
I didn't hit send yesterday, so here!


Good thing it's Sunday!

Always Stunned

Folklore/Truth=1 Augustine Warner Sr

We had one of those in 42" and it lasted just as long if not a little longer. Kind of funny that plasma is now an old outdated technology.

I use my feet to get mine rolling then pop the clutch....;) I was trying to beat your hoopty story.

I do have a 2012 Mazda 3 that is totalled due to the San Antonio hail storm five or so years ago. Has a salvage title but a perfect commuter car. If I cleaned the windshield I'd drive it to Colorado. 77k on it.
I did that all the time with a 71 Datsun Truck

I may end up getting a Sony but if it is no good it will be all your fault.

I actually have six tvs in my house. Two of them are Sonys, older flat screens that I bought a couple of years ago at garage sales for $20 each. I loved that old plasma Panasonic though..
A reason everyone loved their plasma was the very deep black levels. The OLEDs have even lower levels. What I did was go to Best Buy compare then shop online. including Best Buy.
That is something I have noticed about face mask, hands to the face, and targeting which happens all of the time. If it is initiated by the offense when running with the ball it is not called against them. It makes no sense. Just like the breaking the plane rule for touchdowns. Why not call a catch a non catch if the ball is caught after it breaks the out of bounds plane but both feet are in.
Newegg or have had good prices on tech
you can add CDW to the computer shopping.
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I saw that Swanee Cat was on the computer, so I called him and talked to him for over an hour. He never got mad. Wow.

What a good man. He never got nasty! :)
Bert has so much knowledge to share I could listen to him non stop. I am an old man and need as much knowledge as I can get. I might need to plead my case with St Peter to up grade my wings and my cloud.

One thing for sure Bert Higginbotham will be escorted in and doesn't have to worry about a

Rusty Ole Halo

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I think BBUK and maybe one or two more Virginia voters here?

Be sure to get out and vote early and often tomorrow. I know this isn't the political forum, but I got to know that sleazy, phony Terry McAuliffe back in the day when he was the corroded mind behind Clinton schemes like renting out the Lincoln Bedroom to Hollywood fatcats. He's really someone who needs to be politically buried.
I think BBUK and maybe one or two more Virginia voters here?

Be sure to get out and vote early and often tomorrow. I know this isn't the political forum, but I got to know that sleazy, phony Terry McAuliffe back in the day when he was the corroded mind behind Clinton schemes like renting out the Lincoln Bedroom to Hollywood fatcats. He's really someone who needs to be politically buried.
Hell...I don't live in VA but I figure if I cross the border and tell them I'm a Demo they'll let me vote...
Had to go to the dermatologist for a follow up and she removed some more spots and took another mole off to be tested. The joys of getting older I guess...

That said, it stings when they freeze spots off.
Prayers for you. You are very smart to follow this and take care of it. My daughter in law is a dermatologist and cautions me all the time to beware of this Florida sun.

This weekend reality hit me between the eyes. Back in the 70's I worked with a gorgeous young lady who was without a doubt the nicest looking woman in the office. She was very athletic and loved to play beach volleyball. She was really good at it and played competitive.. She had the deepest tan and long blonde hair.

I ran into an old co-employee who told me this beauty had died of melanoma in 2017. She battled skin cancer for 15 years and I understand was in horrible pain at the end. I looked at a picture of her taken just before she died and i was shocked the way she aged and the pain had to be unbearable. I can't get the image out of my mind. That Florida sun will kill you if you do not watch it.
I did that all the time with a 71 Datsun Truck

A reason everyone loved their plasma was the very deep black levels. The OLEDs have even lower levels. What I did was go to Best Buy compare then shop online. including Best Buy.


you can add CDW to the computer shopping.
I bought a Sony OLED during Best Buys Labor Day sale. Sony pretty much has a set price no matter where you buy. Now Black Friday may be different.
Prayers for you. You are very smart to follow this and take care of it. My daughter in law is a dermatologist and cautions me all the time to beware of this Florida sun.

This weekend reality hit me between the eyes. Back in the 70's I worked with a gorgeous young lady who was without a doubt the nicest looking woman in the office. She was very athletic and loved to play beach volleyball. She was really good at it and played competitive.. She had the deepest tan and long blonde hair.

I ran into an old co-employee who told me this beauty had died of melanoma in 2017. She battled skin cancer for 15 years and I understand was in horrible pain at the end. I looked at a picture of her taken just before she died and i was shocked the way she aged and the pain had to be unbearable. I can't get the image out of my mind. That Florida sun will kill you if you do not watch it. mother had melanoma so I'm a prime target since I'm also out in the sun a lot.

Now, with that said...on a lighter's tough having to strip down to your undies and the Dr. is...well, she's smoking HOT. I'm standing there looking down saying...don't you even think about it just stay in your shell! [laughing]
Last edited: mother had melanoma so I'm a prime target since I'm also out in the sun a lot.

Now, with that said...on a lighter's tough having to strip down to your undies and the Dr. is...well, she's smoking HOT. I'm standing there looking down saying...don't you even think about just stay in your shell! [laughing]
I know you aren’t from there, but, would it be a dermatologist in BG? Went there last year. Been trying to smudge up myself since with charcoal and glue. Wife asked WTF? Damned Braves.
Good evening! What a calm day it was. Took a short ride this afternoon and noticed the gas needle down around 1/8th of a tank. I like to keep it above half so it doesn't cost as much to fill it up. Less sticker shock. Waited for the open slot, got out and got ready to pump when I found I didn't have my money card.

I never even slowed down and shoved that credit card right up in there. Now when she sees the bill and complains about paying for $75 worth of gas for my truck, I'll just tell her to be happy it wasn't empty because that would have cost $100. Since she is a female she will immediately understand that I SAVED us $25!
Good evening! What a calm day it was. Took a short ride this afternoon and noticed the gas needle down around 1/8th of a tank. I like to keep it above half so it doesn't cost as much to fill it up. Less sticker shock. Waited for the open slot, got out and got ready to pump when I found I didn't have my money card.

I never even slowed down and shoved that credit card right up in there. Now when she sees the bill and complains about paying for $75 worth of gas for my truck, I'll just tell her to be happy it wasn't empty because that would have cost $100. Since she is a female she will immediately understand that I SAVED us $25!
I don't know man, that $75.00 glares at you. mother had melanoma so I'm a prime target since I'm also out in the sun a lot.

Now, with that said...on a lighter's tough having to strip down to your undies and the Dr. is...well, she's smoking HOT. I'm standing there looking down saying...don't you even think about it just stay in your shell! [laughing]
My doctor was about 200 yrs old.....she was examining me at the hospital......her hands were as cold as ice and I almost jumped out of bed........she didn't really say she was going to fondle the twins and it was a SURPRISE kind of moment..........she did save my life though......
My doctor was about 200 yrs old.....she was examining me at the hospital......her hands were as cold as ice and I almost jumped out of bed........she didn't really say she was going to fondle the twins and it was a SURPRISE kind of moment..........she did save my life though......
So, you could say you have fondling memories of your doctor.
I think BBUK and maybe one or two more Virginia voters here?

Be sure to get out and vote early and often tomorrow. I know this isn't the political forum, but I got to know that sleazy, phony Terry McAuliffe back in the day when he was the corroded mind behind Clinton schemes like renting out the Lincoln Bedroom to Hollywood fatcats. He's really someone who needs to be politically buried.

Brudder MdW me and my Darling voted in person this past Friday. They wanted to do those electronic touch screens. My Darling and I stated no, we will do the old fashioned paper ballots. (The touch screens were only used a little last year. This year they are offering FULL touch screen service...)

It used to be no electioneering within I think 500 feet of the polling place.... There were three people walking up to everyone in line asking if they'd like a sample democrat ballot... Was no republicans doing the same thing...none.

There was a decent line of thirty or so people when we arrived about 6 or 6:30...

Of course my Darling and I were voting at an early voting place at 6140 Rolling Rd., in West Springfield as we were near there. (Doing an errand for Ole awf.)

My daughter is voting tomorrow when she gets off work around 0830. Three is all I can do...I never received any mail-in ballots but my neighbor asked me if I wanted a few... ;) (He's a registered democrat but told me directly he never votes democrat and after the last few years he never will.) I sure hope there are more like him. I do not doubt ANY fraud is sanctioned by this current Demsocialcommunist Liberal party.... ANYTHING is okay as long as "they" win...

Nuff said...

(Except, yeah the word skank comes to mind when the thought of Terry comes across my mind...) (Speaking of uh hello, did you see Hillary herself campaigning for Ole T???)
Brudder MdW me and my Darling voted in person this past Friday. They wanted to do those electronic touch screens. My Darling and I stated no, we will do the old fashioned paper ballots. (The touch screens were only used a little last year. This year they are offering FULL touch screen service...)

It used to be no electioneering within I think 500 feet of the polling place.... There were three people walking up to everyone in line asking if they'd like a sample democrat ballot... Was no republicans doing the same thing...none.

There was a decent line of thirty or so people when we arrived about 6 or 6:30...

Of course my Darling and I were voting at an early voting place at 6140 Rolling Rd., in West Springfield as we were near there. (Doing an errand for Ole awf.)

My daughter is voting tomorrow when she gets off work around 0830. Three is all I can do...I never received any mail-in ballots but my neighbor asked me if I wanted a few... ;) (He's a registered democrat but told me directly he never votes democrat and after the last few years he never will.) I sure hope there are more like him. I do not doubt ANY fraud is sanctioned by this current Demsocialcommunist Liberal party.... ANYTHING is okay as long as "they" win...

Nuff said...

(Except, yeah the word skank comes to mind when the thought of Terry comes across my mind...) (Speaking of uh hello, did you see Hillary herself campaigning for Ole T???)
Good job, BBUK. I wish I could vote against that jackass McAuliffe.
Brudder MdW me and my Darling voted in person this past Friday. They wanted to do those electronic touch screens. My Darling and I stated no, we will do the old fashioned paper ballots. (The touch screens were only used a little last year. This year they are offering FULL touch screen service...)

It used to be no electioneering within I think 500 feet of the polling place.... There were three people walking up to everyone in line asking if they'd like a sample democrat ballot... Was no republicans doing the same thing...none.

There was a decent line of thirty or so people when we arrived about 6 or 6:30...

Of course my Darling and I were voting at an early voting place at 6140 Rolling Rd., in West Springfield as we were near there. (Doing an errand for Ole awf.)

My daughter is voting tomorrow when she gets off work around 0830. Three is all I can do...I never received any mail-in ballots but my neighbor asked me if I wanted a few... ;) (He's a registered democrat but told me directly he never votes democrat and after the last few years he never will.) I sure hope there are more like him. I do not doubt ANY fraud is sanctioned by this current Demsocialcommunist Liberal party.... ANYTHING is okay as long as "they" win...

Nuff said...

(Except, yeah the word skank comes to mind when the thought of Terry comes across my mind...) (Speaking of uh hello, did you see Hillary herself campaignin
I am glad to see you got to vote........and that is Old awf.............