
Your Meniere's effects & solutions are near-identical to DW's. I'd say she was a degree less-affected as I don't think she ever passed out. But a good number of dizzy/balance episodes for hours. Same low Na, lots of water, meclizine, no-caffeine. Also no alcohol. Her balance issues are now pretty-well under control.

You didn't mention any hearing loss. She's down around 50% in one ear. She understands that Meniere's people almost exclusively are the only ones who lose hearing in just one ear. Long before M set in, she had high wax, stopped-up issues, and sounds in that ear. She still has those with the sounds being biggest issue. Those vary in degree day to day. Weather changes have an impact. She describes her sound as a thumping vs. ringing.

Some folks' lives are crippled by M as they remain constantly dizzy with tons of noise. She frequents the Meniere's Facebook group site.

Hang in there.
Thanks. I do have hearing loss on the low end of the scale. The ENT said there are a bunch of little hairs in there (forget what they are called). Mine basically rotted away. Had, and still do to some degree, a little ringing in the ear. Being in a crowded room with noise from several different directions can set it off. I don't do facebook.
Thanks. I do have hearing loss on the low end of the scale. The ENT said there are a bunch of little hairs in there (forget what they are called). Mine basically rotted away. Had, and still do to some degree, a little ringing in the ear. Being in a crowded room with noise from several different directions can set it off. I don't do facebook.
Crowded rooms of women's voices combined with hard surfaces drive her ear nuts. Same just drives me totally nuts.
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Some people don't like to go in salt water because they can't see what is under the surface. No problem with that on the Gulf Coast

I recall that they shoot a lot of "water" movies in the gulf and around the keys as it is some of the clearest water on earth.

I know at our (railroad) deep sea fishing lodge in Boca Grande it was hard to tell how deep the water was because it was so clear.
Good to catch up with the D-League. I've been busy as hell for a fe days clearing the decks so I can take next Monday off on the far end of my Kentucky trip. My daughter and I leave first thing Saturday morning.

The basketball Cats could be tested tonight with Ohio U. They have most of the team back that upset #4 seed Virginia in the tournament. They did lose their PG, but lots of other good shooters.

I see on the other boards that LSU has offered Stoops. That'll be an interesting decision for him - go to a school that fired a guy two years after winning a National Championship, or stay at a school with little realistic chance to win a national championship, if I'm being honest. It'll be a nervous few days around here.

Hope you all are doing well.
Got an email from America's Test Kitchen on deep frying a turkey for T'giving. I haven't done it for years. If you haven't had's really good...and quick. But I found this interesting in their article.....

'We conducted our turkey fryer review with the help of the Lexington (Kentucky) Fire Department (LFD), which fries several hundred turkeys for charity every Thanksgiving with Double H BBQ, a local barbecue joint.'
I lived on the beach at Pismo Beach Ca from 82 to 84. Got in the ocean twice. The first day we got there I ran out into the water and it made my feet hurt it was so cold. I asked someone when the water would warm up and they told me never. I was bummed. I got back in the morning we were going to fly back to Florida to visit her family and I realized I would have a chance to swim in two oceans in one day.

I stayed in the water a lot longer at Ft. Pearce.

Did they have the classic car show back then? One of the best classic car events anywhere.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 45°F and clear. Today's high may top out around 67°F or so.

It's that time of year again. Picking up rental car around noon today. Bluegrass-bound early tomorrow morning.

Wishing happiness and health to all our fellow D-League members.


What a White supremacist kind of thing to celebrate you woman hater....
Did they have the classic car show back then? One of the best classic car events anywhere.

There is nothing I enjoy more than a classic car show or auction. I showed my cars for over 25 years and collected a lot of hardware. Classic Cars are big around here. There is a large number of retirees from Michigan in the area and most of them worked with cars or built cars in the glory days of Detroit manufacuring. Some of the metal these guys put out is fabulous. Pristine and a labor of love.

When I had my spine surgery I reluctantly sold my 1950 Ford to a car collector in the Hamptons, New York. He never saw the car in person, only photos I sent to him. He wrote me back after it was delivered to him that it was the nicest and cleanest all stock 50 Ford he could find and he had searched America for one. I advertised it in Hemmings

I still go to the local car shows but just to look. I was invited to show my restored 2000 Ford Ranger but I don't know about that. Maybe some day
Thanks. I do have hearing loss on the low end of the scale. The ENT said there are a bunch of little hairs in there (forget what they are called). Mine basically rotted away. Had, and still do to some degree, a little ringing in the ear. Being in a crowded room with noise from several different directions can set it off. I don't do facebook.
I have so much ringing in my ear I want to pick up an old style phone and answer it. It is very pronounced when there is very little other noise in the room. Artillery and army engines took their toll. Helicopters too.
I have grabbed many a gizzard while everybody's eyes were closed and heads bowed.

Sir, I hate to burst your good thoughts but.......

They were doing that for you in hopes you would founder on the "derned" "things"....more for you....less.......for them ... And now you know the rest of the story in my best Paul Harvey kind of typing ....😇😁😅
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#1 ,,,, good for Kyle

#2.... has anybody ever gotten a package from WalMart delivered to the house...items you did not order....but, as you found out, was ordered by a family member and sent to your house by mistake?

Thought I would die laughing. Asked him/her (can't say 😉) if it was my Christmas gift. 😄
#1 ,,,, good for Kyle

#2.... has anybody ever gotten a package from WalMart delivered to the house...items you did not order....but, as you found out, was ordered by a family member and sent to your house by mistake?

Thought I would die laughing. Asked him/her (can't say 😉) if it was my Christmas gift. 😄
I couldn't find the pleasure pack in my favorites.😉

Sir, I hate to burst your good thoughts but.......

They were doing that for you in hopes you would founder on the "derned" "things"....more for you....less.......for them ... And now you know the rest of the story in my best Paul Harvey kind of typing ....😇😁😅
I am trying to picture in my mind how you could bust my good thoughts.

Have you ever had a fork stuck into your right hand as you reached for the gizzard? I have and even that did not burst my good thoughts because I had a firm grip on that gizzard
Don't Be Cruel...

Heard an interesting piece of trivia last week I didn't know. Hoyt Axton (remember him...singer/songwriter/actor) who wrote Joy to the World (Three Dog Night)...his mother co-wrote Heartbreak Hotel (Elvis).
Heard an interesting piece of trivia last week I didn't know. Hoyt Axton (remember him...singer/songwriter/actor) who wrote Joy to the World (Three Dog Night)...his mother co-wrote Heartbreak Hotel (Elvis).

Mae Axton also co-wrote Pick Me Up On Your Way Down. She drowned in a bathtub after suffering a heart attack at age 82.
Crowded rooms of women's voices combined with hard surfaces drive her ear nuts. Same just drives me totally nuts.
If I walk into a room full of women, 2 things are true. I am in the wrong room. I will not be there long.
Did they have the classic car show back then? One of the best classic car events anywhere.

No they did not. The cottage I lived in was located about 100 yards South of the pier in the first picture. We used to go out there and dangle our legs over the end and watch the Sun go down.

I guarantee you that I wouldn't recognize that place now. When I lived there in the early 80's the area was touted as "the last affordable resort area in Cali". I lived at the Clam Digger Hotel. There were some motel rooms and I think 3 cottages on the beach. Mine was the closest to the entrance to the beach and the pier. We had a lot of foot traffic that would walk right past my front porch on their way to and from the beach.

I'm pretty sure there is a high rise motel there now. Most of the old school Hollywood actors and actresses stayed at this place back in the day. Some soap opera dude came there one time and tried to park his Porsche in my parking spot. We had words and he decided he should move.

My wife and the other women there were PISSED at me. I had no clue who the dude was.

40 years ago is a long time..
@UK82 This morning around 0800 I was very rudely awakened by a noise that completely disoriented me. I didn't know what was going on and jumped up ready to do battle. The noise stopped so I just looked around and tried to figure out what it was as I laid back down.

As soon as I got snug again the sound came back. I immediately headed for the turntable and sure enough, Fred was laying behind the turntable and receiver and his foot down in there messing with cables. I assume it was a 60Hz tone being pumped through my speakers all willy nilly like.

Not good sound.
You wanna know how I knew from the very beginning that Kyle Rittenhouse was innocent? He didn't double tap anyone. If he was the aggressor, he would have sent more lead downfield.

The downfall of this country will be one of the very things our forefathers thought was necessary to preserve the union. Freedom of the Press. Carte blanche to set the narrative is not what they had in mind. We shouldn't revolt against the government, we should revolt against the mainstream media.
@UK82 This morning around 0800 I was very rudely awakened by a noise that completely disoriented me. I didn't know what was going on and jumped up ready to do battle. The noise stopped so I just looked around and tried to figure out what it was as I laid back down.

As soon as I got snug again the sound came back. I immediately headed for the turntable and sure enough, Fred was laying behind the turntable and receiver and his foot down in there messing with cables. I assume it was a 60Hz tone being pumped through my speakers all willy nilly like.

Not good sound.
Is Fred your cat?
@Bert Higginbotha shot a 72 today! 1 over on the front and 1 under on the back. I'm slowly making the transition to old man golf where I don't try to kill every shot. Seems to have made the biggest difference in my short game. Go figure.
I don't like folks who shoot in the 70's!

Our friendship may soon be over if you keep this shit up.

Sherry agreed to this post. She may hate you worse than me! :)
Thinking of the Rittenhouse trial today confirmed something for me...that I knew....and has been verified many times before. But the prosecution in this case made it clear again. Went to law school. While there, I decided that I didn't want to do criminal law. Didn't like the idea of defending someone who I thought/knew was guilty...and didn't want to be a prosecutor who would try to throw someone in jail when I thought/knew he was innocent. So I concentrated on corporate law. Very, very boring. Hence....went the corporate management route....not legal.