
Good morning, D-League!

Entire family has the crud. Gonna be a long week. Praise God that I'm still alive and able to spend time with them! Got to make some daddy's best, sick-killer soup and tend to em as best I can.

Have a great week, y'all!

Btw... why are all of these feathers everywhere? ... found a few red ones, but the rest seem to have lost their color quickly. Something ravaged some poor bird last night and ain't nothing left but an empty carcass.... weird
Hope you and your family beat the crud soon.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 45°F and clear. High today should come in around 73°F.

14.5 hour ride from White Castle in Bowling Green to here in ATX. That new 1921 slider is excellent.

Two near-wrecks almost got me in Arkansas on I-40. Traffic stopped completely heading westbound. Crazy. Pup and wife happy I'm back. I plan on cleaning up and resting before turning in the rental car.

Cats men's soccer lost a sweet-16 heart-breaker to Clemson. Bah.

Central Michigan visits Rupp tonight. Game starts at 7 pm via stream.

Wishing happiness and health to all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 45°F and clear. High today should come in around 73°F.

14.5 hour ride from White Castle in Bowling Green to here in ATX. That new 1921 slider is excellent.

Two near-wrecks almost got me in Arkansas on I-40. Traffic stopped completely heading westbound. Crazy. Pup and wife happy I'm back. I plan on cleaning up and resting before turning in the rental car.

Cats men's soccer lost a sweet-16 heart-breaker to Clemson. Bah.

Central Michigan visits Rupp tonight. Game starts at 7 pm via stream.

Wishing happiness and health to all our fellow D-League members.


Glad you made it safe and sound!
Good morning D-League. Heading out in the moderate cold. It’s 32 here in the east.

Busy week ahead. The pace will pick up on all fronts between now and Christmas, then back to the office in downtown DC after New Year’s. Not looking forward to that.

I hope it’s a calm day for everyone here.
Too many scenarios for the playoffs.

Michigan vs. Iowa for Big 10. Michigan wins and they're in.
Alabama vs. UGA. Alabama wins and maybe both are in.
Cincinnati vs. Houston. Cincy wins and they're in. Lose and they're out.
Notre Dame in if Michigan, Cincy or Bama loses.

Oklahoma State? Beat Baylor in the Big 12?

Any upset above could spell bedlam. How exactly do you spell bedlam?

Notre Dame and Cincy should be out if Cincy loses or struggles in any way with Houston. Entire B1G is overrated by virtue of preseason rankings, but so is the ACC, but you're probably right in how this plays out. No way there are 3 teams better than Alabama, but the SEC BEING SO GOOD hurts the SEC. Media pubishes em for it every year
Yet, on their board they are still saying this should never happen because they are now a football school. Even tonight they are saying that UK will never be more than a 6-6 team in the SEC. Well, even if that were true that would make us at least 4 or 5 touchdowns better than them each game so...

We're just gettin started bro!
Good chilly morning D-League.

We had a low of 42° as we head up to 65° with plenty of sun and no rain. The golf courses will be busy.

I am still celebrating a sound whipping of the Dirty Birds as we sit around waiting to find out what bowl we are going to. What a time to be a UK football fan. 9-3 is not bad but we all know we could have had another win or two had we played up to our potential in those two games. That makes me feel good knowing we can get better and better and better.

An increase in our recruiting budget to the level of the powerhouse SEC teams will bring 4 and 5 stars regularly. Good times

I trust all have a great day

Wake up Legionnaires! Roll out of dem racks and form for chow!

Next week mid to upper 60's. Need it to cool down for Christmas though.

Christmas shopping done so, I can shore up all of my winter prep for the house with this weather being so warm.

Not much else going on.

Oh yeah: IT'S GAME DAY!
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Cats with another game the Cats should win convincingly tonight, though Central Michigan did play SEC team Missouri to a ten-point game.

Unlike many, and I assume some in the D-League, I don't mind a run of cupcakes (minus Duke) to start the season. I actually think the cancellation of almost all the November and early December cupcakes last year kept the team from jelling. There were roughly eight near-certain wins canceled, and that haunted the team all year.

In any case, I hope Kentucky has a full roster tonight going into the game and a healthy roster coming out. That, along with a W of any type, will be enough for me.
Good morning D-Leaguers. I woke up to a cold 23°F this morning, but it sure made that hot shower feel good.

Good to see everyone survived their Thanksgiving weekend. Good to see Austin back in Austin safe and sound.

@Girthang I assume you are still playing nurse at your place?

I don't like the streaming games. It sort of pisses me off.

@cordmaker you and your family will get through this matter, but it ain't going to be easy. My son and daughter in law ended up seeing a shrink and it helped.

I got home yesterday afternoon and spent the rest of the day recording the basketball and football games. This morning I will edit and burn them to a bluray.

All you good folks have a good Monday.
Cats with another game the Cats should win convincingly tonight, though Central Michigan did play SEC team Missouri to a ten-point game.

Unlike many, and I assume some in the D-League, I don't mind a run of cupcakes (minus Duke) to start the season. I actually think the cancellation of almost all the November and early December cupcakes last year kept the team from jelling. There were roughly eight near-certain wins canceled, and that haunted the team all year.

In any case, I hope Kentucky has a full roster tonight going into the game and a healthy roster coming out. That, along with a W of any type, will be enough for me.


I do miss the December home and home matchups with the likes of UNC and Kansas though. And getting to know the players. And the preseason tournaments in tropical locations. Oh, and the UK sports network broadcasts. And a strong dollar....

I do miss the December home and home matchups with the likes of UNC and Kansas though. And getting to know the players. And the preseason tournaments in tropical locations. Oh, and the UK sports network broadcasts. And a strong dollar....

The last game that I was unable to record directly before the Albany game was the Missouri game in Maui November 26, 1997, when ESPN did not telecast the games of the losers the day before and they would not give the UK Network the rights to the game. Now ESPN has rights to most of the games as the creation of the SEC Network. So ESPN is going into the streaming business where they can control access to the games and they could care less about UK fans.

I miss the guys on the UK Network because they were vested into UK and called the games with a passion the ESPN guys can only fake. Plus, to my knowledge, there is not one commentator involved in basketball broadcasting with a Kentucky background. I also don't think that that is an accident.

Where are the Larry Conley’s?
Cats with another game the Cats should win convincingly tonight, though Central Michigan did play SEC team Missouri to a ten-point game.

Unlike many, and I assume some in the D-League, I don't mind a run of cupcakes (minus Duke) to start the season. I actually think the cancellation of almost all the November and early December cupcakes last year kept the team from jelling. There were roughly eight near-certain wins canceled, and that haunted the team all year.

In any case, I hope Kentucky has a full roster tonight going into the game and a healthy roster coming out. That, along with a W of any type, will be enough for me.
Good points. Ky sports programs are adjusting to the present realities.

Basketball: The obsolete one and done was problimatic in that 5★ boys are still boys, and may not ever had to face adversity and not be mentally or physically mature. Having never struggled must learn how to win against young men. That's why we once had freshman teams. The recent relaxation of rules permitting transfer and compensation allow coaches to address these weaknesses. Being a Kentucky fan, I'm pperfectly content with bringing in young men content with growing up when they're ready.

Football: Kentucky Football is a GOLD mine. The best teams compliment their redshirt players with a training table and weight room. Of major importance is component of proximity. About a days drive from all the talent needed for to win BIG on any stage and Momma's matter. Plus the fact that there are no pro sports to compete with for media coverage.
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Good points. Ky sports programs are adjusting to the present realities.

Basketball: The obsolete one and done was problimatic in that 5★ boys are still boys, and may not ever had to faced adversity, may not be mentally or physically mature. Having never struggled are must learn how to win against young men. That's why we once had freshman teams. The recent relaxation of rules permitting transfer and compensation allow coaches to address these weaknesses. Being a Kentucky fan, I'm pperfectly content with bringing in young men content with growing up.

Football: Kentucky Football is a GOLD mine. The best teams compliment their redshirt players with a training table and weight room. Of major importance is component of proximity. About a days drive from all the talent needed for to win BIG on any stage and Momma's matter. Plus the fact that there are no pro sports to compete with for media coverage.
Excellent points Rooster.
Too many scenarios for the playoffs.

Michigan vs. Iowa for Big 10. Michigan wins and they're in.
Alabama vs. UGA. Alabama wins and maybe both are in.
Cincinnati vs. Houston. Cincy wins and they're in. Lose and they're out.
Notre Dame in if Michigan, Cincy or Bama loses.

Oklahoma State? Beat Baylor in the Big 12?

Any upset above could spell bedlam. How exactly do you spell bedlam?
Too many is good. Cut & dry is boring.

I think OK St. gets in over ND if they win. ND hurts themselves by not playing for conference championship. Their choice & if OK St. get in over them, they can whine all they want.
Too many is good. Cut & dry is boring.

I think OK St. gets in over ND if they win. ND hurts themselves by not playing for conference championship. Their choice & if OK St. get in over them, they can whine all they want.
Notre Dame played:
Florida State
Virginia Tech
Georgia Tech

Two of those teams were ranked. They beat Wisconsin and lost to Cincinnati.

What would UK's record against that same schedule be? I am saying that it would possibly be as good as ND's.

The fact that ND gets into the playoffs so often is not based on the quality of their team or schedule, but simply based on name and reputation. How many years do they have to have their asses handed to them in the playoffs before these turdheads expect performance from a washed up reputation?

Now that Mitch has a vote will he stop the stupidity? I doubt it. The national championship in football has always been pure politics. Now that we have a playoff system the politics come in on the selections. I hate it.
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Too many is good. Cut & dry is boring.

I think OK St. gets in over ND if they win. ND hurts themselves by not playing for conference championship. Their choice & if OK St. get in over them, they can whine all they want.
No complaints here. Love a mystery. We'll know how it all shakes out Saturday. Great day for watching football. I may not get off the couch.
Notre Dame played:
Florida State
Virginia Tech
Georgia Tech

Two of those teams were ranked. They beat Wisconsin and lost to Cincinnati.

What would UK's record against that same schedule be? I am saying that it would possibly be as good as ND's.

The fact that ND gets into the playoffs so often is not based on the quality of their team or schedule, but simply based on name and reputation. How many years do they have to have their asses handed to them in the playoffs before these turdheads expect performance from a washed up reputation?

Now that Mitch has a vote will he stop the stupidity? I doubt it. The national championship in football has always been pure politics. Now that we have a playoff system the politics come in on the selections. I hate it.
UK's record would be every bit as good, if not better. Just look at ACC Championship, Pitt vs Wake Forest. If anyone had that predicted, then they better be buying a lottery ticket for the next drawing.
No complaints here. Love a mystery. We'll know how it all shakes out Saturday. Great day for watching football. I may not get off the couch.
I'm just glad we're not getting Oklahoma, Clemson, or Ohio State in the playoffs. I know fans of other conferences wish they weren't getting Georgia or Alabama too. I'm hoping for a day of chaos myself.
No complaints here. Love a mystery. We'll know how it all shakes out Saturday. Great day for watching football. I may not get off the couch.
I will have both of my TV's going in the den with the third option that I can switch back and forth on the biggest TV.

This is the best time of year. Football and basketball.

Also UK82 I actually defeated the HDCP (high definition copy protection) today and I am going to "hopefully" copy tonight's game direct.

post script: it is hard for a 75 year old to discover new stuff.
I will have both of my TV's going in the den with the third option that I can switch back and forth on the biggest TV.

This is the best time of year. Football and basketball.

Also UK82 I actually defeated the HDCP (high definition copy protection) today and I am going to "hopefully" copy tonight's game direct.

post script: it is hard for a 75 year old to discover new stuff.
That's because at 75 you already discovered most of it.
We're just gettin started bro!
Damn Skippy! We're bringing a couple of quasi 5*s for next year. That's good enough to get the ball rolling downhill. Once the hymen is broken all bets are off as to who will decide to come here and get immediate playing time along with a very lucrative NIL deal. This shit is real and it's happening right in front of us. I'm only 61 so I missed the hayday of Kentucky football, but I'm old enough to remember why these times mean so much to me.
Good chilly morning D-League.

We had a low of 42° as we head up to 65° with plenty of sun and no rain. The golf courses will be busy.

I am still celebrating a sound whipping of the Dirty Birds as we sit around waiting to find out what bowl we are going to. What a time to be a UK football fan. 9-3 is not bad but we all know we could have had another win or two had we played up to our potential in those two games. That makes me feel good knowing we can get better and better and better.

An increase in our recruiting budget to the level of the powerhouse SEC teams will bring 4 and 5 stars regularly. Good times

I trust all have a great day
Wise and accurate. Our record does not illustrate our true potential.
Cats with another game the Cats should win convincingly tonight, though Central Michigan did play SEC team Missouri to a ten-point game.

Unlike many, and I assume some in the D-League, I don't mind a run of cupcakes (minus Duke) to start the season. I actually think the cancellation of almost all the November and early December cupcakes last year kept the team from jelling. There were roughly eight near-certain wins canceled, and that haunted the team all year.

In any case, I hope Kentucky has a full roster tonight going into the game and a healthy roster coming out. That, along with a W of any type, will be enough for me.
Good post! I talked to a friend today who said he probably wouldn't bother with the game tonight because it would be a blowout. WTF? I loves me a good blowout. There were several problems at play that led to last year and its dismal results. Not being able to play games early on definitely played a part in our demise.

The last game that I was unable to record directly before the Albany game was the Missouri game in Maui November 26, 1997, when ESPN did not telecast the games of the losers the day before and they would not give the UK Network the rights to the game. Now ESPN has rights to most of the games as the creation of the SEC Network. So ESPN is going into the streaming business where they can control access to the games and they could care less about UK fans.

I miss the guys on the UK Network because they were vested into UK and called the games with a passion the ESPN guys can only fake. Plus, to my knowledge, there is not one commentator involved in basketball broadcasting with a Kentucky background. I also don't think that that is an accident.

Where are the Larry Conley’s?
Bravo! Most excellent post! Not to mention that the announcers for this game probably won't even be at the game. They weren't there for the last one. It's like having people in the living room with me watching the game but talking about other shit all the time. Might try to sync up with the radio broadcast tonight.
Good points. Ky sports programs are adjusting to the present realities.

Basketball: The obsolete one and done was problimatic in that 5★ boys are still boys, and may not ever had to face adversity and not be mentally or physically mature. Having never struggled must learn how to win against young men. That's why we once had freshman teams. The recent relaxation of rules permitting transfer and compensation allow coaches to address these weaknesses. Being a Kentucky fan, I'm pperfectly content with bringing in young men content with growing up when they're ready.

Football: Kentucky Football is a GOLD mine. The best teams compliment their redshirt players with a training table and weight room. Of major importance is component of proximity. About a days drive from all the talent needed for to win BIG on any stage and Momma's matter. Plus the fact that there are no pro sports to compete with for media coverage.
No doubt Kentucky is a sleeping giant. Take care of this bowl game and sign these 5* guys and next year there will be 3 or 4 of those come here because someone showed them it was a cool thing to do. This is not the old Kentucky.
Get a room................................

LOL! I got in there with em!
Too many is good. Cut & dry is boring.

I think OK St. gets in over ND if they win. ND hurts themselves by not playing for conference championship. Their choice & if OK St. get in over them, they can whine all they want.
Notre Dame won ONE game this year that says they should be in the playoff, they lost another that say louder that they should not.
post script: it is hard for a 75 year old to discover new stuff.
Better turn on your spellcheck there partner, it's spelled c o m p r e h e n d
Damn Skippy! We're bringing a couple of quasi 5*s for next year. That's good enough to get the ball rolling downhill. Once the hymen is broken all bets are off as to who will decide to come here and get immediate playing time along with a very lucrative NIL deal. This shit is real and it's happening right in front of us. I'm only 61 so I missed the hayday of Kentucky football, but I'm old enough to remember why these times mean so much to me.

Wise and accurate. Our record does not illustrate our true potential.

Good post! I talked to a friend today who said he probably wouldn't bother with the game tonight because it would be a blowout. WTF? I loves me a good blowout. There were several problems at play that led to last year and its dismal results. Not being able to play games early on definitely played a part in our demise.

Bravo! Most excellent post! Not to mention that the announcers for this game probably won't even be at the game. They weren't there for the last one. It's like having people in the living room with me watching the game but talking about other shit all the time. Might try to sync up with the radio broadcast tonight.

No doubt Kentucky is a sleeping giant. Take care of this bowl game and sign these 5* guys and next year there will be 3 or 4 of those come here because someone showed them it was a cool thing to do. This is not the old Kentucky.

LOL! I got in there with em!

Notre Dame won ONE game this year that says they should be in the playoff, they lost another that say louder that they should not.

Better turn on your spellcheck there partner, it's spelled c o m p r e h e n d

Kinky.... Or is it Hinky? Honky? Hunky?

Oh, forget it....
Notre Dame won ONE game this year that says they should be in the playoff, they lost another that say louder that they should not.
This is a major pet peeve with with: The sense of entitlement Notre Dame has. They have no claim to a Playoff Spot based on their record this year.

* They have ZERO wins over any team in the current Top 25. The only ranked team they played beat them in their home by two scores.

* They played exactly two BCS conference teams with winning records - Wisconsin and Purdue.

* The overall record of the teams they played was 59-71, and that includes mid-major Toledo and Navy.

It'd be a joke if they got into the Playoff. The Selection committee should take Alabama with two losses (if they lose to Georgia) or even Baylor or Iowa with two losses if one of them upsets Okla State or Michigan.

This is the perfect year to make the point to Notre Dame to stop acting like they are above the sport and to get in a conference. If not, you better go undefeated if you want any chance at the playoffs.
I just had a long conversation with @cordmaker , he asked that I share these two pictures with you.

I will let him describe the two.

The top picture are ornaments I am making in honor of JP, #bekind!!!!! The two hearts are his favorite colors, those go to his mother and grandmother!! The tree, ever piece of glass on it, I made. That's just part of them, probably got another 20 in container. Some of the D has Uncle Ken ornaments, you know who you are!!!! Wish I could send each one of the D one of the pieces I make!!!! BERT, thanks for listening to me today, IT HELPED!!!! Thanks my friend!!!!
This is a major pet peeve with with: The sense of entitlement Notre Dame has. They have no claim to a Playoff Spot based on their record this year.

* They have ZERO wins over any team in the current Top 25. The only ranked team they played beat them in their home by two scores.

* They played exactly two BCS conference teams with winning records - Wisconsin and Purdue.

* The overall record of the teams they played was 59-71, and that includes mid-major Toledo and Navy.

It'd be a joke if they got into the Playoff. The Selection committee should take Alabama with two losses (if they lose to Georgia) or even Baylor or Iowa with two losses if one of them upsets Okla State or Michigan.

This is the perfect year to make the point to Notre Dame to stop acting like they are above the sport and to get in a conference. If not, you better go undefeated if you want any chance at the playoffs.
Been saying that for years. This isn't the 1940's and they should be in a conference. Must have something to do with people not wanting to upset the Pope.

Does Notre Dame football have to split its share of the bowl money with anyone?