Good morning D, Read Luke 14 this morning.
I knew there was a full moon last night, got up at 4, looked out the window and the was an eclipse going on, beautiful!!!!
I was scanning through and saw some of the D talking about the BIBLE, there is a lot I don't understand! I often think, if I could go back to one time in the BIBLE, where would it be. I think what was it like when John saw all the things that was showed him in Revelation, the parting of the Red Sea or the day of the Resurrection, just so much happened. I just know I will see JP again one day!!!!!!
WC, went fishing yesterday, caught my limit of trout, 8. The KF&G stock some of the mining pits around here about three times a year. They are not big trout maybe 11-12" long but some of them are thick, good filets. I brought 8 filets home with me, going to fry them up today!!! They are nothing like the 20-24" trout we ctch in Arkansas!!!!
I hope the D has a great day, Prayers for the D and Please keep us in your Prayers!!!!