
I've known a lot of 'Christians' (will not and do not question someone's faith...only One knows for sure) that are like that as well. Can see it from a regular 'ol pew sitter...but that is weird from a minister.
But there are a lot of 'ministers' of several denominations that I will question...when they embrace 'gay' and 'gay marriage'. They obviously skimmed over, or do not believe Romans 1 (among others).
He was not the first or only person who told me they were afraid to read the Book of Revelations, And I did not ask a question, he just volunteered it. We were playing soft ball so it wasn't in church. I would recommend a new baby Christian read the Gospels over and over before they get too deep in the New Testament. Once they master the Gospels then move on but always have a good commentary handy
He was not the first or only person who told me they were afraid to read the Book of Revelations, And I did not ask a question, he just volunteered it. We were playing soft ball so it wasn't in church. I would recommend a new baby Christian read the Gospels over and over before they get too deep in the New Testament. Once they master the Gospels then move on but always have a good commentary handy
You all are discussing probably my favorite subject here. I would also recommend starting with the book of John, Luke, then Ephesians and Galations. Have a Strong's concordance handy and good commentary. One of my favorites is the "Through the Bible" series by the late J. Vernon McGee.

As for the book of Revelation. I love to study and, in fact, it's the only book of the Bible where we are promised a blessing if we study it (Revelation 1:3). I've heard several pastors/church leaders say they shy away from it because of two reasons: One, is that they, themselves, don't understand it and haven't put in the time to rightly divide the Word of Truth; and two, they're afraid of "Scaring" the average church-goer who doesn't study their Bible.

Instead of being scared, we should dig in and study it and be encouraged. For all the wrath of God that it speaks of, not all that wrath is for us Christians. As stated in Revelation 3:10.....".Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth."

Us Christians will have been raptured out of this evil world by the time Revelation 4 happens and all the terror/wrath of the tribulation period begins.
Speaking of the Book of Revelations, I once had a Presbyterian minister tell me he started to read Revelations but it scared him and he stopped reading. That puzzled me and I asked him what scared him? Why would you be afraid to read a Book of the Bible if you were a Christian? One would think you would rejoice reading it because it is Good triumphs over Evil. What is their to be afraid of? Weird

That is a form of dainty I never really want to see. Ouch, ouch, ouch...
You all are discussing probably my favorite subject here. I would also recommend starting with the book of John, Luke, then Ephesians and Galations. Have a Strong's concordance handy and good commentary. One of my favorites is the "Through the Bible" series by the late J. Vernon McGee.

As for the book of Revelation. I love to study and, in fact, it's the only book of the Bible where we are promised a blessing if we study it (Revelation 1:3). I've heard several pastors/church leaders say they shy away from it because of two reasons: One, is that they, themselves, don't understand it and haven't put in the time to rightly divide the Word of Truth; and two, they're afraid of "Scaring" the average church-goer who doesn't study their Bible.

Instead of being scared, we should dig in and study it and be encouraged. For all the wrath of God that it speaks of, not all that wrath is for us Christians. As stated in Revelation 3:10.....".Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth."

Us Christians will have been raptured out of this evil world by the time Revelation 4 happens and all the terror/wrath of the tribulation period begins.

"Fear not...." That is good enough for me. I have been in situations where my bones actually trembled knowing I was in the face of evil (I rarely use that word.) I wasn't afraid though as I have too seen God overcome the truly bad again and again. God is still in control. "Fear not..."

The key is to get rid of "self" and keep your eyes on Jesus...

I will stop for now... God Bless you all...
Speaking of the Book of Revelations, I once had a Presbyterian minister tell me he started to read Revelations but it scared him and he stopped reading. That puzzled me and I asked him what scared him? Why would you be afraid to read a Book of the Bible if you were a Christian? One would think you would rejoice reading it because it is Good triumphs over Evil. What is their to be afraid of? Weird

People are sometimes afraid of things they don't understand. I had several pastors over the decades react with fear, arrogance, and even be patronizing when I brought it up to them. One of them laughed out loud and pretty much implied the Revelation was silly. I don't get it either.

Maybe like the rest of the world, some pastors are just too busy to contemplate it. I know there are some that are too busy to read the bible. Some think they know all of it and no longer need to do so. Some will say there's no point in reading it since you have Jesus. Some would rather read Left Behind or the Harbinger books than read their bible. But they're just people after all.

Our hope rests in God, not men. Every once in a while He reminds us why in our conversations with other people, if we forget some of our own thoughts and behaviors that have gotten the better of us at times.
.... I would recommend a new baby Christian read the Gospels over and over before they get too deep in the New Testament. Once they master the Gospels then move on but always have a good commentary handy

Best advice I ever had was to reread the gospels, then 1-3 John and James, then the letters and such. If we don't ground ourselves in the words of Jesus and then those that knew him directly, before we move on to Paul and such, we may find what we're doing and saying contradicts the life and word of our Savior.

I know I've been shocked at the things I thought were there that weren't and weren't there that I thought were, because of someone else's interpretation of Paul that I had been taught growing up. I always see or learn something new every run through the gospels. Chipping away at my stone heart
Christmas time is coming and I am preparing a list and checking it twice. So I have a question for the D League


Do you have one and are you familiar with the brands and reliability. What would be a good drone up to $1,000.

Thanks I am a novice when it comes to Drones. Would love to have some input from those that may have them.

Wish I knew more and will be following the conversation.
You all are discussing probably my favorite subject here. I would also recommend starting with the book of John, Luke, then Ephesians and Galations. Have a Strong's concordance handy and good commentary. One of my favorites is the "Through the Bible" series by the late J. Vernon McGee.

As for the book of Revelation. I love to study and, in fact, it's the only book of the Bible where we are promised a blessing if we study it (Revelation 1:3). I've heard several pastors/church leaders say they shy away from it because of two reasons: One, is that they, themselves, don't understand it and haven't put in the time to rightly divide the Word of Truth; and two, they're afraid of "Scaring" the average church-goer who doesn't study their Bible.

Instead of being scared, we should dig in and study it and be encouraged. For all the wrath of God that it speaks of, not all that wrath is for us Christians. As stated in Revelation 3:10.....".Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth."

Us Christians will have been raptured out of this evil world by the time Revelation 4 happens and all the terror/wrath of the tribulation period begins.

Amen all the way up to thag last paragraph! I don't have a complete understanding of how things will happen at the very end of the corrupted earth, but one for me that's at best on shaky ground is when the rapture takes place and how. It's a long conversation to go with the long hours of putting the verses all together and side by side, so I'm not going to start what I can't finish here.

Maybe I'd have time next week with the time off I have then, but I've got to get back to work.
Fell off the 'reading wagon' back in the Summer when we had so much company coming and going for a couple of months. Had been reading the New Testament anyway and was ahead of you guys when you got into it. Was on a reading program for '21 of just the New Testament, but even with all the company/chaos, I finished it up about 3 weeks ago. Wow...ahead of schedule. So I've decided to spend the rest of the year reading/studying with commentaries Revelation. Even with two months of study...I still won't understand that book 🙃

I understand a lot of it, since it ties in directly with Daniel, but there are still a few things that I don't have figured out.
That's the machine... (I guess I disliked their ability to just NOT provide updates any longer so you just have to chuck it and buy a new one.) My Darling actually uses hers to do Zoom meetings with her bible study group now.

It is nothing but a vulnerability...

Youre right, it is. I have lots of trouble with Chrome using certain sites, and I believe a chromebook doesn't do well if you don't use their browser. I was warned away from them by a few folks. Made a mistake buying a samsung tablet once when they were still fighting things out with apple and others. Barely got 6mos use out of it before glitches and "updates" slowed it down to a crawl.

I'm game to donate some funds if we want to chip in and get him something else that we can get set up and then send to him.
Christmas time is coming and I am preparing a list and checking it twice. So I have a question for the D League


Do you have one and are you familiar with the brands and reliability. What would be a good drone up to $1,000.

Thanks I am a novice when it comes to Drones. Would love to have some input from those that may have them.

I like watching them zoom around. I never developed an interest in them as far as flying them. It may go back to flying with my Brother. I used to clean planes at metro airport when I was younger and my Brother would take me flying sometimes. I liked flying but he let me fly the plane once and I never felt comfortable while in control of an airplane (The single engine jobs). I never told him but it almost caused me to quit flying. (Only modesty keeps me from mentioning some of my Brothers passengers. I served for one of his passengers.) He is a retired corporate jet pilot with a large company. I never took up the urge and fly now only when it is required. I'd rather drive...
I like watching them zoom around. I never developed an interest in them as far as flying them. It may go back to flying with my Brother. I used to clean planes at metro airport when I was younger and my Brother would take me flying sometimes. I liked flying but he let me fly the plane once and I never felt comfortable while in control of an airplane (The single engine jobs). I never told him but it almost caused me to quit flying. (Only modesty keeps me from mentioning some of my Brothers passengers. I served for one of his passengers.) He is a retired corporate jet pilot with a large company. I never took up the urge and fly now only when it is required. I'd rather drive...
I used to fly. I loved it.
I don't mind flying...did a ton of it in my working/career days. But was never comfortable in a small single engine or even two engine prop. Think it comes from back in my H.S. and college days. My dad went in with 3 of his friends and they bought a large farm on the shores of Lake Cumberland. Each family built cabins and we all chipped in to have a boat dock built in the cove. Since two of the guys had private planes...the property also had an air strip. One of them thought he was a real jokester. The first time he took me up in his plane (dad was with us) he thought it would be funny to get the plane up about as high as it could go....feign engine problems by cutting off the engine (with us not knowing what he was doing), and put it into a dive.
About took care of any thoughts of me wanting to have my own someday.
Give me a big 'ol jet with an experienced pilot.
@BBUK ... here's a story you might like.
Was an old guy that lived out in the country from us (owned 2 or 3 farms) that had his own small construction company...I think to have something to do. Over the years he did a number of jobs for us. The last one he did (he was in his late 80s...he's now gone) I spent a lot of time talking with him. He had a private plane...what kind I don't remember. By that time he had heart problems and even though he still had his pilots license, the FAA wouldn't let him fly by himself. He told me that he basically had a plane (had several over the years) because he also owned a farm/ranch in Colorado (I think) and would fly out there 2-3 times a year. Come to find out his place out west....they filmed some of True Grit on it. And the final shootout where your hero The Duke rode across the plain shooting/killing Ned Potter and his gang was filmed on the ranch just down the road (or maybe next to his).
. . . .
Give me a big 'ol jet with an experienced pilot.
Those experienced pilots start out like I did in high school. You don't get your first 100 hours in a jet. Even when you go Navy or USAF you don't start out in a jet. You learn how to fly. All the fancy stuff comes later.

There is nothing wrong with a Cherokee 140 or a 150 Cessna. I bet I can still fly one and I have not been in one in 50 years. It is like riding a bike. (Plus the tail draggers are easier to fly than the tricycles.)

You don't forget. I can still see the instrument panel right now!

"clear the prop" I am ready to go.
I used to fly. I loved it.
If I didn't like flying I could not have done my job during most of my 40 year career. I was moved to Metro Atlanta because of the airport. I had several million miles with Delta and over a million with United. I flew dozens of other airlines but focused mostly on Delta and United. I still have a half a million FF miles with Delta 12 years after retirement.

I actually was more afraid driving to the Atlanta airport than flying in the planes. When my company told me I had to move there because of the airport (It could get me anywhere in the world fast) I started looking for a house. I wanted to live right next to the airport and not knowing anything about Atlanta I looked for house close by. After a day of looking I thought I was in a 3rd world hell hole. I called my boss in Philadelphia and asked him if he had been to South Atlanta. I told him I would get killed or kill somebody if he forced me to live there. His answer was " keep looking." So I got in my rental car and started driving. I got about 65 miles north of the airport and found Lake Lanier. I knew I could live there and like it but it meant an extra hours drive to the airport and if I had a 6:00 AM flight getting up at 3:00 AM. But it was worth it because of the quality of living out of Atlanta. I did that for over 20 years. I retired with everything on my body working and no bullet holes in me or holes in the side of my busted up head. I came close a few times. I once left my pistol in my carry on bag but caught it when I got on the parking lot bus. I took it back to the car. Saved me from getting arrested.

And so it goes.
@BBUK ... here's a story you might like.
Was an old guy that lived out in the country from us (owned 2 or 3 farms) that had his own small construction company...I think to have something to do. Over the years he did a number of jobs for us. The last one he did (he was in his late 80s...he's now gone) I spent a lot of time talking with him. He had a private plane...what kind I don't remember. By that time he had heart problems and even though he still had his pilots license, the FAA wouldn't let him fly by himself. He told me that he basically had a plane (had several over the years) because he also owned a farm/ranch in Colorado (I think) and would fly out there 2-3 times a year. Come to find out his place out west....they filmed some of True Grit on it. And the final shootout where your hero The Duke rode across the plain shooting/killing Ned Pepper and his gang was filmed on the ranch just down the road (or maybe next to his).
I wanted to live right next to the airport and not knowing anything about Atlanta I looked for house close by. After a day of looking I thought I was in a 3rd world hell hole. I called my boss in Philadelphia and asked him if he had been to South Atlanta. I told him I would get killed or kill somebody if he forced me to live there.
S. Atlanta, College Park, East Point.....yep....wouldn't live there for anything.
I knew a lot of people who worked for Delta, Eastern (in the day), at the airport....who lived in P'tree City. But I never saw the attraction myself.
I had several million miles with Delta and over a million with United. I flew dozens of other airlines but focused mostly on Delta and United. I still have a half a million FF miles with Delta 12 years after retirement.
Sounds like me at one time. Found a travel agency downtown in the Peachtree Center who would buy them even though I think it was illegal. So any I didn't use for personal use I cashed in. Thousands of dollars over the years.
Those experienced pilots start out like I did in high school. You don't get your first 100 hours in a jet. Even when you go Navy or USAF you don't start out in a jet. You learn how to fly. All the fancy stuff comes later.

There is nothing wrong with a Cherokee 140 or a 150 Cessna. I bet I can still fly one and I have not been in one in 50 years. It is like riding a bike. (Plus the tail draggers are easier to fly than the tricycles.)

You don't forget. I can still see the instrument panel right now!

"clear the prop" I am ready to go.
My bro' used to fly. He hasn't for a number of years. In fact we were talking about it just last week. He was talking about on takeoff (I believe) that you had to adjust for the torque of the prop(s).
I've known a lot of 'Christians' (will not and do not question someone's faith...only One knows for sure) that are like that as well. Can see it from a regular 'ol pew sitter...but that is weird from a minister.
But there are a lot of 'ministers' of several denominations that I will question...when they embrace 'gay' and 'gay marriage'. They obviously skimmed over, or do not believe Romans 1 (among others).

Yes Sir,
I always hear about the gays now. God loves the sinner. I see many make the statement after something is said about being gay... "But there's nothing wrong with that..." I retort nearly if not every time; "Yes there is"...

What I perceive is that a Christians job is not to convince anyone of anything. A Christians job is to spread the Good News of Jesus. It's the Holy Spirit that will convict and do all the work many now try to take on their shoulders for one reason or another...

"For my yoke is easy and my burden is light are very true words... (Christ's message is the most simplistic message going.)The Devil and people mess it up...
Funny how when you're on a topic that you remember something that you haven't thought of for years.
Was seasoning some chicken to grill and thought of this story. One of the absolute favorite things I've ever done.

Back in the day I knew a lot of people at Delta. Engineers, buyers for work and pilots, stews personally. One day I went with one of my salesmen to make a call on an engineer at Delta. He knew we were coming so he set up a special deal for us. He took us over to the simulation building (or whatever it was called). Very large building and as I recall it had about 10 simulators in it. Walked up steps to about 15 feet above the floor and there were 5 simulators on either side. All the different jets they flew...747, L10-11, 727s, etc. Probably had more than one simulator for some. He had arranged where we could try out a 727. 1000x better than anything Six Flags or Disney has to offer. The feel, pitch, roll....even sound was just like being in that jet. The simulator was set for New York City. Flying around the city then landing at LaGuardia. I did OK (with a lot of help from the instructor pilot) until it came time to land. Bells, flashing lights, and sirens started going off.
Crashed into the East River as I recall.
Unbelievable experience.
Funny how when you're on a topic that you remember something that you haven't thought of for years.
Was seasoning some chicken to grill and thought of this story. One of the absolute favorite things I've ever done.

Back in the day I knew a lot of people at Delta. Engineers, buyers for work and pilots, stews personally. One day I went with one of my salesmen to make a call on an engineer at Delta. He knew we were coming so he set up a special deal for us. He took us over to the simulation building (or whatever it was called). Very large building and as I recall it had about 10 simulators in it. Walked up steps to about 15 feet above the floor and there were 5 simulators on either side. All the different jets they flew...747, L10-11, 727s, etc. Probably had more than one simulator for some. He had arranged where we could try out a 727. 1000x better than anything Six Flags or Disney has to offer. The feel, pitch, roll....even sound was just like being in that jet. The simulator was set for New York City. Flying around the city then landing at LaGuardia. I did OK (with a lot of help from the instructor pilot) until it came time to land. Bells, flashing lights, and sirens started going off.
Crashed into the East River as I recall.
Unbelievable experience.

Seems I heard about a documentary/ movie about that...

I still have a flight type simulator on my computer I mess around with every once in a while. I still crash regularly and walk away. I must be a good pilot.
Seems I heard about a documentary/ movie about that...

I still have a flight type simulator on my computer I mess around with every once in a while. I still crash regularly and walk away. I must be a good pilot.
Same here. Only games I've ever had were a flight simulator game and a couple of car racing on the x-box.
Racing games were pretty good...but the flight simulators not so much. Or I was totally spoiled by the real thing.
Some people don't like to go in salt water because they can't see what is under the surface. No problem with that on the Gulf Coast

Amen all the way up to thag last paragraph! I don't have a complete understanding of how things will happen at the very end of the corrupted earth, but one for me that's at best on shaky ground is when the rapture takes place and how. It's a long conversation to go with the long hours of putting the verses all together and side by side, so I'm not going to start what I can't finish here.

Maybe I'd have time next week with the time off I have then, but I've got to get back to work.
Some do not believe in the rapture theory. Rapture is not in the bible either. The word anyway but the interpretation came in the 1827 when J. N. Darby interpreted a dream a woman had regarding this. Jesus's Apostle never taught rapture either and there is some confusion amongst Biblical scholars regarding the dead being raised upon Jesus's return. According to many scholars the flesh body returns to the earth upon death and the spirit/soul instantaneously returns back to the father.

Ecclesiastes 12.1-8​

Remember your creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come, and the years draw near when you will say, ‘I have no pleasure in them’; before the sun and the light and the moon and the stars are darkened and the clouds return with the rain; on the day when the guards of the house tremble, and the strong men are bent, and the women who grind cease working because they are few, and those who look through the windows see dimly; when the doors on the street are shut, and the sound of the grinding is low, and one rises up at the sound of a bird, and all the daughters of song are brought low; when one is afraid of heights, and terrors are in the road; the almond tree blossoms, the grasshopper drags itself along and desire fails; because all must go to their eternal home, and the mourners will go about the streets; before the silver cord is snapped, and the golden bowl is broken, and the pitcher is broken at the fountain, and the wheel broken at the cistern, and the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the breath returns to God who gave it. Vanity of vanities, says the Teacher; all is vanity.
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Those experienced pilots start out like I did in high school. You don't get your first 100 hours in a jet. Even when you go Navy or USAF you don't start out in a jet. You learn how to fly. All the fancy stuff comes later.

There is nothing wrong with a Cherokee 140 or a 150 Cessna. I bet I can still fly one and I have not been in one in 50 years. It is like riding a bike. (Plus the tail draggers are easier to fly than the tricycles.)

You don't forget. I can still see the instrument panel right now!

"clear the prop" I am ready to go.
Easy Bert, I don't think those rides cost a quarter any more you better get off.
Yes Sir,
I always hear about the gays now. God loves the sinner. I see many make the statement after something is said about being gay... "But there's nothing wrong with that..." I retort nearly if not every time; "Yes there is"...

What I perceive is that a Christians job is not to convince anyone of anything. A Christians job is to spread the Good News of Jesus. It's the Holy Spirit that will convict and do all the work many now try to take on their shoulders for one reason or another...

"For my yoke is easy and my burden is light are very true words... (Christ's message is the most simplistic message going.)The Devil and people mess it up...
Exactly. The Holy Spirit is God's information super highway for getting information to man and for man to send his/her supplications to God.

As far a God loving a sinner, God loves all of his children but only those who repent and choose God's way will see the Kingdom of God.
Some do not believe in the rapture theory. Rapture is not in the bible either. The word anyway but the interpretation came in the 1827 when J. N. Darby interpreted a dream a woman had regarding this. Jesus's Apostle never taught rapture either and their is some confusion amongst Biblical scholars regarding the dead being raised upon Jesus's return. According to many scholars the flesh body returns to the earth upon death and the spirit/soul instantaneously returns back to the father.

Ecclesiastes 12.1-8​

Remember your creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come, and the years draw near when you will say, ‘I have no pleasure in them’; before the sun and the light and the moon and the stars are darkened and the clouds return with the rain; on the day when the guards of the house tremble, and the strong men are bent, and the women who grind cease working because they are few, and those who look through the windows see dimly; when the doors on the street are shut, and the sound of the grinding is low, and one rises up at the sound of a bird, and all the daughters of song are brought low; when one is afraid of heights, and terrors are in the road; the almond tree blossoms, the grasshopper drags itself along and desire fails; because all must go to their eternal home, and the mourners will go about the streets; before the silver cord is snapped, and the golden bowl is broken, and the pitcher is broken at the fountain, and the wheel broken at the cistern, and the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the breath returns to God who gave it. Vanity of vanities, says the Teacher; all is vanity.

This can be explained properly. Ouch to the typing it would take... I cannot in this forum..

One thing I would state to all. I use the King James Version of the bible. It's interpretation, "I do not think", is properly interpreted in many areas. What I have seen from the NIV, NIV2, whatever the newer versions are named I have looked at and read in "certain areas of the scriptures" are blasphemous in their interpretations. (In some areas.) I do like the Dake's references. Good work done ahead of time for those interested.

My point is, the earlier the version of interpretation may be (May be...) a more exact versioning of the scriptures. Man's ways are not God's ways.. Too much emphasis on "I" in the equation's as times go on.... jmo

On a side note, I just concluded a meeting to where I emphasized to several in a group environment that we needed to start forgetting self and assist in areas that will not enhance your resume. Keep in mind, that in a round about way you will be enhancing your resumes...(Successful implementations...) Don't be afraid to help...
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