
And now I'm listening the Matt Jones pregame show and he just said something about the Moon being out and "it's not even 5 o'clock". Kinda surprised he didn't ask where the rest of the Moon is. As I said earlier, maybe he's got a little common sense, but he is sorely lacking on common knowledge.

During the commercial I bet he and Ryan discussed how Climate Change is responsible for us seeing the Moon during the day now. smh
Below is an aerial photo taken today of the area behind my place to the Gulf of Mexico. Out of this wildlife preserve comes every critter native to this area and they make it very difficult if not impossible to raise any type of fruit trees or garden. I had 11 fruit trees around my house and they got everyone of them. Same with flowering plants. I even put chicken wire around them but that did nothing to stop them.

I envy those of you who can raise good crops and vegetable gardens. I have the perfect soil and climate but varmits, Bambi and wild animals say NO

And now I'm listening the Matt Jones pregame show and he just said something about the Moon being out and "it's not even 5 o'clock". Kinda surprised he didn't ask where the rest of the Moon is. As I said earlier, maybe he's got a little common sense, but he is sorely lacking on common knowledge.

During the commercial I bet he and Ryan discussed how Climate Change is responsible for us seeing the Moon during the day now. smh
Matt never disappoints. To be so educated is really lacks in common knowledge. He would be so out of place where I live. I doubt he could make it. He best stay put.
Not being a hunter, I go on what I am told by some of my hunter friends. The coyote moving into this area has also made a dent in many ground nesting birds. Just 20 years ago I had wild turkey in my back yard and the field behind the house. I have not seen one in five years.

There are few or no pheasants in Southern Kentucky. I have seen one in my life in this part of the world and he may have gotten away from someone raising them.
I’m 61 and have never seen a pheasant in Kentucky. My dad is 89 and has only seen one. They just can’t make it here. On turkeys and coyotes, yeah, they do some harm, along with foxes, raccoons, possums, even crows. But the Wild Turkey population is a very complex thing. Read an article a few months ago regarding declining numbers of Turkey in several states, Kentucky included. Biologists can’t figure it out just yet, but they don’t think it’s predatory problems, as coyotes and other predators have been steady pretty much for awhile. It’s definitely an issue, as I’ve noticed , we own property in two different areas of the county, just a few miles apart. Turkey populations on one property are good, the other is way down. No reasonable explanation for it that is noticeable. It’s interesting.
That would be stellar!
Isn't it curious...........the Director says, " the reason the bill was $400 was she had one sent to our daughter" 2C's for the pot........I don't remember this fact but............when we get done cooking our apple sauce I will look on the bottom of the post for more info...........she also said that we bought them from a place like Lehman's..............................I don't know if I can go back that far on my credit card to try to find is about 10-12 yrs old.......
Isn't it curious...........the Director says, " the reason the bill was $400 was she had one sent to our daughter" 2C's for the pot........I don't remember this fact but............when we get done cooking our apple sauce I will look on the bottom of the post for more info...........she also said that we bought them from a place like Lehman's..............................I don't know if I can go back that far on my credit card to try to find is about 10-12 yrs old.......
Lehman's Hardware in Ohio? May be. It's up in the Amish country of Ohio...NE of Columbus. Sell a lot of stuff that the Amish use...and regular folks too. Have some fantastic old fashion stoves. Really neat place.
Streaming The Virginian on IMBD. A show that us old guys would watch, but I kind of doubt young folks.
Twice I've seen a commercial by Dove about one of their body lotions or soaps. Shows these women....the smallest must be 300 pounds....all in various types of underwear. Never seen anything like it.
Who in the #&^$ comes up with this *#@!
Streaming The Virginian on IMBD. A show that us old guys would watch, but I kind of doubt young folks.
Twice I've seen a commercial by Dove about one of their body lotions or soaps. Shows these women....the smallest must be 300 pounds....all in various types of underwear. Never seen anything like it.
Who in the #&^$ comes up with this *#@!
Pics? I’m bored.
Lehman's Hardware in Ohio? May be. It's up in the Amish country of Ohio...NE of Columbus. Sell a lot of stuff that the Amish use...and regudlar folks too. Have some fantastic old fashion stoves. Really neat place.
I've been there and met the owner Galen. He is a nice guy. If you go to the section where they sell kerosene lamps, you will see lamp shades for them. We make the paper shades with designs on them. Jan does the printing on a lot of them. Most shades have plastic liners, but the kerosene lamps need glass or paper shades because the heat will melt plastic.
25-point win. Groovy.

Wheeler on SEC Now. He talked about teaming with Oscar at camp a few years ago and how they built a good relationship.

Next up: Ohio.
That was a damn good interview, on both sides. She asked pertinent questions and he gave concise and accurate replies to each one. I told my wife it was like they had rehearsed all that for a couple of hours beforehand.
I've been there and met the owner Galen. He is a nice guy. If you go to the section where they sell kerosene lamps, you will see lamp shades for them. We make the paper shades with designs on them. Jan does the printing on a lot of them. Most shades have plastic liners, but the kerosene lamps need glass or paper shades because the heat will melt plastic.
Were you ever featured on How It's Made?
That was a damn good interview, on both sides. She asked pertinent questions and he gave concise and accurate replies to each one. I told my wife it was like they had rehearsed all that for a couple of hours beforehand.

Were you ever featured on How It's Made?
No. There's not many of us left. China took over the business. At one time 75% of the lamps and shades in the USA came from this area. Not only were those jobs lost, the job ers used to come to the area from all over the country. They spent the night and put money in the local economy. They went home had had sales routes to mom and pop furniture stores. They bought and maintained big trucks and vans to service their routes. Most of the big chains use Chinese goods, cutting out jobbers and mom and pop stores. The companies who made parts for guys who made lamps and shades no longer had places to sell the parts, so they went out of business. I'm old and just piddle with it to have sometHing to do.
Below is an aerial photo taken today of the area behind my place to the Gulf of Mexico. Out of this wildlife preserve comes every critter native to this area and they make it very difficult if not impossible to raise any type of fruit trees or garden. I had 11 fruit trees around my house and they got everyone of them. Same with flowering plants. I even put chicken wire around them but that did nothing to stop them.

I envy those of you who can raise good crops and vegetable gardens AND EAT THEM. I have the perfect soil and climate but varmits, Bambi and wild animals say NO


FIFY Sir!!!

Just because you "ain't" eating it Sir, doesn't mean you were not successful in raising it...
Enery the 8th I am...

The above is worse I think than Ole William Hung...

At least Ole Hung made some bucks doing it... several hundred thousand...
Good morning from ATX. Currently 64°F and partly cloudy. Today's high topping out around 84°F. We're experiencing a warmer fall than usual, but cold weather returning.

Pup seems better. I'll find out tomorrow if I can travel back east either this coming Saturday or starting next week. Hopefully so. Stay tuned.

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good Wednesday morning D League

Waking up to 51° down here as the sun is coming up. It will be a sunny day as we move up to a comfortable 78°. If you are a golfer this is your day.

I have a load to take to the recycle center. This is a nice facility available only to residents in the county at no charge. They take everything imaginable including garbage if you do not have garbage service. Different stations are set up for each item you are throwing out. Today I have metal, cardboard, paint and some yard waste. I like the price to dump it. Zero.

I trust all are well and it is time to refill the coffee cup.

Captain Ben with a very nice red grouper. They are delicious.

Good morning from ATX. Currently 64°F and partly cloudy. Today's high topping out around 84°F. We're experiencing a warmer fall than usual, but cold weather returning.

Pup seems better. I'll find out tomorrow if I can travel back east either this coming Saturday or starting next week. Hopefully so. Stay tuned.

Happy Hump Day.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Like me some Baklavas. Around this time of year I get me a big tray of them from Sam's

Liked me also a Balaclava When I went to Alaska for winter training in the early 80's. -40° with sometimes a wind chill factor of up to around -100°.

He just needs something inexpensive to access the internet so he can chat with us.

That's the machine... (I guess I disliked their ability to just NOT provide updates any longer so you just have to chuck it and buy a new one.) My Darling actually uses hers to do Zoom meetings with her bible study group now.

It is nothing but a vulnerability...

Morning Legionnaires!

61° on tap for today with 20-30mph winds gusting up to 40mph.

Saw something on the internet that I showed the wife and she is freaking out this morning because she is deathly terrified of them. There was an article about the largest Funnel Web spider ever found in Australia turned in to Reptile park authorities. Larger than any ever found before. Top picture is the spider in human hands. Bottom picture is same spider along side a normal sized Funnel Web spider.

8 Legged Freak!


He just needs something inexpensive to access the internet so he can chat with us.
I am so looking forward to Don getting back here on a regular, daily basis. He is missed and his wisdom is missed as well. Don is the God Father of the D League. Number One in my book.

I trust you are doing well Don
Good morning all.

A little gloomy this morning in this part of the Buckeye State. Starting off at 57° and will top off at 61. Not much on the docket for today. Making a trip to Menards....have a plumbing issue here and also at one of the rentals. I'll do the work here (small job) but I think I'll call a buddy who owns a plumbing company for the rental. A bit more than I want to it's tax deductible.

For those who don't have a Menard's close (mine's not close but I will drive the extra miles) they're a pretty neat big box store. Where Home Depot may carry two of an item (say a saw), Lowes three...Menards may have four or five. Plus they have a grocery section and about everything else under the sun. Much larger stores than HD or Lowes.

Y'all have a good day.
Good morning all.

A little gloomy this morning in this part of the Buckeye State. Starting off at 57° and will top off at 61. Not much on the docket for today. Making a trip to Menards....have a plumbing issue here and also at one of the rentals. I'll do the work here (small job) but I think I'll call a buddy who owns a plumbing company for the rental. A bit more than I want to it's tax deductible.

For those who don't have a Menard's close (mine's not close but I will drive the extra miles) they're a pretty neat big box store. Where Home Depot may carry two of an item (say a saw), Lowes three...Menards may have four or five. Plus they have a grocery section and about everything else under the sun. Much larger stores than HD or Lowes.

Y'all have a good day.
I've often wondered about Menard's. I've seen a few of their banner ads in the background when watching some Cincinnati Reds games. We don't have them down here.
Howdy D-League. Getting colder in the east. Just need to get through the next three days and I'm making a lightning trip to Kentucky to see everyone from my 90-year-old father to my nine-month old grandson, coming in from Kansas City, and everyone in between. My daughter is riding with me from Maryland and my son is coming up from Lexington.

It's what we do now to get together since my parents got too old to have a family Thanksgiving at the family place, and all my siblings' families got very big and complicated so no one could host the gathering.

Cats looked efficient enough taking care of business last night. We know this team is going to be built around Wheeler, Washington and Oscar and we are just hoping two or three other guys step up. I'm still counting on Toppin, think we'll get something out of Collins and expect Grady to start stepping up a bit.