
Another tidbit from today. Talked with a guy who owns a Harley dealership. Said he had an order in for shirts (to sell at the dealership). Took forever 'cause they were coming from China (where else) and were stuck on a boat out in the Pacific that couldn't get ported/unloaded. (is Petey still on maternity leave? Is he sore from delivery?)
He finally got them...several boxes. All were mildewed, wet, nasty. Company he bought them from won't take returns. He's stuck with a load of shirts he can't sell.
No. There's not many of us left. China took over the business. At one time 75% of the lamps and shades in the USA came from this area. Not only were those jobs lost, the job ers used to come to the area from all over the country. They spent the night and put money in the local economy. They went home had had sales routes to mom and pop furniture stores. They bought and maintained big trucks and vans to service their routes. Most of the big chains use Chinese goods, cutting out jobbers and mom and pop stores. The companies who made parts for guys who made lamps and shades no longer had places to sell the parts, so they went out of business. I'm old and just piddle with it to have sometHing to do.

I like to watch How It's Made and I've seen at least a couple of segments on people making lamp shades. Those are one of the things that everyone uses and needs, but few people think of. To me, the lamp is what holds the shade and bulb up off the table.

When's he going to get a computer? A Chromebook? Ouch...
You know, I saw this post last night but I didn't acknowledge it. It pissed me off. Don has been here since the first day of the D League. In a not too roundabout way, he's the reason there is even a D League to begin with. He wants to be here and has been trying to get back on...

No hard feelings, but from now on maybe mention Don when you are talking to Don.
He just needs something inexpensive to access the internet so he can chat with us.
I like to watch How It's Made and I've seen at least a couple of segments on people making lamp shades. Those are one of the things that everyone uses and needs, but few people think of. To me, the lamp is what holds the shade and bulb up off the table.

You know, I saw this post last night but I didn't acknowledge it. It pissed me off. Don has been here since the first day of the D League. In a not too roundabout way, he's the reason there is even a D League to begin with. He wants to be here and has been trying to get back on...

No hard feelings, but from now on maybe mention Don when you are talking to Don.

Brother, I'd send him one if he needed it and would take it. Not sure where this is coming from. I was actually addressing the computer type, not Don but thanks...

Oh, I wasn't talking to Don, I was talking to who I replied.
Another tidbit from today. Talked with a guy who owns a Harley dealership. Said he had an order in for shirts (to sell at the dealership). Took forever 'cause they were coming from China (where else) and were stuck on a boat out in the Pacific that couldn't get ported/unloaded. (is Petey still on maternity leave? Is he sore from delivery?)
He finally got them...several boxes. All were mildewed, wet, nasty. Company he bought them from won't take returns. He's stuck with a load of shirts he can't sell.

That's not sad, that's angering. Just filthy business. If you paid via credit card dispute it.
I like to watch How It's Made and I've seen at least a couple of segments on people making lamp shades. Those are one of the things that everyone uses and needs, but few people think of. To me, the lamp is what holds the shade and bulb up off the table.

You know, I saw this post last night but I didn't acknowledge it. It pissed me off. Don has been here since the first day of the D League. In a not too roundabout way, he's the reason there is even a D League to begin with. He wants to be here and has been trying to get back on...

No hard feelings, but from now on maybe mention Don when you are talking to Don.
A lot of the stuff you see is people doing craft stuff. Jan does do craft stuff, but that is just side stuff. At one time, I made a million shades a year before China and when I was younger. I used to buy a semi load of material at a time. Now its a pallet at a time. Rolls of material come in 48" tall and 125 yards long, weighing about 120 pounds. I have an automatic shelter that you can set for length and number of pieces to cut. I trace the needed patterns on the top sheet, staple the sheets together, and cut them with a huge one piece band saw made almost 100 years ago. We have several binding machines that attach the top and bottom wire to the shade. They are similar to sewing machines. Then we have sealing machines to glue the ends of the shades together. We have tables set up with glue wells where we add trim if needed. The last step is tables where we put the clear protective wrap around the shades.
Brother, I'd send him one if he needed it and would take it. Not sure where this is coming from. I was actually addressing the computer type, not Don but thanks...

Oh, I wasn't talking to Don, I was talking to who I replied.
This is coming from you being frivolous about someone I care about deeply, and even though you don't realize it, you threw Don in with your distaste for Chromebook. Whatever bullshit reason that might be. I don't care what is said from here on, I'm done with this issue. Brother.
A lot of the stuff you see is people doing craft stuff. Jan does do craft stuff, but that is just side stuff. At one time, I made a million shades a year before China and when I was younger. I used to buy a semi load of material at a time. Now its a pallet at a time. Rolls of material come in 48" tall and 125 yards long, weighing about 120 pounds. I have an automatic shelter that you can set for length and number of pieces to cut. I trace the needed patterns on the top sheet, staple the sheets together, and cut them with a huge one piece band saw made almost 100 years ago. We have several binding machines that attach the top and bottom wire to the shade. They are similar to sewing machines. Then we have sealing machines to glue the ends of the shades together. We have tables set up with glue wells where we add trim if needed. The last step is tables where we put the clear protective wrap around the shades.
I understand what you're saying. At least one of those shows was about people making leather shades. I would assume they are not a high volume dealer.

It's a shame when you realize that even a " Ma and Paw " organization in America cannot compete with 1.5 billion Chinese.
I just received an email from the UK ticket office. Oh yes

Bowl Ticket Requests Now Being Accepted
@Ben101er Do you have access to tickets as well? Are you thinking about going to the game? Assuming we are going to the Outback Bowl. Citrus Bowl is next in line so one or the other is basically a certainty at this point.

I don't know if you've read previous posts or not but there are a few of us going to the game that we know of. Hope you can join us!
May I suggest Bea?
Not unless when I throw it at her are standing beside me and I can tell her it was your idea..........mountain women don't really care for cutesy street slang............or at least mine doesn't........I don't have a college education but.......nearly 47 yrs of marriage has taught me some things........
Not unless when I throw it at her are standing beside me and I can tell her it was your idea..........mountain women don't really care for cutesy street slang............or at least mine doesn't........I don't have a college education but.......nearly 47 yrs of marriage has taught me some things........
When he said "Bea", I thought of Aunt Bea and it made me happy. Wouldn't it be cool to have an Aunt Bea?
Not unless when I throw it at her are standing beside me and I can tell her it was your idea..........mountain women don't really care for cutesy street slang............or at least mine doesn't........I don't have a college education but.......nearly 47 yrs of marriage has taught me some things........

She wouldn't like Babe Bea?
Yeah it would be cool to have an Aunt Bea. My Aunts were pretty cool but my Great Aunts were another story. Aunt Vannie was psycho.
I still have an aunt alive from my childhood but she doesn't remember all the times we had together. Her name is Helen and she made the best iced tea you've ever had. When I was about 3 I climbed a tree in her backyard to prove I could climb higher than my 8 year old cousin. The wind was blowing that day and my foot got caught between two branches during a gust.

She climbed the tree and freed my foot! It's funny to look back on that day and see her as she is now. Truth is, she was only about 25 years old when that happened. Not to mention the 300 foot tall apple tree I was in was only about 20 feet tall at its highest.

She is my Godmother and the only surviving member of the group of adults I knew as a child. Good on her.
I still have an aunt alive from my childhood but she doesn't remember all the times we had together. Her name is Helen and she made the best iced tea you've ever had. When I was about 3 I climbed a tree in her backyard to prove I could climb higher than my 8 year old cousin. The wind was blowing that day and my foot got caught between two branches during a gust.

She climbed the tree and freed my foot! It's funny to look back on that day and see her as she is now. Truth is, she was only about 25 years old when that happened. Not to mention the 300 foot tall apple tree I was in was only about 20 feet tall at its highest.

She is my Godmother and the only surviving member of the group of adults I knew as a child. Good on her.
It's sad because I only have 2 uncles left. No aunts. Haven't seen them in years. Both really good guys.
It's sad because I only have 2 uncles left. No aunts. Haven't seen them in years. Both really good guys.
I have 2 uncles left as well out of 5 from my mothers side and both of them are veterans. One went to Germany while the other spent 2 tours in Nam. Never met any family on my biological fathers side other than him and he left when I was 7. Was not and am not close to anyone of them now. Saw them at family reunions rarely (mothers side) before she died in 2012 but, have not been to one since. I actually envy you folks that have close nit families, especially on the holidays. Not bitter but I would like to know how that feels. Had that close once like I said in the month of April following my return to the states from the Gulf but, nothing on a grand scale. Holidays for me generally consist of me, my wife and daughter, and her mother and brother plus my Karate instructor since 88. He has no where to go so we invite him every year. We do however include the animals (4 dogs and 3 cats). Those animals really do fill a void for me because I generally eat away from the rest and they get a portion of my meal.
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Yeah it would be cool to have an Aunt Bea. My Aunts were pretty cool but my Great Aunts were another story. Aunt Vannie was psycho.
My favorite great aunt had a dairy farm.......all of us called her Auntie........she spent a couple of days helping me to catch a brown and white live in one of their barns.....I was just barely five years made an impression on me.........60+ yrs later and I am still raising pigeons............
Good morning, D-League!

Someone spiked a tree a friend had marked for cutting on a property, he threw a chain but didn't have any injuries from it. Thank God in heaven!

Gonna go help him with some things today since he's down a saw. Hope my body is up for it! My mind and heart sure is

It's rainy and colder than yesterday, gonna make some pancakes and enjoy some family time before we all go our separate ways for the day! Take care and may God bless each and every one of you
Another tidbit from today. Talked with a guy who owns a Harley dealership. Said he had an order in for shirts (to sell at the dealership). Took forever 'cause they were coming from China (where else) and were stuck on a boat out in the Pacific that couldn't get ported/unloaded. (is Petey still on maternity leave? Is he sore from delivery?)
He finally got them...several boxes. All were mildewed, wet, nasty. Company he bought them from won't take returns. He's stuck with a load of shirts he can't sell.

Gonna be seeing and hearing this a lot more. Biden and his brown shirts finishing off the economy

Morning Legionnaires!

A brisk 38° this morning with the high of 52° expected.

May not be Mr. Miyagi soon or it will have to be Mr. Miyagi plus one. My only student informed me Tuesday that a good friend of hers has lost her job and has just decided to not go back to work. Her husband makes enough for both and she just worked for her father (in his construction business) since old enough to work and he had to fold up shop due to the pressures of the time. He was close to retirement anyway they say. Apparently she has always wanted to do Karate and will be there today. We shall see. I need another student anyway so they can spar each other. My only student is 29 and this one 31 so they are comparable in age which will help them stay with it. Besides, I was getting tired of being her mobile kicking target anyway. Being a former gymnast she has strong legs and her kicks are getting stronger. Now I will let her friend be the target. Apparently she is pretty strong according to my student and tough as nails.
Good morning D-League.

The morning weather report for my neck of the woods is 63° with sunny skies. It may cloud up a little this after giving us a 15% chance of rain. Our high should come in around 75°. I'm headed back to the kitchen to fill up my coffee cup. It is extra good for some reason this morning. I trust all have a nice day and prayers for the ailing.

Read Mark 15. One of the most powerful chapters in the New Testament.


I watched the D.I. with my daughter last night. She dropped by and I asked her if she had seen it. She said no but always wondered what a Drill Sgt was like in the military knowing I had been one many years ago. I told her I had no idea what it was like in today's Army but I could tell her about the Vietnam Era.

We watched it and her favorite scene was" DRUM ROLL: The murder of the poor sand flea and search for the remains to bury. LOL
Good morning all. It's a wet 40° out now in this part of the Buckeye State and only going up to 43°. But the little bit of rain overnight is all we're supposed to have for the day.

Not much on the docket. Maybe a little plumbing on a kitchen sink (replace an AAV....draining slow)....maybe a little outside work (still not totally finished up for Winter)...or maybe just lounging around watching some old westerns.

Y'all have a good day.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 61° and raining here in Eastern Kentucky.
This afternoon will bring more rain and a high of 61°.

Everyone stay safe on this Thursday.


Read Mark 15. One of the most powerful chapters in the New Testament.
I fell off your guys 'reading wagon' back in the Summer when we had so much company coming in and out for a couple of months. But I had already read the first half of the N. Testament so I was ahead anyway. Was on a reading program for the year of just the N. Testament....and even though it was a yearly schedule...I finished up Revelation about 3 weeks ago. So I've decided to just spend the rest of the year studying Revelation. A couple of months of daily study with commentaries still will not be enough to understand that book.🙃
Been a long time since I've been in E. Kentucky and since you never caption your beautiful pictures...I assume they're all local 😉
Read Mark 15. One of the most powerful chapters in the New Testament.
Fell off the 'reading wagon' back in the Summer when we had so much company coming and going for a couple of months. Had been reading the New Testament anyway and was ahead of you guys when you got into it. Was on a reading program for '21 of just the New Testament, but even with all the company/chaos, I finished it up about 3 weeks ago. Wow...ahead of schedule. So I've decided to spend the rest of the year reading/studying with commentaries Revelation. Even with two months of study...I still won't understand that book 🙃
Fell off the 'reading wagon' back in the Summer when we had so much company coming and going for a couple of months. Had been reading the New Testament anyway and was ahead of you guys when you got into it. Was on a reading program for '21 of just the New Testament, but even with all the company/chaos, I finished it up about 3 weeks ago. Wow...ahead of schedule. So I've decided to spend the rest of the year reading/studying with commentaries Revelation. Even with two months of study...I still won't understand that book 🙃
Speaking of the Book of Revelations, I once had a Presbyterian minister tell me he started to read Revelations but it scared him and he stopped reading. That puzzled me and I asked him what scared him? Why would you be afraid to read a Book of the Bible if you were a Christian? One would think you would rejoice reading it because it is Good triumphs over Evil. What is their to be afraid of? Weird
Speaking of the Book of Revelations, I once had a Presbyterian minister tell me he started to read Revelations but it scared him and he stopped reading. That puzzled me and I asked him what scared him? Why would you be afraid to read a Book of the Bible if you were a Christian? One would think you would rejoice reading it because it is Good triumphs over Evil. What is their to be afraid of? Weird
I've known a lot of 'Christians' (will not and do not question someone's faith...only One knows for sure) that are like that as well. Can see it from a regular 'ol pew sitter...but that is weird from a minister.
But there are a lot of 'ministers' of several denominations that I will question...when they embrace 'gay' and 'gay marriage'. They obviously skimmed over, or do not believe Romans 1 (among others).
Good morning D-League.

The morning weather report for my neck of the woods is 63° with sunny skies. It may cloud up a little this after giving us a 15% chance of rain. Our high should come in around 75°. I'm headed back to the kitchen to fill up my coffee cup. It is extra good for some reason this morning. I trust all have a nice day and prayers for the ailing.

Read Mark 15. One of the most powerful chapters in the New Testament.

Oh man, I would like to be out on that throwing out a couple of lines.

Aahhhhrrrgggg, fishing.


I watched the D.I. with my daughter last night. She dropped by and I asked her if she had seen it. She said no but always wondered what a Drill Sgt was like in the military knowing I had been one many years ago. I told her I had no idea what it was like in today's Army but I could tell her about the Vietnam Era.

We watched it and her favorite scene was" DRUM ROLL: The murder of the poor sand flea and search for the remains to bury. LOL
May not be the exact words, but close:

"Hillbilly, what is it that crawls across my manly face".
"It's a sand flea!"
"Kill it and we can say we found the sand flea Owens killed"
"I don't know man, the Drill Sergeant will Know"
"No he won't, Kill It!"
"OUW! I said kill it not me!"
May not be the exact words, but close:

"Hillbilly, what is it that crawls across my manly face".
"It's a sand flea!"
"Kill it and we can say we found the sand flea Owens killed"
"I don't know man, the Drill Sergeant will Know"
"No he won't, Kill It!"
"OUW! I said kill it not me!"
Drill Sgt. "Is the sand flea male or female? Trainee: Male sir? DI, No, keep looking