
Good Saturday Morning

Waking up to a wet, cool morning with 53° and we expect 59° this afternoon. We have a 15% chance of rain. I am headed down to the St. Pete Yacht Club this morning for our fall Mayflower Society Banquet. I will meet a few of my cousins who are also members. We will enjoy as nice luncheon and discuss the times and trials of our ancestors who came over on the Mayflower. I should wrap it up in time to get back home for the game tonight.

Speaking of the game. This is Tennessee game day. A team that has owned UK most of my time on this earth. Tennessee and Florida have kicked UK around over the past 50 years like a drunk beating his wife. They usually can name the score. So I hope the team understands who they are playing and take this opportunity to continue winning. I am still confident of a 10 wins regular season but we have to TCB this evening. Just do it Cats.

Trust all have a great day of college football.



Note to the D... I am not posting these to be political. They are both very sad and also very funny...ridiculous but poignant too...
What is really bad is that Joe is walking around in a haze. I don't think he knows half of what he is saying or doing.

There is climate change. The worlds climate has never stopped changing. But to ruin our culture and economy over something we can't control is pure stupidity.

I don't like anyone who voted for Joe. They screwed up as he is screwing up my country.
Looks like we've got a woman announcing our game tonight. I don't even care as long as she doesn't talk nonstop about other shit that has nothing to do with the game I'm trying to watch. If I want that I'll just ask my wife what she thinks about something, while I'm watching.

I'll add this. I don't like this when male announcers do it either and truth be told most of them are probably worse about it than this lady will be.
is there anything colder than a wooden seat in the middle of the night.............when we first got married we moved into the in-law's old home place......only heat was the wood electric and the out house was 75' or more from the sat over Cynthia Branch.....if you sat too long you would get frost on your butt.......
When we lived in Noetown all we had was a coal stove. (Wood and coal). I was I think in the second grade. I could build a fine fire using wood or coal. I distinctly remember turning that sucker bright red one time. A crowning achievement at that age.
Only heat we had in the house pictured below, located directly on the TN-VA border, was a coal stove. Running water was partly cloudy and smelled of sulfur. Chevy S-10 parked out in front purchased from Danny Shultz Chevrolet.

Only heat we had in the house pictured below, located directly on the TN-VA border, was a coal stove. Running water was partly cloudy and smelled of sulfur. Chevy S-10 parked out in front purchased from Danny Shultz Chevrolet.

And you was probably happy.......that sulphur water will keep the skeeters off of you.........
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Looks like we've got a woman announcing our game tonight. I don't even care as long as she doesn't talk nonstop about other shit that has nothing to do with the game I'm trying to watch. If I want that I'll just ask my wife what she thinks about something, while I'm watching.

I'll add this. I don't like this when male announcers do it either and truth be told most of them are probably worse about it than this lady will be.​
Yes, sex irrelevent here, football is. With senseless chatter annoying and the game on ESPN, you might keep the mute handy. Commercials seem kind of swampy anyway. Obvious when by non-football fans suffering a gender derangement disorder.​
Only heat we had in the house pictured below, located directly on the TN-VA border, was a coal stove. Running water was partly cloudy and smelled of sulfur. Chevy S-10 parked out in front purchased from Danny Shultz Chevrolet.


Danny Schultz was a classmate of mine at MHS. He was one year ahead of me.
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