
We only did snack food this year and it was great. Speaking of the eggs, my son and his girlfriend and I were in the living room and kept hearing this pounding noise in our utility room. I finally go to see, and the wife is beating the boiled eggs against the sink we have there. Wasn’t nothing still attached on those. Deviled eggs were great regardless.
We only did snack food this year and it was great. Speaking of the eggs, my son and his girlfriend and I were in the living room and kept hearing this pounding noise in our utility room. I finally go to see, and the wife is beating the boiled eggs against the sink we have there. Wasn’t nothing still attached on those. Deviled eggs were great regardless.
My deviled eggs turned out great too. So much better than the mess I made of them for Thanksgiving. I made baked mac and cheese with panko bread crumbs on top. I don't know if it's better than Kraft, but she likes me to make it.
My deviled eggs turned out great too. So much better than the mess I made of them for Thanksgiving. I made baked mac and cheese with panko bread crumbs on top. I don't know if it's better than Kraft, but she likes me to make it.
Deviled eggs are one of my favorite things. My wife makes them perfect, as long as I have the hot pepper vinegar on hand to sprinkle on top.
Just overwhelmed with what God has done in my life. To look where I started and where I have yet to go... please understand this is thankful talking. I don't have much in what many would call worldly goods but I can go out to eat when I want to, I am thankful for that. I have kid trouble but not what many would think as trouble though some surely would.

All in all I cannot complain though I do complain. I won't go into what got me on this kick this Christmas night but God is good. I am thankful. May you all have a very blessed evening and a very happy coming New Year.
Deviled eggs are one of my favorite things. My wife makes them perfect, as long as I have the hot pepper vinegar on hand to sprinkle on top.
I love em too. I make em sometimes just for lunch. I like the paprika on there but I also put some jalapeno powder along with it. Not hot but tasty.
It tasted great but my daughters ganged up on me. I'm going to make some sort of sloppy joe's with it. The meat is seriously tender and it tastes good.
Tender and tasty is what it's all about.
Just overwhelmed with what God has done in my life. To look where I started and where I have yet to go... please understand this is thankful talking. I don't have much in what many would call worldly goods but I can go out to eat when I want to, I am thankful for that. I have kid trouble but not what many would think as trouble though some surely would.

All in all I cannot complain though I do complain. I won't go into what got me on this kick this Christmas night but God is good. I am thankful. May you all have a very blessed evening and a very happy coming New Year.
I’ve been blessed also, and am very thankful. I get on here to I guess relieve stress, but I really enjoy the back and forth with some people here. You are one of those. Not many I can say the same for. Merry Christmas 🎄🎁.
I think I've got a pretty good sense of taste. I season food reasonably well. I cannot for the life of me taste any of the myriad things I've read this whiskey tastes like. Candied cherries? Not hardly. Toasted oak? I wouldn't know oak from birch. I would say it tastes like...danger. Smooth and easy to drink neat.
Just came across this but it was/ is a good, good song. I remember Ricky Skaggs doing a real good version but this one is good too...

Quoted this from another thread asking what you hauled in this year. All in all, a good Christmas. Wife was surprised I got her a new laptop. Hers takes literally about 30 minutes to come on amd once turned on it is slow to respond in whatever she does. My daughter tells her it is antiquated like her father, and she needs an upgrade. I told her hopefully she was talking about an upgraded laptop. With her job probably going away in January and with all of her recent interest in stocks, she needed a new one to have something to work with for the time I ask her to take off before finding another job. Hopefully she can work stocks enough not to go back to work for a while.

What I got:

A Roto Zip saw will all of the trimmings and extra attachments, chocolate covered cherries, chocolate covered almonds, chocolate snow caps, (see a pattern here) I am a chocoholic. One of those gift boxes of summer sausages and cheeses from my MIL that I never eat, and it gets thrown away each year. Wife tells her each year not to buy them because I don't eat or like them but, she does it anyway many years running.
And for the man who wants to get away from MIL, a mini survival kit. Great for those fishing/camping trips.
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Good morning D-League. It's currently 53° and cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring mostly cloudy skies and a high of 56°.

Hard to believe another Christmas has come and gone. Seems like the holidays don't mean as much to people nowadays.

Everyone stay safe on this Sunday.

Hope you had a great Christmas too Ben!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! We've had a very relaxed day here. Opened gifts early and then got started in the kitchen. We took it easy this year and didn't cook enough food for 10 people.

Best part of the day was how easy it was to peel the hard boiled eggs. Got lucky this time and all came off with both halves of the shells still connected.
I boiled my eggs as always.........not one of them peeled the time I got to the last egg......we decided to feed the ducks the eggs for Christmas.......I have a tip on boiling them that I am going to try the next time..........glad everyone had a great day....
Good morning D-League. It's currently 53° and cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring mostly cloudy skies and a high of 56°.

Hard to believe another Christmas has come and gone. Seems like the holidays don't mean as much to people nowadays.

Everyone stay safe on this Sunday.


Big Titties are a great place to visit.
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Morning D, read 6

I see the talk about the boiled eggs, when I do mine, I put salt in the water and have never had any trouble peeling them, I know all the D does that too, just my way of doing them.

I hope the D has a great day and prayers for the D!!!! Having part of my family here today, my son and his family are still in Savanah
Good morning from ATX. Currently 64°F and foggy. Clearing later for a high of around 80°F.

Hope y'all enjoyed your Christmas and Santa has been good to you.

Today, I plan on grocery shopping this morning and then riding bus to Buffalo Wild Wings for a meet-up with former colleagues from our old semiconductor design center.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

I boiled my eggs as always.........not one of them peeled the time I got to the last egg......we decided to feed the ducks the eggs for Christmas.......I have a tip on boiling them that I am going to try the next time..........glad everyone had a great day....

I've been doing mine in the instantpot for the last 6 years or so. Takes 5 mins to come up to pressure, cook for 5 minutes, let the pressure naturally release for 5 minutes, put em in cold water to stop the cooking for 5 minutes. Still, even doing that doesn't always work. There are usually a couple that still want to fight.

Best part of that method, other than taking guesswork out of it, is the yolks stay golden with no green tint.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 64°F and foggy. Clearing later for a high of around 80°F.

Hope y'all enjoyed your Christmas and Santa has been good to you.

Today, I plan on grocery shopping this morning and then riding bus to Buffalo Wild Wings for a meet-up with former colleagues from our old semiconductor design center.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

To me it’s happy burn Boxing Day. After church I have a huge amount of wrapping and boxes to torch.
Good morning folks. It is a slightly cooler 50.0°F here and cloudy. We had a good fog earlier this morning.

I have survived Christmas. Now I have to get through New Years Eve and then I am home free for another year.

I really enjoy the telegram from John Wayne to Nat King Cole. I loved both. John Wayne was the opposite of what we now know about those actors in Holywood today.
To me it’s happy burn Boxing Day. After church I have a huge amount of wrapping and boxes to torch.
But Ben, aren't you concerned about your carbon footprint and man made global warming? Your boxes, along with the millions of acres of wildfires and the many volcanoes that have shot off this year, might be the tipping point of no return.
Good morning D-League. Another terrific Christmas in the books.

Any Christmas home with my family is a blessing as I’ve learned through the years. I’ll bet some of you ex-military fellows can recall Christmases in some less than cheerful places.

My roster includes 1990 - with Marines in the desert of Saudi Arabia getting ready to liberate Kuwait, 1992 - Mogadishu, enough said, 2001 - Kabul, documenting what turned out to be the temporary withdrawal of the a Taliban, and 2003 - Baghdad, as things were starting to turn to shit.

So, being with two of my three kids in a comfortable home in Maryland is plenty to make for a very Merry day. Hope it was the same for all of you.
Hope you had a great Christmas too Ben!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! We've had a very relaxed day here. Opened gifts early and then got started in the kitchen. We took it easy this year and didn't cook enough food for 10 people.

Best part of the day was how easy it was to peel the hard boiled eggs. Got lucky this time and all came off with both halves of the shells still connected.
I boiled my eggs as always.........not one of them peeled the time I got to the last egg......we decided to feed the ducks the eggs for Christmas.......I have a tip on boiling them that I am going to try the next time..........hope everyone had a great day....
I've been doing mine in the instantpot for the last 6 years or so. Takes 5 mins to come up to pressure, cook for 5 minutes, let the pressure naturally release for 5 minutes, put em in cold water to stop the cooking for 5 minutes. Still, even doing that doesn't always work. There are usually a couple that still want to fight.

Best part of that method, other than taking guesswork out of it, is the yolks stay golden with no green tint.
I don't own an instanpot......I just put mine in water bring the water to a boil and cover for 12 min.....then I run cold water on them long enough so I can handle them..............I read.......""that if you take a straight pin and poke a hole in the shell on the fat end where the air pocket is.......your egg will not have a flat spot and the membrane will be detached from the shell".............I just forgot about it until I started peeling my eggs green eggs for was hard as hell to eat ham without deviled eggs............
Good morning D-League. Another terrific Christmas in the books.

Any Christmas home with my family is a blessing as I’ve learned through the years. I’ll bet some of you ex-military fellows can recall Christmases in some less than cheerful places.

My roster includes 1990 - with Marines in the desert of Saudi Arabia getting ready to liberate Kuwait, 1992 - Mogadishu, enough said, 2001 - Kabul, documenting what turned out to be the temporary withdrawal of the a Taliban, and 2003 - Baghdad, as things were starting to turn to shit.

So, being with two of my three kids in a comfortable home in Maryland is plenty to make for a very Merry day. Hope it was the same for all of you.
I was there with you in Saudi in 90 sitting out in the middle of nowhere in the desert. Others were not so bad. Belgium and Germany were nice, not home but nice. Spent a few on duty over the years.
Just got back from cruising Kings Bay and watching manatees keeping warm near the springs. There are almost 100 fresh water springs in Kings Bay which is about 600 acres in size. Beautiful crystal clear water.

John Travolta built a house (mansion) on Kings Bay and never lived in it. He actually built it for his son who died in the Caribbean before it was completed. So John Travolta sold it and the person who bought it has never lived in it. It is sitting empty to this day. What a waste. This is a picture of his house below

Having a great day after Christmas day and tomorrow we will take a cruise to Anclote Island.

But all is not good news. One of my grand daughters started feeling "puny" yesterday with flu like systems and this morning she got a text from two of her friends in Kentucky that they both have COVID. She hangs with them regularly and just saw them a day before coming down. COVID must be going crazy up there.

But Ben, aren't you concerned about your carbon footprint and man made global warming? Your boxes, along with the millions of acres of wildfires and the many volcanoes that have shot off this year, might be the tipping point of no return.
I am concerned. Very concerned. That is why I am burning boxes and wrapping. I am trying to continue these 70 degree Christmas days. 😜
Good morning from ATX. Currently 64°F and foggy. Clearing later for a high of around 80°F.

Hope y'all enjoyed your Christmas and Santa has been good to you.

Today, I plan on grocery shopping this morning and then riding bus to Buffalo Wild Wings for a meet-up with former colleagues from our old semiconductor design center.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

I just watched this episode the other day.

For the second time this season, the Bengals have put a hurting on the Ravens. They sure looked better than a 8-6 team today.
Yep, they are in the driver's seat right now. It is like they play to the competition. There were a couple of games this year they should have won too and would have secured a playoff spot by now, the Jets game being one.
Cherry pie, Pumpkin pie, Pecan pie, some kind of rolled bread with some kind of crème, and coffee. The breakfast of CHAMPIONS!!!! I'm a Champion!

My eldest just brought over the Walmart Cheese cake (One of the big ones) she "forgot" yesterday. What a supper...

Well, I did add in some Roast Beast, Spicy Chicken, potato's and carrots, yaki mandu, and some dinner rolls, with coffee to my supper. Yeah, I held back eating yesterday. Today it is wear out a fork day to me!!!

@AustinTXCat (There MUST be a wear out a fork day in 365 whole days of your glorious posts... There must be but I missed it. Not today I didn't.)

MAN, with all the pie I eat yesterday a good friend of mine and his wife came over and I was drinking 12% beer of some sort (Just had one, then drank a Yuengling and it tasted like koolaid. ROTFLCGU 😅 😇 . I was tripping. BUT, it didn't slow my pie eating....
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Cherry pie, Pumpkin pie, Pecan pie, some kind of rolled bread with some kind of crème, and coffee. The breakfast of CHAMPIONS!!!! I'm a Champion!

My eldest just brought over the Walmart Cheese cake (One of the big ones) she "forgot" yesterday. What a supper...

Well, I did add in some Roast Beast, Spicy Chicken, potato's and carrots, yaki mandu, and some dinner rolls, with coffee to my supper. Yeah, I held back eating yesterday. Today it is wear out a fork day to me!!!

@AustinTXCat (There MUST be a wear out a fork day in 365 whole days of your glorious posts... There must be but I missed it. Not today I didn't.)

MAN, with all the pie I eat yesterday a good friend of mine and his wife came over and I was drinking 12% beer of some sort (Just had one, then drank a Yuengling and it tasted like koolaid. ROTFLCGU 😅 😇 . I was tripping. BUT, it didn't slow my pie eating....
Had One Youngling myself yesterday. Thought of you when I opened it. Then forgot about you when I opened the spiced rum. And everything else.