
Returned about an hour ago from a meet-up with former work colleagues. Fun times. Drank a few beers and reminisced the good old days.

Hope y'all enjoying this fine Sunday evening.
I certainly am. Family all headed home and wife gone to bed. Love being together for Christmas with family and friends, but damn this feels good. Sitting by myself sipping on a good drink and winding down.
Sitting here chillin with a drink myself. Woke up at 0900 and had some coffee and made a post here.
Shortly after that I went back to sleep and didn't wake up again until 1558. Don't know why or how it happened. Guess I must have needed to sleep. I basically slept for 15 of the last 24 hours.

Still feel worn out. I think my biggest symptom of RA is the chronic fatigue.
Sitting here chillin with a drink myself. Woke up at 0900 and had some coffee and made a post here.
Shortly after that I went back to sleep and didn't wake up again until 1558. Don't know why or how it happened. Guess I must have needed to sleep. I basically slept for 15 of the last 24 hours.

Still feel worn out. I think my biggest symptom of RA is the chronic fatigue.

Here's one you will remember that will bring a smile...

Here's another one... The Smothers Brothers...

Good morning from ATX. Currently 67°F and cloudy. High expected around 77°F. Cooler temperatures coming next Saturday.

Change of pace: Made overnight oats last night. Added blueberries and maple syrup. Eating now. Not bad.

Monday, Monday.....

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 67°F and cloudy. High expected around 77°F. Cooler temperatures coming next Saturday.

Change of pace: Made overnight oats last night. Added blueberries and maple syrup. Eating now. Not bad.

Monday, Monday.....

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Fruitcake day, that covers a lot of people!!!!! But nobody in the D!!!!!
Good morning, D, read Acts 7 this morning, the story of Stephen!!

Made a haul yesterday, got a container to put all my stained-glass ornaments in, also got a gift card to Home Depot and a gift card to Logan's!!!

All I can say it was a rough day yesterday!! But GOD has me!!!!

I hope the D has a great day and prayers for the D!!!!

Not a lot going on today, got to make a couple trips out to deliver and pick up some stuff. Also, I have to bake a Carolina Candy Roaster and get it pureed up so I can freeze it for later.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 67°F and cloudy. High expected around 77°F. Cooler temperatures coming next Saturday.

Change of pace: Made overnight oats last night. Added blueberries and maple syrup. Eating now. Not bad.

Monday, Monday.....

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

If you would like to see a hilarious video about fruitcakes, watch the YouTube of Johnny Carson from 1989 about fruitcakes. It was done by David Carter of Ashland who had an advertising agency. He did local, regional, and national advertising. He had some other videos on the tonight show but the one on fruitcakes is my favorite.
Good morning! I didn't get to sleep until 0530 and got 4 hours. That will have to do for today so I can get back on track.

Fingers crossed for our bowl game. We're seeing several cancelled already and several more that may be in danger. Heard a couple of days ago that the Omicron variant is now the dominant version. It has been established that it is more contagious but less aggressive. Now would be the time to let as many young people get it as possible because natural immunity is better than a vaccine.

Also read last night that UL is off of its covid protocol now. Everyone is OK! LOL, that chickenshit knew his goose was cooked if he took his dirty birds to Rupp.

Heading out to the workshop today to get prepared for some winter projects. Might be going to the dump this afternoon.
Good morning D-League. Back to work, but with another fine Christmas logged in my memory banks. I hope the same is true for all of you.

Very nice day of NFL action, from my perspective. Living in Maryland, the Bengals beating the Ravens is like a Double Win, and to have done it twice by a combined score of something like 85-35 or whatever is better still. Then the team I loathed the most, the Former Redskins got utterly embarrassed by arch-rival Dallas. I lived in DC for 15 years, and your choices are either to totally embrace the Skins, which I couldn't do as a Bengals fan, or hate them because of their loathsome owner and obnoxious fans. I went that route. Finally, the Steelers got crushed as well. So I was about as happy as a day of pro football can make a guy.

Last chance to make something out of 2021 this week. I think I'll settle for "survive and advance."
Just read something I found interesting. Evidently in KY now, if you get pulled over for a suspected DUI, you not only do not have to submit to a breath or blood test, the prosecutor cannot use that fact against you in court. When did this happen?

If you don't want to read it, and I don't blame you, Daniel Cameron is taking a Kentucky Supreme Court ruling to the US Supreme Court. According to the article Kentucky is the only state in the union that allows this to happen.

As I said a couple of days ago, this whole making life easier for criminals is a road to ruin. Spare the rod, spoil the society.

Here's a link it's safe
How do we post pictures from our computer or phone that aren't online somewhere?
I made webshare directories on my computer then duplicated on the imgbox for internet posting. It's a no regret strategy. Cloud loss is negated with hard digital backup. Easy to link url. Easy to remove. Linky to imgbox. Just remember to keep your passwords for access.
The pictures have to be online somewhere unless it is your avatar and that is actually hosted too.

The easiest way I found is to create a picture album on Facebook and mark it for yourself only. Then, right-click the picture and use the option that stated copy image address, go to the picture box in the thread and right-click and choose paste. Then click ok.

Should work for you or find another hosting site but the free ones I am not familiar with.

Edit: I have a rough time posting pictures from my phone but the principle is the same...
see above
a dog going back to its vomit . . .
is perfectly normal healthy canine pack food sharing behavior. That's why they lick your face. It's a food begging attempt to coerse you to toss the cookies after transport. Regurgitation is not an illness.
Saw where JD Crowe has passed.

Fruitcake day, that covers a lot of people!!!!! But nobody in the D!!!!!

Good morning D-League. It's currently 55° and cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring rain showers and a high of 68°.

Everyone stay safe out there today.


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Good morning from ATX. Currently 69°F and clear. Slight chance for rain. Today's high may reach 77°F.

Fox's Lone Star 9-1-1, set in Austin, plans on broadcasting an episode next week titled, "The Ice Storm". Apparently uses our own weather catastrophe from earlier this year as motivation. I may watch.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Not one of his best...
But one of my favorites.