
Good morning from ATX. Currently 45°F, clear and calm. Today's high forecast at around 75°F. Love it.

Tough loss last night. Vols scored seemingly at will. What the heck happened to our defense? Vandy up next Saturday.

It's early. Taking a walk soon. Working a few chores later.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Morning Legionnaires!

Went to bed past midnight last night. Have not done that in...well, I can't remember the last time. The game had me all flustered I guess. Most of the time with games like this I get to yelling and the dogs get scared. Something inside me told me it was coming and to get prepared. Many years of disappointment I guess.

The only thing that helped (not much) was the fact that UL lost. Nice national day reference @AustinTXCat. Bittersweet that is.
Good Sunny Sunday Morning D-League

I trust everyone enjoyed the extra hour of sleep. I am sure Tennessee fans did. I have a second cousin who lives in Cleveland, TN and he is a Vol crazy. He knew Kentucky would not beat Tennessee when the Cats were 6-0. He said UK does not have the mentality to play against UT, they always play soft against UT and are beat before the kickoff. That hurts but what can you say when you watch what we watched. If you are neutral and look at the record over the years you will reach the same conclusion. UT owns Kentucky in football. Truth hurts.

It's 56° and clear here with full sunshine. Our high should reach 66° I am going to enjoy another black, strong, hot cup of coffee and relax. We had a great time at the St Pete Yacht Club yesterday afternoon and then came the UK game. Time to forget that and move on. It looks like a local bowl game is out of the question and that is a big disappointment.

Take care and enjoy the day.
Yacht Club?

Good morning all. A nice day shaping up in the Buckeye State. About mid-40s now, heading up to about 63. And sunny.

The Mrs still feels bad. Real bad. Had been to a chiropractor, urgent care, the ER...all in Seattle...and now our local doctor. Finally got a scrip, so hopefully that will help things.

Went to bed past midnight last night. Have not done that in...well, I can't remember the last time. The game had me all flustered I guess. Most of the time with games like this I get to yelling and the dogs get scared.
Sounds like me in years past. Both 'ex' and current Mrs would tell me to calm down that the dog(s) couldn't handle it. Use to have a towel in my hand for the games that I would slap on the floor when upset....better than throwing something and breaking the TV. But...since the BLM crap, I have totally fallen off the bandwagon. A positive side effect I guess...don't watch/listen...don't get upset/disappointed.

Y'all have a happy, safe, healthy Lord's Day.
Kentucky football is a hard sport to follow. Get your hopes and they will be shattered.

It is a frosty 42.1°F and sunny in Smiths Grove. It was 33°F when ever I first got up. That extra hour sure makes a difference. I still have two clocks downstairs that I have not reset. Not been upstairs yet.

Have a good Sunday folks. I am waiting on a plumber to rework the toilet in the guest room. Donations will be appreciated! :)
. I still have two clocks downstairs that I have not reset. Not been upstairs yet
We had some guests a number of years ago staying with us for a few days who were from Peru. They could not believe that we have a clock in every room of the house. Either on the wall or on a table. They must have mentioned it 3 or 4 times while here. Maybe having more than one clock in Peru is a big deal. Don't know.
Good morning! I have something to say about the football game and I'd like to know your opinion on the subject. I don't believe there is any analysis of a loss that hits me harder than "we got outcoached". How many times have we heard that since Stoops has been in charge?

That is not an acceptable excuse for losing. It is however a reason for losing. We've replaced players, we've replaced assistant coaches, we've built buildings...seems like we still have a weak link somewhere.

9 years is enough time for anyone to learn on the job, provided that person is capable of learning and willing to learn.

Have a nice day
We had some guests a number of years ago staying with us for a few days who were from Peru. They could not believe that we have a clock in every room of the house. Either on the wall or on a table. They must have mentioned it 3 or 4 times while here. Maybe having more than one clock in Peru is a big deal. Don't know.
We don't have a clock in the house that is just a standalone clock whose only function is to tell time. Clock on the stove, cable box, microwave, and cell phones.

and besides...
Good Sunny Sunday Morning D-League

I trust everyone enjoyed the extra hour of sleep. I am sure Tennessee fans did. I have a second cousin who lives in Cleveland, TN and he is a Vol crazy. He knew Kentucky would not beat Tennessee when the Cats were 6-0. He said UK does not have the mentality to play against UT, they always play soft against UT and are beat before the kickoff. That hurts but what can you say when you watch what we watched. If you are neutral and look at the record over the years you will reach the same conclusion. UT owns Kentucky in football. Truth hurts.

It's 56° and clear here with full sunshine. Our high should reach 66° I am going to enjoy another black, strong, hot cup of coffee and relax. We had a great time at the St Pete Yacht Club yesterday afternoon and then came the UK game. Time to forget that and move on. It looks like a local bowl game is out of the question and that is a big disappointment.

Take care and enjoy the day.

Well. I guess you can at least putter around your yacht to take your mind off the loss. All the rest of us can do is putter around with our many clocks.
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My daughter and I were walking around Rockville, Maryland when we saw a second-hand store having a sidewalk sale. And the first thing I spotted was this T-Shirt commemorating the Champs Who Never Were -- $2.00!. No, I didn't buy it. But it cheered me up a little - whatever woes Kentucky has on the football field, or getting the hoops team back to Glory Days status, we'll always be able to laugh at Little Brother.
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I watched this video just now and I was amazed. I wish I had seen this back in the day when I had to deal with this stuff. If you ever wondered what math looks like, this guy gives you a visual representation of why imaginary numbers are necessary to solve cubic equations. Math was a cutthroat industry back in the day.

Anybody remember Mel Street? I have to confess I hadn't thought of him since my boyhood days when I'd hear him on the radio. He was a country singer who never quite broke through, although he actually had a number of Top 20 Country Songs. He was a bit of a George Jones disciple. But he suffered from depression and killed himself on his 43rd birthday.
Here's a nice song for those who never heard of him, or hadn't thought of him in a while.
Kentucky football is a hard sport to follow. Get your hopes and they will be shattered.

It is a frosty 42.1°F and sunny in Smiths Grove. It was 33°F when ever I first got up. That extra hour sure makes a difference. I still have two clocks downstairs that I have not reset. Not been upstairs yet.

Have a good Sunday folks. I am waiting on a plumber to rework the toilet in the guest room. Donations will be appreciated! :)
My wife is seriously considering remodeling two of our bathrooms. Big time. One she would like to convert the shower / tub combination into a walk-in shower only. Of course as a dutiful husband I will go along with her wishes. That is what we do at our age. I did convince her to leave the one in the master bed room as is.

What is funny is people visit and compliment the "retro" bath tile and fixtures. They love it because it reminds them of the styles long gone. One especially is tropical, the kind you see in the Caribbean Islands and Miami Beach. She hates it.
My wife is seriously considering remodeling two of our bathrooms. Big time. One she would like to convert the shower / tub combination into a walk-in shower only. Of course as a dutiful husband I will go along with her wishes. That is what we do at our age. I did convince her to leave the one in the master bed room as is.

What is funny is people visit and compliment the "retro" bath tile and fixtures. They love it because it reminds them of the styles long gone. One especially is tropical, the kind you see in the Caribbean Islands and Miami Beach. She hates it.
We did that recently at our place; converting an old-school bathtub into a walk-in shower. It's one of the best things we've done around here to our house.
Hey everyone, how's it going out there? I hope it's good where you are. The sun is shining brightly with crystal clear, cobalt blue skies and mild temps. I mowed yesterday and hopefully only have a time or two left for this year before the grass goes dormant.

Man, what a bummer with that UK football game last night. In the prediction thread, I had the vols 34-24, so at least UK held it closer than that, but still, it stings losing to them AGAIN. I took some heat for mentioning that the vols are improving quickly and were much better than their record indicated. they're very athletic, very fast, and when they play smart football, they showed they can play with the best of them. UK, it seems is headed for another crappy bowl game ( I'll see you at the Billy Bob's Auto Parts Bowl).

At church this morning, several of my friends who are die-hard vol fans seemed indifferent about beating UK; like it's no big deal, like it's expected and not worth worrying about. I live between Cleveland, TN and Chattanooga area, so I'm kinda surrounded by them. All the talk was about Georgia next week. Same at work, with many of my vol colleagues skipping over the UK game and jumping to worrying about UGA the next week. That's how little most of them think of UK, i.e. insignificant.

At least the Atlanta Braves won the World Series; I can enjoy that for a while. Anyway, I'm going to get outside and enjoy this nearly perfect weather, sunny skies, high in the 60s. This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.
Hey everyone, how's it going out there? I hope it's good where you are. The sun is shining brightly with crystal clear, cobalt blue skies and mild temps. I mowed yesterday and hopefully only have a time or two left for this year before the grass goes dormant.

Man, what a bummer with that UK football game last night. In the prediction thread, I had the vols 34-24, so at least UK held it closer than that, but still, it stings losing to them AGAIN. I took some heat for mentioning that the vols are improving quickly and were much better than their record indicated. they're very athletic, very fast, and when they play smart football, they showed they can play with the best of them. UK, it seems is headed for another crappy bowl game ( I'll see you at the Billy Bob's Auto Parts Bowl).

At church this morning, several of my friends who are die-hard vol fans seemed indifferent about beating UK; like it's no big deal, like it's expected and not worth worrying about. I live between Cleveland, TN and Chattanooga area, so I'm kinda surrounded by them. All the talk was about Georgia next week. Same at work, with many of my vol colleagues skipping over the UK game and jumping to worrying about UGA the next week. That's how little most of them think of UK, i.e. insignificant.

At least the Atlanta Braves won the World Series; I can enjoy that for a while. Anyway, I'm going to get outside and enjoy this nearly perfect weather, sunny skies, high in the 60s. This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.
That is an excellent post! Well said, well written. Thanks!
My wife is seriously considering remodeling two of our bathrooms. Big time. One she would like to convert the shower / tub combination into a walk-in shower only. Of course as a dutiful husband I will go along with her wishes. That is what we do at our age. I did convince her to leave the one in the master bed room as is.

What is funny is people visit and compliment the "retro" bath tile and fixtures. They love it because it reminds them of the styles long gone. One especially is tropical, the kind you see in the Caribbean Islands and Miami Beach. She hates it.
I do not take baths, just showers. So, I am prejudiced. Our master bathroom had a small shower and a whirlpool tub. I got rid of the whirlpool tub and made a large shower "paved" with ceramic tile and a glass front. The small shower space we converted to a linen closet.

The shower in the guest room over the workshop next door is more of my over kill. The ceramic shower is 54" x 75". My daughter complains because she gets cold from showering out in the middle. So, I installed a spring-loaded shower curtain rod so she can hold the heat by bringing it forward toward the shower head! Most people like a shower where you do not hit your elbows and the walls, and you can step back to put shampoo on your head outside the shower stream

Upstairs the bath has a combo tube and shower. I don’t like it, but I never have to use it! I am a cynical old man!

By the way the plumbing work was only $190, so I can get by without donations, although all will be appreciated! :)
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My wife is seriously considering remodeling two of our bathrooms. Big time. One she would like to convert the shower / tub combination into a walk-in shower only. Of course as a dutiful husband I will go along with her wishes. That is what we do at our age. I did convince her to leave the one in the master bed room as is.

What is funny is people visit and compliment the "retro" bath tile and fixtures. They love it because it reminds them of the styles long gone. One especially is tropical, the kind you see in the Caribbean Islands and Miami Beach. She hates it.

"He's smarter than I thought" -Stumpy
With the O-Line not protecting Burrow, Burrow making poor decisions after scrambling and the receivers dropping passes, it's a wonder Cincy is 5-3. Soon to be 5-4 with the Browns leading 24-7 with 30 seconds to go in the half. Cincy could score here but...I am not optimistic.

Edited: 24-10 Browns at the half. Cincy is leading in overall yards gained. Sound Familiar?
My bathroom has the shower/tub combo. Not once in the 14 years I've lived in this house have I drawn a bath in the tub.
I am with you on a bath tub. I have not used one in Lord knows how long. Probably 50 years. When we were looking for this, our last house to buy I spoke with the real estate lady and told her I did not want a tub in the bathrooms. She said I would have a hard time reselling it and no young lady would buy it without a tub. She said young ladies and some old like a garden type tub so they can light candles and drink wine as they take a bath. Learn something every day. I told her my estate would be selling this house so that was not an issue.

We have 3 full size baths in our house and a place for a shower out by the pool. Our larges bath room is off of the pool and the shower has room for about a half dozen kids. I guess the idea is take them from the pool to the shower all in one pack.

That bathroom is a shower only and has had partial remodeling. I changed the cabinets and put in granite counter tops. The only thing I would do to it is add a bench in the shower, replace the wall tile and floor tiles. I would also install a new glass shower door. The shower is exposed with glass where you enter and about half of the wall on the side. That is a lot of glass but would be nice to upgrade it and the doors.

Our master bath has that so important tub the ladies want. I have a separate little room off of the bath area that has a commode compartment and a very large walk in shower. It also has a bench built in. The "garden tub" is surrounded by mirrors on all of the walls and ceiling. A young couple designed it. LOL. What do I need ceiling mirrors for. When I am in that part of the bathroom, I never look in the mirrors and under no circumstances would I take a bath in it.

The third full size bathroom has a tub with a shower. No one has used that tub to my knowledge so it has to go. Now I don't know why I am talking about remodeling a house at the age of 78. Crazy I suppose
Here is some perspective on the game. The Browns only ran 15 plays in the first half. Cincy ran 42 plays and are behind 24-10. That is what I am talking about. Looks like UK from last night.
I still do not believe what I saw last night. I have seen UK lose every way possible but then last night happened. It is unexplainable
So how do you ever get the bottom of your feet clean?
Maybe he pees on them like Madonna? Speaking of that, I went to the bathroom earlier and the door was shut. I knew she had the heat on in there so I shut the door behind me. On the way out I heard her say from the bedroom that she was warming the bathroom up to take a shower. Told her I knew that and the was why I shut the door both times I went through it. Then I told her that I even pissed in the shower for her to warm it up before she got in.

She didn't say anything so I guess that was OK.
Maybe he pees on them like Madonna? Speaking of that, I went to the bathroom earlier and the door was shut. I knew she had the heat on in there so I shut the door behind me. On the way out I heard her say from the bedroom that she was warming the bathroom up to take a shower. Told her I knew that and the was why I shut the door both times I went through it. Then I told her that I even pissed in the shower for her to warm it up before she got in.

She didn't say anything so I guess that was OK.

Just don't drop a loaf, that makes for a bad day...
Here is some perspective on the game. The Browns only ran 15 plays in the first half. Cincy ran 42 plays and are behind 24-10. That is what I am talking about. Looks like UK from last night.

I was reading a post about someone pooping. He described the event as "sending the Browns to the Super Bowl." I had to LOL at that one.