
I had several million miles with Delta and over a million with United. I flew dozens of other airlines but focused mostly on Delta and United. I still have a half a million FF miles with Delta 12 years after retirement.
Sounds like me at one time. Found a travel agency downtown in the Peachtree Center who would buy them even though I think it was illegal. So any I didn't use for personal use I cashed in. Thousands of dollars over the years.
Those experienced pilots start out like I did in high school. You don't get your first 100 hours in a jet. Even when you go Navy or USAF you don't start out in a jet. You learn how to fly. All the fancy stuff comes later.

There is nothing wrong with a Cherokee 140 or a 150 Cessna. I bet I can still fly one and I have not been in one in 50 years. It is like riding a bike. (Plus the tail draggers are easier to fly than the tricycles.)

You don't forget. I can still see the instrument panel right now!

"clear the prop" I am ready to go.
My bro' used to fly. He hasn't for a number of years. In fact we were talking about it just last week. He was talking about on takeoff (I believe) that you had to adjust for the torque of the prop(s).
I've known a lot of 'Christians' (will not and do not question someone's faith...only One knows for sure) that are like that as well. Can see it from a regular 'ol pew sitter...but that is weird from a minister.
But there are a lot of 'ministers' of several denominations that I will question...when they embrace 'gay' and 'gay marriage'. They obviously skimmed over, or do not believe Romans 1 (among others).

Yes Sir,
I always hear about the gays now. God loves the sinner. I see many make the statement after something is said about being gay... "But there's nothing wrong with that..." I retort nearly if not every time; "Yes there is"...

What I perceive is that a Christians job is not to convince anyone of anything. A Christians job is to spread the Good News of Jesus. It's the Holy Spirit that will convict and do all the work many now try to take on their shoulders for one reason or another...

"For my yoke is easy and my burden is light are very true words... (Christ's message is the most simplistic message going.)The Devil and people mess it up...
Funny how when you're on a topic that you remember something that you haven't thought of for years.
Was seasoning some chicken to grill and thought of this story. One of the absolute favorite things I've ever done.

Back in the day I knew a lot of people at Delta. Engineers, buyers for work and pilots, stews personally. One day I went with one of my salesmen to make a call on an engineer at Delta. He knew we were coming so he set up a special deal for us. He took us over to the simulation building (or whatever it was called). Very large building and as I recall it had about 10 simulators in it. Walked up steps to about 15 feet above the floor and there were 5 simulators on either side. All the different jets they flew...747, L10-11, 727s, etc. Probably had more than one simulator for some. He had arranged where we could try out a 727. 1000x better than anything Six Flags or Disney has to offer. The feel, pitch, roll....even sound was just like being in that jet. The simulator was set for New York City. Flying around the city then landing at LaGuardia. I did OK (with a lot of help from the instructor pilot) until it came time to land. Bells, flashing lights, and sirens started going off.
Crashed into the East River as I recall.
Unbelievable experience.
Funny how when you're on a topic that you remember something that you haven't thought of for years.
Was seasoning some chicken to grill and thought of this story. One of the absolute favorite things I've ever done.

Back in the day I knew a lot of people at Delta. Engineers, buyers for work and pilots, stews personally. One day I went with one of my salesmen to make a call on an engineer at Delta. He knew we were coming so he set up a special deal for us. He took us over to the simulation building (or whatever it was called). Very large building and as I recall it had about 10 simulators in it. Walked up steps to about 15 feet above the floor and there were 5 simulators on either side. All the different jets they flew...747, L10-11, 727s, etc. Probably had more than one simulator for some. He had arranged where we could try out a 727. 1000x better than anything Six Flags or Disney has to offer. The feel, pitch, roll....even sound was just like being in that jet. The simulator was set for New York City. Flying around the city then landing at LaGuardia. I did OK (with a lot of help from the instructor pilot) until it came time to land. Bells, flashing lights, and sirens started going off.
Crashed into the East River as I recall.
Unbelievable experience.

Seems I heard about a documentary/ movie about that...

I still have a flight type simulator on my computer I mess around with every once in a while. I still crash regularly and walk away. I must be a good pilot.
Seems I heard about a documentary/ movie about that...

I still have a flight type simulator on my computer I mess around with every once in a while. I still crash regularly and walk away. I must be a good pilot.
Same here. Only games I've ever had were a flight simulator game and a couple of car racing on the x-box.
Racing games were pretty good...but the flight simulators not so much. Or I was totally spoiled by the real thing.
Some people don't like to go in salt water because they can't see what is under the surface. No problem with that on the Gulf Coast

Amen all the way up to thag last paragraph! I don't have a complete understanding of how things will happen at the very end of the corrupted earth, but one for me that's at best on shaky ground is when the rapture takes place and how. It's a long conversation to go with the long hours of putting the verses all together and side by side, so I'm not going to start what I can't finish here.

Maybe I'd have time next week with the time off I have then, but I've got to get back to work.
Some do not believe in the rapture theory. Rapture is not in the bible either. The word anyway but the interpretation came in the 1827 when J. N. Darby interpreted a dream a woman had regarding this. Jesus's Apostle never taught rapture either and there is some confusion amongst Biblical scholars regarding the dead being raised upon Jesus's return. According to many scholars the flesh body returns to the earth upon death and the spirit/soul instantaneously returns back to the father.

Ecclesiastes 12.1-8​

Remember your creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come, and the years draw near when you will say, ‘I have no pleasure in them’; before the sun and the light and the moon and the stars are darkened and the clouds return with the rain; on the day when the guards of the house tremble, and the strong men are bent, and the women who grind cease working because they are few, and those who look through the windows see dimly; when the doors on the street are shut, and the sound of the grinding is low, and one rises up at the sound of a bird, and all the daughters of song are brought low; when one is afraid of heights, and terrors are in the road; the almond tree blossoms, the grasshopper drags itself along and desire fails; because all must go to their eternal home, and the mourners will go about the streets; before the silver cord is snapped, and the golden bowl is broken, and the pitcher is broken at the fountain, and the wheel broken at the cistern, and the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the breath returns to God who gave it. Vanity of vanities, says the Teacher; all is vanity.
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Those experienced pilots start out like I did in high school. You don't get your first 100 hours in a jet. Even when you go Navy or USAF you don't start out in a jet. You learn how to fly. All the fancy stuff comes later.

There is nothing wrong with a Cherokee 140 or a 150 Cessna. I bet I can still fly one and I have not been in one in 50 years. It is like riding a bike. (Plus the tail draggers are easier to fly than the tricycles.)

You don't forget. I can still see the instrument panel right now!

"clear the prop" I am ready to go.
Easy Bert, I don't think those rides cost a quarter any more you better get off.
Yes Sir,
I always hear about the gays now. God loves the sinner. I see many make the statement after something is said about being gay... "But there's nothing wrong with that..." I retort nearly if not every time; "Yes there is"...

What I perceive is that a Christians job is not to convince anyone of anything. A Christians job is to spread the Good News of Jesus. It's the Holy Spirit that will convict and do all the work many now try to take on their shoulders for one reason or another...

"For my yoke is easy and my burden is light are very true words... (Christ's message is the most simplistic message going.)The Devil and people mess it up...
Exactly. The Holy Spirit is God's information super highway for getting information to man and for man to send his/her supplications to God.

As far a God loving a sinner, God loves all of his children but only those who repent and choose God's way will see the Kingdom of God.
Some do not believe in the rapture theory. Rapture is not in the bible either. The word anyway but the interpretation came in the 1827 when J. N. Darby interpreted a dream a woman had regarding this. Jesus's Apostle never taught rapture either and their is some confusion amongst Biblical scholars regarding the dead being raised upon Jesus's return. According to many scholars the flesh body returns to the earth upon death and the spirit/soul instantaneously returns back to the father.

Ecclesiastes 12.1-8​

Remember your creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come, and the years draw near when you will say, ‘I have no pleasure in them’; before the sun and the light and the moon and the stars are darkened and the clouds return with the rain; on the day when the guards of the house tremble, and the strong men are bent, and the women who grind cease working because they are few, and those who look through the windows see dimly; when the doors on the street are shut, and the sound of the grinding is low, and one rises up at the sound of a bird, and all the daughters of song are brought low; when one is afraid of heights, and terrors are in the road; the almond tree blossoms, the grasshopper drags itself along and desire fails; because all must go to their eternal home, and the mourners will go about the streets; before the silver cord is snapped, and the golden bowl is broken, and the pitcher is broken at the fountain, and the wheel broken at the cistern, and the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the breath returns to God who gave it. Vanity of vanities, says the Teacher; all is vanity.

This can be explained properly. Ouch to the typing it would take... I cannot in this forum..

One thing I would state to all. I use the King James Version of the bible. It's interpretation, "I do not think", is properly interpreted in many areas. What I have seen from the NIV, NIV2, whatever the newer versions are named I have looked at and read in "certain areas of the scriptures" are blasphemous in their interpretations. (In some areas.) I do like the Dake's references. Good work done ahead of time for those interested.

My point is, the earlier the version of interpretation may be (May be...) a more exact versioning of the scriptures. Man's ways are not God's ways.. Too much emphasis on "I" in the equation's as times go on.... jmo

On a side note, I just concluded a meeting to where I emphasized to several in a group environment that we needed to start forgetting self and assist in areas that will not enhance your resume. Keep in mind, that in a round about way you will be enhancing your resumes...(Successful implementations...) Don't be afraid to help...
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Same here. Only games I've ever had were a flight simulator game and a couple of car racing on the x-box.
Racing games were pretty good...but the flight simulators not so much. Or I was totally spoiled by the real thing.
I tried a Formula 1 game on Xbox, and I couldn't stay out of the walls. Trying to steer with those thumbsticks is a pain in the rear.
I tried a Formula 1 game on Xbox, and I couldn't stay out of the walls. Trying to steer with those thumbsticks is a pain in the rear.
I've got a Playstation II and the only things I ever played on it was Tiger Woods 2004 and 2006 and Gran Tourismo. The only track I would drive is Nurburgring. I got pretty good driving with my thumbs but a steering wheel would have been easier.

I could go drive that track and I would know which curves were coming up at any place on the track. A lot of people crash there with the same knowledge of the track that I have.
I've got a Playstation II and the only things I ever played on it was Tiger Woods 2004 and 2006 and Gran Tourismo. The only track I would drive is Nurburgring. I got pretty good driving with my thumbs but a steering wheel would have been easier.

I could go drive that track and I would know which curves were coming up at any place on the track. A lot of people crash there with the same knowledge of the track that I have.
A steering wheel would be my only hope of doing good on a Formula 1 game. Although playing it gave me a new appreciation of real Formula 1 drivers. To hug those turns as tight as they do, takes some serious driving skill.

As for golf games, I wish they would make a good one with more than a few real courses. The last few games have only had 12 or so real courses and were always missing some of the better ones.
Some people don't like to go in salt water because they can't see what is under the surface. No problem with that on the Gulf Coast


My only exposure to the ocean was in CA. If you don't know it, the Pacific water is really cold even close to the shore. I finally went to Myrtle Beach and was shocked at how warm the water was.
I lived on the beach at Pismo Beach Ca from 82 to 84. Got in the ocean twice. The first day we got there I ran out into the water and it made my feet hurt it was so cold. I asked someone when the water would warm up and they told me never. I was bummed. I got back in the morning we were going to fly back to Florida to visit her family and I realized I would have a chance to swim in two oceans in one day.

I stayed in the water a lot longer at Ft. Pearce.
I lived on the beach at Pismo Beach Ca from 82 to 84. Got in the ocean twice. The first day we got there I ran out into the water and it made my feet hurt it was so cold. I asked someone when the water would warm up and they told me never. I was bummed. I got back in the morning we were going to fly back to Florida to visit her family and I realized I would have a chance to swim in two oceans in one day.

I stayed in the water a lot longer at Ft. Pearce.
Coldest water I have ever been to was the Persian Gulf. Did 4 days R&R at the Saudi resort of Half Moon Bay and decided to go snorkeling. It was around 110° or more and when I got in the water that lasted maybe a minute or 2. If was freezing, could not understand it. Stayed away from the water for the rest of the time and just used everything else at the facility.
Same here. Only games I've ever had were a flight simulator game and a couple of car racing on the x-box.
Racing games were pretty good...but the flight simulators not so much. Or I was totally spoiled by the real thing.
My game playing ended with Q-bert............I have motion sickness and most games are out of the question.......maybe some bowling on Wii.......
Good morning, D-League!

It's a balmy 72° in Nicholasville and clear for now here in the mini holler. I've got no cell signal at all this morning, and don't expect one until the cloud cover comes back.

Staying warm will be a challenge because it's 27° OUTSIDE... got some more wood to cut but it will be mostly by hand if it gets cut today. Saw needs some maintenance.

Hope y'all stay safe and warm out there!
Good morning from ATX. Currently 45°F and clear. Today's high may top out around 67°F or so.

It's that time of year again. Picking up rental car around noon today. Bluegrass-bound early tomorrow morning.

Wishing happiness and health to all our fellow D-League members.


Unfortunately, this is what happened to "international men" in the 1980s when their magazine came out...

Warning- link contains International Male catalog

Now you know (the rest of the story) what happened to Bruce Jenner

Don't know if the link works, but some people I worked with briefly ordered from this catalog back in the 80s. I think this might have been the beginning of the end for masculinity. At least the writing was on the wall anyway. Jenner was on the cover once, so that should tell you something.
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Good morning D-League...........I started installing permanent electric in my pigeons loft last week........all I have left is to put face plates on the outlets and I am done.........just in time from the looks of the weather forecast.....the pigeons do just fine in sub zero temps as long as you keep them hydrated......and that goes for all animals....they can handle the cold........if they stay hydrated and have good food.......I raised Amazon/African Gray parrots for 20 years in in a pole barn building......only heat came off of the florescent lights which was negligible..........they raised babies every year starting in mid Dec and raised through late spring and summer.......