
I just thought of a story I heard once that is supposed to be true. An old man who had no family learned that he was soon to die. Got as many credit cards as he could get, maxed them all out by buying gifts for all his friends. Don't know if it is true or not.

There were some guys at the college I attended that were from Chicago but were first generation Greek born in the USA. One of them sold drugs, scammed the credit system with his spending and paying off his debt each month until they extended him over 20k in credit limits.

One day while he was at class the police stopped by his dorm room. His roommate said he wasn't home and to come back when his classes were through after dinner. They left and his roommate didn't think anything of it.

The police returned that evening but he hadn't come back. Never saw him again. No one did. His roommate did get a call from Greece though. The guy told him everything he had done and told him he could come visit him in Greece anytime for not telling the police where he was.

This guy ran his cards up to max on a shopping spree, put everything on his cousin's ship and sent it all to his uncle in Greece, then he got on a flight and flew out there ahead of the shipments. Couldn't extradite the kid because of his citizenship. Turns out a lot more people were doing that and that was decades ago.
Brudder MdW me and my Darling voted in person this past Friday. They wanted to do those electronic touch screens. My Darling and I stated no, we will do the old fashioned paper ballots. (The touch screens were only used a little last year. This year they are offering FULL touch screen service...)

It used to be no electioneering within I think 500 feet of the polling place.... There were three people walking up to everyone in line asking if they'd like a sample democrat ballot... Was no republicans doing the same thing...none.

There was a decent line of thirty or so people when we arrived about 6 or 6:30...

Of course my Darling and I were voting at an early voting place at 6140 Rolling Rd., in West Springfield as we were near there. (Doing an errand for Ole awf.)

My daughter is voting tomorrow when she gets off work around 0830. Three is all I can do...I never received any mail-in ballots but my neighbor asked me if I wanted a few... ;) (He's a registered democrat but told me directly he never votes democrat and after the last few years he never will.) I sure hope there are more like him. I do not doubt ANY fraud is sanctioned by this current Demsocialcommunist Liberal party.... ANYTHING is okay as long as "they" win...

Nuff said...

(Except, yeah the word skank comes to mind when the thought of Terry comes across my mind...) (Speaking of uh hello, did you see Hillary herself campaigning for Ole T???)

Why wouldn't she campaign for that POS? Together they were alleged to have ripped off the US gov for either millions, billions, or over 1 trillion. Money that was stolen, recovered by investigators, and then rerouted into the DNC campaign funds among other things. McCabe, HMaoC, TMcaul, and a few others were all in on it. They paid people not to investigate it. Depts buried it. Sessions knew about it. The whole administration knew.

Criminals the lot
Good morning from ATX. Currently 60°F and partly cloudy with 89% humidity. Front coming in. Today's high may max out around 77°F. We'll take it.

World Series Game 6 tonight. Go Braves! Don't choke.

Special election in Austin today. I could not get away for early voting last week. Try today.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning all. Well, today's the day that my bachelor days are over. Mrs is scheduled to finally come home from Seattle. But she has some issues going on. One, she's flying American so I'm hoping she doesn't get cancelled along the way....because, she has some medical issues going on. She hurt her shoulder a couple of weeks ago (doesn't know how) and she is in terrible pain. But to make things worse the medication she's been taking has caused some real problems with her stomach. I told her to stay till she was feeling better...but she wants to get home. Like most folks when you're away from home for a long just want to get home. Plus she has some pressing things in the next couple of weeks where she has to be here.

So, if the D League could say a prayer...I would appreciate it.

Y'all have a good day.
Good morning all. Well, today's the day that my bachelor days are over. Mrs is scheduled to finally come home from Seattle. But she has some issues going on. One, she's flying American so I'm hoping she doesn't get cancelled along the way....because, she has some medical issues going on. She hurt her shoulder a couple of weeks ago (doesn't know how) and she is in terrible pain. But to make things worse the medication she's been taking has caused some real problems with her stomach. I told her to stay till she was feeling better...but she wants to get home. Like most folks when you're away from home for a long just want to get home. Plus she has some pressing things in the next couple of weeks where she has to be here.

So, if the D League could say a prayer...I would appreciate it.

Y'all have a good day.
Praying for a safe and speedy trip home for your Mrs.
Good morning all. Well, today's the day that my bachelor days are over. Mrs is scheduled to finally come home from Seattle. But she has some issues going on. One, she's flying American so I'm hoping she doesn't get cancelled along the way....because, she has some medical issues going on. She hurt her shoulder a couple of weeks ago (doesn't know how) and she is in terrible pain. But to make things worse the medication she's been taking has caused some real problems with her stomach. I told her to stay till she was feeling better...but she wants to get home. Like most folks when you're away from home for a long just want to get home. Plus she has some pressing things in the next couple of weeks where she has to be here.

So, if the D League could say a prayer...I would appreciate it.

Y'all have a good day.
Prayers for an uneventful flight home. Hope she feels better soon.
Good morning all. Well, today's the day that my bachelor days are over. Mrs is scheduled to finally come home from Seattle. But she has some issues going on. One, she's flying American so I'm hoping she doesn't get cancelled along the way....because, she has some medical issues going on. She hurt her shoulder a couple of weeks ago (doesn't know how) and she is in terrible pain. But to make things worse the medication she's been taking has caused some real problems with her stomach. I told her to stay till she was feeling better...but she wants to get home. Like most folks when you're away from home for a long just want to get home. Plus she has some pressing things in the next couple of weeks where she has to be here.

So, if the D League could say a prayer...I would appreciate it.

Y'all have a good day.
Prayers sent. Safe travels.
Good morning all. Well, today's the day that my bachelor days are over. Mrs is scheduled to finally come home from Seattle. But she has some issues going on. One, she's flying American so I'm hoping she doesn't get cancelled along the way....because, she has some medical issues going on. She hurt her shoulder a couple of weeks ago (doesn't know how) and she is in terrible pain. But to make things worse the medication she's been taking has caused some real problems with her stomach. I told her to stay till she was feeling better...but she wants to get home. Like most folks when you're away from home for a long just want to get home. Plus she has some pressing things in the next couple of weeks where she has to be here.

So, if the D League could say a prayer...I would appreciate it.

Y'all have a good day.
Prayers sent OC. I am also praying American Airlines have enough pilots to get her home
Good morning D, Read Mark 13.

OC prayers said for safe travels for your family!!!!

I have got one more day of PT, then I graduate. It's been a tough 2 months with my leg, but I am lots better, I had a great team worn=king on me!

Bert you are right!!!! Got to get busy doing something, need to start working on my glass projects again!!

I hope the D has a great day and prayers for the D!!!!

Please keep my son, my D-I-L and granddaughter in your prayers! I feel like my lifetime to deal with this is short, but the rest of my family has to deal with it for a long time!!!! MY GOD WILL HELP US THROUGH THIS!!!!
Good morning D-League.

Woke up to 58° and a few clouds. We will have mostly sunny skies and a high of 75°. 2% chance of rain. Not a bad day to do about anything you want to do.

The election day in Virginia even has some interest down here. I know it is like climbing a mountain to find conservatives in Virginia but maybe enough liberals can get made and change things up there. Again that might be a pipedream since most work for the government which means 90% of the Dem vote before they start counting ballots. And that my friend is the problem. Democrats count the votes in Virginia and they have the skill to print as many ballots as they may need to claim victory. I sure hope they cn overcome this because Terry Mac is one of the most disgusting politicians on earth. He should have been in a max prison busting rocks 30 years ago.

Do it Virginia stop him. Pull the upset. Make it so big it would be equal to the Cincinnati Reds or Bengals winning their league. The impossible of all impossibles.

Take care all, Read Mark 12

Good morning all. Well, today's the day that my bachelor days are over. Mrs is scheduled to finally come home from Seattle. But she has some issues going on. One, she's flying American so I'm hoping she doesn't get cancelled along the way....because, she has some medical issues going on. She hurt her shoulder a couple of weeks ago (doesn't know how) and she is in terrible pain. But to make things worse the medication she's been taking has caused some real problems with her stomach. I told her to stay till she was feeling better...but she wants to get home. Like most folks when you're away from home for a long just want to get home. Plus she has some pressing things in the next couple of weeks where she has to be here.

So, if the D League could say a prayer...I would appreciate it.

Y'all have a good day.
Prayer sent.
Yea, but they're completely open about it. No subterfuge from them. I have firsthand knowledge.
I was raised by a Baptist Deacon. His father was one also and was Kentucky distiller # 62. The Baptist church did not have problems with whisky until prohibition came along and then they got anti-alcohol. They kicked my grandfather out of church because he had been making 269 gallons of legal whisky until it was prohibited. His father had given the church the land for the church.

It should not have been that way. My grandfather never quite got over that. Then they created Mammoth Cave National Park and took his spring. He died hating the federal government.

This is Jesse just before he died; note that he does not look like a drunk:

And this is his banjo that ended up with me:
Last edited:
It is a rainy 44.1°F here and it is only supposed to get to 53°. We have got .12" so far. I have to bring in some plants this afternoon as we are supposed to get down to 30°F tomorrow. Winter is on its way.

Here is to safe travels to Ohio Colonel's wife. Good luck on your last PT Cord.

Good luck to Youngkin in VA.
I am currently reading a book on the history of the 1930s. I am reading the part when FDR got started as president and the rapid and radical changes he got rolling in order to try to reign in the Great Depression. I think Joe Biden sees himself in the role of FDR for our generation.

Two instant big differences. First, FDR was a great orator, especially in his fireside chats. They gave his listeners hope. Joe Biden cannot put three sentences together without a ridiculous gaffe, even while reading off a teleprompter. His speeches terrify his handlers and depress his listeners.

Second, FDR gathered together what were considered the sharpest minds in America (the "Brain Trust") to help find a way out of the problems we were facing. Biden has gathered around him, in the name of adversity (not wise government) , representatives of every oddball group in America. Not a statesman (statesperson?) in the lot.

FDR tried to hide the fact that he was crippled as much as possible. Biden's handlers go to great lengths (unsuccessfully) to hide the fact that he is in the early stages of dementia.
We watch that movie at least 3 times a year. Classic and it just keeps getting better.
I only watch it every time I see that it's on.

Good afternoon! I slept through the morning and didn't get up until 1234. Last time I woke up my eyes were wide open and I felt like I'd been awake for an hour or more. That's how you know when you're really done.

Can't believe my wife hasn't seen the credit card bill yet. She usually busts me on that on the same day I go rogue.

Jones said yesterday that he doesn't want to hear any talk about "old Kentucky". Well Matt, when they start, making open field tackles, positioning themselves between the QB and receiver, throwing the ball PAST the first down marker, THEN we can call them the "new Kentucky".

Oh, and this is for you Will Levis, dude you can throw the ball to several different people on every pass play. Be aware of Wan'Dale but don't fixate on him. Thanks bud!
Prayers for you. You are very smart to follow this and take care of it. My daughter in law is a dermatologist and cautions me all the time to beware of this Florida sun.

This weekend reality hit me between the eyes. Back in the 70's I worked with a gorgeous young lady who was without a doubt the nicest looking woman in the office. She was very athletic and loved to play beach volleyball. She was really good at it and played competitive.. She had the deepest tan and long blonde hair.

I ran into an old co-employee who told me this beauty had died of melanoma in 2017. She battled skin cancer for 15 years and I understand was in horrible pain at the end. I looked at a picture of her taken just before she died and i was shocked the way she aged and the pain had to be unbearable. I can't get the image out of my mind. That Florida sun will kill you if you do not watch it.
Arizona too!
I am glad to see you got to vote........and that is Old awf.............
Polls are closed, election today totally by mail. Last election still a battle.
Thank you
Good morning all. Well, today's the day that my bachelor days are over. Mrs is scheduled to finally come home from Seattle. But she has some issues going on. One, she's flying American so I'm hoping she doesn't get cancelled along the way....because, she has some medical issues going on. She hurt her shoulder a couple of weeks ago (doesn't know how) and she is in terrible pain. But to make things worse the medication she's been taking has caused some real problems with her stomach. I told her to stay till she was feeling better...but she wants to get home. Like most folks when you're away from home for a long just want to get home. Plus she has some pressing things in the next couple of weeks where she has to be here.

So, if the D League could say a prayer...I would appreciate it.

Y'all have a good day.
I am currently reading a book on the history of the 1930s. I am reading the part when FDR got started as president and the rapid and radical changes he got rolling in order to try to reign in the Great Depression. I think Joe Biden sees himself in the role of FDR for our generation.

Two instant big differences. First, FDR was a great orator, especially in his fireside chats. They gave his listeners hope. Joe Biden cannot put three sentences together without a ridiculous gaffe, even while reading off a teleprompter. His speeches terrify his handlers and depress his listeners.

Second, FDR gathered together what were considered the sharpest minds in America (the "Brain Trust") to help find a way out of the problems we were facing. Biden has gathered around him, in the name of adversity (not wise government) , representatives of every oddball group in America. Not a statesman (statesperson?) in the lot.

FDR tried to hide the fact that he was crippled as much as possible. Biden's handlers go to great lengths (unsuccessfully) to hide the fact that he is in the early stages of dementia.
How true, my friend, how true.

My dad believed in Jesus and FDR.

Ever notice about graffiti? NOBODY has a clue about what it means except other graffiti "artists." I think that graffiti artists who are caught should not only have to clean up their mess but their names should go on a list. And ten or so years later, after they are grown and own their own homes, someone should be sent out and graffiti their house.