
Growing pains happen even with experienced players. There's still a half to play but my confidence against Duke is dwindling. The series stands at 12-10 in favor of the Cats but Duke has won 8 of the last 10. It would make my day if they could hand Ratface a loss in his final year.
Growing pains happen even with experienced players. There's still a half to play but my confidence against Duke is dwindling. The series stands at 12-10 in favor of the Cats but Duke has won 8 of the last 10. It would make my day if they could hand Ratface a loss in his final year.
We'll be ready to go for Duke. This has been good to give Cal film to bitch about. Speaking of which, have you noticed that Cal isn't yelling so far this year?
I wrote to my friend and stated, that movie did not have it all. I didn't have trains, or trucks, or Momma, or gettin drunk... (I had to do it in memory of David Allen's song...)
Well I was drunk, the day my mom, got outta prison. When I went, to pick her up, in the rain. But before I could get to the station in my, pickup truck. She got run over by a damned old train. And I’ll hang around, as long as you will let me, darling...... good memories, thanks BB.
Check out where the outhouse is in that pic. imagine having to use it (or just the walk out to it) on a cold snowy day, or night. i had to cross a swinging bridge like that to get to the first school i attended.

I've used the out house many times in the winter. Keeps you on a diet too. (I know I watched what I ate AND when I ate it...)
Well I was drunk, the day my mom, got outta prison. When I went, to pick her up, in the rain. But before I could get to the station in my, pickup truck. She got run over by a damned old train. And I’ll hang around, as long as you will let me, darling...... good memories, thanks BB.
It's actually "runned over" (or run'd) according to DAC.
Just for clarification.........are you talking 70's for 9 holes are 18............I think you would like me............ you would feel smug about your game..........if you was to play a round with me.......
If I could hit a golf ball across Cumberland River he would never play with me. But,...... I’ve never tried. Have hit a couple into Marrowbone Creek. Couple across too. Still looking for them though.
Man, that photo says Kentucky so vividly. It could be a lot of places in the state. It reminds me of the hollow in the most rural part of Bracken County where my father was from, and where we visited his parents from the time I was old enough to remember anything. Can't wait to get home later this month.
Can't be far from Germantown. That Fair back in the day. Oh My!! You could literally get "anything" there.
Good Saturday Morning

Waking up to a wet, cool morning with 53° and we expect 59° this afternoon. We have a 15% chance of rain. I am headed down to the St. Pete Yacht Club this morning for our fall Mayflower Society Banquet. I will meet a few of my cousins who are also members. We will enjoy as nice luncheon and discuss the times and trials of our ancestors who came over on the Mayflower. I should wrap it up in time to get back home for the game tonight.

Speaking of the game. This is Tennessee game day. A team that has owned UK most of my time on this earth. Tennessee and Florida have kicked UK around over the past 50 years like a drunk beating his wife. They usually can name the score. So I hope the team understands who they are playing and take this opportunity to continue winning. I am still confident of a 10 wins regular season but we have to TCB this evening. Just do it Cats.

Trust all have a great day of college football.

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I missed the game.....
I also missed it. Friday night is home movie night with my wife and we took in an old classic. Sunset Boulevard directed by Billy Wilder. It starred William Holden, Gloria Swanson and a young Jack Webb. It is one of the great movies of all time and I like to watch it every 4 or 5 years.

I see where the Cats had a pretty nice game by exhibition standards so the future looks good. Coach Cal does not like to run up the score on unknown teams.
Was not impressed with our performance last night but, will hold judgment until a few weeks in unless we get blasted Tuesday night. An observation however is that we will probably have to play faster this year because of a lack of "big" size down low.

Another observation was that I noticed on several occasions when the ball was at the top of the key and the big either handed off or set a pick and then rolled inside they were open but there was no attempt to get it to them, almost as if by design. We simply looked for the open shooter instead and did not drop it down much. There seemed to be no emphasis to run plays down low which suggest that we will run more and avoid the half court set (for the most part).

Rebounding will have to be by committee at least on the defensive end and I believe three of our 6'9" players (all but Oscar) can actually get up pogo style and help in that department if they play with intensity. Oscar will simply muscle his way through it.

Shooting has improved but, that was against teams that were not the level we will be playing for most of the season. Not sure anyone else outside of Ty Ty and possibly Mintz can create there own shot so, we will have to move the others a lot without the ball to create an open shot window.

That's all I have now for my observations with one caveat being that exhibition games are used to try things to see if they would be/are effective and not a real indication of how well we will play when it counts.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 42°F and clear. Expect 69°F for today's high.

I'm sorry, but last night's game against Miles College left me more impressed with their execution and shooting during first half than UK. Cats looked like last year's team -- just awful.

Happy Caturday! Go Cats! Beat the Vols.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Third straight day for a good frost. It was 31°F when I got up at 6 am and it has worked its way up to 33.6° now and we are to top out at 61°F. We did not get a frost until 11-4 but we are making up for it now. In fact we should have two more frosty mornings.

I thought the Cats played token defense the first half. On the replays most of those made threes by Miles College were wide open. Charging at the shooter is not defending the three. You defend the three by being on the shooter.

I am nervous about the football Cats. I sure hope they can pull it off.
At least you can "shoot" a round/ birdie now my brudder from anudder mudder.... 😁
I haven't had a golf club in my hand for over 25 yrs.......back before I got smart and realized it wasn't my game.....I chased the little white ball.......I built the club house at Iroquois Park and took up the game....I found out that I can hit it a mile but not always straight, developed pretty good chipping problems is........I have never stroked a put and the ball travels less that 10 feet...........the easier I try to strike it the further it goes........doesn't make any difference how far you can drive the ball, how good you can use your short irons.....if almost every time you use your putter the ball goes 10'-50'.........I gave my clubs to a friend that is still using them....the only thing I attempt is mini put..........but the grand kids have fun because they can always beat me.......
I haven't had a golf club in my hand for over 25 yrs.......back before I got smart and realized it wasn't my game.....I chased the little white ball.......I built the club house at Iroquois Park and took up the game....I found out that I can hit it a mile but not always straight, developed pretty good chipping problems is........I have never stroked a put and the ball travels less that 10 feet...........the easier I try to strike it the further it goes........doesn't make any difference how far you can drive the ball, how good you can use your short irons.....if almost every time you use your putter the ball goes 10'-50'.........I gave my clubs to a friend that is still using them....the only thing I attempt is mini put..........but the grand kids have fun because they can always beat me.......
I have friends trying to get me to start playing golf. Since I still play softball and fish I have decided to wait some more. I went to the driving range at FT. Sill with them once (years back) and just about everything I hit (If I connected) either hooked or sliced. Decided then if I did not have the time to learn I would be frustrated on the course. The ones I did hit straight (few) went out to the 250-300 yard range. They said I was swinging too hard and did not have enough control on my swing.
I've used the out house many times in the winter. Keeps you on a diet too. (I know I watched what I ate AND when I ate it...)
is there anything colder than a wooden seat in the middle of the night.............when we first got married we moved into the in-law's old home place......only heat was the wood electric and the out house was 75' or more from the sat over Cynthia Branch.....if you sat too long you would get frost on your butt.......
It's actually "runned over" (or run'd) according to DAC.
I believe the proper spelling is R U N N O F T if someone scoots on you. I suppose R U N N O E R would be proper if'n ya got runned over.
Shaking my head. Played better in second half. Duke gonna destroy us if we play sloppy next Tuesday.

Go Cats!
What if Duke plays sloppy?

Good morning! Got my coffee going but that's about it. I'll kick it in gear here soon and let her cook me some breakfast.

@warrior-cat - I swing way too hard with my driver. Too hard not too.

I shot pretty good both days but what I get the most satisfaction from is, I used the same ball for both rounds and I also used the same tee. The tee was wooden. It's the little things...

Dude I play with all the time is a Tennessee fan. He did wear a UK hat yesterday but until he gets rid of that orange driver I'm not going to let him behind me. I'll watch my own six.

Are you E for some football?
I believe the proper spelling is R U N N O F T if someone scoots on you. I suppose R U N N O E R would be proper if'n ya got runned over.

What if Duke plays sloppy?

Good morning! Got my coffee going but that's about it. I'll kick it in gear here soon and let her cook me some breakfast.

@warrior-cat - I swing way too hard with my driver. Too hard not too.

I shot pretty good both days but what I get the most satisfaction from is, I used the same ball for both rounds and I also used the same tee. The tee was wooden. It's the little things...

Dude I play with all the time is a Tennessee fan. He did wear a UK hat yesterday but until he gets rid of that orange driver I'm not going to let him behind me. I'll watch my own six.

Are you E for some football?
I probably hold the distinction of playing in a scramble at Doe Valley and never accounted for one shot......and that is all I will share about my short golf career......
is there anything colder than a wooden seat in the middle of the night.............when we first got married we moved into the in-law's old home place......only heat was the wood electric and the out house was 75' or more from the sat over Cynthia Branch.....if you sat too long you would get frost on your butt.......

When we lived in Noetown all we had was a coal stove. (Wood and coal). I was I think in the second grade. I could build a fine fire using wood or coal. I distinctly remember turning that sucker bright red one time. A crowning achievement at that age.
I have friends trying to get me to start playing golf. Since I still play softball and fish I have decided to wait some more. I went to the driving range at FT. Sill with them once (years back) and just about everything I hit (If I connected) either hooked or sliced. Decided then if I did not have the time to learn I would be frustrated on the course. The ones I did hit straight (few) went out to the 250-300 yard range. They said I was swinging too hard and did not have enough control on my swing.

They actually said this to a Karate instructor? The nerve...
