If you run into this cowgirl tell her Waylon's back in town.May decide to try and get a little fishing done tomorrow afternoon. Get a day or 2 in before the weather gets colder. Been watching a few fishing shows everyday for the last week or so.

If you run into this cowgirl tell her Waylon's back in town.May decide to try and get a little fishing done tomorrow afternoon. Get a day or 2 in before the weather gets colder. Been watching a few fishing shows everyday for the last week or so.
Wow, no suits. Even the Hatfield Clan dressed up to go feuding. How can you shoot McCoys without dressing up. That doesn't cut it in the hills. You have to look your Sunday Best.I don't even own a suit. The last time I wore a suit was for a civil service job interview 18 years ago (I got the job, for which I didn't have to wear a suit). I had not worn a suit for 17 years previous to that interview. I am definitely a blue-collar guy.
I attend a large church of thousands and I cannot recall ever seeing anyone, including any speakers, wear a suit. Speakers do however wear long pants, even if it is jeans. It's just a West Coast thing I guess. I wore a suit to church every time until I moved out West.
Like Sawnee I rarely wear long pants. Shorts and sandals almost all the time.
If I run into that cowgirl my bumper will need fixin.If you run into this cowgirl tell her Waylon's back in town.
Speaking of suits and killin' reminds me of a dark chapter in my family's saga I only learned about when I was already in my fifties. It wasn't something my mother talked about with any pride.Wow, no suits. Even the Hatfield Clan dressed up to go feuding. How can you shoot McCoys without dressing up. That doesn't cut it in the hills. You have to look your Sunday Best.
Pictured here are three armed sons of Anderson "Devil Anse" and Levicy Hatfield: from left to right, Joe, Troy, and Elias Hatfield hunting McCoys
I'm happy, but why isn't her a$$ chapped too?If you run into this cowgirl tell her Waylon's back in town.
Where are the people. One would think the streets would be bustling with men and women, boys and girls.One I found online...
One I took this morning...
The debt repository...
Less than 500 feet from the first picture above...
Some other notables...
Oh, all within view of the front door...
Where are the people. One would think the streets would be bustling with men and women, boys and girls.
The only cats I like are UK Wildcats.... jmusao
(Sorry, they just don't bark. Chickens don't bark either but I eat them.)
I watched my first Christmas movie of the season today, "Trading Places". Have to watch it every year. Wife says it is not a Christmas movie but, I have to disagree.
It's a Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's movie all rolled into one.I watched my first Christmas movie of the season today, "Trading Places". Have to watch it every year. Wife says it is not a Christmas movie but, I have to disagree.
I watched my first Christmas movie of the season today, "Trading Places". Have to watch it every year. Wife says it is not a Christmas movie but, I have to disagree.
Where the hell was I when this video was made. 35 million views. Love the scenery. Definitely not Florida.
Where the hell was I when this video was made. 35 million views. Love the scenery. Definitely not Florida.
I stand corrected. It was Florida! 😊
I stand corrected. It was Florida! 😊
Did you use sous vide?Pork loin at a perfect 145 degrees. Time to chow down.
Anchorage is a pretty dull place.
No but sous vide is foolproof. Wife did that oven thingy. Turned out great.Did you use sous vide?
No but sous vide is foolproof. Wife did that oven thingy. Turned out great.
I really enjoy fritters especially Conch Fritters. We have a little spot we go to frequently just for the conch fritters. Put a little hot sauce on those babies and it is hard to quit eating them.Good morning from ATX. Currently 53°F and partly cloudy with fog in some places. Today's high could max out at 80°F.
Another murder this morning. Local news just reported Austin up to 87 homicides so far this year. Wonder if we break 90 for the year? Stay tuned.
Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.