
You never know about those things. My daughter was on a jury for a civil suit between a man and wife vs a bank. It concerned osha regulations and how certain work was handled. When the jury first started deliberating . the jury was going to give the verdict for the bank. Turns out my daughter has a degree in osha stuff and was working for a major insurance company. She told them she worked daily with that kind of stuff and explained to the jury the proper way things were supposed to be done. The jury then voted for the couple. Without her the couple would have lost. What are the odds an expert in the field just happened to be on the jury? I always wondered if the couples lawyer realized how lucky he was that he won despite not being smart enough to get an osha expert to testify.

The court system has been flawed for many many years. God put your daughter on that jury. When I think about all of the people that didn't receive a fair proceeding for just such a reason, it makes me angry. I have been to court without representation and God was with me that day. The accuser didn'teven show up when they saw all of the evidence I had in my favor.

I know of a case where the judge sided with someone else in spite of what the law clearly said, and the overwhelming evidence provided to the court. They refused to even look at the evidence or the law. I couldn't believe it then, but I believe it now.
I think I may use this for future reporting the local weather. It may be as accurate as any sophisticated radar.


Got to get me one of THOSE stones.
Good morning D-League and now for the local weather report.

We have 65° and fog which has been the pattern for the past week. The sun will shine bright all day so the fog is already disappearing. We have 68% humidity as we reach a high of 78°. Not a bad day for the golfers.

UK is recruiting a player a little south of me who plays for Wiregrass Ranch at Zephyrhills. He is a high 4 star WR and if we can beat out Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Michigan and everybody else for him he might be a Cat. The young man is very very good. I would love to see him in Blue and White.

I trust all are well and in good health Read John 15

The young man sounds like he plays for someone or something that needs a shot of penicillin...
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As far as I'm concerned Jussie needs to be sentenced to as many years as someone would be if they had been convicted of his make believe crime. Is this not a federal hate crime, then what is?

Severe weather headed our way especially after midnight. Damaging winds, heavy rain, possible flooding and (gulp) tornadoes.
It was wet and nasty here last night, it's headed your way
GOES Linky
Looks like we're down to one Monkee.

RIP Michael Nesmith, joining Peter Tork and Davy Jones in the Big Jungle in the Sky. Mickey Dolenz is the last of them.

Seems odd that the Beatles, the group they were invented to mimic as a dumber version for younger kids, still have two members left. And of course the Rolling Stones have been mummified alive and will outlast everyone. Keith Richards is good for another century or so.
Now the left is anti-america and pro-totalitarian, and the right is pro-corporation and anti-people.
These extremes are consequences of our collective symptomatic response to widespread societal cultural narcisstic personality disorders. To keep this simple. The lunatics are in control. Around 1969 was as smart as we got. That generation was raised by critical thinkers, people who understood techniques to solve problems. Not anmore problem solving is something they do so accordingly they caused the problem. "They" being anyone besides themselves. As always many people, likely the majority, are looking for a non-religious solution. This will be a great awaking. Only the truth can fix this so we're under attack with efforts to dumb people down to be acceptably complacent to mediocracy, then use lies to deceive, confuse and sedate them so they might control their access to the true nature of carbon based life and our human requirements for choice to grow as sentient beings beyond that restriction.​
What about the judge or prosecutor that initially tried to let him walk away? Those are the enablers and also accomplices. They should bear the same punishment. They bear the same guilt...
If by they're actions are guilty of an intentional deception, yes absolutely.
Keith Richards is good for another century or so.
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Looks like we're down to one Monkee.

RIP Michael Nesmith, joining Peter Tork and Davy Jones in the Big Jungle in the Sky. Mickey Dolenz is the last of them.

Seems odd that the Beatles, the group they were invented to mimic as a dumber version for younger kids, still have two members left. And of course the Rolling Stones have been mummified alive and will outlast everyone. Keith Richards is good for another century or so.
Keith has no living tissue in his body. It is drug based chemistry. :)
Made it to Louisville and back. Nobody shot at me or nothing. Whew!

Looking forward to playing another real basketball game tomorrow, our second of the season. Hope it turns out better than the last one. Did everyone hear we tied Duke for the time Oscar was on the floor? Not a moral victory, just an observation of how much better we are when he plays.

I'm thinking back to Derek Anderson for a transfer that has had an immediate impact like OT has. Clear that up for me. Who else?
I'm thinking back to Derek Anderson for a transfer that has had an immediate impact like OT has. Clear that up for me. Who else?
You could make the case that without Heshimu Evans - transfer from Manhattan College - the Cats don't win in 1998. In fact, I'd say that's a near certainty. He made big plays throughout the tournament.
Made it to Louisville and back. Nobody shot at me or nothing. Whew!

Looking forward to playing another real basketball game tomorrow, our second of the season. Hope it turns out better than the last one. Did everyone hear we tied Duke for the time Oscar was on the floor? Not a moral victory, just an observation of how much better we are when he plays.

I'm thinking back to Derek Anderson for a transfer that has had an immediate impact like OT has. Clear that up for me. Who else?
Kyle Macy?
Looks like we're down to one Monkee.

RIP Michael Nesmith, joining Peter Tork and Davy Jones in the Big Jungle in the Sky. Mickey Dolenz is the last of them.

Seems odd that the Beatles, the group they were invented to mimic as a dumber version for younger kids, still have two members left. And of course the Rolling Stones have been mummified alive and will outlast everyone. Keith Richards is good for another century or so.
I just saw him in concert last month. He hung in there during the concert and I hate to hear this. I think the band was still on their Final Tour Concerts .

Mickey Dolenz has so much energy he may be like the Energizer Bunny hop hopping away
Sunday I have tickets for Ricky Skaggs in concert down at the Capital in Clearwater. I have seen Ricky many times over the years. He was scheduled for last year but Covid cancelled it. Should be a fun day.

He first appeared on TV when he was 7 years old. Flatt & Scruggs Show a long time ago. I think he was born with a pick in his hand.


River spent the night in the nest departing at dawn to do eagle stuff. At the 7:23 mark of the streamed clip below activity picked up at dusk yesterday whith the pair at the new nest of the stream below. Loss of a home territory nest tree can seriously affect local dyamics as resourses are reallowcated to permit maximum eagle productivity through intraspecific competitive strategies,. I noticed this male was a different adult male eagle than the Obey of the past decade. In the eagle. world he's probably still a Dale Holler Bird and if he don't take care of his family another male will. Retirement is not in the cards. It's not 1960 anymore. If his River found the nest suitable and starts sitting around she'll lay 1-3 eggs to incubate. The nest is small and single nestling will fill it up so 2 eggs should work well, once that happens, he'll get to provide and defend. That white head shows the world he's a mature adult eagle and not to messed with.
A little more about the Jussie Hoax

The Sounds of Violence- Redux
by Chuck Porrett
Hello Jussie my old friend.
I see you're heading for the pen.
For all those lies you told the world while weeping.
Those were your buddies that you paid for creeping.
And the fiction that you planted in our brain...
...will now remain;
as but a hoax of violence.
We saw you walk the streets alone.
The noose you wore was all your own.
Beneath a halo of a martyred saint.
You called us bigots if we voiced complaint.
But our eyes they were stabbed by the vision of the Catholic boys....
...your kind destroys.
Amid your sounds of violence.
And in the naked truth we saw.
Ten thousand lies and maybe more.
Your comrades preaching without speaking.
They wove a story, but without seeking.
Zealots writing poems that the actors spew....
....of single view.
That we are born of violence.
"Fool," say I, "the people know.
Your lies are why this cancer grows.
You threw away the truth your Momma teach you.
Ain't been no lynchin', ain't no whitey bleach you.
May your lies that are like the sulphur from the devil's smell;
echo in your cell..... of violence.
So put away that card you played.
At least until your debt is paid.
And may your guilt and shame flash out a warning.
Beware the lie or reap the whirlwind forming.
For the sign says, "The words of our founders as written is our solemn vow...
...not Marx and Mao."

Be damned your hoax of violenc
I'm going to have some spare time on my hands this winter so I'm thinking about putting in an application down at UL for either the President or AD position. I can delegate with the best of em.

edit: If what supposedly happened, really happened, then this is all the most Louisville thing ever. AD, along with a healthy amount of fans, wants to fire the fb coach. President poo poos that because they can't afford the buyout. AD gets mad and quits. President says "oh yeah, hold my wine" and she quits too! Can't wait to see what happens next. Will be a movie someday.
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I'm going to have some spare time on my hands this winter so I'm thinking about putting in an application down at UL for either the President or AD position. I can delegate with the best of em.

edit: If what supposedly happened, really happened, then this is all the most Louisville thing ever. AD, along with a healthy amount of fans, wants to fire the fb coach. President poo poos that because they can't afford the buyout. AD gets mad and quits. President says "oh yeah, hold my wine" and she quits too! Can't wait to see what happens next. Will be a movie someday.
They'll never hire you. You're over-qualified.
I'm going to have some spare time on my hands this winter so I'm thinking about putting in an application down at UL for either the President or AD position. I can delegate with the best of em.

edit: If what supposedly happened, really happened, then this is all the most Louisville thing ever. AD, along with a healthy amount of fans, wants to fire the fb coach. President poo poos that because they can't afford the buyout. AD gets mad and quits. President says "oh yeah, hold my wine" and she quits too! Can't wait to see what happens next. Will be a movie someday.
UofL<===[laughing] The gift that keeps on giving!
Tornado watch until 3AM. I might get a chance to try out my generator that's still in the box. Also, this weather event should take care of those pesky leaves that refuse to fall. Depending on the wind direction, I'll either have a ton of leaves to rake or none.
Anybody say Adrian Odie Smith of the fiddling five?
I met Smith at a UK football club gathering in Cincy some 12 years ago (Lots of UK bigs & no idea why I was invited. Still have the K Club hat I was given.). Interesting talking with him though today I don't remember much specific. I believe he still lives in Cincy somewhere.
I met Smith at a UK football club gathering in Cincy some 12 years ago (Lots of UK bigs & no idea why I was invited. Still have the K Club hat I was given.). Interesting talking with him though today I don't remember much specific. I believe he still lives in Cincy somewhere.
Quite a few years ago, they introduced him at half time of a local basketball game. Seems they said he was a banker in Cincy. He would be 80 plus now, so likely retired.
If any are interested in flying here is the top dog of flying... at least on this planet...

True. Flies quicker than anti-aircraft missiles. No SR-71 EVER lost to anti-aircraft fire. Nothing Russians or Chinese deployed at the time could catch it. Heard anecdotally it could out run Nike-Hercules missiles. I remember in South Korea back years ago I was over there TDY. We knew when Blackbirds flew over because of sonic booms.

Boom...... Boom..... Boom..... Absolutely surreal, especially on return trips from NK.
True. Flies quicker than anti-aircraft missiles. No SR-71 EVER lost to anti-aircraft fire. Nothing Russians or Chinese deployed at the time could catch it. Heard anecdotally it could out run Nike-Hercules missiles. I remember in South Korea back years ago I was over there TDY. We knew when Blackbirds flew over because of sonic booms.

Boom...... Boom..... Boom..... Absolutely surreal, especially on return trips from NK.

I was an Imagery Interpreter in the Army. I loved working with that imagery among other sources. It was just fascinating as can be imagined. When they need it to, ......they just fly it a little faster. Nothing beats it.
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