Hey everyone, how's it going out there? I hope it's good where you are. The sun is shining brightly with crystal clear, cobalt blue skies and mild temps. I mowed yesterday and hopefully only have a time or two left for this year before the grass goes dormant.
Man, what a bummer with that UK football game last night. In the prediction thread, I had the vols 34-24, so at least UK held it closer than that, but still, it stings losing to them AGAIN. I took some heat for mentioning that the vols are improving quickly and were much better than their record indicated. they're very athletic, very fast, and when they play smart football, they showed they can play with the best of them. UK, it seems is headed for another crappy bowl game ( I'll see you at the Billy Bob's Auto Parts Bowl).
At church this morning, several of my friends who are die-hard vol fans seemed indifferent about beating UK; like it's no big deal, like it's expected and not worth worrying about. I live between Cleveland, TN and Chattanooga area, so I'm kinda surrounded by them. All the talk was about Georgia next week. Same at work, with many of my vol colleagues skipping over the UK game and jumping to worrying about UGA the next week. That's how little most of them think of UK, i.e. insignificant.
At least the Atlanta Braves won the World Series; I can enjoy that for a while. Anyway, I'm going to get outside and enjoy this nearly perfect weather, sunny skies, high in the 60s. This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.