I did apple butter one time over an open fire. In addition to a fire pit we have in the back yard, we also have an old, old stone fireplace that was in an old building that was torn down decades ago. They left the fireplace...which I am glad for in that it's probably 120+ years old. The fireplace still has the old metal/steel swinging bars that they used years ago for cooking.
Put all the ingredients in the pot and hung the pot on one of the bars over the fire.. Followed the recipe but really didn't know what I was doing. Guess when you cook over an open fire you don't really cook over an open fire 😄 When it was time for my homemade apple butter...it was like concrete in the bottom of the old cast iron pot that I hung on the steel bar...directly above the fire. Got just a wee bit too hot. Finally threw away the pot....probably was 100+ years old...couldn't 'chisel' the apple butter off the bottom.
Oh no!
I was told you could stick some water in those old iron pots, put a lid on it, and steam anything out of em. Other option was to take a torch to the inside (with the water) and the stuff might pop out on its own.
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