
I was working in Athens Alabama in the early 90's and a grocery store there kept frozen quail and rabbit on hand all the time. Some welders at work made me a couple of little stainless cages so I could cook the quail like you would a beer can chicken. Loved em!

When I was a very young kid and my father could still get around, we would go quail hunting all the time. I've ate many of them fresh.
Been a hunter my entire life, but never harvested enough quail for a meal. My grandfather had a bird dog back when I was a teenager in the 70’s, and we roused up a few, but never enough for a meal. Habitat for quail is very quirky, and lacking these days. Gotta go on these pay to shoot, pen raised, just hatched hunts these days. Not my style. But it’s delicious.
Man, would love to go but, saving money right now awaiting the status on my wife's job. They extended the drop dead date to be vaccinated to about mid Dec with the release for the job being Jan 4th if not. I guess they felt bad about Christmas with the first date of taking the vaccine being 22 Nov. and the release date being 9 Dec if you did not.
Know what you mean Warrior. My daughter works in a local nursing home. She and her husband are wanting to have kids, but so far, no luck. The state has required all workers to have the vaccine, and she hasn’t, and won’t take it, due to complications for pregnancy. I admire her stance, right or wrong. She may lose her job because of it. What a messed up mess. We all need to get to the polls next election and say enough is enough.
Man, would love to go but, saving money right now awaiting the status on my wife's job. They extended the drop dead date to be vaccinated to about mid Dec with the release for the job being Jan 4th if not. I guess they felt bad about Christmas with the first date of taking the vaccine being 22 Nov. and the release date being 9 Dec if you did not.
Good luck with the outcome. I can't believe how screwed up the world has become.
Haven't thought the same about quail since we had a VP of that name.

Think I had it at a "game night" when I was pretty young. Loved the venison and such. Loved the birds, but the rodents, scavengers, and carnivores were just not very good. Actually ruined me for squirrel after trying what they cooked that night, and I'd had squirrel plenty before then.
Know what you mean Warrior. My daughter works in a local nursing home. She and her husband are wanting to have kids, but so far, no luck. The state has required all workers to have the vaccine, and she hasn’t, and won’t take it, due to complications for pregnancy. I admire her stance, right or wrong. She may lose her job because of it. What a messed up mess. We all need to get to the polls next election and say enough is enough.

Haven't thought the same about quail since we had a VP of that name.

Think I had it at a "game night" when I was pretty young. Loved the venison and such. Loved the birds, but the rodents, scavengers, and carnivores were just not very good. Actually ruined me for squirrel after trying what they cooked that night, and I'd had squirrel plenty before then.
Understand. It’s different for everyone. I grew up on wild game and fish. It’s what I crave.
One of the biggest thrills of my youth was watching Odie Smith and his 1958 UK team mates win the NCAA title in Freedom Hall. It was the first time I had seen UK play in person. He was a solid player and made very few mistakes. He also won an Olympic Gold medal in 1960. As for Oscar. No words to describe. I wish my kids could have seen him play.

You know Oscar played for the Cincinnati Bearcats and they never won a title when he was there. He graduates and Cincinnati won two straight. 1961 and 1962. Almost had three in a row, 1963, but got knocked out it the championship game.

Good friend of mine saw his first in person UK game and it was the 2008 final in San Antonio. Watched them win the title for his first game. I was jealous. To be fair, he called it after UK beat South Carolina the first time that year, so he deserved to see it. No one believed him. Definitely not me. But he never wavered even when they were down big to Duke and Stanford.

@Sawnee Cat. You're the only other person I know that saw a UK title game as your first. 50 years apart, but that's pretty cool. You'd probably like him.
Good luck with the outcome. I can't believe how screwed up the world has become.
She actually took the first shot and encountered complications with chest pains and severe stomach cramps. They are reoccurring and a couple of weeks ago she spent the weekend in pain on the couch. She decided against the second shot and has filed for an exemption but, word is with her company they are very set against exemptions. We shall see.

We are fine financially when it comes to taking care of the bills and such. I bring in enough to handle that plus a little more but, we were saving more to pay off the house within the next 5 years. Still have 188k to go.

We both grew up very poor and worked our way to the middle middle class range and were doing quite well by our standards until this came up. Better than anyone from both our families. The American dream was real until now.
Oh yes, many times. Jack Webb is a favorite of mine since the Dragnet days. And he married good. LOL Remember his wife?


A true siren if there ever was one
Just one of her many. If I'd dated such a woman she'd have ruined me

Julie London
You ever been with a woman you thought was so far above you that you approached her with silk gloves so to speak? I did that once and lost her because she wanted me to be more aggressive. Never made that mistake again. Usually carry a big club to swat them on the head now.
You ever been with a woman you thought was so far above you that you approached her with silk gloves so to speak? I did that once and lost her because she wanted me to be more aggressive. Never made that mistake again. Usually carry a big club to swat them on the head now.

For well over 30 years now. I played hard to get, then SWOOPED in for the kill with my good heart and warm body. The traits my Darling says I have... I cannot complain. I AM the Black Sheep of my family...

Sounds like a Willie and Waylon song...

He's a GOOD-hearted man in love with a fine Darling woman... She loves him in spite of his weirdo looks and all he does wrong....
Last edited:
You ever been with a woman you thought was so far above you that you approached her with silk gloves so to speak? I did that once and lost her because she wanted me to be more aggressive. Never made that mistake again. Usually carry a big club to swat them on the head now.

I never thought a woman was above me or beneath me. Not since early high school really. I was mostly speaking of her voice. A woman with that kind of voice can have power over emotions within other people. Music can (or used to) do that to me.

An average woman with that beautiful of a voice was dangerous for me. A beautiful woman with that kind of voice... I might have gotten lost in and never gotten out even after she was long gone.

I can think of just a few voices besides hers that I thought might overwhelm me- Karen Carpenter, Norah Jones, Linda Ronstadt. Jones seems too liberal for me to fall for her as a person (and that was why I let one go many years ago who was very pretty with a voice similar to Jones). Never met anyone who could sing like the other 3, though, and looked like JLondon/LRonstadt. God has been good to me that I did not.
I keep waking up at 3:47 these days and I don't know why. A little frustrating, as I have another 75 min (to 2 hours some days) before I plan to be up and after it. If I go back to sleep now, I'll be in a fog all day. If I don't, I might be in a FOG all day.

Anyway, might as well say it.

GOOD oops... (morning, D-League!) ... (Hope you have a great day!)

(My sincerest condolences for those who have lost, as such losses of yours and mine have been weighing on my heart lately.) (I know we'll all lose more in the year and years to come, but I pray you'll reach out and grab the hem of the son's garment that much tighter.) (It's a bumpy ride in this world with sorrow enough, but so many more blessings if we trust only in Him and His son!)
We should elect presidents on a one-year probation basis. At the end of their first year voters should have the opportunity to change their vote.

Yes! Presidents, state and federal congressmen, judges, (announcers and sports officials), and have referendum override of all elected officials, appointees, executive orders, arrests, and bills at all times. Constitutionality should be the litmus test for all of the latter.
Good Chilly Morning D League

Just got back inside after checking the pool and baby it is cold outside. We have 44° but the sun is going to shine. Yes the sun iis going to shine. No clouds today and sunshine that will bring us up to 74°. No chance of rain. Not a bad day to be outside.

I am ready for another large mug of black coffee. I can't eat any breakfast because I have some lab work this morning. Routine annual exam is next week and the doc likes to go over the blood work when we meet. I am thankful for the doctor I have.

Take care all and a prayer for those who are ailing.

Man, would love to go but, saving money right now awaiting the status on my wife's job. They extended the drop dead date to be vaccinated to about mid Dec with the release for the job being Jan 4th if not. I guess they felt bad about Christmas with the first date of taking the vaccine being 22 Nov. and the release date being 9 Dec if you did not.
This kind of treatment of solid American citizens burns me up. What nation are we living in? I am not against vaccines but it is an individual choice in my mind, especially when we have seen they are not 100% effective. lf it was as reliable as a smallpox or polio vaccine about 99% of the population would take it without any worry. But it is not and if someone has had a reaction to the first one or is pregnant or what ever the reason it is their choice.

Freedom is fast fading away I pray only the best for you, warrior-cat and your wife. She has a lot of character if you ask me. I admire her
I never thought a woman was above me or beneath me. Not since early high school really. I was mostly speaking of her voice. A woman with that kind of voice can have power over emotions within other people. Music can (or used to) do that to me.

An average woman with that beautiful of a voice was dangerous for me. A beautiful woman with that kind of voice... I might have gotten lost in and never gotten out even after she was long gone.

I can think of just a few voices besides hers that I thought might overwhelm me- Karen Carpenter, Norah Jones, Linda Ronstadt. Jones seems too liberal for me to fall for her as a person (and that was why I let one go many years ago who was very pretty with a voice similar to Jones). Never met anyone who could sing like the other 3, though, and looked like JLondon/LRonstadt. God has been good to me that I did not.
For me it was Olivia Neutron Bomb. She just blew me away.
Good friend of mine saw his first in person UK game and it was the 2008 final in San Antonio. Watched them win the title for his first game. I was jealous. To be fair, he called it after UK beat South Carolina the first time that year, so he deserved to see it. No one believed him. Definitely not me. But he never wavered even when they were down big to Duke and Stanford.

@Sawnee Cat. You're the only other person I know that saw a UK title game as your first. 50 years apart, but that's pretty cool. You'd probably like him.
I still have the program for the game. Programs in those days had a score card and I kept score. The Cats beat Temple on Friday night with Guy Rogers as their star. He played many years in the NBA. Saturday night was the championship against Elgin Baylor and Seattle. Adolph Rupp coached a masterpiece to beat that team. Baylor was one of the all time greats. Johnny Cox went off for about 24 points, hitting left handed jump shots from deep in the corner. What a time to be a kid.
Good morning all. It's a cold 34 out now in the Buckeye State...heading up to 49.

I'm thinking that I might agree with 'climate change'. Was thinking yesterday that just a short 2-3 months ago the A/C was on and I was working outside in shorts.'s cold and was snowing the other day and a little last night.'s getting colder. SOMETHING MUST be going on!!!

Y'all have a good day.
Morning folks. Could not sleep this morning.

It is 36.3°F on our way to 64.

I love quail. The last I had was farm raised. As @Backer cutter stated the habitat for quail has basically been removed from a lot of rural Kentucky. They like where the meadow meets the woods and a cleaned up farm is not very attractive to them.
I remember as a kid..young adult there were pheasant and quail all over in this part of Ohio. Then, as I've been told, we had a terribly cold winter ('84-'85) that decreased the population. And about that time (I think) the farmers started to change how they prepared their fields for winter...and as Bert said the farm fields were cleaned up and I assume there wasn't the cover/food for them to make it through the winter.

Speaking of pheasants...a few years ago I heard the loudest noise one day in the back yard. Loud and carrying on. Had no idea what it was. Went outside and there was a huge pheasant just walking around crowing up a storm.
Good Morning D-Leaguers,
Wow, it's a crisp 46 degrees here, cloudy skies that are supposed to keep the temperature at a pleasant 65 degrees later on. Not a whole lot going on here today from my perspective, but I do enjoy reading some of your'alls back and forth chatter.

--This is MLB's awards week where they hand out the winners of MVP, Cy Young, Rookie of the Year, etc... Last night Randy Arozarena from the Tampa Bay Rays won Rookie of the Year!!!! In fact, Tampa had two of the three finalists with Wander Franco being the other. Was that a surprise to any of you baseball fans (all three of you on here)? What about the MVP awards coming up? Tonight is Manager of the Year. It's going to be a long, cold winter for me with no baseball going on.

--I'm getting used to my new glasses that I'm supposed to be wearing, so yeah, there's that piece of news. Wife and I both have them now.

--What else? Oh yeah, I'm now working on keeping my warm weather plants alive for the cooler months ahead, nursing my Hibiscus along will be my next little garden project.
--Have a great day, trust Jesus in all your dealings today and make the best of it.
Good Morning D-Leaguers,
Wow, it's a crisp 46 degrees here, cloudy skies that are supposed to keep the temperature at a pleasant 65 degrees later on. Not a whole lot going on here today from my perspective, but I do enjoy reading some of your'alls back and forth chatter.

--This is MLB's awards week where they hand out the winners of MVP, Cy Young, Rookie of the Year, etc... Last night Randy Arozarena from the Tampa Bay Rays won Rookie of the Year!!!! In fact, Tampa had two of the three finalists with Wander Franco being the other. Was that a surprise to any of you baseball fans (all three of you on here)? What about the MVP awards coming up? Tonight is Manager of the Year. It's going to be a long, cold winter for me with no baseball going on.

--I'm getting used to my new glasses that I'm supposed to be wearing, so yeah, there's that piece of news. Wife and I both have them now.

--What else? Oh yeah, I'm now working on keeping my warm weather plants alive for the cooler months ahead, nursing my Hibiscus along will be my next little garden project.
--Have a great day, trust Jesus in all your dealings today and make the best of it.
We had 28 huge flower pots along with countless smaller ones.......I built a 8' x 16' room in the garage to store them was a major job to put them in in the winter and then sit them out in the spring to get them acclimated......then she started growing orchids.....she needed another 8' x 8' room for them.....only this room needed heat and sits empty since the orchid chapeter closed.....we gave most of the big potted plants away....we had some very nice looking hibiscus. I bought a little pointsetta for $1.89.....I had that damn thing for 15 yrs or was about 5' tall.......white flies took it............The Directors flowers are a lot of work for .....ME.......
We had 28 huge flower pots along with countless smaller ones.......I built a 8' x 16' room in the garage to store them was a major job to put them in in the winter and then sit them out in the spring to get them acclimated......then she started growing orchids.....she needed another 8' x 8' room for them.....only this room needed heat and sits empty since the orchid chapeter closed.....we gave most of the big potted plants away....we had some very nice looking hibiscus. I bought a little pointsetta for $1.89.....I had that damn thing for 15 yrs or was about 5' tall.......white flies took it............The Directors flowers are a lot of work for .....ME.......
Yeah, it can be some work, but I don't mind it at all. Overall, we had a pretty good spring/summer with our plants/veggies. We have pretty long growing season around here. Recently, I've experimented with growing my tomato plants, various peppers, and herbs in large pots.

When I grow them the usual way in the ground, all the critters eat away at them and my dogs have torn into them as well, so the pots are good compromise. I'll probably go back to growing in the ground next spring, with a little screened in area to keep the varmints out.
I remember as a kid..young adult there were pheasant and quail all over in this part of Ohio. Then, as I've been told, we had a terribly cold winter ('84-'85) that decreased the population. And about that time (I think) the farmers started to change how they prepared their fields for winter...and as Bert said the farm fields were cleaned up and I assume there wasn't the cover/food for them to make it through the winter.

Speaking of pheasants...a few years ago I heard the loudest noise one day in the back yard. Loud and carrying on. Had no idea what it was. Went outside and there was a huge pheasant just walking around crowing up a storm.
When I stayed with my daughter in England I walked a lot......the River Great Ouse.......they built huge clay banks and most of the river sits higher than the surrounding country side......the British imported Chinese Ringneck Pheasants......and the dam things are could hardly drive to base with out one trying to hit the grill of your car.......I was walking the river one day and say something that looked like a blue gazing ball like you see in peoples flower beds.......I took off towards it when I got about 75 or so yards away from it it flew off.......I looked it up and 1 in a 1,000,000 are the most beautiful blue pheasant you have ever seen......
We had a most wonderful garden season.......the shelves are full of beans, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, pickles and white potatoes......when we planted the garden we didn't plan on doing any canning this season since we were pretty well stocked up........but with the way things are make hay when the sun is is easier to throw old canned goods away than it is to wave a wand and make them appear......
I remember as a kid..young adult there were pheasant and quail all over in this part of Ohio. Then, as I've been told, we had a terribly cold winter ('84-'85) that decreased the population. And about that time (I think) the farmers started to change how they prepared their fields for winter...and as Bert said the farm fields were cleaned up and I assume there wasn't the cover/food for them to make it through the winter.

Speaking of pheasants...a few years ago I heard the loudest noise one day in the back yard. Loud and carrying on. Had no idea what it was. Went outside and there was a huge pheasant just walking around crowing up a storm.
Not being a hunter, I go on what I am told by some of my hunter friends. The coyote moving into this area has also made a dent in many ground nesting birds. Just 20 years ago I had wild turkey in my back yard and the field behind the house. I have not seen one in five years.

There are few or no pheasants in Southern Kentucky. I have seen one in my life in this part of the world and he may have gotten away from someone raising them.