today but it was delayed to 2:15, then 4:00, then 7:00 then 7:30 and now it is 8:00 PM departure. My daughter took them to the airport but I would not be surprised if they come back with a total cancellation. That would be a disaster because my grand daughter is scheduled to take a physical exam and physical test in Louisville tomorrow.

Happy Birthday to your lovely wife!