
Hello to you all and an early morning. My mind has been racing but I am going to sleep now.

I hired a man over a year ago. A top notch type of fellow. (I am real good at detailing a resume.)(Won't go into that story now.) He was a remote hire. He lived in Oklahoma (Fort Sill as I remember.) but the job was in Colorado where he wanted to live at the time. He is a counterpart grade-wise.) To shorten the story, he got a new job here where I live at a higher grade. Eventually he may assist getting me a job but that's a maybe and not relevant now.

Anyway, I found him and his wife a home here about a half mile from my house. We met personally for the first time today!

We had a real good day. He, his wife, me and my Darling went to dinner (lunch) together and spent about five total hours together. He and I hit it off well personally finally but my Darling and his wife hit it off too.

For today, (Friday) I am truly thankful.

I know already I will be thankful tomorrow from the day I just had. It will last.

You all have a super day too!!!
Before I was a Babdist or studied zoology I was raised an entrepreneural River Rat, worms $6.75/qt., nightcrawlers a penny ea. Minimum wage 1.35 and nothing was free. Shad gut $5.00/gal. Dad , an apprentice elecrician made 2.25/hr. I'm not even going to mention Catalpa worms @ 3 doz/$. and I learned money grew on trees then turned 16 old enough to drive with gas 22¢/gal.


I was truly broken hearted when I asked a student intern to hand me a small Phillips and he pulled out a cell phone.
Did the cell phone have a screwdriver app on it?

We are truly raising a generation of morons. I doubt most know how to carry in a bucket of coal and bank a fire. I know there are a lot of things we had to do as kids they don't need to know about but basic things like knowing what tools are used for this and that and other simple things are way over their head.

A couple of weeks ago I came home and my wife had the washing machine taken apart and it was scattered all over the utility room floor. I asked her "what the heck" and she said it wouldn't work and some red light came on with an error code. She got out the users manual, identified the problem and got out her Phillips screw driver and went to work.

An hour later she had it all back together and working perfectly. I gave her a big hug and told her I was impressed and proud of her. She said did you know a service call is $100. I want my $100. We laughed and I told her to bill me. She came from a large blue collar family that knew how to get the job done. Priceless
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Probably told this story here before but will tell it again.

Buddy and I were returning some gifts and such to Walmart, waiting in line at the return desk of course, when we overheard 2 young people talking about how many days they "still had to work" so that they "could be fired and collect unemployment." We both just stood there with "Wth" written all over our faces.

Best thing for this country would be for unemployment to end for the able bodied, and be given instead as work subsidies for those individuals who served their country to help them get back into the work force and acclimated to civilian life.

We've offered enough incentives to those that don't want to work to pay off the national debt a couple times. Incentivize work. Stop incentivizing sloth!
I have heard similar conversations and just the other day an older woman working behind the food counter at Walmart was a bit short with me as I ordered chicken strips and potato wedges. Having already waited a bit with people ahead of me and seeing she was doing it alone (even though a very attractive younger lady was behind the counter as well) I said that it looks a bit busy. She replied that it was that way every day and that the help was not very helpful. She also said they were short of personnel and that others were out and no longer working. Realizing I was acknowledging her position she softened and said that the younger ones were lazy and did not really want to be there or work. I told her I understand and see that just about everywhere these days.

Back when I was working at FT. Sill I overheard conversations between soldiers who were being put out of the military from BCT (Basic Combat Training) or AIT (Advanced Individual Training) because they did not want to be there anymore. One in particular was a young girl whose brother had died prior to her coming in and with the training being so hard for her along with that, she was diagnosed with PTSD at 70% and would now paid a little over $1600.00 dollars a month for the rest of her life. After a few weeks of basic she was now making more than many many people who had served and retired and were receiving less in take home than she was because hers was tax free. It was shameful as she laughed about it and was proud of her achievement. I have heard similar stories as well because many are told of this prior to coming in or getting out. That is to go and get evaluated trying to get disabilities and doctors these days are very lax in what they diagnose.
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Yuse is a great word. A mispelled contraction of bad grammar "you is". Yuses much like Ya'll.

Good grief, a typical Dixie chick. Oops! But why am I not surprised?

My Mammaw packed a 5 shot 32 revolver in her apron. Shocked my friends almost as much as the 12" gold fish in the bath tub.

One thing I learned about shooting long ago is to not keep your sight picture very long and trust your body's ability to naturally focus in on your target. I applied that to throwing as well when playing baseball/softball. Whenever I would field a ground hit ball I would immediately turn and throw to whatever base it was supposed to go and rarely missed the mark. I have seen to many players double pump before the throw and then have to put more on it to beat the runner. Many times the throw would either be too late or off the mark. The same with shooting. With multiple targets coming up many would take too long trying to make sure they hit the first target and many times miss it and not have time to get the next one.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 37°and clear here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring mostly sunny skies and a high of 57°.

Plan on staying in today and watching 3 championship games: Big 12, SEC, and Big 10 championship games.

Everyone stay safe on this Championship Saturday.

Sir, During my Junior and Senior year in high school (77, 78, 79 range) my Welding shop teacher must have taken a liking to me. (David M. Falik). He gave me a phone number and told me to call it. I stated, yes Sir. (He knew I was moving out on my own.) In any event when I called the man told me to come see him that day. (Keep in mind, minimum wage back then was 2 something an hour at tops.) He started me off welding on box cars at $11.42 and hour. I was swimming. I worked for less than that a year or so after I got out of the Army at some odd jobs. I am thankful. I have always worked since I was 15 in a real on the clock job and before that when my Dad had his siding company. what I am most thankful for is my babies and My Darling have always eat my food...(They still do sometimes, but to be fair sometimes they pay now too.) ;)
Did they give you work reading glasses too?
Good morning D-League. It's currently 37°and clear here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring mostly sunny skies and a high of 57°.

Plan on staying in today and watching 3 championship games: Big 12, SEC, and Big 10 championship games.

Everyone stay safe on this Championship Saturday.

Same on the game watch for me today. In laws coming over so, the bedroom where we have another nice TV will be my hideout with my baby girl who does not like the in laws and generally stays in the bedroom on the bed when they are here.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 68°F and cloudy with 88% humidity. Today's high should to pot around 76°F. We'll take it.

Watched WKU vs UTSA for C-USA championship game last night. Hilltoppers could not quite pull off the upset.

Count me three on watching conference championship games today. Pulling for Baylor, UGA and no care between Iowa and Michigan. Really like OkSt and Mike Gundy. If Cowboys win over Baylor, no biggie.

Gotta work a little around the house after a walk. May grab BBQ for lunch.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members,

Good morning from ATX. Currently 68°F and cloudy with 88% humidity. Today's high should to pot around 76°F. We'll take it.

Watched WKU vs UTSA for C-USA championship game last night. Hilltoppers could not quite pull off the upset.

Count me three on watching conference championship games today. Pulling for Baylor, UGA and no care between Iowa and Michigan. Really like OkSt and Mike Gundy. If Cowboys win over Baylor, no biggie.

Gotta work a little around the house after a walk. May grab BBQ for lunch.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members,

Ahhh yeah, now you're talking Austin and I am not talking about the games.

Good morning D-League. It's currently 37°and clear here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring mostly sunny skies and a high of 57°.

Plan on staying in today and watching 3 championship games: Big 12, SEC, and Big 10 championship games.

Everyone stay safe on this Championship Saturday.

Yes sir, this is football wall to wall for me. The outcomes may determine our opponent in the bowl game we have coming up. I am anxious to see Iowa play for the first time.

Meanwhile Stoops and his staff are out beating down the bushes in an attempt to get some final commitments. Some outstanding talent is out there and maybe he can persuade them to head north to Kaintuck to play for the Cats. Or if they are up yonder, head South. Get it done Coach
Yes sir, this is football wall to wall for me. The outcomes may determine our opponent in the bowl game we have coming up. I am anxious to see Iowa play for the first time.

Meanwhile Stoops and his staff are out beating down the bushes in an attempt to get some final commitments. Some outstanding talent is out there and maybe he can persuade them to head north to Kaintuck to play for the Cats. Or if they are up yonder, head South. Get it done Coach
I talked to a friend who is a big Iowa fan, he says it is possible to see Iowa and Kentucky in the Citrus bowl.

He wants Iowa to beat Michigan but he is a realist. I hope Iowa pulls it off. I don't like Michigan.
Good morning D, read John 5

We had a good visit with our son and D-I-L yesterday, my son and I talked about a lot of thins yesterday, one thing especially was, he wished his grandmother was here so he could talked to her about how he was going to get through what has happened and how she dealt with losing a child, my brother, but on the other hand he said he was glad she isn't because he wouldn't want her to go through this!!!! Our D-I-L opened up quite a bit yesterday to Mrs. M in a lot of detail on what happened. I saw the picture of the dog, I found out that JP's dog went into his room and stayed with JP until they removed his body, heartbreaking!!!! I am trying to stay busy, I have 20 more ornaments to make, but my worse time is when I am here by myself, it feels like a big part of me is missing and it is!!!! I know GOD, my friends and my family is going to help us get through this and it's going to take time!!!

Thanks for listening D, prayers for the D!
Good morning football fans. Back from a long hike and looking forward to the early games. Then we're doing a "Christmas" event - Handel's Messiah at the National Cathedral in DC.

It's a beautiful setting, and the music is certainly very inspiring and harmonious with Christmas. But it does go on for quite some time, as I recall from the last time I sat through it. As I remember, when it ended, I was the one saying "Hallelujah!"

Pulling for whichever teams it takes to freeze Notre Dame out of the playoffs. No way they should be rewarded for what turned out to be a joke of a schedule, whether by design or just the way it worked out (a bit of both - the played their share of cupcakes, then Big Team teams but not Ohio State or Michigan or even MSU, and ACC teams, but not Clemson. It's a pretty safe bet if you avoid all those programs you have a good shot at running the table.)

I guess OK State, Alabama, Michigan and Cincinnati wins would work for me, then let the Committee sweat it out over whether to give the last slot (after Bama, Georgia, Michigan) to Ok State or Cincy.
Hey @Bert Higginbotha look what I found! I can hardly believe this is on CNN. He proves that Alec Balwin is full of shit about not pulling the trigger.
Just seeing this. Thanks for sharing Bertfan.

Yeah, everyone raised with guns knew instantly Baldwin is a lying POS.

He likely had the trigger depressed, pulled the hammer back and released it. Maybe he's such a dumb ass he didn't know that would fire the weapon -- but he certainly did after the fact. And denying that he pulled the trigger under those circumstances is just a lie.
Good morning D, read John 5

We had a good visit with our son and D-I-L yesterday, my son and I talked about a lot of thins yesterday, one thing especially was, he wished his grandmother was here so he could talked to her about how he was going to get through what has happened and how she dealt with losing a child, my brother, but on the other hand he said he was glad she isn't because he wouldn't want her to go through this!!!! Our D-I-L opened up quite a bit yesterday to Mrs. M in a lot of detail on what happened. I saw the picture of the dog, I found out that JP's dog went into his room and stayed with JP until they removed his body, heartbreaking!!!! I am trying to stay busy, I have 20 more ornaments to make, but my worse time is when I am here by myself, it feels like a big part of me is missing and it is!!!! I know GOD, my friends and my family is going to help us get through this and it's going to take time!!!

Thanks for listening D, prayers for the D!
It is never easy Cord. Life has heartaches and so many things we do not understand. Our human mind can not comprehend why we would lose a child. No parent should have to bury their child. But the Comforter was placed on this earth to get us through times like these. Some day, and each day it gets closer, we will have the answers but that is for God to reveal. It does take time and is a wound that time will not erase on this earth.
Today is the date my father was born on this earth. December 4. 1916. He would have been 105 if he was still with us. My daddy was a good man and even better father. He was firm and strict, very strict, but he did it the right way. The picture below was taken on a Sunday after we returned from church. The back ground are our orange groves and I bet in his mind he was thinking we have another "fruit picker" in the family.

I would not be a UK fan had he not been my father. He was as rabid as they got and lived and breathed UK sports. He bought us tickets to the Final Four when I was 14 years old and purchased basketball season tickets in 1960. We have the same first and last name so shortly before he died he called me and said he was going to submit a change of address. That way he could avoid the UK policy of only one transfer in the family. He said with one stipulation, the tickets stay in the family the rest of your life. I agreed. Now when he first got them they were about $3.00 apiece now i pay $5,000.00 for two for the season. I blame it on Joe Biden's inflation. Why not.

RIP daddy, you were one of a kind.

Today is the date my father was born on this earth. December 4. 1916. He would have been 105 if he was still with us. My daddy was a good man and even better father. He was firm and strict, very strict, but he did it the right way. The picture below was taken on a Sunday after we returned from church. The back ground are our orange groves and I bet in his mind he was thinking we have another "fruit picker" in the family.

I would not be a UK fan had he not been my father. He was as rabid as they got and lived and breathed UK sports. He bought us tickets to the Final Four when I was 14 years old and purchased basketball season tickets in 1960. We have the same first and last name so shortly before he died he called me and said he was going to submit a change of address. That way he could avoid the UK policy of only one transfer in the family. He said with one stipulation, the tickets stay in the family the rest of your life. I agreed. Now when he first got them they were about $3.00 apiece now i pay $5,000.00 for two for the season. I blame it on Joe Biden's inflation. Why not.

RIP daddy, you were one of a kind.

Wonderful story Sawnee.
Thanks @_Rooster for the eagle cam link...........I have only watched for a few minutes and I am addicted.......I could have made something out of myself if I hadn't discovered birds when I was four or five years old.........if I had a nickle for every hour I have just sat and observed birds........I would be a very rich of my problems when I was in Grade school was the janitor for the school had a very nice flock of white pigeons that lived in the bell towers of the old St. Dennis class was on the side of school facing the church.......the nuns told my parents that I had trouble paying attention...........duh...........couldn't they see that flock of white pigeons...........I knew those birds.....
Thanks @_Rooster for the eagle cam link...........I have only watched for a few minutes and I am addicted.......I could have made something out of myself if I hadn't discovered birds when I was four or five years old.........if I had a nickle for every hour I have just sat and observed birds........I would be a very rich of my problems when I was in Grade school was the janitor for the school had a very nice flock of white pigeons that lived in the bell towers of the old St. Dennis class was on the side of school facing the church.......the nuns told my parents that I had trouble paying attention...........duh...........couldn't they see that flock of white pigeons...........I knew those birds.....
awf, I have a cousin, they live in Paducah that had the same problem, only his was trains. He went to Reidland High school, made really bad grades. My aunt would ask him can't you remember any from school today, his answer was not really, but there was a train that came by with 4 unites and 55 cars!!!! He eventually worked for the railroad for years!!!!!
Just seeing this. Thanks for sharing Bertfan.

Yeah, everyone raised with guns knew instantly Baldwin is a lying POS.

He likely had the trigger depressed, pulled the hammer back and released it. Maybe he's such a dumb ass he didn't know that would fire the weapon -- but he certainly did after the fact. And denying that he pulled the trigger under those circumstances is just a lie.
The shooting happened 2 weeks ago, why did it take him so long to claim he didn't pull the trigger and that the gun must have misfired? Someone must have explained to him that he could be held responsible if he was the one that pulled the trigger. What a democrat way to handle it. "the gun did it all by itself".

How many people have actually been "accidentally" shot by someone "cleaning" their gun? Maybe a couple throughout the history of guns. Can you imagine how many guns would fire "by themselves" if Baldwin was allowed to claim this in court?

Guarantee you there is someone out there today who is already planning a murder and counting on the accidental firing as their defense. People are generally stupid.
Good morning! I'll be watching some football today as well but first I've got to go to my wife's office and help her with some Christmas decorations. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to that...because I'm not.

I don't care who wins but if there is any scenario that takes us from Citrus to Outback then that's what I want to happen. Let's get this train back on track! I'm being selfish, I know the Citrus Bowl is the higher rated game and probably looks better on our resume.

Glad to see what's going on down on Floyd St.
Thanks @_Rooster for the eagle cam link...........I have only watched for a few minutes and I am addicted.......I could have made something out of myself if I hadn't discovered birds when I was four or five years old.........if I had a nickle for every hour I have just sat and observed birds........I would be a very rich of my problems when I was in Grade school was the janitor for the school had a very nice flock of white pigeons that lived in the bell towers of the old St. Dennis class was on the side of school facing the church.......the nuns told my parents that I had trouble paying attention...........duh...........couldn't they see that flock of white pigeons...........I knew those birds.....
Yeah, I like chicks too.
Ahhh yeah, now you're talking Austin and I am not talking about the games.


Ha ha, thanks. I may grab some too later this afternoon during BBQ run.
BBQ Cookies?
Good morning D, read John 5
Me 2 just 2 let you know KJV
Dogs know............
Yes they do. They use their olfactory senses to tell time, can smell you change your mind, and your physiological condition via hormone level stench. And we worry about odoriferous flatulence. Canine hearing is also some 8 times better than human and allowing them to hear your heart beat and ID a motor vehicle blocks away.

BBQ Cookies?

Me 2 just 2 let you know KJV

Yes they do. They use their olfactory senses to tell time, can smell you change your mind, and your physiological condition via hormone level stench. And we worry about odoriferous flatulence. Canine hearing is also some 8 times better than human and allowing them to hear your heart beat and ID a motor vehicle blocks away.
Honey BBQ cookies. They are called Baklavas.
Some soft music from Senorita Ronstadt with my cup of coffee and cool of the morning. I did not know this was the #1 sellling Spanish recording in American music.

I couldn't be more enamoured with Americans of Hispanic decent. I made the innocent mistake once using the term Mexican-American referring to staff diversity. I was corrected by one of my officers in private. He was proud of his heritage, proud to be an American and did not fight in 2 wars to be hyphenated. Lesson learned.

Rockabillies and Tacobillies

Thanks @_Rooster for the eagle cam link...........I have only watched for a few minutes and I am addicted.......I could have made something out of myself if I hadn't discovered birds when I was four or five years old.........if I had a nickle for every hour I have just sat and observed birds........I would be a very rich of my problems when I was in Grade school was the janitor for the school had a very nice flock of white pigeons that lived in the bell towers of the old St. Dennis class was on the side of school facing the church.......the nuns told my parents that I had trouble paying attention...........duh...........couldn't they see that flock of white pigeons...........I knew those birds.....
I know i really appreciate that we still share a world with life. All life is a blessing so that we understand ours. Probably an Ignatian thought. I've learned a lot watching birds. For me, it starteded in Portland. and continues today. It's easier to share now. I see no wane in he curiosity of people to be amazed. We have the tools to share but seem unaware of what we need to be amazed by. Eagles uplift our spirits. Unemotional hormone driven creatures of devotion. When I came to Arizona our surveys revealed about 20 birds across 6 territories. Today there are a hundred territories across the state. With ecology and economy the same word. Their recovery was not just happen stance. It was a lesson of how. All we needed to do was not be as Bertfan said "stupid". While the knowledge is free, the wisdom is wanting and blindness just shocking. Same as it ever was.

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