
You know you're into politics when you follow other states races.
Normally don't follow other states but this country is in trouble and I am curious as to how far gone we are. I hope that the left continues to attack whites and parents as they have the past few years because it looks as if that has rallied the troops in opposition.
It is a cloudy 44.1°F here and we are supposed to get to 50. When I got up at 6:40 am it was 34° and just then the electricity went off for nearly three hours. Without electricity we can't do anything in this house. I have five back up batteries on cable boxes, computer and the modem and all but one ran down totally.

I have though about getting a back up generator but we rarely have an outage so it seems like a big waste of time and money. I sure wish that I would have had one this morning. That is the longest it has been off in my 21 years living in this house.

I was tickled crap less last night with Virginia. It looks like New Jersey is not going to turn out for my side but it is really close.

I watched the complete WS game 6 last night. That is the first complete baseball game for me since 1994. I was rooting for the Braves because of their shoddy treatment by MLB over moving the All Star game for political reason. Screw the stupid commissioner.

Have a good day folks.
Dad gum hair spray. Now we have to pay $5.00 for a gallon of gas. Thanks girls

I've spent the good part of the day upgrading (UP?grading) one of my laptops to Windows 11.
Why do so many of these upgrades don't work the way they're supposed to?
Just finished mine as well. Missing a couple of quick access points but, I will have my wife help me find out how to bring them back up. She is the one who set it up for me to begin with. My Luddite mindset will not let me learn.
I just found out one of my cousins had a stroke. Now get this. She is not old, middle age but in excellent shape and condition. She has a trip planned to Scotland during Christmas and went yesterday for a COVID shot so she can enter Scotland. Today she has a stroke, I am requesting prayers.

Folks I do not like to be skeptical but this shot thing has me scratching my head.
I just found out one of my cousins had a stroke. Now get this. She is not old, middle age but in excellent shape and condition. She has a trip planned to Scotland during Christmas and went yesterday for a COVID shot so she can enter Scotland. Today she has a stroke, I am requesting prayers.

Folks I do not like to be skeptical but this shot thing has me scratching my head.
Prayers for your cousin. I know some people think this shot is a good thing but...
When it boils down to it, all a man has is his word!

Sad to say, I know plenty that don't have "nothing"... learn from what they see.......I no longer have a TV service........when I did all I saw was Hollywood types hating on politicians, television shows where the host tell outlandish lies daily....and the audience cheers them on like they are rock stars......our children are learning from what they see.......if folks don't think the hate, lying and cheating that is going on in society isn't trickling through the faboic of our society.....they are part of the problem.....not too many people know about keeping their word, respect or consideration......only us blue hairs....... (as we are referred to over on one of the other boards)......seem to remember those things...........wasn't the saying, "no matter how poor I am.........I always have my word".......and........"as long as I have my good name........ I am rich"..........
Prayers for your cousin. I know some people think this shot is a good thing but...
Hopefully you cousin has a full kid sister had a cerebral aynurisom on the evening of of her 12th birthday.......first person to undergo successful surgery around here.......that was 48 yrs the old General Hospital
I just found out one of my cousins had a stroke. Now get this. She is not old, middle age but in excellent shape and condition. She has a trip planned to Scotland during Christmas and went yesterday for a COVID shot so she can enter Scotland. Today she has a stroke, I am requesting prayers.

Folks I do not like to be skeptical but this shot thing has me scratching my head.

That is exactly why the shot should be optional. NOBODY knows for certain what the reaction might be. The reaction could be different from person to person.
I just found out one of my cousins had a stroke. Now get this. She is not old, middle age but in excellent shape and condition. She has a trip planned to Scotland during Christmas and went yesterday for a COVID shot so she can enter Scotland. Today she has a stroke, I am requesting prayers.

Folks I do not like to be skeptical but this shot thing has me scratching my head.
I posted on the Political Thread about 2 weeks ago (you probably saw it) where I had a cousin who got the shot....had a stroke about 2/3 days later...recovered...then died about 2 weeks later from a blood clot. Doctor told her family that in his opinion it was the shot. Don't know which one.
But, she was older than your cousin...maybe early 80s.
I was coming down the steps of our post office today. Its hard to see anything coming down the sidewalk because of a barrier and some small trees. I was about to step on the sidewalk when a young adult came by at about 35 miles an hour on some kind of motorized bicycle. He missed me by a few inches and kept on going.
They try to force the jab on me and they will take several before they deliver that one.

Yeah the thing was mandated by Lord Biden and Co., I can pass that part (Not sure I am going to report compliant yet. My let them make me but may not as well.) but this next one not so much as my wife and I had this China Virus already too.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 49F and cloudy. Front moved through bringing 2 inches rain. Today's high predicted reaching 59°F. Jacket weather for my walk.

Grabbed catfish, oysters and butterfly shrimp again last night. from Catfish Parlor. Wife wanted more before they close this coming Saturday.

It's early.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


By the way, I plan on celebrating International Stout Day tonight.
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Good morning D-League.

30 degrees F in DC.

It didn’t take Crazy Joe, the Eurotrash and the private jet flying Elites long to get results at that Global Warming Hootenanny. Maybe now they’ll stop damaging the western economy over it while China continues to open another soft coal plant every week.

Heading out for a walk. Hope everyone has a great day.
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Good Morning D

Today's local weather report. We have 61° and partly cloudy skies on the Nature Coast. Our high should reach 73°. No rain is in the forecast.

Austin, you are eating like a king. "Catfish, oysters and butterfly shrimp again last night. from Catfish Parlor. Wife wanted more before they close this coming Saturday."

I hate to see my favorite restaurants close. Tonight we have a concert to attend so I will stop in a the Lucky Dill Deli for a bite to eat. It is a New York style deli that would remind you of the old Carnegie Deli in New York City. It is run by New Yorkers who fled the state for the freedom found in Florida. Once people moved to Florida for the weather. Now they move to be free of tyrannical Democrat states.

Trust all have a nice day.

Good morning, D-League!

Fed the family, got a chore done, setting off on a good day of accomplishin stuff. No one has yet stolen the VA election. Now comes the D tantrum fully funded by george. Everybody introduce them to your cousin Lockenlode!

Seriously, praying for the safety of everyone here and around the country! Make the best of what God's given you

Morning Legionnaires!

50's on tap for the high today with moderate winds. This time of year around here moderate means between 10-20mph. Light rain past 2 days going away today.

Not big on the stout beers but will do a dopplebock or 2 during the holidays. Usually change up to gluwines when the nights get colder. Have a case leftover from last year and will buy another one this year. They actually warm me up when drinking them.
Good Morning D

Today's local weather report. We have 61° and partly cloudy skies on the Nature Coast. Our high should reach 73°. No rain is in the forecast.

Austin, you are eating like a king. "Catfish, oysters and butterfly shrimp again last night. from Catfish Parlor. Wife wanted more before they close this coming Saturday."

I hate to see my favorite restaurants close. Tonight we have a concert to attend so I will stop in a the Lucky Dill Deli for a bite to eat. It is a New York style deli that would remind you of the old Carnegie Deli in New York City. It is run by New Yorkers who fled the state for the freedom found in Florida. Once people moved to Florida for the weather. Now they move to be free of tyrannical Democrat states.

Trust all have a nice day.


So many places have closed here. Restaurants, retail, and repair shops. A huge part of the democrats objective towards their bullshtnik revolution was accomplished. Don't know how things will recover.

The businesses that employed and through which employer and employees paid so much in tax revenue are gone. Corporations don't pay as much. This means that the huge graft Bill's they're trying to pass are 2x as large (without factoring in inflation) as they seem. In a little over 10 years the corruption in DC has tripled the national debt and looks to make that 4x with what's on the table, all with less and less revenue.

Just a part of the deceitful plan is to require wage increases, which will all be offset by higher prices, as well as higher and more new taxes. The grifters have convinced the griftees it's for their own benefit.
Dad gum hair spray. Now we have to pay $5.00 for a gallon of gas. Thanks girls


Future headline, 23rd century
"Breakthrough to Ancient US Fossils"

Archaeologists have finally penetrated the AquaNetious layers of the 20th century, unearthing relics of what appears to be a work ethic even among teens of the nineteen hundred and eighties. Well preserved worship objects have been found such as a half eaten twinkie and a then popular Scottish double cheeseburger in a styrofoam box.

It will take these scientists years to dig through the AquaNetious layer as all of their refuse appears to be impervious to decay.
Good morning all. It's right on the freeze line now in the Buckeye State...heading up to 47. Got to get prepared...heading to the low 60s in a few days, and 69 on a few days to get some final things done outside on the property before the cold and snow blows in.

For a change...nothing on the docket today. So, I'll try to find a few little things to work some old westerns (found 3 'live TV' cowboy channels on the Roku channel).

Y'all have a good day.
I've spent the good part of the day upgrading (UP?grading) one of my laptops to Windows 11.
Why do so many of these upgrades don't work the way they're supposed to?

I think they are trying to frustrate us and take away features we liked only to give them back to us in paid subscription programs or future upgrades. I've seen this with so many programs.

I've stopped letting my computer send info to the software companies about issues and usage, as well as refused all invitations to complete surveys. This info is being used against the consumer, and I'm not interested I furthering their bait and switch tactics.
Good morning all. It's right on the freeze line now in the Buckeye State...heading up to 47. Got to get prepared...heading to the low 60s in a few days, and 69 on a few days to get some final things done outside on the property before the cold and snow blows in.

For a change...nothing on the docket today. So, I'll try to find a few little things to work some old westerns (found 3 'live TV' cowboy channels on the Roku channel).

Y'all have a good day.
Ohio Colonel, I will live vicariously in my imagination through your day today with nothing on the docket as I'm getting ready to spend another day in my pressure cooker, stress filled job.