A lot of the stuff you see is people doing craft stuff. Jan does do craft stuff, but that is just side stuff. At one time, I made a million shades a year before China and when I was younger. I used to buy a semi load of material at a time. Now its a pallet at a time. Rolls of material come in 48" tall and 125 yards long, weighing about 120 pounds. I have an automatic shelter that you can set for length and number of pieces to cut. I trace the needed patterns on the top sheet, staple the sheets together, and cut them with a huge one piece band saw made almost 100 years ago. We have several binding machines that attach the top and bottom wire to the shade. They are similar to sewing machines. Then we have sealing machines to glue the ends of the shades together. We have tables set up with glue wells where we add trim if needed. The last step is tables where we put the clear protective wrap around the shades.