
My wife is seriously considering remodeling two of our bathrooms. Big time. One she would like to convert the shower / tub combination into a walk-in shower only. Of course as a dutiful husband I will go along with her wishes. That is what we do at our age. I did convince her to leave the one in the master bed room as is.

What is funny is people visit and compliment the "retro" bath tile and fixtures. They love it because it reminds them of the styles long gone. One especially is tropical, the kind you see in the Caribbean Islands and Miami Beach. She hates it.
I do not take baths, just showers. So, I am prejudiced. Our master bathroom had a small shower and a whirlpool tub. I got rid of the whirlpool tub and made a large shower "paved" with ceramic tile and a glass front. The small shower space we converted to a linen closet.

The shower in the guest room over the workshop next door is more of my over kill. The ceramic shower is 54" x 75". My daughter complains because she gets cold from showering out in the middle. So, I installed a spring-loaded shower curtain rod so she can hold the heat by bringing it forward toward the shower head! Most people like a shower where you do not hit your elbows and the walls, and you can step back to put shampoo on your head outside the shower stream

Upstairs the bath has a combo tube and shower. I don’t like it, but I never have to use it! I am a cynical old man!

By the way the plumbing work was only $190, so I can get by without donations, although all will be appreciated! :)
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My wife is seriously considering remodeling two of our bathrooms. Big time. One she would like to convert the shower / tub combination into a walk-in shower only. Of course as a dutiful husband I will go along with her wishes. That is what we do at our age. I did convince her to leave the one in the master bed room as is.

What is funny is people visit and compliment the "retro" bath tile and fixtures. They love it because it reminds them of the styles long gone. One especially is tropical, the kind you see in the Caribbean Islands and Miami Beach. She hates it.

"He's smarter than I thought" -Stumpy
With the O-Line not protecting Burrow, Burrow making poor decisions after scrambling and the receivers dropping passes, it's a wonder Cincy is 5-3. Soon to be 5-4 with the Browns leading 24-7 with 30 seconds to go in the half. Cincy could score here but...I am not optimistic.

Edited: 24-10 Browns at the half. Cincy is leading in overall yards gained. Sound Familiar?
My bathroom has the shower/tub combo. Not once in the 14 years I've lived in this house have I drawn a bath in the tub.
I am with you on a bath tub. I have not used one in Lord knows how long. Probably 50 years. When we were looking for this, our last house to buy I spoke with the real estate lady and told her I did not want a tub in the bathrooms. She said I would have a hard time reselling it and no young lady would buy it without a tub. She said young ladies and some old like a garden type tub so they can light candles and drink wine as they take a bath. Learn something every day. I told her my estate would be selling this house so that was not an issue.

We have 3 full size baths in our house and a place for a shower out by the pool. Our larges bath room is off of the pool and the shower has room for about a half dozen kids. I guess the idea is take them from the pool to the shower all in one pack.

That bathroom is a shower only and has had partial remodeling. I changed the cabinets and put in granite counter tops. The only thing I would do to it is add a bench in the shower, replace the wall tile and floor tiles. I would also install a new glass shower door. The shower is exposed with glass where you enter and about half of the wall on the side. That is a lot of glass but would be nice to upgrade it and the doors.

Our master bath has that so important tub the ladies want. I have a separate little room off of the bath area that has a commode compartment and a very large walk in shower. It also has a bench built in. The "garden tub" is surrounded by mirrors on all of the walls and ceiling. A young couple designed it. LOL. What do I need ceiling mirrors for. When I am in that part of the bathroom, I never look in the mirrors and under no circumstances would I take a bath in it.

The third full size bathroom has a tub with a shower. No one has used that tub to my knowledge so it has to go. Now I don't know why I am talking about remodeling a house at the age of 78. Crazy I suppose
Here is some perspective on the game. The Browns only ran 15 plays in the first half. Cincy ran 42 plays and are behind 24-10. That is what I am talking about. Looks like UK from last night.
I still do not believe what I saw last night. I have seen UK lose every way possible but then last night happened. It is unexplainable
So how do you ever get the bottom of your feet clean?
Maybe he pees on them like Madonna? Speaking of that, I went to the bathroom earlier and the door was shut. I knew she had the heat on in there so I shut the door behind me. On the way out I heard her say from the bedroom that she was warming the bathroom up to take a shower. Told her I knew that and the was why I shut the door both times I went through it. Then I told her that I even pissed in the shower for her to warm it up before she got in.

She didn't say anything so I guess that was OK.
Maybe he pees on them like Madonna? Speaking of that, I went to the bathroom earlier and the door was shut. I knew she had the heat on in there so I shut the door behind me. On the way out I heard her say from the bedroom that she was warming the bathroom up to take a shower. Told her I knew that and the was why I shut the door both times I went through it. Then I told her that I even pissed in the shower for her to warm it up before she got in.

She didn't say anything so I guess that was OK.

Just don't drop a loaf, that makes for a bad day...
I was thinking the same thing. Over the years we have had some success and as soon as I get excited (my wife gets scared...wrong point sorry) they let me down.

Same thing with the Bengals this year. Just when you start getting excited about the season, they pull a Lucy on you. Losing 34-10 to the Browns, smh.

Here is some perspective on the game. The Browns only ran 15 plays in the first half. Cincy ran 42 plays and are behind 24-10. That is what I am talking about. Looks like UK from last night.

I was reading a post about someone pooping. He described the event as "sending the Browns to the Super Bowl." I had to LOL at that one.
Never. I can no longer reach them!
I have a 24" fender brush hanging in my shower......we converted a spare room into a large bath......I put in a 6' hydro Jacuzzi and a walk in shower......the entire room is marble, marble on the floor, marble surround on the tub and marble tile on the walls from the floor to the ceiling......
I have a 24" fender brush hanging in my shower......we converted a spare room into a large bath......I put in a 6' hydro Jacuzzi and a walk in shower......the entire room is marble, marble on the floor, marble surround on the tub and marble tile on the walls from the floor to the ceiling......

Send this photo to Sawnee's wife. Tell her all of his D buddies did this for their wives.
So, Cason Wallace announcing in about an hour. This is the kid I really want to see commit to the Cats. Big time talent. After the mediocre performance by the basketball team Friday and the fiasco with Tennessee yesterday, it’d be some timely good news.
I really hope the young man opts for the Cats. Very talented. He would add to an already guard talented squad. Guard heavy teams seems to be the way college basketball is moving towards but it would be nice to snag a big.
I really hope the young man opts for the Cats. Very talented. He would add to an already guard talented squad. Guard heavy teams seems to be the way college basketball is moving towards but it would be nice to snag a big.
Yeah, the Cats need a big, but freshmen bigs are very often slow to develop. I could see Oscar back, a sophomore Collins being ready, and certainly there will be lots of talent in the transfer portal. I like those options better than a freshman.
So, Cason Wallace announcing in about an hour. This is the kid I really want to see commit to the Cats. Big time talent. After the mediocre performance by the basketball team Friday and the fiasco with Tennessee yesterday, it’d be some timely good news.
Guess we got him. Go Cats!