You all are discussing probably my favorite subject here. I would also recommend starting with the book of John, Luke, then Ephesians and Galations. Have a Strong's concordance handy and good commentary. One of my favorites is the "Through the Bible" series by the late J. Vernon McGee.
As for the book of Revelation. I love to study and, in fact, it's the only book of the Bible where we are promised a blessing if we study it (Revelation 1:3). I've heard several pastors/church leaders say they shy away from it because of two reasons: One, is that they, themselves, don't understand it and haven't put in the time to rightly divide the Word of Truth; and two, they're afraid of "Scaring" the average church-goer who doesn't study their Bible.
Instead of being scared, we should dig in and study it and be encouraged. For all the wrath of God that it speaks of, not all that wrath is for us Christians. As stated in Revelation 3:10.....".Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth."
Us Christians will have been raptured out of this evil world by the time Revelation 4 happens and all the terror/wrath of the tribulation period begins.