
Morning Legionnaires!

May decide to try and get a little fishing done tomorrow afternoon. Get a day or 2 in before the weather gets colder. Been watching a few fishing shows everyday for the last week or so.
If you run into this cowgirl tell her Waylon's back in town.

I don't even own a suit. The last time I wore a suit was for a civil service job interview 18 years ago (I got the job, for which I didn't have to wear a suit). I had not worn a suit for 17 years previous to that interview. I am definitely a blue-collar guy.

I attend a large church of thousands and I cannot recall ever seeing anyone, including any speakers, wear a suit. Speakers do however wear long pants, even if it is jeans. It's just a West Coast thing I guess. I wore a suit to church every time until I moved out West.

Like Sawnee I rarely wear long pants. Shorts and sandals almost all the time.
Wow, no suits. Even the Hatfield Clan dressed up to go feuding. How can you shoot McCoys without dressing up. That doesn't cut it in the hills. You have to look your Sunday Best.

Pictured here are three armed sons of Anderson "Devil Anse" and Levicy Hatfield: from left to right, Joe, Troy, and Elias Hatfield hunting McCoys

Good late morning to you good folks. I have overnight company again so I am getting a late start. I watched by bluray of the UL football game last night. It is better the second time around.

I really wish that I had caught the Duke lose. I love anything bad that happens to Duke or Notre Dame.

It is an overcast 53.2°F in Smiths Grove on our way to 61° and a 40% chance of rain. A little rain would not hurt us at all.

I can't believe it is December already. Where did the last 40 years go?

On typo's and spelling: you must overlook my horrible grammar and typing skills. My sister was a whiz at language and I was a total dude. I had to have 6 hours in either Russian, German or French for a chemistry degree. I made 2 C's and probably was lucky to get that. Some of you guys have fantastic language skills. I envy that.

I will start pulling out Christmas decorations today. I dread that.
Wow, no suits. Even the Hatfield Clan dressed up to go feuding. How can you shoot McCoys without dressing up. That doesn't cut it in the hills. You have to look your Sunday Best.

Pictured here are three armed sons of Anderson "Devil Anse" and Levicy Hatfield: from left to right, Joe, Troy, and Elias Hatfield hunting McCoys

Speaking of suits and killin' reminds me of a dark chapter in my family's saga I only learned about when I was already in my fifties. It wasn't something my mother talked about with any pride.

Her mother - my grandmother - had an older sister she was close with. The family lived in the town of Augusta, Kentucky. The sister got married and moved right across the Ohio River to a small town there. One day way back in the 1920s, for reasons that my mother claims are still a family mystery, the man came home from work and shot my great aunt dead.

Learning about this story later in life sort of shocked me, so I did some research. Sure enough, I found the guy on the Ohio Department of Corrections website. Not too many details about the crime, but his photo was posted on a page with everyone Ohio executed. One of the things that struck me is that everyone on the page was in a similar suit. I wondered if they recycled them after the "Death Row Portraits."

Anyway, here's the scoundrel who killed my great aunt...
A couple meals I had the last few days...

You can look at this as Spam made of fish with a lot less salt, rice pressed into thick noodles, onion's, peppers, an egg soft-boiled, beef, and a lightly red pepper-spiced sauce...

The Name? O-Dang (My pronunciation.)


Vegetables as they should be eaten at times...

With an over-easy egg, and some lightly spiced red-pepper paste. Mix it all together it!

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What up fellas!

National Pie Day!
Custard Pie, my favorite.
I'm gonna tell you the truth, ain't gonna tell you no lie,
I'm crazy 'bout her custard pie!

If it's good for a man aged eighty three,
Know good and well it's good enough for me!

I'm gonna tell you somethin', don't tell nobody else,
I wants that pie all to myself!

Come on babe and be nice,
I want you to save me a slice!

Says, I don't care if you live 'cross the street,
When you cut that pie, please save me a piece

Well boys, sayin' I have to go,
Can't get a dish, she can't give me no more!
She got to give me some of it,
She got to give me some of it,
She got to give me some of it
Before she give it all away!

Good morning from ATX. Currently 53°F and partly cloudy with fog in some places. Today's high could max out at 80°F.

Another murder this morning. Local news just reported Austin up to 87 homicides so far this year. Wonder if we break 90 for the year? Stay tuned.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 53°F and partly cloudy with fog in some places. Today's high could max out at 80°F.

Another murder this morning. Local news just reported Austin up to 87 homicides so far this year. Wonder if we break 90 for the year? Stay tuned.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

I really enjoy fritters especially Conch Fritters. We have a little spot we go to frequently just for the conch fritters. Put a little hot sauce on those babies and it is hard to quit eating them.

Wake up Legionnaires! Get those running shoes, work shoes, slippers, rubber boots, cowboy boots, crocks, or whatever else you guys wear and let's get going.

Weather will be high 70's today with possible 80°.

Not much on tap for today except training my now 2 students and they are talking about bringing a third after Christmas. Both of the ones I have now were talking the other day about how they don't understand my instructor who comes in about once every 2 weeks to help train them. He will give them instructions and they will both look at me and say "What?" I will have to clarify for them. Although he has been here since he was about 15 or 16 (Stepfather was in military) and is now 63 he still has a heavy Asian (Thailand) accent. Never thought I would have to be an interpreter. He and I actually laugh about it because even he admits he still struggles with the English language everywhere he goes he still has to repeat himself to people.
Howdy D-League. Warming up here today. I hope it’s off to a good start for everyone.

Some good hoops last night. I enjoyed watching Louisville’s guards throw the ball around at random - often to the other team. If the Cats are at anything like full strength I don’t see how U6 hangs with UK’s guards.

Already getting psyched about the football this weekend. Go UC, Bama, Ok State. That’d be the path to an all-SEC Final as Bama beat the Bearcats and Georgia beat the Cowboys.