
We'll be watching Christmas Vacation tonight. In honor of Cousin Eddie I'll be wearing hideous attire. Plaid flannel pajama bottoms with a tie-dye shirt. Ready for the cover of GQ baby! BTW, the original Hallmark Cousin Eddie RV Christmas ornament from 2009 is worth a lot of cash. Up to $400 on Ebay.
I have a couple of Marty Moose glasses.
Man, this world has gone mad!!!! Went to three different grocery stores and the commissary....not one was even selling buttermilk.... Just blasphemy!!!! Gonna have to dasturbize the process and make some... Geez Louise....just ridiculous and I am certain un-American and certainly unconstitutional.. .
I wish my grandma was still around, she would make us some. That is one thing my grandparents never ran out of. That and cornbread
Good Monday morning D League

Well the last week before Christmas has arrived. We have 66° and mostly cloudy skies, our high will be 72°. That is our year round average.

I am getting excited for the New Years Day Bowl game. I have my tickets assigned and need to transfer them to my phone which is your ticket in today's modern world. No paper tickets so if you don't have a smart phone you will have to stay home and watch it on your 75 inch TV.

This is the one time of the year that priority ranking really matters. I have tickets on the 50 yard line in the Plaza Section. All UK fans on the East Side, Iowa on the West. Let's kick it off boys.

Everyone has a nice day and enjoy a hearty breakfast. There is work to be done somewhere.
Went liquor shopping yesterday. Captain Morgan black label was the first ( of a cart full) thing I went for. I could give half the state a couple buzzes. Maybe. If they hurry. Debit Card melted. It’s Berts fault. Those double shots he swore to that I agreed to match after the storms. Hope you’re happy Bert.
I am happy Backer cutter.

Based on a cart full, you can now get really relaxed!
Good morning! The Sun is shining bright here this morning but I won't get out in it til later.

At the party the other night watching the UL WKU game and they showed Mack taking a drink of water. He looked sad. Half the people there were UL fans so I couldn't celebrate their loss in a proper manner and it was killing me inside. Is that wrong?

As he's taking the drink with a blank stare, I blurted out to the crowd that UL would cancel the game with us because of the corono. Everyone disagreed on the outside but on the inside, they knew.

Got stuff to do today. See ya later!
Morning folks. Baby it's cold outside. Sunny and frosty. We are now all the way up to 28.6°F on the back porch. We are supposed to get to 48°. I love cold crisp sunny days.

I watched the Cats beatdown of the Tarheels again last night. Wonderful game.
Ha! I had no idea it was that cold. It's 25° here. Maybe I'll go out later than I thought.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 44°F and mostly cloudy. Looking at 60°F for our high.

Plan on making cornbread dressing this coming Thursday night. Stay tuned.

Heard Cats might not play Cards on 12/22 because of COVID. Hope we play them or at least reschedule.

Monday, Monday...

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


"Waiter, bring me another pitcher of that ShangriLa, hold the garbage..." -F. Sanford

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And there you go. Louisville has already backed out of the game. I knew that cheezy bastard wouldn't play us this year. That dude won't be there after they bring in a new AD. If they hadn't had their skinny ass handed to them by WKU we would still be playing them.
Good morning folks. Bummed that Louisville backed out. What a great chance to build on the momentum of beating down the Cheaters. U6 seems totally hapless this year so you have to wonder how enthusiastic they were for the game.

I guess I'll have to wait until I can watch the UNC game I missed on my large screen. I reached out to Ritchie Curtis, who I know is a friend of Bert H. and maybe others, for a Blu Ray disc and he says he can get to that -- probably after Christmas. I actually enjoy the games against big rivals as much after I know the outcome, can enjoy watching without tension and focus on the intricacies that get lost on the first look at a major college basketball game. A lot is going on.
,..yep now I musk explain. I changed my username,.........meaning. At one time for a long time it was BBUK Big Blue UK.

Now, in honor of my Grandson's nickname... My username will still be BBUK but now it is Booger Butt for UK.

Papa's baby....
Good morning folks. Bummed that Louisville backed out. What a great chance to build on the momentum of beating down the Cheaters. U6 seems totally hapless this year so you have to wonder how enthusiastic they were for the game.

I guess I'll have to wait until I can watch the UNC game I missed on my large screen. I reached out to Ritchie Curtis, who I know is a friend of Bert H. and maybe others, for a Blu Ray disc and he says he can get to that -- probably after Christmas. I actually enjoy the games against big rivals as much after I know the outcome, can enjoy watching without tension and focus on the intricacies that get lost on the first look at a major college basketball game. A lot is going on.
UTube has it up in HD. Search for Kentucky vs North Carolina.
UTube has it up in HD. Search for Kentucky vs North Carolina.
Thanks Bert. I may do that, but I've got in a ritual of watching it on DVD, then maybe throwing in another game real quick that it reminds me of, and so on.

I have a fair number of DVDs, including all the wins over UNC dating back to Tubby's 4-0 run over them between 12/2000 and 1/04.

I'll watch key moments of the blowouts in the Dean Dome in 2000 and 2004 - two straight by 17 points - then the five Tayshaun threes in a row, the shot Fitch hit to pull out a win in Roy's first visit to Rupp as a UNC-CHeater, Wall's "Rack Attacks," the Liggins shot to put the Cats in the Final Four, AD's electrifying block in Rupp, the 2015 team blowing out Carolina, Malik Monk's amazing game to beat them at the buzzer...AS you can see, I'm a fanatical fan of beating those Turds, and I like to ruminate on the history, swapping out DVDs as I go...
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Good afternoon, D-League!

Happy "UK just beat UNC, so UL backs out of the rivalry game" Day!

It's been a rough few weeks for the red, college version of the dirty birds. They got panini pressed by the UK football team, saw their president and AD flee the campus, listened in horror as their interim president pledged her fealty to UK, and barely found enough positive tests to bail out on the game for this Wednesday. At least they finally accomplished a goal for their men's sports program.

Congrats to UL for living up to expectations! Very tough for a little brother to do

Hope y'all have a good day. I will be bumping the "...Christ is not dead" thread for the rest of the week, so enjoy my absence until I return once again.
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Good afternoon, D-League!

Happy "UK just beat UNC, so UL backs out of the rivalry game" Day!

It's been a rough few weeks for the red, college version of the dirty birds. They got panini pressed by the UK football team, saw their president and AD flee the campus, listened in horror as their interim president pledged her fealty to UK, and barely found enough positive tests to bail out on the game for this Wednesday. At least they finally accomplished a goal for their men's sports program.

Congrats to UL for living up to expectations! Very tough for a little brother to do

Hope y'all have a good day. I will be bumping the "...Christ is not dead" thread for the rest of the week, so enjoy my absence until I return once again.
And then the UL President tells the UL graduating class "She loves the University of Kentucky" You can't make this up. She may be the only person at UL that has any sense

Hello day is made already. A great day is coming as a great day happened already. Thank you Sir! Thank you!
BBUK, I have great news too. My wife came into my office and said, how about I chicken fry you up some chicken gizzards. With biscuits and milk gravy.

Now Miss Sawnee Cat hates chicken gizzards so that is a miracle before Chrismas at my house. After I get my belly full of gizzards you know she is going to find that special gift she must have for her birthday which comes on December 27, I am ready for it.
Omicron! Oh my goodness! Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide!

We are ALL going to get this virus sooner or later. That's what a virus does. If a virus is too aggressive it will kill its host and spread no further. Look at the Spanish Flu for example. There were 4 major waves of that particular strain over a couple of years until it finally found a life as a typical flu virus and no longer killed its host with the previous frequency.

This too shall pass
BBUK, I have great news too. My wife came into my office and said, how about I chicken fry you up some chicken gizzards. With biscuits and milk gravy.

Now Miss Sawnee Cat hates chicken gizzards so that is a miracle before Chrismas at my house. After I get my belly full of gizzards you know she is going to find that special gift she must have for her birthday which comes on December 27, I am ready for it.

"Now don't you take up for him Mrs. Warren. Cutbert H. Humphries is a natural born cull. You will certainly go down in my estimation...." -G. W. McClintock...

I just KNEW that had to be about Chicken Gizzards and not a governor... 😁
Omicron! Oh my goodness! Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide!

We are ALL going to get this virus sooner or later. That's what a virus does. If a virus is too aggressive it will kill its host and spread no further. Look at the Spanish Flu for example. There were 4 major waves of that particular strain over a couple of years until it finally found a life as a typical flu virus and no longer killed its host with the previous frequency.

This too shall pass
Second load of laundry in the dryer and then it's off to the post office to mail a box of something to someone. I have also been tasked with finding out the name of our carrier and whether or not it's the same person every day. I got this.

Opened a new bag of coffee beans this morning, Sumatran Mandheling. Medium dark roast and very tasty. Haven't tried it yet in the french press but we have a metal filter in the dripper so it should be about the same. Just finished up a quart. Private Selection at Kroger.
BBUK, I have great news too. My wife came into my office and said, how about I chicken fry you up some chicken gizzards. With biscuits and milk gravy.

Now Miss Sawnee Cat hates chicken gizzards so that is a miracle before Chrismas at my house. After I get my belly full of gizzards you know she is going to find that special gift she must have for her birthday which comes on December 27, I am ready for it.
Please send some of those gizzards up north!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My friend BBUK loves some of um'.
Turkish Lira has fallen over 50% since Feb. 2021. It could happen here.

In 1978 Venezuela was in the top 20 richest countries. 2001 it was one of the poorest. Where did that wealth go? It could happen here.

Neither of those will happen. But they could. Kinda scary.
If you haven't heard by now we are playing WKU on Wednesday. Cal started off by saying as soon as he heard one of the UL players had corono he thought they would not play the game. Then he said something about it being hard to find a team to play after what we did to UNC. Ha Ha!

Say and feel what you want, but Cal is the best at sticking it to UL fans and Mack.
If you haven't heard by now we are playing WKU on Wednesday. Cal started off by saying as soon as he heard one of the UL players had corono he thought they would not play the game. Then he said something about it being hard to find a team to play after what we did to UNC. Ha Ha!

Say and feel what you want, but Cal is the best at sticking it to UL fans and Mack.

I just hope he builds on that game and quits whatever else he was contemplating. Bring Sharpe in and give'em ALL fits, the schmidts, the runs, the china flu, yadda, yadda, yadda......
Turkish Lira has fallen over 50% since Feb. 2021. It could happen here.

In 1978 Venezuela was in the top 20 richest countries. 2001 it was one of the poorest. Where did that wealth go? It could happen here.

Neither of those will happen. But they could. Kinda scary.
I was stationed in Turkey in the late sixties. A lira was their equivalent of a dollar. Then A lira was worth 8 cents. A Turkish man was working the bar one night at the NCO club. A fellow I knew left him a tip of a few pennies. The bar tender said, you keep it. You need it worse than I do. I laughed my butt off.