
I did apple butter one time over an open fire. In addition to a fire pit we have in the back yard, we also have an old, old stone fireplace that was in an old building that was torn down decades ago. They left the fireplace...which I am glad for in that it's probably 120+ years old. The fireplace still has the old metal/steel swinging bars that they used years ago for cooking.
Put all the ingredients in the pot and hung the pot on one of the bars over the fire.. Followed the recipe but really didn't know what I was doing. Guess when you cook over an open fire you don't really cook over an open fire 😄 When it was time for my homemade apple was like concrete in the bottom of the old cast iron pot that I hung on the steel bar...directly above the fire. Got just a wee bit too hot. Finally threw away the pot....probably was 100+ years old...couldn't 'chisel' the apple butter off the bottom.

Oh no!

I was told you could stick some water in those old iron pots, put a lid on it, and steam anything out of em. Other option was to take a torch to the inside (with the water) and the stuff might pop out on its own.
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Great story. I have quite a few items from the 1998 Championship season listed on Ebay. Here is one. It has a replica of the floor and all of the scores for that season. Also the Sports Illustrated Magazine Cover for the finals, with wood frame for mounting in your UK Wildcat Room.



Got a link to the listing? He lost the program and SI in his divorce (more or less). He may be interested in buying those
no you probably couldn't chisel it out......but.........if you would have taken and put two or three inches of water in there and let it cook over the fire it would have come out...........also never add your ingredients beyond the apples till it is almost cooked down......that helps with the scorching issue....the Director has a special pot that has a multi layered bottom that cost almost $ isn't scorch free but we don't have to stand over the stove from start to finish....

Beat me to it and just refreshed the page. Sorry to sorta repeat what you already posted
no you probably couldn't chisel it out......but.........if you would have taken and put two or three inches of water in there and let it cook over the fire it would have come out...........also never add your ingredients beyond the apples till it is almost cooked down......that helps with the scorching issue....the Director has a special pot that has a multi layered bottom that cost almost $ isn't scorch free but we don't have to stand over the stove from start to finish....

I've been looking for a pot or set of pots just like what you describe for years. Please Lmk what brand you have to aid my search
no you probably couldn't chisel it out......but.........if you would have taken and put two or three inches of water in there and let it cook over the fire it would have come out...........also never add your ingredients beyond the apples till it is almost cooked down......that helps with the scorching issue....the Director has a special pot that has a multi layered bottom that cost almost $ isn't scorch free but we don't have to stand over the stove from start to finish....

Oh no!

I was told you could stick some water in those old iron pots, put a lid on it, and steam anything out of em. Other option was to take a torch to the inside (with the water) and the stuff might pop out on its own.
awf...I tried that. Didn't work. Tried everything I could think of (other than the torch idea by Girrthang). Nothing worked. Problem was, I imagine, too long cooking over a really hot fire...too close to the fire. Really didn't want to throw the old cast iron pot away...just because of how old it was.
If I had to I could find the exact date when I did it. It was a Fall Saturday evening. Had a bunch of people over for a cookout and fire in the fire pit and this old outdoor fireplace (cooking the apple butter). Had the TV on outside because Southern Cal was playing Notre Dame in football (back when both were good) USC quaterback scored on a QB sneak (can't remember if it was to win the game or just during the game). Was either Carson Palmer or Matt Leinart.
That is Corner Stone, not John Hagee nor Matthew Hagee in the lead from watching that video. Amazing that would happen there knowing the connotations. Some do but not too many wear ball caps during any kind of church service. Sure looks like it happened but who was using the church (I am positive it was a sanctioned event.) and was that a planned action? I'd probably look for a comment from either of the two Hagee's in this instance...

I found a couple responses; (I have not read these.)(I won't be able to until later this evening but I will as John Hagee has been trustworthy as I believe his son to be... though men do some things to lend to not trusting in man but trusting in God.

If me, I have no issues with the connotations as at some point you must take actions versus just talk BUT, not in a house of God in that manner.... (I will look for any comments from John or Matthew Hagee in this instance. (Not sure of John Hagee's health as he is getting up there, age-wise. I hope this doesn't harm him.)

When I saw the tweet I was certain it wasn't during church services. I would hope. But of course all the media will bypass that. I would imagine 'lesson learned' for a lot of churches with large sanctuaries....don't let them out or rent (if that's the case) matter who or what for unless it's a known christian organization you are very familiar with....which I don't think this was.
Got a link to the listing? He lost the program and SI in his divorce (more or less). He may be interested in buying those
I'ma looking........the name on the handle is Chefs...............I have to do some thinking to remember the name of the place we ordered it wasn't a was a single 16 quart pot.........I will ascertain and report........................
When I saw the tweet I was certain it wasn't during church services. I would hope. But of course all the media will bypass that. I would imagine 'lesson learned' for a lot of churches with large sanctuaries....don't let them out or rent (if that's the case) matter who or what for unless it's a known Christian organization you are very familiar with....which I don't think this was.

I do know that pastor Hagee is a staunch conservative. His views expressed in many areas exude his conservatism as well as his son Matthew. I am actually anxious to see anything they may have to say about it but I doubt they say anything quickly. They will make sure they know the facts. That was a rough look though inside a church non-the-less no matter how I feel about the actual..."message"...
That is Corner Stone, not John Hagee nor Matthew Hagee in the lead from watching that video. Amazing that would happen there knowing the connotations. Some do but not too many wear ball caps during any kind of church service. Sure looks like it happened but who was using the church (I am positive it was a sanctioned event.) and was that a planned action? I'd probably look for a comment from either of the two Hagee's in this instance...

I found a couple responses; (I have not read these.)(I won't be able to until later this evening but I will as John Hagee has been trustworthy as I believe his son to be... though men do some things to lend to not trusting in man but trusting in God.

If me, I have no issues with the connotations as at some point you must take actions versus just talk BUT, not in a house of God in that manner.... (I will look for any comments from John or Matthew Hagee in this instance. (Not sure of John Hagee's health as he is getting up there, age-wise. I hope this doesn't harm him.)

If the speaker or those employed by the church are not leading nor encouraging the chant, the wall of separation isn't breached imo. If they are not extremely careful, they will lose their "church/religious org" tax status and be at risk for becoming a political org. Hopefully, they do not need the tax status at this point, because they will likely lose it and spend a ton to get it back, if they fight it.
Got a link to the listing? He lost the program and SI in his divorce (more or less). He may be interested in buying those
I sell under jhank_9572. I suppose it would be best to find the item for sale then check out the rest of my current listings. You can go do Ebay and pull up the item. The item for the photo is listed under Ebay as:

Kentucky Wildcats 1998 NCAA Champions Wood Wall Hanging Plaque

My inventory has dropped below 200 but I have quite a bit of UK stuff on there. I am going to list a lot of new items soon. If I know a buyer is a UK fan I usually throw in an old vintage magazine produced by Oscar Combs or Cawood Ledford as a gift.

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jhan_9572 (136)
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An asset to eBay! Hope to meet up again! Thanks!!!
Nov 14, 2021
  • Thank you! Great seller!
    Nov 07, 2021
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    Nov 01, 2021
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    Oct 18, 2021
  • Good service--nice book--thanks!!!
    Oct 04, 2021
awf...I tried that. Didn't work. Tried everything I could think of (other than the torch idea by Girrthang). Nothing worked. Problem was, I imagine, too long cooking over a really hot fire...too close to the fire. Really didn't want to throw the old cast iron pot away...just because of how old it was.
If I had to I could find the exact date when I did it. It was a Fall Saturday evening. Had a bunch of people over for a cookout and fire in the fire pit and this old outdoor fireplace (cooking the apple butter). Had the TV on outside because Southern Cal was playing Notre Dame in football (back when both were good) USC quaterback scored on a QB sneak (can't remember if it was to win the game or just during the game). Was either Carson Palmer or Matt Leinart.

There was a fella that restored old (and those with hard cooked buildup in) pots that used a grinder and sandblasted on the really old family heirloom type cast iron. Did some beautiful work. Steamed em first. Torched em second, then took to the more aggressive approach if that didn't work.

Used to love watching him work on the worst ones, back when I detailed vehicles for money. Kindred spirits in terms of the things we worked on had some rough usage. People didn't bring their Ferraris to me unfortunately. Just the dramatic cases. Once found a 5yr old mcds cheeseburger under a seat in a catering vehicle. Hard as a hockey puck and looked as shiny and new as the day it was purchased.

Man that lady was embarrassed when I told her it would be extra for removing the antique.
I sell under jhank_9572. I suppose it would be best to find the item for sale then check out the rest of my current listings. You can go do Ebay and pull up the item. The item for the photo is listed under Ebay as:

Kentucky Wildcats 1998 NCAA Champions Wood Wall Hanging Plaque

My inventory has dropped below 200 but I have quite a bit of UK stuff on there. I am going to list a lot of new items soon. If I know a buyer is a UK fan I usually throw in an old vintage magazine produced by Oscar Combs or Cawood Ledford as a gift.

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jhan_9572 (136)
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An asset to eBay! Hope to meet up again! Thanks!!!
Nov 14, 2021
  • Thank you! Great seller!
    Nov 07, 2021
  • Thumbs up!
    Nov 01, 2021
  • A+++
    Oct 18, 2021
  • Good service--nice book--thanks!!!
    Oct 04, 2021

I will pass this along asap

This painting just sold for $82.5 million.


This sculpture sold $78.4 million.

I'm thinking about selling my big green egg cook table and wet bar combo for about $100 million. Prolly a buck twenty if they want the eggs thrown in.

Top looks like a painting by Rothko. Not a huge fan but I spent a decent amount of time at art museums as a kid. My grandmother was a painter.

Bottom "artwork" is an example of why I didn't become and artist myself. The visual fine arts lost their cotton pickin minds DECADES AGO.
And now I'm listening the Matt Jones pregame show and he just said something about the Moon being out and "it's not even 5 o'clock". Kinda surprised he didn't ask where the rest of the Moon is. As I said earlier, maybe he's got a little common sense, but he is sorely lacking on common knowledge.

During the commercial I bet he and Ryan discussed how Climate Change is responsible for us seeing the Moon during the day now. smh
Below is an aerial photo taken today of the area behind my place to the Gulf of Mexico. Out of this wildlife preserve comes every critter native to this area and they make it very difficult if not impossible to raise any type of fruit trees or garden. I had 11 fruit trees around my house and they got everyone of them. Same with flowering plants. I even put chicken wire around them but that did nothing to stop them.

I envy those of you who can raise good crops and vegetable gardens. I have the perfect soil and climate but varmits, Bambi and wild animals say NO

And now I'm listening the Matt Jones pregame show and he just said something about the Moon being out and "it's not even 5 o'clock". Kinda surprised he didn't ask where the rest of the Moon is. As I said earlier, maybe he's got a little common sense, but he is sorely lacking on common knowledge.

During the commercial I bet he and Ryan discussed how Climate Change is responsible for us seeing the Moon during the day now. smh
Matt never disappoints. To be so educated is really lacks in common knowledge. He would be so out of place where I live. I doubt he could make it. He best stay put.
Not being a hunter, I go on what I am told by some of my hunter friends. The coyote moving into this area has also made a dent in many ground nesting birds. Just 20 years ago I had wild turkey in my back yard and the field behind the house. I have not seen one in five years.

There are few or no pheasants in Southern Kentucky. I have seen one in my life in this part of the world and he may have gotten away from someone raising them.
I’m 61 and have never seen a pheasant in Kentucky. My dad is 89 and has only seen one. They just can’t make it here. On turkeys and coyotes, yeah, they do some harm, along with foxes, raccoons, possums, even crows. But the Wild Turkey population is a very complex thing. Read an article a few months ago regarding declining numbers of Turkey in several states, Kentucky included. Biologists can’t figure it out just yet, but they don’t think it’s predatory problems, as coyotes and other predators have been steady pretty much for awhile. It’s definitely an issue, as I’ve noticed , we own property in two different areas of the county, just a few miles apart. Turkey populations on one property are good, the other is way down. No reasonable explanation for it that is noticeable. It’s interesting.
That would be stellar!
Isn't it curious...........the Director says, " the reason the bill was $400 was she had one sent to our daughter" 2C's for the pot........I don't remember this fact but............when we get done cooking our apple sauce I will look on the bottom of the post for more info...........she also said that we bought them from a place like Lehman's..............................I don't know if I can go back that far on my credit card to try to find is about 10-12 yrs old.......
Isn't it curious...........the Director says, " the reason the bill was $400 was she had one sent to our daughter" 2C's for the pot........I don't remember this fact but............when we get done cooking our apple sauce I will look on the bottom of the post for more info...........she also said that we bought them from a place like Lehman's..............................I don't know if I can go back that far on my credit card to try to find is about 10-12 yrs old.......
Lehman's Hardware in Ohio? May be. It's up in the Amish country of Ohio...NE of Columbus. Sell a lot of stuff that the Amish use...and regular folks too. Have some fantastic old fashion stoves. Really neat place.
Streaming The Virginian on IMBD. A show that us old guys would watch, but I kind of doubt young folks.
Twice I've seen a commercial by Dove about one of their body lotions or soaps. Shows these women....the smallest must be 300 pounds....all in various types of underwear. Never seen anything like it.
Who in the #&^$ comes up with this *#@!
Streaming The Virginian on IMBD. A show that us old guys would watch, but I kind of doubt young folks.
Twice I've seen a commercial by Dove about one of their body lotions or soaps. Shows these women....the smallest must be 300 pounds....all in various types of underwear. Never seen anything like it.
Who in the #&^$ comes up with this *#@!
Pics? I’m bored.
Lehman's Hardware in Ohio? May be. It's up in the Amish country of Ohio...NE of Columbus. Sell a lot of stuff that the Amish use...and regudlar folks too. Have some fantastic old fashion stoves. Really neat place.
I've been there and met the owner Galen. He is a nice guy. If you go to the section where they sell kerosene lamps, you will see lamp shades for them. We make the paper shades with designs on them. Jan does the printing on a lot of them. Most shades have plastic liners, but the kerosene lamps need glass or paper shades because the heat will melt plastic.